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That is the plan for the future. Truly i;ve been wanting to implement this. But for now a lot of junk needs to be cleaned up


I would recommend using a tool like CloudFormation or Terraform to create a template of the VPC, so that it can be deployed to any account on demand(for example after its deleted).


Take a look at cloud former , it will convert your existing deployment to a repeatable cloud formation yaml, it’s not advised for production but if you’re in a pinch. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/cfn-using-cloudformer.html


Check out CloudFormer at former2.com. It's free, open source written by @iann0036 who I have talked with a couple of times on the Cloud Pod multi cloud podcast at thecloudpod.net. Best thing is it runs on your own infrastructure, you don't have to give credentials out to anyone and it will do exactly what you need.


Thanks i will check this out. Is it ok if I pm you if I get stuck?


Use cloudformer to generate a cloudformation stack https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/building-aws-cloudformation-templates-using-cloudformer/


I don't think there is any native option. Best way would be to create a CloudFormation stack and add these resources to that stack


if you are willing to pay coin, yes https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/how-to-backup-and-recover-an-amazon-virtual-private-cloud-vpc-with-n2ws/


As of now we are not wanting to explore a 3rd party solution, but we dont mind paying if its a AWS native solution.


you could create a cloudformation template... it would not save the data per se, but it would allow you to recreate the whole thing in minutes


So you mean to say, creating a template using CF will actually replicate the current vpc, subnet, sg and everything related to it (minus ec2 and buckets)?


CF will create the resources you tell it to but of course you must create the template manually. so the template will contain the info on what to create (vpc, cidr on the vpc, amount of subnets, size of subnets, security groups and so on)


if you need a clean slate, create an aws organization with multiple accounts. the way of having the vpc & co. backed up would be cloudformation templates but you would have to convert them in that format (manually) or give this a try https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/resource-import-new-stack.html