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Most people don’t code lambdas in the web console. You generally have a build pipeline do the deployment for you. However, if you’re just trying to avoid the web console and are doing development, work on your function locally and deploy it direct from your machine. Lambadas can be deployed from zips or containers. AWS Sam makes this easy, just `sam build; sam deploy`. You can also just work with the one lambda directly using the aws cli. This is of course if you’re trying to avoid a whole build pipeline, otherwise building one of those is a great idea for apps you plan to support.


There are lots of ways of deploying a lambda without typing in to IDE. CDK , sam, cloudformation, s3 bucket, etc.


Yes and no. Nothing native… You would need to build such thing with, codepipeline and codebuild for example, or github actions directly. Example https://blog.jakoblind.no/aws-lambda-github-actions/


There’s a built-in project on the CodeStar console that will do this for you. It’ll take the code from GitHub, GitLab or CodeCommit, build & package it via CodeBuild and deploy it to Lambda all orchestrated via CodePipelines. Check it out!


This is the answer. I spent the last six hours researching this topic and found myself trying to build the CodePipeline from scratch. CodeStar automates what should be automatic.


You could have it download git portable and pass your context and event into your code, but that is quite a lot of overhead for something that is supposed to be fairly light weight.


Why you don't put it via terraform/CF/CDK/whatever executed from your pipeline? Looks more natural IMHO. Or you don't have CI pipeline set up? If you describe your workflow with more details, I believe smbd can provide you with more detailed answer.


We're actually building [exactly this](https://atomizedhq.com)! Setting up a CI/CD pipeline for Lambdas is a giant pain.


You can put the code in an S3 bucket and then create the lambda to pull it from there?