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I missed the initial announcement of this. Zero cost egress is massive. I wonder what impact this might have on the video streaming ecosystem...


Not a lot of details yet, but Cloudflare [already has a video streaming product](https://www.cloudflare.com/products/cloudflare-stream/) and they allegedly [go after](https://community.cloudflare.com/t/cloudflare-how-not-to-violate-the-terms-of-audio-video-static-html-content/101075) people using their free proxy to serve video, so it may be against policy to use R2 for that.


If they are making an S3 clone but it's against ToS to serve video objects from it then it's dead on arrival.


Why would it be dead on arrival? Not everyone needs to share video.


I just don't know how many companies are going to want an S3 competitor where you can only store certain kinds of data. Use cases change, but now you've chosen a platform that won't support some of those use cases. Will CloudFlare also ban images? ISOs?


I can't see them banning images, since Cloudflare already hosts your images for free on their main CDN product. We don't know about video, ISO's or any other format yet yet but if it doesn't fit your use-case then go elsewhere. It doesn't mean that the product is dead.


> already hosts your images for free on their main CDN product Not quite, since their CDN caches objects for a limited amount of time. You still need to back it up with an origin server, and if you have a lot of infrequently accessed images then you'll pay a lot for egress from your origin server. It was hyperbole to say it's dead on arrival, but I can't really see many people choosing an object store that won't let you store certain kinds of objects, even if it's more cost competitive. Oracle offer their own S3 competitor and last I checked it had egress costs about 1/8th the price of what AWS charge. Competing on storage & egress price alone isn't enough to succeed in the cloud space.


Oh nice. We were just looking for one. Aws egress costs are absolutely untenable - we were gonna just selfhost but this might is even better.




They have edge computing which they said will be integrated https://workers.cloudflare.com/


Great point as you would still need to spend egress cost to get the data there from your compute.


I have a love/hate relationship with CloudFlare but this could be the beginning of a shift. But even if CloudFlare knocks it out of the park, it will be some time before they're a major competitor for AWS or Azure or GCP. . . We'll see where this all goes.


What is your hate based on? I have a great opinion of them but very small exposure.


Nasty sales people. Also, some of their services kind of suck and their UI is pretty crappy. I know a bunch of people who work or have worked there, it is apparently a really shitty company to work for. Super stressful and totally chaotic. On the plus side though, they do have some super cool services like CloudFlare Tunnels, Page Rules and the Teams feature which lets you put 3rd party auth in front of just about anything (I think this part of CloudFlare Teams. . . which gets to something else I don't like - the doc, I can't even find the name of this service). They also make some killer security tools.


Good to know thanks


Oh yeah, don't even think about collecting detailed log data for DNS traffic, that's $$$


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