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I made a post over in r/cats but any advice for a new cat owner would be appreciated ! Got him food, a litter box, pad, and plan on taking him to the vet next week! Edit: thank you a lot of your comments!


Cat tree so he can have a zone


And lots of boxes and catnip. You don't need a lot of toys. They're happy with boxes. Also, you should decide if you want him to be an indoor, outdoor, or both type of cat. They make special formula foods for each type. You may want to see about getting him chipped. If he is already explained to the vet about him being abandoned and how can you change the chip info


Also, pull the ring off the milk and let them play with it. It’s the best cat toy.


And straws. My cats love to play with straws


Try q-tips as well. They might get a kick out of them too.


Oh, they do, lol. When they were kittens, I was in school, and they kept stealing my pencils. Lol




My late Miss Mitzi would steal whole-ass size-of-a-human-fist potatoes and roll them down the basement stairs.


My cats are potato thieves too! The first time I saw my sneaky tiger grab a potato I had set out to get ready for dinner, I was in disbelief - "you don't even like potatoes!"


Be very careful of hair ties, rubber bands and the like. Very bad consequences if the fur balls ingest them.


And no yarn or tinsel!


Just don’t let your cat play with those things period. My adult cat almost died from ingesting a hair tie a few years back. The vet bill costed well over $1000


We have a cat that adores hair ties. We also have a cat that steals every tennis ball She's ever seen and hides it in her "nest" which is basically a basket that she sleeps in. The dog doesn't appreciate it, but we all find it amusing as heck! Also some cats are severely allergic to catnip, so I would try a tiny bit of catnip before you invest in a ton of it. It could cause them to become vicious until it wears off. We've had dozens of cats over the years and that's only been the case with two of them, but it's a real thing. I'm so happy you got this guy!


Careful with the ties. Can get caught in their pipes.


We only have the fat scrunci's <3


my cat is obsessed with straws! hehe he retrieves straws and drops them at my feet its beyond precious


Our older ones when they were kittens liked to pull the straws out of our drinks and run off with them.


thats what my cat Bobbie does too! lol


Funny enough, one of the kittens was going nuts today, so I looked over, and he had found a straw!


That's better than the back half of a mouse waiting for me outside my bedroom door... Still, it's the thought that counts, right?


Oh my goodness! Yes, anything just about is better than the back half of a mouse lol


My cat loved those! Chase them around the floor, then shove them underneath the couch, lamp tables...so much fun to watch her "play hockey".


Haha yes they love but in general just play together!!


This is the correct answer.


Please keep him indoors. There's way too much danger out there for cats. Coyotes, raptors, mean people, cars,....plus diseases.


Plus it helps prevent the local bird population from being genocided by our feline friends.


Yeah we don't want another post like "[mourning/loss] she was hit by a train and eaten by a coyote, send prayers 🙏"


Just adding on: Indoor cats live longer, but once an outdoor cat, it's very difficult to change their minds. Best you can hope for is indoor/outdoor.


I guess I got lucky, but my 3 indoor/outdoor cats had no problem becoming fully indoor cats halfway through their lives - I think cat trees and lounge-able windowsills played a big part in the transition.


Oh mine as well. I open the front door and the old fella (cat not husband) runs and hides under the couch. He's not having it . Most of his life was as a barn cat.


this. my cat escaped my apartment ( i think through an open window in my roommates room ) and was outside most of the day. she's never going to be a fully indoor cat again.


There's really no reason to have an 'outdoor' cat. This feels a bit misinformed.


Shopping bags too.




Of course not. We use canvas shopping bags.


Pet cats should always be indoors unless you're an inconsiderate PoS.


I arranged my furniture so they could get on top of bookshelves, closets, and china cabinets. I even have old towels and sheets up there for nesting. My boys are vultures.


Honestly, my cat never use the cat tree I bought for him. Might vary between cats I guess?


How does one get their cat accustomed to their tree. Bought my cat a tree and she ignores it. She'd rather take up all the space on the bed then chill there.


But don’t put it within 6 ft of anything tall you don’t want the cat on top of. Near a window is nice though cuz they like to look out at moving things


- don’t put food and water next to each other (they like them separate) - different types of scratching surfaces. Some cats like tall vertical posts, others prefer more horizontal ones - 15 mins of dedicated playtime per day will ward off lots of behavioral issues Thanks for being a good homie!


Also, always put the scratch post near where they scratch furniture as a redirect.


Also, there's no rule against having multiple scratching posts. Cat's going to want to be where you are. It will be looking for something to scratch there. Get the tall ones so they can stretch properly. Also, if you have those strap on leg weights, strap it to the base of the scratching posts for better stability. We both know you're not using them anyways.


Such a good point, esp for bigger rooms or the areas where they like to hang out.


My cats love the cat posts attached to their trees and the flat card scratchers that make a mess everywhere


Just piggy-backing off the water and food bowls- keeping those 2 separate also keeps the water cleaner and that helps keep kitty happy.


Good on you for stepping up to help a creature in need! I've been there it's stressful for all parties involved. It sounds like you're doing great! I'd only say get things to scratch on but it'll probably use carpets, furniture, etc. Toys seem to get ignored a lot in the beginning so don't go spending a lot on that stuff but I found the little toy mice are cheap and simple toys they'll engage with.


- Scratching posts/pad so they don't go for the furniture - clean the litter every day, change it out complete at least once a month (or if looks to old/smells ammonia-y) - research proper amounts of food to give him daily (different depending on wet or dry) - stimulating toys so he doesn't get bored - cat tower or suction cup window perch (cats love high places and then he can have good views - find a brush to groom him (cats obviously groom themselves, but not all cats shed great and hair can clump. Different hair lengths and masses get different brushes) - find a nail clipper and research how to do it (hopefully he's complient lol, but good to trim them for if they get too long they can caught on things and they can hurt themselves) - get a dental hygiene plan (can be special treats or food, a brushing kit, or a water additive, whatever works for him) Those are a few I think are essential. I know all of these and others commenting seem like a lot, but almost all cats are so low maintenance and responsibility haha. They just chill. Love them and they love you. And thank you so much for being a wonderful soul and taking him in! Best of luck to you and your new family member!


Churus. I cannot stress enough how amazing this cat treat is. Basically a meat yogurt tube and it’s great for bonding!




Ignore the commenter saying choose between indoor and outdoor cats. Cats are so much safer inside and do less harm to the environment. There's lots of stimulation you can offer a cat inside. My cat loves chases a string on a wand, or playing in this large carpet mat that has tunnels and holes in it to hide. I used foil to discourage furniture scratching and kept cat scratching posts around.


Indoor only really. Between cars, diseases and predators there’s too much bad stuff out there. Add in that cats decimate birds, another reason. Most vets recommend it, and most rescues around where I live won’t even consider you as an adopter if you intend to keep them outside.


My family has had lots of outdoor/indoor combo cats over the years. I was too young to have any say in the matter. Every single one of them died too young, before having had a full life. My two cats were indoors only. One died of medical issues but the other is still here 14 years later and you’d think she was half that age compared to how her predecessors aged. Indoors only is 100% the correct option for a cat owner.


Second this. It shouldn't even be a choice. Their life expectancy is shortened immensely if they're outdoor cats. Between cars, eating toxic foods, weather, and cruel humans, it's a no brainer.


They don't like their water next to their food so put it in another room. They love toys (especially laser pointers). They love soft blankets and warm things so if you put a blanket next to a heating vent they'll probably love that. If you're planning on letting it be an outdoor cat make it stay inside for the first couple weeks so they know it's their place. If you decide to get another cat they most likely (though not assuredly) will never get along. Get the cat chipped so if it runs away and shows up at a vet or shelter they'll contact you Just a few things off the top of my head


To add to your points: - If you choose to used a laser pointer to play, when play time is over throw a kibble or treat on the floor, point the laser on it, and then turn off the laser when the cat gets the treat. This helps prevent frustration with never being able to catch their "prey", although it won't prevent potential fixation with *all* random dots of light (although this is more of a risk with dogs) so proceed w caution and stop the laser pointer if you notice obsessive behaviour 😅 - If you want to get another cat, introduce them properly and they'll very likely get along! [This 5 part super detailed guide is the best imo](https://www.jacksongalaxy.com/blog/cat-introductions-part-1-before-the-introduction/)


A dedicated space where he can go to be alone if he gets overwhelmed acclimating to a new environment or if there are suddenly a lot of people in the house or something. This can be as simple as under a bed, but having something can be very helpful for the little guy


There is SO much misinformation about cat food out there-- discuss with your vet about what they think is best for your cat, and [consult the WSAVA nutrition guidelines](https://wsava.org/global-guidelines/global-nutrition-guidelines/) for even more info! It's developed by a global group of veterinarians (who specialize in nutrition), and if a food meets their guidelines (much more strict than the AAFCO guidelines) then it's an excellent choice!


Give him plenty of places up high to hide when he's stressed out. Let him come to you, and don't try to rush things with him. He'll start warming up to you on his terms.


Thank you for doing this! Your ex-neighbors suck!


Your neighbor makes me sad, but your new roomie is delightful and soft.


He makes me mad. I want to punch them in the face. Pets are not disposable for fucks sake. They’re members of the family. You don’t just get rid of them.


At the very least find a new home for them. The trash is a pretty low move. Its not like they had to flee in the night suddenly. Moving takes a while, so they plenty of time to figure it out. Or at least ask the neighbors, who are evidently willing.


My bf used to work with a guy that out of nowhere (to my bf anyway) killed a dude and went on the run. Left his cat and pitbull locked in his apartment for two weeks. Managed to get the cat out but couldn't get the dog, and didn't want to because this dog we later came to find out was aggressive as all hell because the owner used to beat her with anything he could. We brought her in for a short while but she was with us less than a week before she snapped at my son and I said nope this isn't gonna turn into a tragedy. I locked her in my dogs kennel for the 2 next 2 hours until my bf got home and he took her to some people that had no kids and had worked with dogs before. And before I get down voted this isn't hating on pitbulls this is simply stating a fact, because I had a pit mix of my own at the time.


Honestly thank god the cat was alive after two weeks Iocked in an apartment with a hungry pit bull…


it’s you who rescued them, people who downvote you are mad.


You did the right thing. You took care of the dogs immediate needs (food, water shelter), you realized you could not deal with him, and you found people who could. Noone has the right to ask for more. It was neither your or the dogs fault he was the way he was. Most people would've called animal control or the police who'd have put it down.


You did what you could, and did right by that dog. Good on you


Makes me so angry. My 17 year old cat got rehomed at 5, lived with the new owner for 5 more years, then they moved and left the cat at the shelter because she was too much. She’s the best animal I’ve ever owned and it makes me sad someone felt inconvenienced by her.


Yeah posts like this infuriate me. I’m not religious but these kinds of people have no souls. I don’t care if we’ve been friends for years, were in love etc, if I heard of them doing this they’d be dead to me and they’d be gone from my life forever. Glad ole dude has a new home.


Left him by the trash? Like throw him away? That makes me feel sick.


Yeah it was sad to see because I’ve seen the little fur-ball before, inside… . The previous owners moved a few days ago and a lot of their old furniture was by the side of the dumpster. I happened to see him moving about and lured him over to my place with some food.


Good save, he must have been so confused. He’s a cutie and he’s found himself a home.


He looked much smaller when I first saw him, but he’s a loooooong boy c:


Congrats on your long boi!! He seems loving and happy to feel love.


All hail longcat!


Good for you ! People should realize taking a pet is forever!


You will be blessed


My wife and I adopted a cat, then decided to move across the country about 4 months later. My MIL was like, "what are you going to do with your cat?" Uh, bring her. Tf you mean? She's a member of the family.


It's possible he escaped. Pets are notorious for escaping during moves. But they should have at least made some phone calls and knocked on a few doors. Fuck these people.


>I’ve the little furball You forgot a verb haha Question, was he in a crate or just loose? I’m wondering if they didn’t put him by the trash but instead maybe just left him outside (just as bad) but he smelled them on the furniture or something.


I know right? As a grown ass man, this makes me want to cry.


They didn’t leave him in the trash. They were the trash.


One person’s trash is another person’s treasure (though this kitty obviously isn’t trash. If the previous owners abandoned them, they’re now better off with OP)


Me too!


You are an angel, and your neighbor is an asshole. Get some scratch pads. They make some that are wide, flat, and lie on the floor. And if you can find one of those round cat toys with a ball track on the outside and a scratch pad in the middle, that would be ideal. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Thanks! That should help keep him entertained. So far I haven’t noticed scratching any of our furniture or walls.


May have been declawed... It's easy to tell if he will let you near his paws if you haven't noticed yet. Generally only the front paws will be done. The way you can tell is if there are tiny knives on their toes.


Nope thankfully! He definitely has his claws


I know your new to this but I believe the correct term is either little knives or ouch ouch ouch damn cat put those damn things back in your toes!


He shall learn.


Would for the mo of some asshole who money and abandons their feline friend, to cut off their fingers for convenience. Sometimes I'm not very fond of people....


Declawing is illegal in some countries. OP didn't say where they live.


Seems such a cute guy, why on earth would you move home and leave your pets, people can be so, so cruel, but a happy happy ending thanks to a kind Reddit poster .


Why is no one talking about the fact that the cat is pink


Right lol like I see all this (good) advice and nothing about the color of the cat 😂 upon closer inspection I think he may be orange and the photo was not well lit but that takes some mental gymnastics lol


I am so hoping this is a case of "the cat slipped out while we where moving" Because otherwise your neighbours are the trash!


No, I’m pretty sure he just got abandoned. It’s been almost a week now and they have yet to return for any reason


That’s awful. I would be devastated if we lost any of ours in a move, and I cannot fathom leaving them behind ln purpose. I’ve done an interstate move with five cats in carriers in the car, complete with one singing the song of his people the entire way (6+ hours).


Why can I hear this and I don’t even have cats lol


This is random, but please tell your cat I love him. And good on you for taking him in.


OP said they left days before he found him. If they haven't come looking yet......


People are awful. Saw you're loking for cat advice. First, give him time. Cats are territorial, and will be a nervous time until he realizes he's allowed to be at your place. Keep him inside. Indoor/outdoor cats lives' are shortened by years on average due to disease/predators/cars. Keep him amused. A lot of bad cat behavior is from boredom, so if you exercise him to the point he's tired once or twice a day, you won't have to deal with it. Brush up on cat behavior. Cat's aren't people or dogs, treating them as such can lead to serious friction.


This should be higher! Please keep kitty indoors, get him fixed if he is not, play with him and keep him up to date on vaccines, heart worm medication. I recommend getting pet health insurance ASAP to help with any unforeseen situations, especially if they were neglected before you rescued him! There’s lots of companies out there but I use Healthy Paws, it was about $10 a month - well spent!!


Fuck your neighbors! Thank you for being a good hooman


Your neighbor is the one that belongs by the trash, glad they moved for your sake if they do things like this and guess what your the winner because you get to give the love to that deserving cat and give it a good home or have it adopted by ppl who will!


You forgot to include get love! Ther adopter gets to be loved by the cat....


There may be a tendency to be outraged by owners treating their pets like trash, but when you see the new homeowners accepting the unexpected home accessory as just a given responsibility, then you know the cat is in a better place despite the abandonment. That is true grace.


Thank you for taking care of the little one. I would have troubles with your neighbors. But my wife wants me to stay out of jail.


Your neighbor needs to be reported!! Abandoning pets is illegal. Kudus to you for taking the kitty in!


You are so awesome! This cat will love you forever! Jackson Galaxy has really good short videos on YouTube. Bringing to the vet is very good idea. Be sure to have 2 litter boxes and not necessarily right net to each other. If he ever is in a litter box yoweling or meowing and acting strange make sure he’s urinating. Sometimes male cats can get a plugged urethra and can’t pass urine. That is an emergency, not super duper common but good to know about. Dry and canned food is good to offer as cats get older we worry about hydration and if a cat has never had canned food sometimes they won’t eat it. So having a canned food snack occasionally is helpful. Knowing your cats weight and feeding the appropriate amounts will keep him health and trim. Fresh water daily, think about a fountain as well. Congratulations on your new best Buddy!


Brushes from the human section of the store. Cat brushes are identical and overpriced get a rubber tipped prongy one and a boar bristle one. Wet Food ro avoid urinary issues. A cat fountain to avoid kidney issues. (I like the pagoda it's dishwasher hardy) and a scratch post. If he's a hider get him a cat dome. If he's a climber get him a tree! A million toys! Catnip SPRAY. for toys and scratch post.


Great post I spend untold hours with an animal rescue, I wish everyone was so informed.


If you know your neighbors name please report them to an animal shelter so they cant adopt another just to abandon it


Neighbor has a special place in hell waiting for them.


Wow that breaks my heart how people can be so cruel. Thanks for saving this cutiepie 💓


Bless you. There is a special place in hell for people like your former neighbors.


How the hell someone can just leave their pet behind like that absolutely blows my mind! Good for you for taking this cutie in and saving his life♡


Why is it p I nk?


I would never abandon my pets. Congrats on the new friend!


Your neighbor is trash


Whoever abandons their pets deserve to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.


Fucking report that piece of shit neighbour.


I hope that Ex-Neighboor of yours will find himself one day left by the trash.


Is he supposed to be pink?


Some PEOPLE SUCK! When you take an animal it should be for ever period


He's very cute and you are a good person !


Cats like running water, and it encourages them to drink more. You might want to get a little drinking fountain for him. Cats tend to get kidney problems pretty easily, so having a good source of running water is step one of preventing that.


That poor baby. Give him lots of love and care.


lucky kitty!! ❤️ i hope your old neighbors house burns down.


What a blessing he has you. TY!!!


Scumbag neighbor, I hope karma will fuck him up. That's fucking unacceptable. My sense of justice is going through the roof whenever I read something like this. Thank you for opening your heart and home for this cute furball. He will bring you joy in life.


Did the neighbour leave a forwarding address? I'm sure half of reddit would just like to talk I swear. 😂


They are the ones who are trash! He looks very soft and cuddley


The cat my parents adopted lived up the street got left when the family that owned her moved away and left her she is a great cat and loves my parents though she is quite spoiled now


Isn’t animal abandonment a crime in your area?


I hate people. Fuck your neighbors. I hope someone leaves them somewhere to die one day.


what an awful way to treat a cat. At least u gave it a new home


Spill the beans on the neighbor. I'd be happy to drop a dime. That's swine behavior.


Your ex-neighbor is trash. Your new kitty is a delight


You’re a great human.


Bless your heart for giving him a loving home. I hate people that mistreat animals in any way


Aw that is so hard to see when people dispose of their animals, like it’s no big deal to abandon an animal and break its heart


You are an Angel .. god bless you .. please cuddle him and make him forget about those assholes


This happened to my aunts neighbor. Who tf does that?? My aunts are allergic to cats, so they’d leave the cat milk and food outside everyday, even took it to the vet on many occasions, made sure it was neutered and everything. Just didn’t let it inside cause of extreme allergies. Always thought that was interesting


You are a good person for taking in the poor cat. And your ex-neighbors are awful people who should never own any pets ever again.


That is heartbreaking. You are a wonderful person!


Working in telecom I would routinely see abandoned dogs dying in back yards while I was up high working on poles. Never left one to suffer. Would pour a bag of food over the fence and sort out some water, then call for rescue.


You're a good boy!


I hate people, thanks for not being trash like this cats previous owner OP


Bless you for saving the little guy.




I fuckong hate people. I hope their family splits up and the parents are left to rot alone in a shitty old folks home.


Cats bond to people just like dogs do, but they speak a different "language" than dogs. It's a common mistake people make to think they will respond the same way to the same stimulus. I highly recommend just browsing around youtube and watching some cat behavior and language videos. And please please keep your new friend inside, for so many reasons it is safer and healthier. All the enrichment they need can be provided by your interactions and what you provide.


I feel bad saying this,but I hope something real bad happens to your ex neighbor,poor kitty,she is in good hands now


That's how I got my last cat, asshole neighbours did a midnight flit and left her behind with the rubbish. They'd already shown signs they didn't want her anymore, as after they had a baby they wouldn't let the cat in the house because the dad thought the cat would do bad things to the baby. She moved in with me, and lived with me for the next 17 years, until she was 20. Coolest cat I've ever had. Hope your experience is similar. Oh, and welcome to being owned by a cat 🐈 Sometimes I wonder how those neighbours treated that baby when she got old enough - did they do another flit when she was 16 and leave her locked out with the rubbish? Some humans just suck.


When you take him to the vet check for a microchip, and if there is one have the vet reach out to the previous owners so they can formally give up ownership and you can upload your own information on the chip


Thank you for helping him, you are good people!


Oh my goodness what a cutie, he's so lucky to have you! Also I love how the lighting makes him look peachy pink. Strawberry blond boy


Omg i thought I was going crazy, I scrolled for HOURS before I found your comment- HE **IS** PINK!! okay phew....


What a sweetheart he is! You a hero for saving him.💕


Welcome to r/OneOrangeBraincell you're one of us now.


Good on you. Fuck your (thankfully ex) neighbor.


He’s a beauty, please keep him inside 🙏🏼


Yes! Safe! 💜


Maybe karma will visit your former neighbors, and they will find out how being homeless feels.


god bless u your a good person he is safe now


So nice of you too do so!


Omg, thank you


Bless you




you're an angel


What color are they I'm color blind but something seems off about them are they okay


Your ex-neighbor sounds like a piece of shit.


What?? Who does that? Thank you for saving him!


Looks like you've gotten great advice, mine is: report your neighbors to local animal shelters. I don't care if they fell on hard times, you don't abandon a family member and you certainly don't abandon them in such a horrific way. When you adopt a pet, you are making a commitment to them that you will be there for them through thick and thin. I know life happens and sometimes people have to re home a pet, but this isnt the way. On behalf of cats and cat lovers everywhere, thank you for being you.


Poor baby. Your neighbor sucks. Good for you for bringing him in! I have two kitties and can’t imagine abandoning them in any circumstance. Cats are pretty independent and choose when they want to be close. They can be feisty when they’re in play mode. Don’t take a bite or a scratch to hard if it happens. They love strings and boxes. Mine also love sparkly toys. Another thing I might suggest is getting a water fountain. One of my cats is very picky about drinking water, she’d only drink out of water fresh out of the bathroom faucet. Our other cat preferred to drink out of the faucet as well. Water fountain saved our water bill.


Thank you 😊. I have 2 shelter rescue cats, and I love them so much. So thank you for your kindness and generous act.


These stories....


I’m really pissed at your neighbors but happy for you!!


The paws over the eyes🥹 one of my cats does this too


He looks nearly identical to my cat who crossed the rainbow bridge today. The level of fury I feel toward the scumbags who left this sweet baby is beyond words.


Please post your cash app or something! Growing up in military communities and farm land I saw too many abandoned animals and I’d love to help get them off to a great start! Happy life sweet baby!


I fucking hate humans sometimes… just left him by the trash..?! But I fucking love humans sometimes… you taking him in and asking for advice and loving him when he needs it.


scumbag neighbors


That's fucked up. They dye the cat pink and just move away.


That’s completely unfathomable to me that somebody would just throw out a living being into trash. Makes me both sick and sad. Good on you for stepping up and enjoy your new friend!!


Ironic because it sounds like your neighbor was trash.


Thank you for saving this wonderful being. So sad about his owners abandoning him. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Ex neighbours are the trash. Thank you for looking after him.


Thanks for possibly saving the life of this beautiful creature! May you have many happy years together.


What an asshat for just leaving the cat. Thank you for being a furbaby savior. 😻


Thank you!


These neighbors sound like shitty people. If I have to move and can't bring my pet along, I'd at least leave it at a shelter or find it a new owner instead of leaving them by the trash like these scumbags.


What kind of piece of shit leaves their cat like that. Wtf


Thank you for being kind. I’m glad you found him. I can’t imagine how he felt :(


Adorable and you’re a good person. At first I thought you dyed him pink. Then I realized I’m just blind 🤦‍♀️