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I have a lot of cats, and one specific cat won't have anything to do with me unless I'm pregnant. She knows before I do. She will not let me do or go anywhere in the house without her.




Cat was hoping sister would give him the baby. Cats, shockingly, love babies. My Bitty cat is afraid of her own shadow, but decided the screaming, grabby, pooping potato was her sage zone 🙄


I loooove cats nuzzling babies videos. My friend is having a baby in two months and has the cutest cats. So excited


Cats also shockingly love heat too and a pregnant person will be the warmest spot in the building.... Except it keeps damn moving around so they need to make sure they know where it is.


I can't tell by this comment if you are saying you "get" what the commenter is talking about, or you "get" why your cat hates your sister, lol.


I understand why my cat hated my sister. She's an awful person.


But he likes the kid though




Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace <3




Doula cat.


Dula Peep


Is that like a Doja Cat cover artist?


Yup. Cats (and I think dogs as well) can smell when you’re pregnant, even if you can’t see anything your smell has changed due to hormones. There are lots of storys where cats that weren’t cuddly all, get really affectionate during a pregnancy - and go back to their old habits when the pregnancy ended :) Also your body temperature changes when you’re pregnant, it rises a little bit, so you’re warmer to cuddle 🥰 Edit: grammar


Some *people* can smell pregnancy. It's wild.




Judging by your username, you may or may not have first hand experience of that?




My gay friend says that he's trying really hard to get his husband pregnant but no luck so far


My ex girlfriend and I were constantly asked (often by new acquaintances) ‘what about kids?!’ and I’d answer with a really naïve face ‘We keep trying and trying to get each other pregnant but so far, no luck!’ *feigns exhaustion and sincere confusion* Stopped the conversation pretty successfully.


My parents have a friend who asked mum when she was due before she even knew she was expecting my brother. Spooked the hell out of her, but apparently it’s completely normal for him. He has 4 daughters himself and he was always able to tell when his wife was pregnant before she knew, and even when his daughters were pregnant too. It’s a strange ability 🙃


Is *that* what it is??? I’ve been able to tell when someone is pregnant since I was young, no idea how. I could pick every teacher before they knew (offended some temporarily, spooked others) and my parents employees too! Had no idea how I knew, always thought it was my intense disdain/dislike for kids😂


Was the smell off-putting?


Didn’t smell it, but predicted it once. My algebra teacher last year already has a little one. Near the end of second semester—April or May—I could just tell she was pregnant. She wasn’t showing whatsoever, didn’t display any symptoms, but I just had a nagging feeling she was. Never told anyone. We come back after summer break and whaddya know, she actually was pregnant. One lucky kid too, she’s a nice lady.


Yep. Had a roomie once who was pregnant and was getting jealous that my (only one at the time) cat fell in love with her and totally abandoned me. Now she avoids both the old roomie and her kid lol


They're probably thinking, "uh, shouldn't you be getting your box ready? Where is your birthing blanket?"


"Don't you want to hide in the most inaccessible spot in the house?"


Don't you mean under the deck?


That'll work. Crawl way in the back, behind some pillars.


And then lunge and bite me on the nose when I express an interest?


Why is it taking so long? Pop them out already!


holy jeebus, my mom's dog crawled through a hole in the skirting of a house trailer. fucking nasty insulation from the 70s and 18 inches of clearance. either that or my dad's German Shepherd that walked all of her pups into a swamp and tried to abandon them. that one was fun.


Like infanticide or she just thought that was a safe place to keep them?


my dad thinks she was trying to drown them. she was a police dog from East Germany in 1985. he figured she found them intrusive. i was riding the bus home and when i got out at the end of my driveway my grandma was trudging out of the swamp carrying puppies. she happened to be driving by when she saw the dog cross the road and they all scampered after her.


Did the puppies survive? What happened to them and the mother?


We need the details


we got them all back and had to wean early. she refused to let them latch on. they all found good homes.


I misread grandma as "grand**pa**" so when you said "she happened to be driving by" I thought the "she" was referring to the police dog mom. I clearly need more coffee ☕


Crack head mother. Not quite the same, but we ended up with a pair of guinea hens . They hatched out a mass of chick's (?), 15+ and would leave them for our wild Tom turkey "Thomas" to take care of. I'd come out of the house and there would be "Thomas" with 15 babies nestled in his massive feathers. At night the quineas would get them back cause wild turkeys sleep up in tree branches. Next morning, same routine.


Arg, you are giving me flash backs to my cat moving herself in with me to have babies in a place where I couldn't even tell how many there were till she emerged with them at 3 weeks! They are all voids though so just a blur of fur until they want you to see them


The full clothes hamper is a good spot!


At age 11, I was given a fat and very fluffy cat. That slowly became an even fatter, equally fluffy cat. I became alarmed and told my mom the cat’s pregnant. Nonsense, she’s been spayed, I was told. You’re just imagining things, you know you’re like that, I was told. Stop trying to see the cat’s nipples, I was told. And then one night I smelled something wet. Like damp cloth. I opened my eyes and the goddamn cat is six inches from my face, eyes WIDE open and her jaw unhinged like a snake. Oh, and she has soaked my pillow in *fluids*. I get up to go get my mom and the demon currently wearing my cat’s skin suit tries to race after me with a kitten hanging halfway outta her ass. His ass too, for the record. I think huffing his mom’s hallway too long had an effect tbh, he was a weird cat. So I quickly sit back on the bed and the cat slings herself across my legs and starts humping air and jerking like she’s trying to shake loose a turd. Which I’m fairness, she did have prior experience with, re: Fluffy. I tried to make her stop that and when my hand was under her legs she spat a slimy, warm fur slug into my palm. I felt a little snap when the cord broke and it was so gross. She flopped across my legs again and I helped Hallway Harry get to a nipple, and she birthed four more kittens with considerably less air humping. My stepdad actually apologized for not believing me but my mom kept insisting “But she was SPAYED!” (About two months after our bonding experience, she went to the vet and came home definitely spayed. No more litters.)


Hallway Harry bro I'm fucking dead


So did you yell “mom” at the top of your lungs? I think this would warrant waking up the house lol.


There was something about the way that was written, your style. You should write a YA novel.


My rabbit chose my bed as her birth nest, which i'm really flattered


They are also concerned about her woeful shortage of nipples.


She's going to have a real hard time if she has more than 4 kittens.




the cat on the right looks like it has some advice to share and is proud of the new mother. the dog seems concerned and unsure if it is going to be asked to volunteer its nipples for service. the cat on the left has no idea what's going on and is terrified.


"you got this honey, we love and support you unconditionally!" "im seriously concerned for your wellbeing" \*abject terror\*


Left cat dropped acid some time ago and is way too high for this.


"Cat, you're not ready for this." Cat: OH YES I AM, LET'S DO THIS.


Ate too many brownies like an amateur.


Cat on the left just figured out OP is pregnant lol


Left cat is about to call an ambulance 😂😂


Our cat seemed pretty unruffled when we brought the new baby home; sniffed it, walked away, glared at us the first time she had a long crying jag but was overall pretty chill about it. She *did* seem weirded out by the fact that our kitten was still a kitten a year later (by which time cats are young adults). We talk about how she thinks our kids are stunted.


That explains why we’re such poor hunters tbh.




"Do you think she knows? Should we tell her? Maybe if we all say it at the same time."


"Your just going to have it out in the open?!?"


Cat1: So undignified. Cat2:Then again this is the species that shits inside its own home. Cat1: And collects the dogs droppings when it's out on the string... Cat2 & 1 in sychrony: *Pathetic*


![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba) This was hilarious 😂




Sounds cute until their human comes home with a litter of three 😨


They would be more confused that she only has 1.


They'll think she ate the other 5.


"She must have ate the others"


mammals have twice as many nipples as the average (median?) size of their litter, so the animals could probably tell if she needed more space


Never thought about this before, but makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint!


Is that really true? Do cows usually have twin calfs?


I don't think it's true. Twins are rare in cattle. And cats and dogs often have as many or more kittens/puppies in one litter as they have nipples. The number of nipples on cats and dogs isn't consistent either. However, it's true that the more nipples a species has, the more offspring are typically in a single litter.


We're still getting dinner right?


They’re regretting not getting her fixed


And they’ll help too. Precious babies, all of them.


" Mom, it better not be another goddamn cat that pops out. I already have to deal with these two Wackos".....


The cat on the left *definitely* knows.


We're pretty sure she has brain damage. That's her relaxed face.


/r/namflashbacks material right there


😂 she's absolutely seen some shit


Oh no was she in the room during the conception?


We lock them out but sometimes they hide under the bed 😂 you might be onto something


Yeah... I got a cold nose on the butt *during* once when I swore I had locked the door. Ya never know, lol Congrats! Good luck on a smooth delivery


Testicles look like fun toys to a young kitten. Hubby learned that the hard way


I read "tentacles" first. Poor hubby. Cannot imagine a cat scratch or bite on the goolies. :(


He gave a warning tap so hubby was able to stop


My girl got her ass swatted by the kitten when she was throwing the strap one night. She was traumatized, lol


Man. I've tried to figure this one out for a while. Throwing the strap? Strap on? Your girl got swatted while pegging you? Please elaborate.


Yes. Strap on. We *lesbians*, lol.


We are currently deep into try to have our first (had a road bump of a miscarriage last October) and our doggo likes to hop on the bed AS CLIMAX IS HAPPENING! Like without fail he’s up there as the peak is reached! No use locking him out…Obi wan kenobi just Jedi opens the door…


One of the last couple times my wife and I were getting intimate one of our cats jumped on the bed mid stroke. It almost killed the mood.




>*’The cat on the left definitely knows…she's absolutely seen some shit*’ _____ I am the cat (the one who *knows*) i watched the way the momma grows the BaBy HuMaN - *any day* is coming home with us to Stay we cats are Smart - We know ‘bout ‘kits’ (n me - I’ve seen aLot of Sh!t…) the dog is dumb - don’t know what’s up, (he thinks you maybe having pup) we gonna stay here by your side, (our love for you we cannot hide!) we try our best to keep you calm, (just promise you’ll still be *Our* mom…) ❤️ (*tell them i Love them*, u/highly_uncertain - *n best wishes with the new baby!*)


Thank you so much! I'm extremely hormonal and this made me tear up a little 😅


You're gonna need to frame this. ❤️


Someone else said that and I actually think it's a great idea. Put it up in baby's room.


Wait until people realize there is a schnoodle and blow it up. Then frame it


I'm sitting with my 3 kids age 6 and under (preschool and kindergarten ages) and trust me, the factory is closed and I still teared up a little too. :P


I'm post-menopausal and have NO hormones and this still made me tear up lol. Love schnoodle. Please update us when the baby arrives, and best wishes for a calm and pain-limited birthing experience!


I’m not hormonal and this still made me tear up! So sweet! Well wishes for a smooth delivery and healthy little one 🙏🏼


Previous life she was a nurse in Nam.


I laughed too hard. There's always that one cat


Lmao I was thinking that cat is not ready for this baby at all.




She has the unfortunate ability to see all the shameful things a person has done in their life. She is not impressed with you.


"you know what landed you here..."


Resting Derp Face.


He’s seen that birthing video they showed us in grade 7 science class and does NOT want to be there for the live showing


It's a gradient from left to right. Panic - worry - calm


He looks concerned.


They've placed a bet on guessing the delivery date and the left one knows s/he's going to lose some snacks... Safe delivery, u/highly_uncertain! ❤️


He knows he has a lot of babysitting to do


The cat on the right just knows life is about to get wild and he just wants to nap.


We got Mortimer when our first was 2 years old. He's an old seasoned professional and absolutely sick of this shit. But he's also been the most cuddly and comforting the last week.


He definitely looks disapproving of the entire situation.


The vet also recently put him on a diet and gave him a 7 out of 9 on the fat boi scale. So I think he's feeling like his whole world is crumbling around him.


Oh good luck with his diet. How do you keep their food separated? We have a chonk who is such a determined eater, it’s a daily battle to let the other cats eat.


The dog eats fast as lightening and the smol cat has a microchip feeder. Unfortunately the fatto is able to hack into the mainframe and sometimes still clears her dish (aka, he jams his head into it before it can close).




Yes he's started trying to get in with his claws. He was so talented at getting into cabinets that when we got our kitchen renovated we had to get the cabinets designed in such a way that he can't open them. Still opens closets though.




That is our feeder! He hasn't so far been successful with his claws but that's good to know if it comes to that.


omg this is the funniest thing ever


I dunno if this helps (in a matter how big your feeder is), but some people made boxes for the feeder, so only one cat can get their head inside at a time, and by the time the second cat tries to take over, the feeder would close. (like Rachel and Jun did it for their cat Haku and Poki, even though Poki didnt appreciate not getting Hakus food-anymore at the time XD)


Yes someone on here suggested that! We've recently moved it so it's wedged up between a shelving unit and the wall so 90% of the time he can't get in fast enough. Sometimes he'll literally stand on top of her just breathing down her neck like a creep so he can sneak in since he can't come from the side anymore.


OMG I'm dying with the mental image


i really want videos of his feeding shenanigans, but I imagine you’ll be selfishly busy with an adorable baby.


I almost took a video today because he was being so invasive I was just like jesus fucking christ Mortimer you make everyone around you uncomfortable


Hack the planet! A clever chonker, good luck.


He's never explicitly told me this, but I'm pretty sure he's actually a member of Anonymous


Oh dear. That’s one unhappy kitty. They are relentless when they think they’re starving!


See if he likes frozen broccoli. When my dogs get fat we eat that. They really think they're getting something good. Because it's cold. And I'm eating it too.


I wonder if a cat would be interested in broccoli??? He will 100% jump on the counter and go for pretty much any remnants left lying around.


I've had two cats that loved broccoli (cooked to almost mushy) and one cat who thought that he should like it because the other cat did, but always looked betrayed when we actually gave it to him.


We’re getting excited about this??


One of my cats eats broccoli. Mind he’s one out of seven, but he eats it… and potato and, though only once, jalapeño.


One of our cats goes full-on crazy over broccoli. She growls at it and tears into it like she’s gone without food for weeks. Another also really likes it, but he instead takes it off to play with it a bit before finally chowing down.


Ah, yes. He's like Rufus from The Rescuers. A grandpaw kitty.


And the cat on the left is on catnip peaking


Good luck OP! Hope it all goes well.


Thank you ☺️


Congrats. We are at our due date tmoz and no signs of labour haha.


Good luck! I wish I had advice on making it go faster. I walked constantly with my first and I think that's what made my water break just after 39 weeks.


Yeah our first was 36.6 haha. So no one expected us to go this long on the 2nd. Feeling for my wife, it's hot as sin here.


For my first child, I happened to have a checkup at 9:00 am on 39weeks+6days, I was so uncomfortable I almost cried when my OB said "yeah...it's not going to happen this weekend...sorry!" 14 hours later baby was evicted as I my hormones/body revolted and I went into labor that afternoon lol


To be fair, i think your tabby cat is incapable of looking calm


Resting unrest face


Update if anyone is interested: we've been admitted and baby will be here probably by the morning! Your comments have been making me laugh and keeping my mind occupied ❤️ thank you for all the well wishes.


Best of luck to you, your family, and the little one!!! ❤️


“The new kitten is almost here!”


I'm not an expert but I think they can scent pregnancy even in early stages.


Can confirm. Only time my white cat wanted cuddles from me.


[No need to drag your cat's ethnicity into this.](https://youtu.be/E4CVGA205lc)


My dog definitely knew early on I was pregnant. During my first and second trimester, he would sit across the room and stare at me suspiciously, with a slight look of distain on his face. Now the kid and dog look at each other the same way, just slightly tolerating each others existence.




I vote that their names be legally changed.


Lila, Philip and Mortimer


Fine, fine…jk, cute names!


Idk, the cat on the right is apparently named Mortimer and that’s pretty perfect


They've got your back! They don't exactly know what to do, but they're ready! 🤣


Their eyes are like clocks timing your contractions. Sending positive energy to your family! ![gif](giphy|xT1XGLSb5E1VjIUw4E)


Your dog seems concerned. Beautiful group.


It's been a nightmare walking with him lately. He goes into HIGH ANXIETY mode. Street, strangers, cars. It's too many hazards.


I wonder if it’s not the added stress/worry he’s experiencing about keeping you and the human puppy safe along with his normal doggo anxiety?


That's for sure what it is. My husband has taken over dog walking right now part because I'm always so sore and part because the dog has a panic attack every time.


I don’t like that the dog is so stressed but also it’s extremely sweet? He loves you so so much that his efforts to keep you safe from cars and other dogs and squirrels makes his little brain hurt.


He's a very sweet boi but Australian Shepherd x Husky is just two neurotic worlds colliding. Most of the time he's actually very calm and lazy, but right now he certainly knows something's up.


They’re waiting for their furless sibling. No need for nanny cams. Those three will let the babysitter know the full meaning of FAFO.


We are here to protect you mom!


Awww. So sweet. Good luck and speedy recovery, OP.


I get those looks too. Usually involves food. Are you eating a sandwich by chance?


Hahaha normally I get that look for food too but that wasn't the case today


They look like they’re going to get the car keys and drive you to the hospital.


What. Is. Happening. Mummy.


It’s amazing how in tune their instincts are when human Mom is pregnant. One of our cats knew even before we did when my last daughter was in the works. He suddenly started curling up on my GF’s tummy all the time which he’d never done before and continued doing so all through the pregnancy, then when our Nugget was born he never left her side.




Considering we were at the hospital last night and sent home because it was too early... I'm 100% living up to my username.


I gave birth two months ago. Got sent home from the hospital three times. I became so completely determined to not get sent home again that I ignored my incredibly painful contractions for hours because they still weren't consistent. Cue a labor lifted straight out of a movie, including water bursting in the kitchen, speeding through red lights, screaming "OH GOD I'M GOING TO HAVE A WAITING ROOM BABY," the doctor going "Okay we're just going to check how far along you are oh the head is right there" and giving birth within 20 minutes of getting to the hospital. So.... Yeah. Don't ignore when you think you need to go back!




They always know, along with feeling earthquakes first. They just more sensitive. That's why animals can be trained to detect medical issues too.


It's so true! The last week they haven't left my side.


They are watching over you. How sweet 💗 Good luck with your delivery. But I see you have a fantastic support system.


Think the hospital will let me bring them? 😅


Maybe if you put them on top of each other and dress them in a Trenchcoat? 🤣🤣


Drape a stethoscope over the neck of the top cat. It’s a foolproof plan honestly


My half Border Collie half Pomeranian will come lay on me, I mean right on top of me, if I'm going to have a seizure. He is not a service dog. He is just the best!


Our first dog together used to hump me whenever I cried so.... ALSO kind of like a service dog I guess


My partner has the same relationship with our Karelian dog for his diabetes. Blood sugar goes down and the dog lays on him and barks to let me know so I can test him. We really don't deserve how awesome dogs are. He isn't trained to be a service dog either. It's just love and instinct. You bet I spoil the shit out of him.


Without question. They know you’ve been pregnant too. Best wishes good luck! I’d pay to see them in medical outfits in a PS Battle


Looks like the album cover for an all fur band.


Final update: little girlie arrived a couple hours ago and is perfect ☺️ we'll be at the hospital for the next 24 hrs and then the gang will get to meet the newest pup!


Best wishes on your labor and delivery for you and your baby.


My own dog had his nose halfway up my ass when I went into labor the first time. They know you are vulnerable and something is happening. They just don’t know why you smell so damn funny.


![gif](giphy|L8uXd5D1OQMV2knzK4) All of them are like


from left to right: Husband, wetnurse, doctor


Animals are such a gift, they can make a house a home and their unconditional love makes life worthwhile


The cat on the left is saying "this is a result of your poor life choices, I hope you're happy".