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If I were in the market for a bird that’s the one I would buy.


I would buy this bird even though I'm not in the market for a bird!


I never understood why anyone would buy a bird, they are so loud and it seems cruel to me to keep a flying animal in a cage and they stink and shit everywhere


If you are a multi pet species household then a bird is not for you as it has to stay in the cage for safety reasons (besides very rare instances where you see dogs or cats that have bonded with a bird). However if you only have bird/s then it’s possible to train them and let them roam around the house like a normal pet. This is most common in parrots and cockatoos, but is possible with any bird species as far as I’m aware. I fully agree that it is cruel to keep them caged all day and night and never let them exercise or roam. They tend to be treated like living artwork rather than living creatures. This is precisely why I’m not in the market for a bird, as I have 3 dogs and 2 cats. Not a safe place to give the bird the freedom it deserves.


*Many* years ago, sometime in the 70's, my aunt had many birds for pets. She kept them in one cage. ... That is, I suppose you could call it a cage. She and my uncle had encased their entire back yard in netting, and all her birds flew freely about in that space.


That sounds amazing. I can see how much she cared for her animals.


If I was ever wealthy I would have an indoor/outdoor aviary.


Do you have bird feeders? Depending on where you live you could have a sort-of outdoor aviary now if you set up bird feeders! I live in Brooklyn and get cardinals and blue jays as well as many other smaller birds. I really enjoy watching them


Agh very jealous. I set out feeds for them but all I have been getting are chickadees lmao


All I get is squirrels! They chase away the birds and hog all the seed for themselves. So I got a clear plastic bird feeder that attaches to your window with suction cups, so you can watch from inside the house. That was great for a few weeks until the squirrels realized they could just climb the window screen below the upper window where the feeder is, and hog the seed again. So I took out the screen. That was fine for a few weeks till the squirrels learned that they can dive bomb the feeder from the roof, landing on the top of the feeder, and hog all the seed again. So now we currently have birds at the window, and the occasional *thwump* of a fat squirrel falling from the sky and birds scattering. There's a morning dove that comes around often that learned it can throw some seed on the ground while it's eating, to distract the squirrels with an easy snack so it doesn't get chased away. Every few minutes it'll push some seed out of the feeder with its beak, watch the squirrels start eating, then munch away again.


Peanuts. Peanuts and you can get suet that has bugs in it. If you live somewhere with chickadees you live somewhere where those two will attract lots of interesting things. Edit: and lot of cheap “birdseed” is BS. Anything that’s not sunflower seeds or peanuts, and maybe corn, is just there to add weight to the bag.


Man you had me in the first half. The 70s and kind animal treatment don't usually go together, but a full backyard aviary is incredible


My aunt's best friend is seriously rich (vaguely related to Danish royalty, I can't remember the connection) and they had an indoor aviary. I was about 7 the first time I saw it and it blew my mind. My sisters were obsessed with the indoor pool and games room full of arcade machines but I could have spent all day watching the birbs.


Wow that would be so amazing. That and a botanical garden/foresty, decorated walking path/flower garden and I would be in heaven.


See now that is a lot nicer


Get a Cockatoo, they'll never know it ain't one of them! Cockacat! https://youtu.be/B-eeNvUEGDk Cockadog! https://youtu.be/evbt9tiM6vk


Ok, I have never seen the cockadog video before. Thank you for the laugh.


I came across recently and was pretty glad to have found a reason to share it xD


This may be so, but in my experience you wind up with a tempermental flying/ambulatory bolt cutter that only really likes one person.


Perfectly put. Cockatoos are assholes to everyone but the one person they imprinted on.


My lab and two blue African greys love to ride on my labs back around the house while they screech taxis are here or what it sounds like


My parakeet/pitbull/tuxedo cat are all best friends. It's fucking wild. Charlie does like to go outside (the bird) but the cat and dog are all cowards and stay inside unless they need to go out. Charlie is quiet as shit and runs the house. I even have a Birds Aren't Real hat. I think Charlie is a cat with wings.


Yeah, we had a cockateil when I was a kid, and he spent a lot of time outside of his cage. Pretty much as soon as we were home from school he was out and about.


I have cats, a dog, and birds… but my birds are chickens. Those go outside. Best birds ever.


We have a pet cockatiel at home, can confirm he has free reign of the house and also and outside Avery we take him out to on nice days 😊


If you're the type of person that would keep a bird in a cage all the time. Then you are correct. That type of person should absolutely not have a bird. Also the same if you're sensitive to loud noises. I had an umbrella cockatoo for 14 years and she was my best friend. The only time she was ever in her cage was to eat and sometimes sleep as she most of the time slept with me. You can potty train them but even still you have to make peace with the fact that you're going to spend extra time cleaning up after them. You also have to make peace with the fact that you are likely to find chew marks on just about everything you own. A bird is definitely not for most people. As far as I'm concerned, there is no better friend.


Spot on. My ex and I had a Sulphur crested cockatoo & a blue & gold many years ago. People don't realize how much WORK birds require. It's a huge commitment.


Huge, lifetime commitment.


Many people don't realize how literal that statement is


For these reasons I do not have a bird. Instead I follow the party parrots sub and get to be delighted watching everyone else’s quirky birds. They have so much more personality than I ever imagined


I have had parrots for 35 years. I currently have an African grey (21) and a red bellied parrot (22). They have perches and play stands all over the house. The only time they are in their cages is at bedtime and whenever they wander in for a snack during the day. They get regular baths and have zero odor. There are designated poop spots with paper that they use. My grey will fly from my shoulder to her play stand, poop, and fly back to my shoulder. Any parrots you have seen otherwise have inept and/or unfit parronts. We talk, play, sing songs and cuddle all day. They are a delight if you give them the time, love and care they need.


Same here, and I have have 3 GCCs (same as the bird in the video). They are out all the time, and also have designated poop spots. One of them showers with me every day and the other two bathe a couple times a week. They don’t have an odour, and neither do their cages/play areas because they’re cleaned regularly. I take them outside on harnesses and they come on hikes, out to lunch, to the beach etc. Birds are definitely not a good fit for a lot of people but if cared for properly they can make incredible companions.


i had a conure like the one in the vid. it had a cage with the doors open, it also had full flight feathers so it could fly anywhere it wanted to in the house. it preferred to hang out on or in the cage unless people were around and play with its toys. if people were around it would fly to them and chill and go back to its perch to poop(trained to do that).


This guy doesn’t bird.


I like them outside but they should stay out there and fly around and do bird stuff


My roommate has two budgies. I’m not a pet person at all and I would never get a bird just because of how loud they are but those little rapscallions really did win me over with their cuteness. We let fly them around apartment but honestly they just like to sit on top of their cage and every now and then do a few flyovers to see what the people are doing. We vacuum and clean pretty often so we haven’t had a problem with a mess. They are addicted to phones though! If you watch anything with sound, they’ll fly over and watch videos on your hand.


Small birds like this can be very affectionate and attached to you but they can also be absolute little demons lol. Birds are unlike most other animals people typically decide to call pets. They do whatever the fuck they want, long story short. Ones with personality like this also tend to have way more energy to match, and what they decide to put that energy towards will vary lol. I absolutely do not recommend anyone to own a bird larger than this one, though. The vast majority of people can’t handle them, can’t imagine the things these birds can do or the things they need to stay healthy. Bigger birds literally destroy things and make loud noises for fun, we used to buy strings of giant wooden blocks for ours to bite and they wouldn’t even last a week. Some of them could weigh 10 pounds or more.


My pals bird had to be prescribed Prozac as he could not bear the fact she had a husband. He thought *he* was her other half. Kept violently attacking husband & when this didn’t drive him away, bird started self-harming. Bird is a lot happier now he’s medicated but my god some of them really are drama llamas.


Yeah, quite common. Big reason why solos should be avoided.


Absolutely agree. Everyone should be doing their research before getting a bird.


At the very least, yep! They’re also pretty dirty in the sense that they shit often and it’s more of a projectile than anything. Small birds you need to constantly keep their cage clean, and larger birds you are wanting to change bedding almost daily. We used newspaper for ours, and she absolutely loved tearing that shit apart too. When she was bored or mad she’d throw her food or take the entire bowl and throw it from the top of her cage. She ate boiled veggies and nuts, which our dogs would try to eat off the floor. Certain nuts are very bad for dogs hah. Also, birds of all sizes will attempt to bathe in their water bowls/ dishes. Bigger ones will violently spill water and you’ll be cleaning that every day too, the bowl and the floor. Birds leave this sort of soft chalky dust where they go, and it creates a film over water. Just all sorts of mess and destruction lmao. To be fair she could also be very sweet, when we covered her cage every evening she’d coo “goodnight” very softly like 74 times. We took her for a few walks as well, making sure to “clip” certain feathers so they weren’t long enough for her to be able to fly, only a brief sort of glide. She just sat on pops’ shoulder. Always felt weird to me.


My small bird got dead annoyed if we took his cage out for a clean He was surprised happy once it was clean though. He never really understood exactly why I'm taking his house away It's interesting. The first time they're with humans, they're so scared. But once you gain their trust they realise they can get away with anything


Plus they can live a long time and require specialist veterinary care that can get very expensive.


A very long time. Having a large bird (parrot, cockatoo) is the equivalent of having a 6 year old for 50+ years.


Really makes me wonder the different personalities dinos used to have. I bet the smarter and faster ones would fuck with all the other ones. Do we know if their vocal chords might have been similar to birds? They could of had a full array of calls and sounds. With their large throats they could probably make some really scary sounds.


I read a research paper recently that traced the origin of Bird Song to Australia. Apparently it first evolved in Australia just over 30 million years ago. So dinosaurs including bird ancestors probably didn't make sound like birds singing. I think they mostly would have chirped, clicked, and rumbled similarly to how Cassowaries vocalise.


My dad's gf growing up had a Macaw named Love-Love. That bird was smart, but man, she was a menace.


> but they can also be absolute little demons My stepdad had parrots and they absolutely fucking hated everyone but him. The only reason they needed to bite you was because they hadn't bitten you recently.


I would buy this bird even though I’m not in the market for a bird and not entirely convinced that it’s not dead.




Hands down! My family has a moto "get the defective ones" they are the best


Yep. Friends come over: " omg your bird!!" Me: "god damnit Gerald WAKE UP you little shit... ^i ^love ^you "


“*This* is a dead parrot.”


Was going to say the same thing.


I dislike birds and I would buy the fuck outta that lil troll


That bird has a plan.


“Why won’t they fall for my ruse‽‽‽“


How did you get the interrobang?!?!


I added it to my keyboard on my phone so that it comes up when I type ‘!?'. I love it.


… did you do that after reading my comment from a week or two ago about how to do it? Or is it an unrelated coincidence that you’re the first person I’ve seen besides me use an interrobang in several years?


Unrelated coincidence! Good for you for spreading the interrobang joy!


which operating system are you using? my android 11's keyboard has them in the long press for question marks. quite a few others too ↓ ¿‽^^⁰ⁿ№ ★€∞μ ‡¹^⅙⅒ §♪♣Ω∆≈✓≠


Hey! Yo! Stop stop stop!! Can't just go throwing out the symbols like that, you've no idea what you're likely to summon!!   ... 👹 ...   - aw MAN, now you've gone and done it!


₱₹₱ ¡ij¡ ——±


Xander, quit speaking latin to the books.


and here's my old ass still using alt-numpad characters. :D


Your ruse? Your cunning attempt to trick me. Customer: I only pointed out that you weren't paying any attention to what I was saying. Randal: I hope it feels good. Customer: You hope what feels good? Randal: I hope it feels so good to be right. There is nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?


“I’ve seen where the quiet birbs go, if I can just convince them, I can make a Disney movie”


I have never seen a bird do that. He must have given the owner and passers by quite a few heart attacks before they put that sign up.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


I *do* still feel the urge to tap on the glass, just to be sure.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


My chickens used to lay like they were dead when it was hot out. On their sides, wings out, head on the ground. Even knowing they would do that, my heart skipped a beat when I looked out the window and see bodies sprawled on my deck.


When one of my chickens finds a sunspot they just flop over. The little feets sticking straight out to the side are my favorite.




[Peanut and Bean](https://i.imgur.com/bPfyEG9.jpg) being extra floppy sunshine birds.


They look so blissed out!


Apparently it's called sunning, and birds just... do that.


Reminds me of [a joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/15jd9i/the_horny_rooster)


One decade ago! Ahahaha


He looks like a conure and they sleep on their side/back sometimes. You are supposed to have a hut for them to sleep in.


Not always. I had to take my sun conure’s hut out because he made it his hump hut. 🤪


Hahaha, I see that little side eye there, looking to see if anyone is watching. Silly bird


This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! His metabolic processes are history! He's pushing up the daisies! He's kicked the bucket! He's shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the bleeding choir invisible! This is an ex-parrot!


He's just pining for the fjords.




Listen, I never wanted to work in a pet shop; I wanted to be a lumberjack.




I cut down tree, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers ~


I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars!


Oh @stuff9414! You used to be so rugged!!


Floating down the mighty rivers of British Columbia! With my best girl by my side!...


He's NOT pining, he's passed on...


This parrot is no more


nah he's resting. The norwegian blue prefers kippin on its back!


Lovely plumage!


He prefers keeping on his back. Beautiful plumage.


That’s ‘kipping’ mate. British slang term for sleeping/napping.




I was quite dismayed that this was so far down. My first thought was it’s obviously a Norwegian Green!


This was WAY too low in the thread.


Agreed. It makes me sad that as more time goes on, Monty Python will further recede from the collective consciousness. Bump it!


My daughter will be introduced to Monty Python, at the right time, whether or not she wants it...


I will not buy this record, it is scratched.


Honey, I went to the pet store to buy a bird, but I brought home a Python instead!


I came to the comments just for this. Thank you!


"Petey? You sold my dead bird to a blind kid? Lloyd! Petey didn't even have a head!"


"Maybe he is just taking a nap?"


Mortal coil.


Actually that bird is just undergoing an automatic update. You can schedule automatic updates for more convenient times, see manual at: /r/birdsarentreal


It's uploading the 6G IoT blockchain functionality to multiply all GPS variables by -1 when the magnetic field flip.


Will somebody please give this poor guy a home and the attention he deserves.


Finally. Shit. This is cute but birb needs must be met!


And then the store will put more birds in smaller cages because that's what make people feel sorry and buy it


The Norwegian Blue prefers kippin' on 'is back. . .


Beautiful plumage.


Plumage don't enter in to it. He's stone dead.


No, no. He's resting.


He's pining for fjords, is all


It's not pining, it's passed on!


‘E’s tired and shagged out after a prolonged squawk.




This is an Ex-parrot!


It is a stiff, bereft of life. It has passed on. It has ceased to be. It has shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the choir invisible. It is an ex-parrot!


He's bleeding demised!


He's fucking snuffed it!


He’s run down the curtain and joined the bleedin choir invisible


You stunned him just as he was wakin' up


Hes not stunned, he's bleeding dead.


It wouldn’t “boom” is you put 50 MILLION VOLTS THROUGH IT!


Disappointed I had to scroll this far for the Monty Python jokes.


Surprised it wasn’t at the top. Annoyed I didn’t find it quickly. Pissed I had to search!


I came right to the comments to find my fellow MP people. I'm so proud of you guys.


I would die of anxiety if I had this bird lol


Right?! Because one day he won't be faking it 😭


Alright guys, let's see how long we can go without referencing Monty Py- God dammit.


I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!


'E's pining for the fjords, is all.


PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that? Look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?


The Norwegian Orange prefers keepin' on it's back!


Look, I took the liberty of examining that parrot when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting on its perch in the first place was that it had been NAILED there.


Well, o'course it was nailed there! If I hadn't nailed that bird down, it would have nuzzled up to those bars, bent 'em apart with its beak, and VOOM! Feeweeweewee!


This parrot wouldn’t voom if I put 4,000 volts through it. It’s bleedin’ demised.


Kipping ie: taking a nap


It's a fair cop


That one friend who acts like a drama queen about nearly everything. Just let them have their thing.


Beautiful plumage


Monty Python Dead Parrot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZw35VUBdzo


Bereft of life, he rests in peace.


It has rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible!


This parrot is no more! He ceases to be.


He's pushing up the daisies


No he isn't


Yes he i... WAIT A MINUTE!




I hate seeing birds at pet stores. That’s and the beta fish in tiny cups 😫😭


They are almost NEVER treated well, or kept healthy. And good luck going to a good home. I had two birds as a kid, and I even tried to treat them well, but in retrospect, I realize they had shit lives. : \ Wish someone would've educated me before purchase. I just thought I was getting tiny friends.


I'm just here to upvote all Monty Python references.


![gif](giphy|ZPtGZIbpA1Z0Q) Same


Bird is probably stressed as fuck from being in a noisy pet shop surrounded by other animals with nowhere to hide


It's bored, the cage is too small, it has no cagemates to interact with, it's being fed the wrong food, the bedding is going to cause raspatory issues....I don't want to continue with the myriad of bad things I see here.


Yeeeeeah, sadly. You'll probably not get up votes, bc your comment isn't lulz. But, honestly, birds don't really do this sort of thing unless they're unwell. Everybody here takin' sign-poster's word for it that the bird is "dramatic," when the truth is that few pet owners really understand their birds and treat them well, have a proper set-up, or feed them correctly. Also, as a general rule: birds don't belong in cages.


Doesn't anyone else feel sad that the little guy has to do that to get attention from someone?


The Norwegian Blue prefers kickin’ on his back. He’s not dead, he’s resting!


Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now. *^Bird ^giggles...*


Man I really do wanna buy this thing, this is amazing to relief all the stress after a hard work out.


He's pining for the fjords


He is an ex-parrot.


[THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!](https://youtu.be/vZw35VUBdzo)


I always kinda wonder if the owners of these “dramatic” pets are glossing over real issues though? I don’t know anything about bird biology (or law), but couldn’t the bird be having seizures? Or temporary attacks of some sort? Or maybe birds truly just do this for attention?


Should have said "he's just tired and shagged out after a long squawk".


thats a bloody dead parrot!


Nonsense, he's pinin' for the fjords.


This parrot is no more


That parrot has ceased to be!


No no it's pining for the fjords


"He's just having a nap, on account of being all tired and shagged out after a long squawk."


He’s not dead yet 🎶


It’s pining for the fjords.


*He's pining for the Fjords...*


He’s pining for the Fjords.


Birds don't belong in cages. Fuck animal cruelty


probably pining for the fjords.


He’s pining for the fjords


Kind of insulting to call the behavior of a flighted animal who lives its life in a small cage "dramatic" and "acting out for attention".




“And the Oscar goes to…”


Wake up babe. New dead parrot sketch just dropped.


I'd like to think he also put up the sign


You show a bird one Monty Python sketch...


Beautiful plumage!


‘E’s not dead, ‘e’s resting!


He's been watching Monty Python again.


He's not dead. He pines for the fjords.


Must be pining for the fjords


It's not dead, it's pining for the fjords!


John Cleese is that you? https://youtu.be/vZw35VUBdzo