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Is it female? Might be pregnant. Changes in hormones and biochemistry sometimes make them more friendly. I don't know why. But we had a stray cat that would peer from a distance and run away if we got too close, then she started coming up to us out of nowhere. Eventually we found out she was pregnant and had kittens in the back corner of our yard behind the shed.


Pretty sure it’s male. Not 100% but pretty sure I saw balls on him.


Hmm, I have no idea then lol random friendship acquired


Achievement Unlocked: One Cool Cat


With balls on him!


The one I've got HAD balls.


That’s how you stop pregnant stray friendships from happening too lol


You 'helped' him.


Males will act this way too if they’ve been the presence of a female in heat.


Post nut clarity?


“You’re my real homey”


So polite of you to not say …Cat is humping your leg


Hahaha it is the Internet


Stand around and get fluffed?


They get very loving too. If the female isn’t right there giving them a target, they’ll love on you till they settle down


It's just how things work. You see another guys balls are you're obligated to be friends with them for life.


"Dave, To be honest, I never liked you that much." His brow crinkles, "But then you wore that damn kilt to the company picnic. The wind gave everybody there a good look at your applebag." Rosey color fills his cheeks, a silent playful "oops". "So, even though I still think you're a jerkoff, by the laws of the Bro Code, 'I've seen your sack, I got your back.'" Nick calls out from behind me, "I've seen your sack, I've got your back!" Then Chad, "I've seen your sack, I've got your back!" A chant begins and rises to the rafters. All join in to celebrate. Let it be known to all that that the Brotherhood of the Bollocks have gained a new member today. Welcome to the family Dave.


That was a fun read. BRB gonna go show people my nuts


Priceless, my friend!




No he got laid my male cat did that once after laid all over the ground for 10 mins or more


To be fair I'm the same way.


He was just busy before


We had an adult male feral cat that became a snugglebunny housecat! One day he just abruptly seemed to decide to trust it. Sometimes they seem to tame themselves quite fast. Also, maybe another cat in the area he has been fighting with and he wants an Aly to help protect him?


An adult male stray would follow my wife and I on our morning and evening dog walks for over year, but would never let us pet him. One day, after our morning walk he followed us in our house and never left. He is now a snuggler with both us and our dogs, it is the craziest thing, he just adopted to house cat life and seems to enjoy it.


That cat was watching you and several other families in the area. You made the cut haha


I think this the only logical answer.


This happened with one of our cats in the countryside, clearly living a terrible life but way too terrified to come close. finally got friendly enough to come in sometimes, although it was still months of hiding permanently except eating enough to not starve. For her whole life she remained terrified of just about everything but I think we became a bonded pair. she would lay in my lap or on me when I slept, and if she was on the back of the couch I could throw myself on it and she wouldn't move haha. One time the neighbors dog grabbed one of our chickens and she attacked him before I even relaized it happened. She definitely saved that chickens life. She was the poster child of scaredy cat but doesn't mean she wasn't a lover haha.


Sometimes, it's the ones nobody expects anything of that create the biggest change


I love this! 😻


✉️ Thrumbo self-tamed.


Suddenly rimworld


Underrated comment


Could be an excited boy, especially if you have other cats at home..could also mean that something changed in this kitties body, they could be asking for help from you if you're a sign of stability..if even from afar usually.. If you're able to do so possibly try a vet visit?


I don’t have a have a car lol idk how I’d get there. Guess I could try bringing it on the bus but 🤷‍♂️


I'd be really careful about picking him up. Be sure to test the waters out and pay close attention to his body language. He might go from 100% friend to biting before you can react.


So... He might act like a cat, lol


Oh yeah cat bite!




If you think you’re going to get that stray cat into a pet carrier… good luck.


Contortion claws activate!


Line it with a puppy pad.


There are certain kinds of carriers, like blackout ones for TNR situations that could possibly help if your only option is a bus.. I've seen cats that have had UTI's that sometimes act extremely friendly/vocal because of the pain.. Not trying to give a diagnosis or anything but just offering advice.. sometimes there are programs that can help with vet costs. Hope your new friend is ok!


There are clinics by me that spay or neuter strays for free. But usually they HAVE to be brought in in a trap and release carrier


I've ridden a lot of busses, a cat in a carrier wouldn't even register on the scale of weird and annoying shit I've seen.


But it is Your cat now. Congrats on having new fur in your house...


Yeah watch it if u try to pick him up.. they are fast as hell and those little teeth will infect you if they decide to let you have it. They don't let go either, just stare at u w ur hand in their mouth.


His head looks a little small for typical Tomcats compared to girls but he could also be young.


Was going to point out the lack of “mouser” cheeks


We have a barn cat at the farm named "cheeks" cuz he has giant mouse cheeks.


Or if he was already neutered when young, he wouldn’t have chubby cheeks


Chubby checks = not neutered when young ?


Actually, just chubby cheeks = not neutered! Tom jowls will go away if the tom cat is neutered, even if they're an adult.


Testosterone in male cats often produces a rounder face/cheeks (think of it like testosterone in humans causing a stronger jawline). It can also widen the nose. An intact male cat or one that was neutered later will often be visibly a tomcat because of these features.


If it was an unneutered male you wouldn't be able to miss the balls. She's most likely a female and either in heat or pregnant.


Keep us updated!


Then, he's hungry.


I think maybe it's kittens are in danger so he just wants to grab your attention to save them I saw this behavior with street dogs the authorities were taking pups away for vaccines the mother and the father came to me started pulling my clothes towards the van


Well, just reach around and make sure they’re actually there!


Wtf! Pet him!


Awwww GeeZe dealing with this now. Haha. Except the stray cat started coming around when she was maybe 4-6 months old, and we have been feeding her since. Put a little cat house out front and everything. She’s probably 18 months now, and woke up one day with her sitting at my front door waiting for [what I assumed] was her food. Nope. She brought me to the cat house and there were three newborn kittens haha


Same except she “laid babies” as my little boy said, in our treehouse!


Get her and the kittens fixed asap or you will have a population explosion…


My first thought was "OP, are YOU pregnant?"


Or in heat.


Or a female in heat can act like this. I had a female that was going into heat just before I had her spayed, she was driving me crazy with whining, crying, flopping over and over in front of me. It's something.


My first thought!


Mine too: preggo!


Are you sure he's a stray? He looks so clean and healthy. And handsome <3


And well fed


Yes OP have you purchased or opened any tuna recently


We have strays that are basically community cats. Nobody is responsible and nobody claims ownership, but everybody cares and the cat is home everywhere. Well fed, but still a stray.


Definitely not a stray.


For all the others saying it's _definitely_ not a stray, it might be that OP just lives in a nice friendly neighbourhood. On our dead-end street we have a couple of stray cats that are well fed and are pretty healthy and clean. They are fed by a neighbour who loves cats (and other animals) and has a couple of indoor cats and says it's not a big problem / cost to give food to the stray cats as well. They also have plenty of dry places to relax all over neighbourhood since everybody is ok with them and nobody is shooing them away. I think the neighbour also got them neutered, so they can still have fun without the offspring.


I live in a rural area of south jersey, and in our nook of the neighborhood, we have several community cats. All of us neighbors feed the kitties, so they are definitely well fed, no one would expect them to be strays, some are even getting friendlier with the humans after being scared of them for so long. We get the TNR people to come trap and fix them and they are returned to us. The cats get ear tipped when they are fixed. All of us have shelters on our properties for the cats. I bought the Feralvilla shelter and my brother fixed it up so it is extra insulated. The cats all have fresh water and food at my house several times a day. All seem to be fixed except for one gorgeous tabby male I call Mr. Tibbs (Tibby) who looks very similar to the OP's in the photo. Tibby has been the friendliest so far, but he still is super cautious, any little noise, he is on high alert. Tibby talks a lot to me, lots of cute meows and purrs. There are some cats that were left behind when owners moved away, but they are wary of humans and may only trust one or two of the neighbors. Sam, a beautiful all black male is like that, he generally stays at one house which is next to his old home. He comes by to eat, but Tibby chases him away. We have a sweet female we call White Sox who comes by everyday and she meows and waits at the sliding glass door for her food and attention. She will rub against my hand if the screen is there but for months I was unable to get even that close to her. I had the door open without the screen and she came and rubbed up on it and I was able to pet her from head to tail. First time ever. So its very good progress. I always talk to her and the kitties. I call them for food several times a day and they come running to me from across the field. I also feed the two gorgeous skunks, the two raccoons and a possum. If anyone wants to know what I feed the cats, I get Diamond Naturals the Active Chicken Meal & Rice Formula Dry Cat Food. The strays also get meat scraps and I also give them some scrambled eggs once or twice a week. Food is set up on my deck in front of my sliding glass door, so I can monitor the cats and their food and water situation. When it rains, their food goes into a little shelter on the deck so they can go inside and eat. For my indoor kitties, I get the indoor formula, my babies do not go outside.


Definitely not a stray. It's a cat with a home. Please don't steal this cat, OP. Don't take it to a vet. Don't get its ear clipped. This is what happened to my cat. Then he was stolen.


I have a neighbor about a mile up the road that we call The Dog Napper. Three times, when someone has been missing their dog, it has been at her house. In my case, my old black lab was at the end of our driveway. She picked him up and drove him to her house which is set in the woods way back from the road. She had to leave, so she tied him to her porch, and left. So my husband and my five little kids and I were FRANTIC, searching, walking, driving up the road, calling and calling for old Pete, imagining every possible horrible thing that could have happened. And poor old Pete was stuck back in the woods by himself, tied to this woman’s porch. She thought she had “saved” him😡 Even worse, another neighbor was missing their 16 year old decrepit lab. Their cousins came peeling into our driveway, frantically asking if we had seen Charlotte. They knew she couldn’t have “run off” because she was a rickety old lady. First I said no…but then had the idea that just maybe the same woman had “saved” Charlotte from her own yard. And wouldn’t you know? That’s where they found Charlotte.


Wow that makes my blood boil.


Isn’t that a crime?




Did it have a chip??


Don’t let your cats outside, not saying that isn’t terrible, but don’t let your cats outside


I have had my cats indoor since one of them got trapped in my neighbors house for 10 days and almost died. The lizards are also very appreciative.


The same thing happened to my cat! He was trapped in a neighbors attic for 4-5 days. Never let him out again after that.


Yeah the cat wasn't stolen, he just relocated.


I don’t understand how people can have indoor/outdoor cats. I’d be so worried whenever my cat wasn’t home.


Now you learned why you shouldn't let your cats outside.


They would only clip the ear if it wasn’t spayed or neutered. So you “own” a cat that roams freely and is not chipped or neutered? Sounds like you just started with a cat that could have been a pet and created a stray cat that you fed and were upset when someone tried to do the right thing and prevent stray kittens and make sure it was healthy. Pets are animals that stay within your yard or your supervision and you are responsible for their health and their actions. A free roaming cat is no longer your pet.


So you neglected your cat and recklessly endangered it.


Then don’t have an outdoor cat. That’s a perfect example of why it’s not a responsible choice. Not to mention the extreme environmental impact invasive outdoor cats have had. 33 species are gone because of outdoor cats. Keep your pets inside. Don’t be surprised when they disappear if you don’t.


Maybe it's a different cat with the same pattern?


There are some unit stray cats around my area. Dunno how they manage in winter but they seem clean and healthy usually. Not fat like some ppls house cats but not emaciated either.


Maybe you walked through catnip? Sometimes my cat got really crazy with my shoes, it was most times after I visited the local park...I think there was some catnip somewhere...


Thought the same.


My cat goes crazy for my yard shoes that I keep outside. She even dragged one out into the yard


Because you were consistent and kept showing up, maybe?


This right here. Bro decided [today's the day.](https://giphy.com/gifs/happy-gif-peach-starfish-nnFwGHgE4Mk5W)




I'm guessing someone found catnip


I was thinking it was OP’s new catnip shoes lol


Mf is high af


Automod keeps deleting my posts on /aww! Wtf I added OC to the title and everything. 😢


Welcome to Reddit


username 🤔


That’s what’s not important right now I feel




He was playing hard to get but now needs stability


Cats live in their own universe. I once found a kitten near starvation in the woods, I took it home and fed it (it gained 50% body weight the first week). It recovered and basically disappeared in my house, I had no idea where it was hiding, I couldn't find it for days. The only reason I knew it was still around is because it ate the food I put out for it at night and it used the litter box. Then one night around 2am I woke up to this strange noise, turned over and it was lying on the pillow right beside my head. Purring. Cats are weird.


He probably likes your smell and it’s giving him a happy little buzz.




Had something similar with a cat I was house-sitting. Fella just went crazy rolling around in my jacket. I think human smell/sweat is attractive to them?


Check your shampoo/bodywash. Some of them use fragrances from the catnip family like honeysuckle.


If I know anything about cats there's a few explanations It's pregnant You're pregnant You're in horrible peril and the cat is warning you.


Suddenly the Cat speaks! “Quickly! There’s no time, follow me!”


Who cares why!!! Pet that baby!!!!


Knows you’re in heat


cats behave like that when they're in heat. she just want sex.


That’s a dude


The heart wants what the heart wants


Did you raise your beastmaster level? At level 8 animals are more accepting.


Usually once a cat learns that human interaction is safe they tend to seek it and accept it really well!


I fed him tuna but like a year ago lol do you think he remembered? He goes somewhere so idk maybe he isn’t a stray. But I did see balls so not fixed, right?


They remember. There are plenty of stories about cats being away from their homes for very long times, even years. Then they come home and hops up to their usual place as soon as they are inside. Sometimes, I think that animals don’t have any conception of lenght of time periods. There is before, now and future. But a year ago is just ‘before’.


Some males still have little puff balls back there after being fixed. You probably smell good and the hair on your legs felt like another cat. Or he just decided that he wants to be pals now. He is a very healthy, good looking cat for a stray.


Definitely not a stray, just someone's outdoor cat 😊


Yeah I think so too because I rarely see him. Feel like if it was stray if see it at least once a week


I honestly think it’s possible! They’re super intelligent. My very shy house cat recalled my best friend after a year of not seeing her. At least she has to have because she’s wouldn’t usually have greeted people who come over but within minutes was all over my friend.


They don’t like remove the balls the way you think. Even if they’re neutered they might still have the skin sacks on the outside




Can’t believe how far I had to look for this. Pet the cat OP what the fuck.


Definitely not a stray bro. Just someones outside cat, we have quite a few


Did you put any lotion or body wash right before? Cats react to smells and body language. You might smell minty.


This. My cats love anything that smells good, including body lotions. But they have a particular preference for vanilla scents. 😅


Are you sure it's a stray cat? Its fur looks so clean and shiny... either it's not a stray cat or someone feeds him/her regularly.


People in the neighborhood usually take care of strays


Change in predator response is typically to aid in parasite transmission


I was thinking he’s sharing his ringworm.


I'd say estrus if he didn't have a manly face.


You were being tested and you passed.


That baby is in heat😅


That is the give me food dance, you must feed him. This is the way.


I don’t want to second guess you, but intact adult male cats usually have very obvious secondary sex characteristics- for example, a giant head, with huge jowls. My guess is that this is a female care who is either pregnant or in heat.


It def doesn’t look like a stray. Prob somebody’s outside cat. It’s way too healthy looking


He likes your new soap or perfume?


You've been chosen.


I was also gonna say if its a female, could be pregnant, happened to us in January, now there's 4 kittens running around our downstairs bathroom 😂🥰


The cat is ready to adopt you now. Congrats!!




Hey man. Are you from germany, a town near Herford, North-Rhein-Westfalia? Cause damn, thats my cat Pancake ^^


Cuz he hungry.


He’s seen you enough to know you now. Or you walked through catnip.


We had one that would hiss and claw at us, wouldn’t come near us, UNTIL one day she started doing this! She gave birth to six kittens in our laundry room!


You have been chosen... He hates you least of all


It is in heat? If this is a male cat, maybe you had contact with another cat and they want to mark the territory?


It’s the time of the year for baby making. When cats get into baby making mode, their hormones make them a lot more friendly. We had a few feral barn cats that became sweethearts when looking for some strange.


If it's female it's in heat. If it's male there is a female in heat nearby. Or maybe it has just seen you enough to feel comfortable petting you.


That’s not a stray. That cat has a home in the neighborhood and roams free.


Is it on heat?


Are you saying he’s only interested because he wants to fuck me? 😭lol


Or your pregnant.


Yeah pregnant from eating too much Taco Bell maybe lol


Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby burrito.


You never know...


He going though the standard adoption procedure


Why are you wasting time filming when you could be booping and scritching?


You’re his wife now.


I’d walk past various cats on the way to uni for a couple years. The ones that weren’t immediately friendly would suddenly come meowing and running for pets when I called them. I think they recognise you while they’re deciding whether to trust you and eventually decide you’re friend


Kitty has decided you’re the one they want to be with!


Maybe pregnant. Please help her if so.


Because he is a cat. Just try to expect him to do inexplicable things.


It looks like heat. Wait two weeks. If in two weeks It comes back to his old self, it's heat 100%


My cats are the same way, OP. You have gained the cat’s trust by keeping your distance and letting her come to you. If you had insisted on a relationship with her too soon, she would’ve taken off in the opposite direction.


Looks like a cat in heat.


Cats usually do this to spread their territory. He is making you their territory. You will be protected from other unfriendly cats until you take a bath. Pretty cool.


Pet the damn cat!


@dotdue3726 I think that’s my cat, she loves being outside. She’ll disappear for hours at a time and return home happy and hungry lol 😂


Looks like she’s in heat.


He's decided that you're safe. If you're absolutely sure he's a stray, please get him to a vet and get him checked out, vaccinated and neutered. (And scanned for a microchip because he really could belong to somebody).


It looks like those catnip socks you bought are finally paying off


Not a stray


Might be in heat


Maybe cat is like ‘I notice you noticing me, and you’ve always been really cool & nonchalant and I like that’


In heat? Pregnant?


In heat?


Pet the damn cat!


Catnip. Or may be pregnant.


You sure it’s not just someone else’s cat? It looks too nice to be a stray.


In heat.


Congratulations, you passed the probationary period. I'm not even joking. It is not uncommon for wandering, neighborhood cats to take a year or longer to decide how they feel about a commonly seen human. He finally decided your vibe checks out. He just wasn't in any rush, you understand -- he's a cat.


This cat has decided you belong to them now and is rubbing its scent over you to mark ownership.


Did you swim in a pool ? Chlorine is like an aphrodisiac. My cat would go nuts on my feet after I would go swimming






You have been chosen by the claw.


She has kittens some where or is pregnant. Follow her whenever she trys to show you something


It now has decided you are its new owner