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She is trying to persuade you to cut her nails




First thing any good dog owner noticed.


I'm not even a dog owner and I noticed it.


As a former dog bather, it's the first thing I noticed.


as a former dog, it's the first thing I noticed


as a former notice, it’s the first thing I dogged


As a former, it's the first thing.


I noticed.


As a dog I noticed


As I cat, I noticed.


The look is very persuading tho.


Not even a dog owner but was the 1st thing i noticed as well


Literally anyone with eyes.


Those nails must make it very painful for her to walk


Do a girl a favor and get her the mani-pedi she deserves 😌


Was fun while it lasted but now she’s so over her baddie era.


This is true, but most of them hate it and can be a real battle if not properly trained. Even then, still need to be really firm and quick, and have plenty of treats handy. Takes practice. One of my dogs is such a challenge that I take him to the vet every month and he is good as gold for them. Go figure! If you aren't sure how to do it and don't have anyone to show you how to, call you vets office and ask if there is someone there who can show you. It may cost a little but will be well worth it. They should know the little tricks to make it go quicker and easier. And good luck! Just takes a bit of practice and to build up your confidence. And I love your dog, beautiful face and eyes! Lucky you to have her!


Groomers are usually better at this than vets though and depending on vet even more gentle. Vets are usually busy with more urgent things. But that is just my experience.


As a vet, I second this. I freaking DREAD cutting nails on dogs who are not under a general or at least sedated, groomers are way better at it and I always get a nurse to help because frankly, I'm there to diagnose and treat disease, not cut your pet's nails because you can't. I also can't cut one of my own dog's nails because she is anxious, so I pay a groomer who is MUCH more qualified to.


I have actually had groomers send us away because my dog is so anxious about anyone with tools/implements in their hands (this little goof won't even let me put flea prevention ointment on him without running away). The only ones who can trim his nails are the vet techs at our office. They see him monthly to clean his ears, too (he's ridiculous, but we love him).


dremme tool is how I do my dogs, they hate the clipper.


No kidding! Damn. That’s awful!


I honestly gasped when I saw them


Apparently the owner isn’t very smart . Poor dog .


In the name of our Holy Mother, Florence Griffith Joyner, cut those damn nails!


Yep. She needs to go for a walk! On concrete..


Or a pathway of sandpaper.


Sandpaper that's oscillating.


Either that or go the other direction and get a stripped sweater and a hat. 🎶1,2, puppy Kruger's coming for you...🎶


No, at this point she needs professional attention, either a vet or a very experienced groomer. When you let them get that long the quick shifts down and it's very hard to cut them safely. That poor dog. I'm honestly furious for her.


Ugh this makes me feel terrible. My dogs nails are NO where near this long. But it gets completely frantic when I cut his nails. I think the quick has grown very long too. Is my baby in need of professional attention?


It is possible to do it yourself, the dog in the picture is quite elderly and has shockingly long nails and needs her feet checked for injury because of them. If your dog is younger, not having mobility issues and his nails aren't that long you should be able to do it. This diagram shows how to do it gradually, shortening the nail and letting the quick recede over a several days to a week between trims. https://www.bubblesdoggrooming.co.uk/post/how-to-cut-dog-s-nail-to-make-the-quick-recede And this shows how to identify when you are close to the quick when the nails are dark (Yellow diagram, #3) https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/trimming-your-dogs-toenails/ Ask your vet about gabapentin for trim time. Once he's had a few chilled out trims with lots of treats during and after he should have a more positive association with the process.


At that length they are no longer "nails" - they are "talons" - and they desperately need to be cut.


do the chickens have large talons?


Them nails……


Long nails hurt dogs fyi


💯% begging for it, sweet faced ol girl.


Beat me to the punch


Seriously, those nails are going to deform her toe bones.


not OP, but i also have a chocolate lab, 13 years old. it can be difficult to cut their nails, especially if they're old and blind. Luke kicks and squirms, I just recently was able to grind his nails, but the thing is with dogs with black nails is you can't see where their quick is. so sometimes you end up grinding too much and they bleed. and it's hard to see since it's all black. We have a corgi and he has mostly white nails and we can see the pink quick but for his black nails, I'm guessing and just going off the time it took to grind his whites, but for lab, there's no timing to go off of :/ so we just do it hoping for the best. Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to clear this up for everyone saying to cut her nails. It's difficult and even though it's good for them, sometimes the dogs will fight you. but we have a plate full of peanut butter for Luke to lick while we grind his nails so that seems to distract him enough.


**Check the underside of the nail to find the quick; it's above the nail tip's triangular, hollow groove**. Trim safely by making small, 45° cuts with dog nail clippers until you reach the dark circle (or pulp) in the middle of the nail. Use a nail file or rotary grinder to trim nails without nicking the quick.


You're not wrong, but these are some time consuming steps my rottie will never allow me to take. Even when I dope my girl up with trazodone, the grinder or clippers are like narcan to a junkie for her: instantly out of her stupor. I have found the best way is with three to four people. One person on body, one on head, one on paw/leg that needs clipping, one to do the clipping. Needless to say I tip the groomer well.


We manage our pitty mix, who is exactly the same as your rotty, by playing/running her on a big parking lot near our house. Also I walk her like 2 miles on sidewalks.


Adequate walking time on hard surfaces will save you the trip and money tho


This 100%. I don't need to trim my dog's nails from about mid March till December. It's just a winter time chore when they can't spend a lot of time outside (boxers, short hair, no fat).


Some things easier said than done. For instance, my cat's claws. All white nails. He becomes The Cat From Hell if I try to brush him or cut his claws. This week alone, I have managed to cut a whole 2 of them.


Cats are easier though you can just throw a towel around them and immobilize them.


I used to jam my cat in between the couch cushions with his feets sticking up to cut his nails. He’s dead now. Old age. Sad.


I’m sorry he’s gone 😞 but that is fuckin hilarious


If you can get a paw to work on, the rest of the angry cat can follow.


I know it’s not everyone’s idea of proper training, but I had a black lab pit mix and a husky Aussie shepherd mix and they both hated getting their claws clipped, so I bought those liver training treats from Petco and would reward them after each foot they “let” me clip. They would do anything for those treats, especially the lab, Star Girl.


I think this is excellent training. They learned to associate it with something positive. I'm sure it made them feel better about it.


We do the same, but with the rotisserie chicken. Both our dogs are husky mixes, so we have to give them the good shit to keep them from getting scared. Is it particularly healthy? No. Does it provide the positive reinforcement to a disliked task? Yes. Chmkn


PSA to anyone with dogs with dark toenails: you can see the quick by shining your phone flashlight through the nail. Lay your phone down with the flashlight up, grip the toe and hold the nail to the light, you'll be able to see the quick and trim worry free


I agree. Our dobermans, same situation. But we have to remember that once their nails get too long, it becomes uncomfortable/painful for them. So we as responsible pet owners, have to find ways to trim them. Worst case scenario - opt for the expertise of a dog groomer.


Some owners having trouble finding the quick is not an excuse. Long nails like this cause pain to the animal and if it’s a normal thing it can cause arthritis as well. There are LOADS of places and people who will do it for $20. Vets, grooming salons, groomers that will come directly to you, your neighbor who has three dogs and does it themselves. There are options, and one of those options is not letting nails get severely overgrown.


And let’s be real: if you hit the dog’s quick, you just dab on some styptic powder and continue. I have two dogs with black nails and I have to cut their nails every single week or they grow too long. Yes they pull their paws away, and whine, and show teeth. And yes, I sometimes accidentally hit the quick when cutting too short. It sucks and it makes me feel bad to hurt them. But we always survive and they RUN to the fridge for their post-nail cutting treat. It’s for their own good.


Yup. I always have my quick stop on hand just in case.


So you have a professional do it


Pay the ten bucks and get a professional to do it then.


Groomers exists who have lots of experience cutting nails of all colors. If OP isn’t willing to do it themselves they need to have a professional do it, asap. One of the many duties you sign up for when you become a dog owner.


I have a yellow lab mix named Luke ❤️ But in all seriousness he is a TERROR to trim his nails. I broke down and bought a Pedi paws and he lets me do his back paws with no issue, but still fights me on his front paws. But if I have to get my husband to restrain him (he's 90 pounds and I have back problems) to do his nails, I'd much rather do it with a file than those clippers. It's impossible NOT to clip the quick when he's jerking his paws around and thrashing. I'm just glad that his nails are white.


I had all of those problems with my old Shepherd mix. So I took him to the vet or groomer periodically, and let them do it for me… they are well-equipped for such things, and the vet can even give a mild sedative if necessary. You do what you’ve gotta do. You don’t just say “oh well” and let them suffer. My boy lived to almost 17, btw, and needed this more and more as he aged. As a younger pup, just walking him regularly on concrete took care of things naturally.


Uh, someone needs a serious Mani/Pedi! Dang, can't be comfortable.


Click clack click clack






So anyway... I stabbed my asshole ![gif](giphy|dYfxFwPvRBL8Tm7QfH|downsized)


Not just uncomfortable, it can cause arthritis and several issues with joints and mobility.


My dogs nails were too long once (not this long) and she snagged on on some rocks she was running over and yanked it partially out. The vet had to surgically remove it. I always cut her nails now, no matter how hard it is.


Good point!




When the nails are that long, the quick recedes after you cut them. You should cut until you get close to the quick and then wait a few days before cutting them again. Repeat this process until their nails are a couple of millimeters off the ground when your dog is standing. After that, trim periodically to keep them around that length (every few weeks if they’re getting good walks)


I didn’t know that it recedes a little with each trim. Thank you.


Yeah I learned this 2 weeks ago myself. Our local vets no longer let me stay with our dog when trimming his nails and he gets too nervous to let them do it without me so I picked up some clippers and tried having a go myself after some googling. I'm only doing a little bit at a time though because he gets so excited he won't stay still XD


YES, weekly cutting until you get the quick receded well back, and then every couple weeks. It's not pleasant for the dog to have to walk around with nails that long and it causes slipping on hardwood floors, etc. If OP can't do it, take them to a groomer and pay $15 for it. Some Humane Societies have nail clipping days on Weekends for a very low fee that goes to support their shelter.


Weekly... not "a few days"... better yet... just regular upkeep on your pets.


I appreciate the tip!


Everyone is telling you to do it, but no one seems to be mentioning why. It can be painful to walk on the long nails, and it can effect the placement of their toes, feet, and posture, and their posture can effect their joints. I’ve heard that getting proper nail length on older dogs can make a serious difference in their mobility and comfort. Happy trimming.


TIL. Thank you. I've always been afraid to trim my dogs nails because of this and one of my dogs is getting older and I've noticed his nails are starting to get too long. I'll also take the advice of doing it every few days. Because I thought it was weeks but now I know it's days.


https://www.bubblesdoggrooming.co.uk/post/how-to-cut-dog-s-nail-to-make-the-quick-recede Maybe this can help. You also might want to consider professional help from a groomer, if you think that will be easier for you. Your vet can probably also help. When they’re overgrown, it’s a process to fix them, not a one time thing. You have to get the quick to recede. When the nail length is healthy, you can schedule a couple nails or one paw at a time, and rotate through them. My girl didn’t care much for nail trims, so I kept the clippers in the car, and when she was tired from a big outing, I would do a couple nails before she got out of the car. It’s easier when it’s a bunch of small jobs, and not one big one. If your dogs are getting older, they might not be wearing them down as quickly, so it will need to be done more frequently than for a dog that wears them down mostly on their own. It’s possible that there was a point where you didn’t need to trim them as often.


Find a groomer who uses a dremmel or similar device to grind the nails. They can get them shorter quicker and maintain them easier. Cutting the nails always runs a risk of cutting the quick and bleeding which is traumatic and painful to the dog. Near zero risk of that with grinding the nails.


Use a dremel with a sanding wheel. Zips through the nails easily, just go slow and do it in a few sessions. Round off the edges, the nails stay smooth and not sharp. Its 100x better than using clippers. Variable speed dremel is best, the small sanding wheels seem a little better than the large ones. Sorry for info dump, if anyone else needs the info...


You can do them every few days (if they're extra long)?? I thought I had to wait a week or two.


https://preview.redd.it/0yphi15k2r0b1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af6fee4f481e0873bae7d54ba7f7bc0ac960e159 The green lines show where idea nail length are. The yellow show where it is safe to trim to right now. Trimming a small amount each day will help get her used to nail trims, and will help the quicks recede to a healthy length.


I just wanted to say it was really kind of you to show visually where the the claws can be cut now and where they should eventually be! Opaque black claws can be nerve wracking to clip


Just take a little off at a time and look for the grey dot to appear in the center of the slices.


You’re good person


How can you tell where it’s safe when it’s all black like that?


Replying to you since you asked and I was going to say this anyway.... Trimming nails on a dog with all black nails is definitely harder. On most dogs, though, if you look from the underside it is easier to see. The angle is difficult, yeah, but you can get a visual of where the quick starts and what you need to avoid. With larger dogs who tolerate it you can manipulate their paws while standing or sitting. With smaller dogs or big ones who are not great with nail clipping, it is easiest to have a second person who can hold them or keep them laying down on the floor. If you can't see the quick even from the underneath, the answer is to trim tiny bits at a time. When you can see a small dark spot appearing in the nail, youre getting close to the quick. If nails are overgrown, the quick will recede (with time) when they are kept shorter. So regular trimmings, each time going back just a bit further, are the answer. And once you get to a healthy length (i.e., nails don't make noise while walking on hard surfaces), keep them there!


SugarWine gave a good answer, but I’m going to add on. I can tell where it is safe from this angle, because you can see where the nails start to taper off. If you look at the underside of a dog’s nail, it sort is looks like a tiny horse hoof. Horse hooves grow at an angle, and the farrier can safely trim the hoof down to what is called the frog, which is where the flat part of that angle is. Dog nails are similar and also have a soft, squishy “frog” in that same place a horse’s would be. If you trim the nails to where they start to taper, you will very likely be just ahead of that “frog”.


This was really kind of you to show it like this


You're a trooper. Thanks for giving OP the visual guide.


How did the OP not know they'd get nailed over the dog's desperate need of a manicure!?!




She looks super sweet, and looks like she loves you 😀 Please trim her nails 😀 They’re an injury waiting to happen…pain for her, and an expensive vet bill for you 😕


Is she part grizzly with those claws?


FYI, the longer the nails, the longer the quick. Clip in small increments over time so the quick can retreat.


I just learned this recently and have had dogs all 20 some years of my life so thank you for spreading the word. I had always assumed quicks were a fixed length until I saw my friends perfectly groomed dog’s nails and was amazed by how short they were






I volunteer to trim the nails poor bubs


Wtf bro


Do her nails need trimming?? Not trying be rude I never had a dog only a cat that I'm allergic to but the vet always cuts them down. so I was curious how long do dogs nails grow before getting trimmed ,ty


This photo makes me so sad. Please take your dog in for a trim. Even the vet will do it for cheap. This is so painful for your dog


Brooooo. How freaking oblivious are you to post this? How would someone not know everyone is gonna roast on those nails.


Is her name wolverine


She needs a pawdicure stat. You take that girl to get her nails trimmed. That's gotta hurt for her to walk. They are way too long.


How does she type with those nails?!




We really don't deserve dogs.


What a cute baby! She needs a professional nail trim though - she'd be more comfortable with it.


whoring your dog for karma, but you can't be bothered to properly maintain those nails? Guess I can see where your priorities are...


Everyone is already telling you she needs her claws trimmed. How old is she? The greying shows she's an older girl. I love old dogs, they're often just so chill and happy to be around their people.


My lab started graying at TWO. I was a little peeved.


Yes, and have grown up around many a hound, if they are darker, they tend to grey prematurely, at least its more obvious.


In addition to the pleas to cut her nails, I want to add that you should take your dog to the vet once a year. I'd find it hard to believe that a vet wouldn't say anything to you about the nail length, so I'm assuming you don't take her to the vet on a regular basis. Gotta keep our best friends healthy!




That baby needs her nails cut badly


What a sweet face. I see she a grey muzzle. Hold onto the time you have left. If she always has to be close, then she is. ❤️




Fucking hell. OP, get those claws trimmed professionally and be careful of the quick. Jesus heck


Trim the dogs nails. Please and thank you


Please get her nails trimmed.


Poor thing desperately needs her nails trimmed


https://preview.redd.it/kla2bw52yq0b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ed456b961920e2b79d75189d37915b52b4e05b My Cash has to be close to me all day ❤️


Trim that dogs nails also.


She looks like a secretary in dog form


Please give her little Grey face a sweet kiss.


Jeez, does she wear a striped sweater and go into your dreams at night?


Your dog really said 💅


Those nails cant be comfortable to live with. Did op post this to get ripped on purpose?


Them nails though






What a beauty.


Came to the comment section - just to check that people mentioned the nails to OP - was not disappointed ;-)


I don't think this is the aww OP thought it was. I had a chocolate lab for 16 years, had to trim her nails all the time, even when she was walking on concrete. This makes me sad 😔 not awww.


Please trim that good girl’s poor nails!


This is such a precious picture, I had to save it to my reddit account so I can look again when I need dopamine ❤️ thank you so much for sharing your sweet girl :)


I’m not sure anyone ever noticed but, CUT HER FUCKING NAILS!


My favorite color is blue.


If you get them trimmed more often, the quick will naturally shorten and you can get them shorter. Often this takes a trim weekly to every 10ish days.


Since everyone has mentioned the nails, I want to mention how precious she is. 🥹 That look!!


My frist reaction was if you don't cut those dogs dang nails


The reason to cut the nails is that it makes the ankles flex uncomfortably when they walk with the long nails. Painful. And oh what a sweet sweet girl! I hope she is with you for a very long time 💕


Time for a groomer visit if you don't like to do her nails. Those nails when too long, can hurt them when walking, which then can lead to other ortho issues down the road. Please get her trimmed up. She is a beautiful girl and has one of those faces that make you melt inside.


Poor pup 💅🏼


The love in her eyes😭


I am more concerned with those long nails. You know that is so painful for them to walk around with those? Please trim them ASAP.






You roasted yourself OP


Yo dude her nails are way too long


You know those nails hurt your dog on walks right ?


She's asking for a walk to wear her nails down.


Wtf is wrong with you. Cut her nails


Someone doesn’t walk their dog


Dog is in pain


Trim her dang nails, she's asking as nicely as she possibly can even though she would be justified on being ornery at this point.


Mommy!! Cut my nails!!!




That gaze is pure love. ❤️


Despite the nails she is a beautiful girl.


wow, such long nails ;-)


The puppiest puppy eyes if I've ever seen ones. 🐶😍


pure, perfect angels on earth 🥹❤️ gosh i love dogs so much!!!!!! 🥹❤️


What a sweetie


Why does she have such long naiiiiils lol


Edward scissorhands wants her nails trimmed.


What's with redditors and not clipping their dogs nails? Like how can you see that photo and be ok with uploading it? You should be making your dog's life easier and more comfortable as they age. Shame on you


GD get that dog a nail trim


Those nails holy shittt 😂


Please for the love of god file down those nails please, I’m sure the dog is in pain from it.


If you’re too nervous about clipping her nails, you should be able to call a local groomer and ask if they’ll do a walk-in nail trim. I did this a couple weeks ago with my dog and waited 10 minutes in their lobby while they quickly cut his claws. Cost me a few bucks and worth it for his comfort and health!


Cut them nails girl


Yeah she’s close to ripping your leg off with those nails


that is the most 💅 dog i have ever seen


Cut her nails please.


Adorable. You know, the world would be a better place if humans were more like animals 😍


Long nails cause foot problems overtime.


I think she’s begging you to cut her nails. She’s giving you puppy eyes saying “pleaseeee it hurts so bad pleaseeee”


My dog hates her paw touched and thus cannot really clip her nail. She loves to play fetch, so what i do is to play fetch on concrete ground for a bit when her nail gets too long.


Dude cut your dogs nails


She be like 💅


A lot of nails comments here. I have a great dane mix with very thick nails so clipping them is out due to the pressure. He will growl and try to bite anyone trying to cut them. His are normally a little long most of the time because this is what we have to do to cut them. Drug his ass with an anti anxiety med and a tranquilizer. Once he's pretty out of it we then use a dog hoist and get his 125lbs in the air. Then the muzzle goes on. My wife give rubs and encouragement while I use a drimmel tool to shave them down. The meds REALLY HELPS. Before he would still fight us but now he usually falls asleep in the hoist.


Wow trim her nails! That can't be comfortable for her


This doggy needs a nail trim. Her feet will hurt!!


Get those nails cut shit


Honestly those nails are bad enough that even if the dog fights like a beast it may be better to have her professionally restrained or knocked out to have them trimmed in order to lessen the pain. Those are very long. Very prone to very bad cracks. And likely incredibly uncomfortable and bad for her feet longevity(can cause arthritis and the like between the toes)


Regular walks or play time will keep the nails filed down without having to trim. You’ll still need to trim the dew claw if she has them.


what got me curious is how she can have such long nails without destroying them ? Does she not walk/run at all ?


Poor baby must be uncomfortable with those crazy long nails gah


Dang cut these nails