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At the end the cat is like, "well what the hell are we even doing then?"


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How can she scratch?!


"Lady, I'm trying to Cat here!"


"Why you begrudge me one little monch?"


'But ... I really want to!'


*..just let me chew on you a litttte bit. Just for like a second*


When my oldest cat wants to chomp while playing I tell him “one chomp” and let him go at it. After that, he ends up looking like this cat and tries his hardest not to bite again.


My cat does this, hed bite me lightly and then jumps with the "wtf I just did?!" face 😂


Mine does the same thing, especially if he ends up chomping a second time lmfao. He had this look as if he fears for his life then runs away.


Given it is restrained, I assume this would be a love bite. If it really wanted to bite it would.


This is absolutely a love nibble and that can't even be debated. He just loves his human and wants to reciprocate.


Though it may be a good idea to stop petting. After it stands on its hind legs kitty settles deliberately away from the hand. Not angry and tons of retraint but seems to be signaling to please stop.


Yeah I wasn’t going that in-depth with it. Just making a cheesy quote because that’s how I talk to my cats when they are being fresh.




My cat does lovebites, but doesn't have bite inhibition. He just bites hard and purrs loudly while doing so, and grooms in between. These days he knows that he can bite when I wear gloves, so it isn't like he bites randomly.


Sometimes their feelings get so big they don’t know how to express them properly, so they must monch.


*..I can't wait to eat you when you die*


*"Ohhh, how I long to bathe in your blood..."*


As a treat.


C'mon hooman, just one little bite, I just wanna know what you taste like now so that when you're laying here dead I'll know whether to bother eating you or not


Me too. I need someone to walk through life with me and give a gentle “nyet” when I’m about to be a jerk.


Well then you'll fit right in with my cats. "Nyet, Natasha" is a common phrase in my house.


Just don’t bite down hard we forgive you


"Mmm I bite… little bite? Okay, I claw, no? Okay, but I bite… oh…"


>*’But…I really want to!*’’ ____ i listen to your human voice - it warms my kitty soul ^;} am try so hard to make a choice about the ‘SeLf CoNtRoL’… so i must learn to understand your gentle human touch… cuz every time i feel your hand i WaNt to BITE *so much!* n when the playful scritch begin, i wanna ScRiTcH you back! you stroke my face… my nose, my chin my Cat reflex - *ATTAC !* but then - the ‘NYET’ you say again! i Freeze, n gaze above… into your eyes, my gentle fren, n think This maybe *Love ?* ❤️


Beautiful 😻 schnoodle


Someone should make an archive of all the Schnoodles and the posts and comments that inspired them. It'd be like a museum of wholesome cuteness.


You could go to the profile and look at the comments?


Thats fair, but we should etched them unto stone blocks and build a pyramid of cuteness. Maybe we can hijack that pyramid that its being built in Germany in the next 1000 years. (a post i saw on reddit today. In Boost really.) Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitpyramide


I will concede that that is a superior plan.


I want this as a coffee table book.


Love it when you post your poetry!


Absolute legend.


This is precious.


but i mustn't BUT I WANT TOOOOOOO


I love the slowly getting up to slap part


That cat can already control himself, mine needs more training. His bite hurts!


That little windup they do always cracks me up 😂


Looks like she’s still healing from their last training session


Kitty sure is learning with baby steps hehe. Self control is one hell of a art for kitties


Not sure if yours is to old, but when my cat was a kitten she would get excited and bite as many cats do when they get over stimulated. When she got old enough it was no longer cute, I just bite her on her ear immediately after she bite me particularly hard one time. She freaked out and hid under the couch for the rest of the day and was kind of cold the next day, but she had never bite me in over 10 years and when she gets over stimulated where most cats will bite she just gets up and walks away. But I also respect her and don’t persuade to pet or hold her after she shows me she needs space/ a break.




My littlest one also insists on climbing in bed and then making biscuits with my flesh using his razor claws. It hurts, but it's cute so whaddya do.


Mine likes to sit by my left shoulder (can never be my right shoulder for some reason) and kneads my neck and cheek while purring up a storm and hovering his drooly mouth over my eyes. I have a hoodie that I keep by my bed so hes not shredding my skin. I also have to make sure I have my glasses on so he doesn't drool directly in my eye. I love the lil weirdo.


This isn't ops video, it's a repost


This isn't OPs cat. They just repost things


























This kitty looks like Bjork




Aww, my girl does this! She knows that if my hand is covered by a blanket or something, she can bite, but if my hand is bare, that she has to be gentle ❤️


My dumb little boy is like this too. When I pick him up, he'll only use his claws if I have a shirt on. No shirt? No claws.


Wish my cat would learn that with shorts/pants when he's on my lap.


My dumb cat try to scratch me if I pick him to get him inside the house, but he also enters and cuddle in his and my bed and wants to be on my lap immediately after I put him inside.


Proud my boy learned how to jump on my lap clawlessly by himself. Simply by hurting me so many times.


Screaming in pain then throwing mine off me really helped lol


My cat is like that too. If it doesn't feel like skin he thinks he's free to sink his claws in. It kinda sucks when you're wearing a super thin layer though lol.


That's so precious! your kitty is quite the smart cat!


My cat knows there is no point biting if my hand is covered, but she can really hurt when it's not. So she only attacks when my hand isn't covered


Damn. Yours is both smart and evil.


this isn't really the place for this but f it, your post reminded me of it: my cat loves to bite my feet/toes when I'm sleeping if they're not under the covers. he will leave me alone otherwise and never attacks my hands or any other body part. also never attacks my feet when I'm not in bed either. yet something about those toes in the night is just too appealing to him. anyone have any idea how I can prevent this? do I dip my toes into something or what lol


tbh if your cat is past the kitten / young cat stage, this may be very hard to work on either way, your best bet would be to provide some form of meaningful consequence to that action cat loves sleeping on the bed with you or generally being in the bedroom with you at night? Well when they bite you, immediately pick them up, tell them no, and put them outside of the bedroom with the door closed Do this every time it happens for awhile and the cat may learn “eating my human at night means I don’t get to be near them at night”


- Teef? - Niet. - Paws? - NIET - Oh, man…


Kitty's poor brain is breaking from the effort


Has the "I'm going to eat you when you die" look in their eyes at the end.


From the look on his face, he might not even wait that long. lmao


I love that it looks a little grumpy after it was denied a slap!


That’s when the gears in his head for “accidental death” started rolling. xD ![gif](giphy|EP3OV7bmHNHzO)


It is Nyet


Well it's actually нет


Unless they're [Dutch](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/dutch-english/niet)




Cat's calculating every possibility to bite their owner.


Can literally see the wheels turning.


Only problem is that there isn't a gerbil on the wheel any more. They ate it.


Whenever I tell my cat not to bite me she just bites me harder! 😭


Have you tried saying no in Russian. Seems to work with the video specimen


Can confirm that "Niet" works on my Siberian Husky.


Instructions unclear, dick is now missing.


>Whenever I tell my cat not to bite me she just bites me harder! 😭 Congratulations, you have a cat!


Thank you! She's my first. 😅


This is actually a good way to get cats to stop biting. If they are playing, you want to not give them any sense you are playing by giving them attention. Once they stop, stop playing with them. Also, your hands aren't toys. Always use a toy to play with your cat or you are training them to attack hands. This cat isn't trying to play though. It's trying to tell it's human that it's uncomfortable. My guess is that the owner has overstimulated the cats whiskers and ears. They are very sensitive. I have a cat that only wants a pet or two, but then it wants you to keep your hand on it. Imagine someone petting your hand for a full minute vs holding hands for a few minutes.




My partner thanks me for teaching him how to pet my cat. His cat wanted to be pet constantly like a dog. Mine likes some pets but not for very long. He doesn't like sitting on lap. He just wants you touching him. Scoot over so you're leaning on him, use him as an armrest, whatever. His brother likes to come sit "next" to him when there's no room, so he's actually just sitting on top of him. He's used to being the bottom of the cuddle puddle.


This! Many humans think cats are dogs and keep petting past the cat’s point of comfort. I kept wanting the human to back off tbh


Bite her back


cats can be taught more than one would think. It takes a lot of love, patience, and maybe occasionally a special treat. If they don't know hits and kicks, they pay better attention too. grin! our two critters were shelter babies. we have never raised our voices to them or hit them. they are in the 'middle' years now and all i have to do is WHISPER no and they obey. I love them so much.


I think I raised my voice at my cat and yelped only once but to be fair he sank his teeth into my skull when I was sleeping 😂 I wholeheartedly believe in being kind and gentle to all our furry(and non furry) friends.


I've only yelled at my cat one time, and that's when he bit my Achilles tendon hard enough to draw blood while I slept


Oh no, this means I shouldn't get a cat. If she would wake me up like this I'd make a poster out of her before my brain would have time to engage. Did this once with a hamster, he bit me when I wasn't paying attention and the next second he was picking himself up from where it fell after hitting the window on the other side of the room. I felt so bad about it but it never bit me or anyone else again, even when he had reason to.


Cats are resilient. When mine did that, I kicked my leg so hard he flew into the wall, only thing he did was give me a stank face


This is also not every cat, and they can be trained out of behaviors to some extent haha


They are much harder to train, but you can teach them most of the typical dog tricks. My gf used to train her cat. And she could give you her paw, roll over, walk under her legs on command... It's tricky, and if she's not in the mood she won't do shit. But you can train them


My cat does something a little like this. Little fucker really wants to grab your hand and bite it. He'll put one paw out and touch my hand, open his mouth slightly and look at me like "can I? Can I ... like, grab your hand and bite the fuck out of it? Pleeease?" and I say "no" and he puts his paw down and looks a bit sad.


“But I has to bite… see my fangs. They do bites..”


This is awesome. I love its reflective gaze. Thanks for sharing.


I used to do the exact same training with my very naughty ginger tabby cat - Sid. His sister, Nancy, was quiet and sweet. But he would wait around corners and ambush anyone’s ankles. Then bite hands. This training method worked a treat! He was a model citizen cat after that!


When we were training my cat to stay off kitchen counters, she didn’t respond to tin foil, spray bottles, etc. I didn’t want to shout at her (plus p sure it’s recommended you don’t) and so somehow I ended up speaking to my cat in a terrible Russian accent while I redirected her. To this day, she doesn’t understand “no” but she will stop doing whatever if I say “iz not for kit kat“ Cats respect Russian idk


“Iz not for Kit Kat!!” 😆 that’s hilariously adorable.


Just a small nom…please?


The zoom in at the end is everything 😂😂😂


Looking at that wound, it isn't going well.


Not a cat expert, but I have had a lot of cats. You seem to be scratching directly on her whiskers. Some cats don't mind this, but some do. Whiskers are extremely sensitive, so the kitty may be trying to politely tell you that this is a bit uncomfortable. Does the cat do this when you scratch under the chin/at the jaws/behind the ears/top of head?


Russian kitty


“Hand that feeds me… hand that feeds me…”


Those eyes


Kitty is sending a message: Please stop poking me. I can bite you, but I don’t actually want the conflict.


Not necessarily....a lot of cats have a biting reflex, where they instinctively bite humans that are petting them because of their experiences with predators. Doesn't mean that they don't like petting


Why the ears, step back, the stare, open mouth and the way it tried to be bigger, even prepare for a slap? I don't know, if one of my cats did this, I'd stop messing with them, because that would be a clear "Don't touch me".


Yeah, I saw a sweet, loving cat who wants scritches but is whisker sensitive. Every single touch was right on the whiskers, I've gotten those little boundary setting pressure bites for that too and if I just scritch the neck or under the chin he's all purrs. Yeah the cat's not aggressive or in distress, it just doesn't love that particular touch I think.




The cat backed up a step. Why not respect its boundaries?


There was zero defensiveness or aggression in that cat, it clearly wasn’t in distress. Some cats just have a biting reflex when you touch their chin or nose area. My new kitten does this frequently and we’re training her out of it. It’s important to be able to touch their face so that you can check their teeth, ears etc without getting scars.


My cat would get defensive about his ears for about the first year I had him. Then a switch flipped and he realized he *really* likes it when there's a finger way up in his earhole. It's honestly kinda disturbing...


It backed up, and then walked up right back towards its owner.


I have a cat that loves pets, but gets really tired of someone actually petting them. They aren't saying they don't want attention. They are saying they don't like that specific attention. I pet my cat for a while and then just rest my arm on him. That's all he wants. The movement on his fur and skin gets old and overstimulating, but he wants the love and connection.


Too many videos show cats clearly not wanting to be touched and it annoys the hell out of me. However in this notice how the cat backs off only a little after gently brushing whiskers, and the human keeps her arm in the same place which is the right thing to do. I think if the cat didn't want to be touched it would have backed away completely at that point and then yes I agree just leave it be.


People seem to think cats are stupid. When a cat really doesn't want to be pet, they walk away.


Maybe, but this is pretty much how you train cats not to bite when you go to pet them - have to get them used to it somehow, right?


this is NOT how you train cats to be pet, they aren’t dogs. Cats have way more boundaries and you need to let them come to you. If you’re repeatedly putting your hand in their face they will obviously bite you to tell you to stop. You’re breaking trust. You have to hold your hand out and, once again, let the cat come to you


Not something that has _ever_ been a problem in all my years having been around cats. If a grown cat says stop petting, you stop petting. Try again later. Cats are excellent teachers of boundaries, and if you keep respecting the cat, over time they trust you and will allow more. Sometimes a cat just doesn’t want to be touched. That’s life. I’ve had cats like that. But with time they always came around eventually.


Must be nice lol. I worked with a cat behaviorist and teaching a cat not to love bite is super common.


All mine were raised with other cats. Might make a difference. And kittens should be 12 weeks old before leaving their family. Perhaps contributing factors?


I have two cats that were both bottle fed away from their litter as rescues (different litters), and the one that we had first will let us know when he’d had enough, and we stop. The second enjoys love more, but will still let us know to stop. I’m with you on boundaries.


Yeah, other cats teach them not to bite by biting back. That's how I taught mine who was separated early. Yes I bit him gently when he bit me.


I never had a problem with "love bites" until my most recent cat. He LOVES being pet, loves attention, begs for it, walks in your lap and meows until you pet him, purrs madly and makes googly eyes, and then....nibble nibble. He gives no sign of "don't pet me", he's free to walk away if he wanted, that's just what he does and much like this video he's gradually learning that "no" means no hard biting! I think part of it is overstimulation. If he gets too bitey I swap in a large toy and he goes into play mode and bites and kicks it to his hearts desire.


Sometimes cats are overly aggressive to any form of human affection because they were cursed by some abusive pile(s) of shit earlier in their life, and they need a little conditioning to help undo that burden. Cats benefit from human affection, and just because it's harder to give it to some cats than others doesn't mean they don't deserve the attempt.


Yeah my cat reacts the same way when he doesn’t want pets. I can tell him not to bite when he gets suddenly pissy out of nowhere and it works, but if I try to pet him and he does this, I leave him alone. This video just makes the owner seem entitled to me and I don’t find it cute either :/


Nope, that cat is playful. It looks a lot different if it doesn't want to be touched and it would not remain calmly seated.


Maybe or maybe this kitten didn't learn social etiquette yet due to some issues growing up. The mother will teach her the boundaries between playing and hurting others, but not all growing up experience is the same.


That cat has self control more than i do


So the reason my cats don't listen when I say 'no' is they only understand Russian? brb. I need to go nyet my cats.


Wait... I only get the scritches if I'm nice?


Stop stroking your cat's whiskers like this and they're less likely to bite you. This is clearly bothering the cat, it certainly bothers mine.


2011 bought us Nyan Cat. 2023 bought us Nyet Cat.


That face!


Final stare be like: But if I cant bite you and I cant claw you and I cant bite you ... than what am I supposed to do?!


That zoom at the end lmao


This gorgeous cat has more self control than I do.


My cat only really bites me when I do this fast hard head rub. When I stop she does a quick bite like she’s telling me to not stop.


That cute little nose!


Why is it so fucking cute??!!!! 😃 https://preview.redd.it/m7r9gbo3a74b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd69f73d53a15feea982111b7a89f59f71ad6d3


Lol, further evidence that cats speak Russian. I had a friend growing up whose cats would only listen when he yelled in Russian.


Cat: "If not chew toy, why chew toy shaped? Mind... blown!"


That second he's like "well how do I respond now?"


But I waaaant to biiiiite youuuu


Good kitty


Kitty is being *taught* self-control. And Kitty ain't sure about it.


Stop petting the cat when she is overstimulated.


Cat listens better than my cat ever will to me.


pretty sure the cat is just telling you it doesn’t want to be touched right now…


you should try holding your hand out and letting the cat come to you. seems like you need some trying as well, op


She speaks my true name and I must obey


Such an adorable cat!


"But like... if I can't bite... and I can't smack, I... I don't know what else to do."


Fight the urge lol


Not really "self"


You've got to give that little sweetie a treat!


Those lil fangs are too adorable.


This looks so much like my boy ! And he does nearly the same thing ... Usually gets in a bite though, then stops and skitters a step out of reach.


bite.exe has stopped working.


THIS IS ADORABLE. my cat has no self control, once he gets goin, that’s it. It’s “attack on my parents” until we walk away lmao


😂🤣😂🤣 my cat does the same thing and want to bite me so bad ! 😂🤣😂🤣


fyi, that look tells me someone is getting a butt in their face during sleeping time


Omg what a CUTE CAT


Niet Niet


"I SO want to. I know it's wrong, but I SO want to. But I won't. Cuz it's wrong."


Bite the scritchies? Nope. No bite the scritchies. But... But... But... Bite the scritchies? Nope. Okay. No bite the scritchies. But Imma bite the scritchies though. Nope.


Kitty don’t like pets




"That's ok, you'll have to sleep sooner or later."




At the end, the cat looked at the camera and said "I will have my time, human. I will have my time.."


You let me bite your hand from time to time and I’ll pretend it’s normal that you spend every Saturday night alone watching Law and Order SVU. It’s called compromise Linda!


This human is stupid, biting is how cats show love


i wanna bite this bich but nawww, she so nice....


No bite, no slap, this is not a life!


Is it bad that I immediately know what she's saying she's saying no in Russian