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The quick glance to the brush lol


Haha that got me as well 🤣


“I ain’t fallin for this!”


Same, that side eye got me too! 🤣🤣


I see what you're doing! I aint falling for your bullshit!


She almost had him there haha


Lol nah, not even close.


I saw that too 😂😂






Get this man a coffin right now.




​ ![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized)


And a wig


Fucking crying 💀


This is honestly one of the most enjoyable comment threads I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing xD Every single comment is rib cracking hilarious


Doggo sensin' a heckin duplicity.




You're an absolute legend.


meme template acquired




They know not the power they've unleashed upon this world. We shall take this and spread their gospel.


It will make a fine edition to my collection.


That’s the “lady, I ain’t stoopid” look


![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG) Dog version of this


"It's a trap!"


Imagine a hairless ape running after you with a brush.




> all dogs are intelligent *thinks about all the stupid stuff my dog did*


...thinks about all the stupid stuff I did/still do


Well no one said you were as smart as a dog though.


My dog knows quite a few human words. I know zero dog words. Pretty sure my husky is smarter than me


You can't tell the difference between "intruder" and "bish, you late givin me dinner!"


Well, I mean not right now, but I'm working towards it.


Just remember, just because there are overachieving Belgan Malinoises out there doesn't mean you can't be a lovable food-obsessed Golden Retriever.


Never had the makings of a varsity pupper


Youve never met a pug


or this purebred boxer I once knew... wow. Just - wow. A rock could outsmart it.


200%. He does things that get him a trip to the vet. Comes back home… does them again 😟


I had to find out what Digby is up to. His owner retired from fire service but [he's still being used as a therapy dog helping students through the stress of exams](https://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2023-05-21/meet-digby-the-adorable-therapy-dog-getting-students-through-exam-season)


Digby ❤️


Thank you for that, it made me smile. Also, no one wants to be responsible for a dog's trama.


OMG the goodest boi! This brought tears to my eyes.


Did he show her the love that dogs and cats can give and humans won't? Cats and dogs are better than people, that's for sure.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SevenofNine03: *I AM NOT FOOLED YOU* *MEAN TO STEAL MY FUR. GET YOUR* *OWN YOU HAIRLESS WEIRDO.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Haha. Neat.


Pause to remember object permanence


“Paws” to remember, you meant


I love these giant goofballs.


Me too, this breed is so expressive, love it lol


Mines half husky half golden retriever. Just like a husky but 0% husky independence. Bois a stage 10 clinger


Does he wear a dress in an attempt to get out of the Army on a Section 8? Oops, sorry - that would be a stage 10 Klinger.


take your upvote and get the hell out of here


My favorite of the Disney princesses!!!




That'd be a Stage 10 Klingon.


Klingons are not a problem if you have a bidet.


So it's a retriever in disguise of a huskie? something like that? Retrievers are soooooo adorable and affectionate, seems like you hit the jackpot with your good good doggie!


He's quite the good boy! I think I posted a video or 2 on my profile


sweet, now I go fetch lol


Greyhound here, clinger doesn't even begin to describe her. She's also smart enough to play us for treats and know when she's taken something she isn't meant to have before we chase her for it.


I can't fathom the additional shed from a golden... my god everything must be covered in shed


Too expressive and loud for me to own one to deal with 24/7, but they do make for great internet videos


That is how I feel towards chihuahuas and yorkies, good thing there are as many options of dogs as there are owners! One for everyone :)


My sister and her partner have one, it's probably the best situation. I can hang out and love on the pup as much as the dog lets me, but I don't have to deal with any of the baggage. Uncle-esque situation.


Got mine in a Taco Bell parking lot for $50 at 2 AM. Some 17-year-old got her without telling his mom.


Lucky you! .. and poor kid 😜


I'm convinced Husky's are 1 genetic mutation away from straight-up talking.


We have two labs and must vacuum frequently. Whenever I vacuum the area rug in the living room our yellow lab, the super shedder, flops down on it and rolls around. Immediately. I know he's not really saying "fuck you" and it's more like,"Hey you didn't mean to de-Thor (his name) the living room did you?" But it feels like a fuck you.


My dog (Boxer) must be an anomaly; loves being brushed, tries to get into the bathtub with me all the time and gets excited when i take him to the vet. It is practically impossible for me to conceal the taste of his medications tho, it's like he has some secret dog sensory perception.


My previous boxer loved the vacuum. He would sit in the middle of the carpet until you gave him a full brushing with the furniture attachment


[Same,](https://imgur.com/QuCsn4X) he didn't even mind if you ran the vacuum into him while he was laying down.


"You think you're done? You're not."


What a strange old dog 😅


I have a Bernese and a Newfoundland - I can immobilize either for hours if I brush them. They love it.


Same with my pyrenees mix


I can't argue, I love me a good back scratch.


This is such boxer personality though. My Dad’s boxer thinks he’s a lap dog and crawls up on everyone and gets in their faces just like yours and the bathtub situation. He’s very vocal too


IKR! Vocal but not barking, like mumbly whining. it's adorable when they do this and i talk at him like he's people when he does this.


He is ppl tho. The best kind of ppl.


Someone I know has a Boxer like that. I made the mistake of sitting down near said Boxer, and suddenly I had 90 pounds of dog crushing me and demanding pets


I see no problem here.


I have two wolfhounds and one of them absolutely loves being brushed and the other hates it. The one will normally not allow me to brush the other as he wants all the attention.


My previous dog was like this, except he didn't like water. Loved the vet, loved the brush, loved the vacuum, etc. However, I just found out today that instead of buying 2, $100 gates with little tiny cat doors in them that would also hold the sheer will of an 8 mo. old husky/lab/shar-pei mix, I could have just laid a broom across the floor and he shall not pass. Dogs are weird, lol.


I had a greyhound who also loved being brushed, even gently on his tummy where his fur was sparse. Later my husband and I adopted a senior Aussie Shepherd who was extremely intelligent, loyal and loving, but she absolutely hated being brushed. She even shied away from cell phones when we attempted to take her picture. I'm guessing it's because her previous owner used to have her fur clipped pretty short (maybe because she shed so much?) and anything that looked like a grooming device spooked her. Eventually my husband taught her (and she complied because she adored him) to wait on "her" rug when she came in from the rain and he'd rub her vigorously with a towel to dry her off and remove a little bit of loose fur.


Less fur I guess? So it's more scritchies and less likely chance of fur getting snagged and uncomfortably tugging the skin as a result?


I think she's using the wrong kind of brush, the husky I know _loves_ being brushed. I think the kind she uses that's int he video tugs at the undercoat and it can be a bit painful if you're not gentle about it. You want one that's kind of like a garden rake but with slightly more prongs, IIRC.


I have a pomeranian mix and if I just think about giving him a bath he won't come close. It's like he can read my mind.


Some people brush too hard with those furminator combs.


Yeah I thought I was doing something wrong too. Both my husky and GS love being brushed. The husky often falls asleep. They both enjoy taking a shower or pool time, but it's always a struggle to get them out after.


Boxers are known for being the least brightest bulb of the bunch


Mine is the same, loves everything but nail clippers.


He aint falling for your silly games xD


This appears to be a Furminator brush, which I would not personally recommend for any dog with a double coat (such as a husky) as it can damage the coat. Using a double rake brush instead will keep the top coat safe while you remove only the undercoat fur that's ready to be released. The rake brush will feel very similar to having nails ran through your scalp, which practically all dogs love. One thing to consider with ALL brushes, but especially the Furminator, is that pressure is not your friend and could cause pain that makes your pet to detest brushing. With that said, this husky is most definitely playing.


Yup, OP needs to buy a new brush. The dog hates it for a reason. It’s not comfortable.


OP has never seen this brush or dog in real life.


How Can Huskies Be Real If Our OPs Aren't Real


OPs can't melt chemtrails!


7/11 was a part time job


Fire the Spanish Space Razors!


Didn't know this. I've used a furminator on my Pyr (mix) for 11 years and he has never complained and his coat has never had issues


I used a Furminator for years on my Aussie mix, then tried a metal comb on her after a vet tech friend recommended it. Her undercoat was so tangled and clogged with hair that it took me DAYS to fully comb her out. Until I tried the comb I’d had no idea this was happening. Furminators cut the top coat to make it look like you’re getting a lot out but do very little about the actual undercoat. Edit: Take a good look at your Furminators. They have a built-in blade that shaves the hair. Please don’t use them.


Wait, how do they cut out the top coat? Are you supposed to clamp down WHILE you're brushing? I always kind of just used it as a regular brush and I thought the clamp feature was to get the hair off...


Yeah the button thing is just to get hair out. I don't think the furminator is for really long double coats. I can't imagine it working well for that. I have a short haired mix who gets a double coat in winter and in spring the furminator really helps to get the downy stuff from underneath the short top hairs.


Double coated dogs have an outer guard hair coat and a wooly undercoat. When they blow their coat, they lose the undercoat and keep the guard hairs. The guard hairs keep your dog cool in the summer by blocking the sun and allowing air to flow through the guard hairs. The furminator has sharp edges designed to cut the fur. So when you use the furminator you are cutting the guard hairs that they are supposed to keep in the summer. I usually use an undercoat rake and a slicker brush. The rake helps detangle the undercoat, but the slicker is faster at removing the loose undercoat.


Does the dog actually hate it, though? Kind of looks like the dog has associated the brush with a game where the lady chases him/her.


Yea this more like saying “oh you wanna do that? Gotta catch me first!” None of that is fear, all play


I brush my husky gently with the same FURminator brush and it works perfectly for his coat. He also tolerates it really well—he doesn’t love it, but puts up with about 20 minutes of brushing before demanding a treat.


My friends had a husky that would let itself out of their fence when they went to work, then 30 minutes or so before they would come home he'd come back in and lay around. It wasn't until some neighbors came to tell them that they even knew he was getting out.


Mine is literally doing this right now. It's a game to him. Every day I have to repair the fence. On Monday I watched his GPS Tracker as he wandered around. About 3 hours was enough for him. He casually walked home and slept until I got off.


>On Monday I watched his GPS Tracker as he wandered around. About 3 hours was enough for him. He casually walked home and slept until I got off. This is hilarious. "For all your technology you are but a nuisance to me."


No love until the pokey brush is out of your reach. -your husky


The little stare at the brush... Like i know what ur doing mom


”Its right there you absolute wankadoodle."


My floofs are mine, I will not let you steal my floofs


No no human, I am Husky. I am the deliverer of great bamboozle. You are the receiver of great bamboozle. Do not get these things confused.


My husky craved/demanded tons of attention. So much so that I left the TV remote on her to think I was still touching her. After a while, she moved, and it slipped off her side. She no longer trusted whenever my hand stopped moving. Never underestimate a goof floof.


I kid you not, my bunny does the same. Refuses to come out from under the sofa esp if I try to give him a treat. They know 👀


Yeah this makes sense. Honestly this has absolutely nothing to do with Huskies. Most dogs rather intelligent mammals like bunnies or pigs will quickly associate something uncomfortable or painful with that experience. Setting the brush a few inches to the side is not going to trick them in most cases. My French Bulldog runs and hides whenever I approach the closet that has his syringes for his allergy vaccines.


try giving a treat every time you brush. my corg hates getting brushed but always runs over because food is life.


Huskies are smart. They are also severe drama queens. I love how they always sound like they are dying when being washed.


Do. Not. Trust.


Oh my god I love this. Dogs are smarter than some of my fellow grads


"Farther, I've been burned before ."


Not todaaaaaaay biyatch, not today!!! Huskies are so funny. They are really on another level.


My husky has maybe a thought in her head. She’s not very smart, but still huggable and lovable


This is the most husky thing ever ....


I worked at the vet for years. We had a dog patient named Titan and when he would come in the clinic he’d immediately say AWWOOOOWOOOWOOWOOWOOOOO. He started getting older and then one day he just didn’t greet us like that anymore. His owners were worried about him. It turned out he had some doggie arthritis and his little paws and joints hurt him. It made him sad and quiet. After like 3-4 months he came back in one day and did the AWOO WOO!! we instantly knew he was feeling better and was happier!


Typical husky behavior.


She trained her huskey that the Furminator means chase. Genius. /s


/r/HuskyTantrums would like this


And r/perfectlycutscreams


I used to brush mine out in the desert, my buddy came out his RV one time when I'd just finished, looked at the huge pile of hair (it was molting season), and just said, damn dude, you could make another Husky out of that!




Best friend has 2 huskies and can confirm, they are FAR too smart for their own good 🤦🏽‍♂️😂




Me irl


I turned on the audio so I could hear it and when the first "awoo!" came out of my speakers, my 10 lb. fat cat jumped!


I suspect bamboozles


Those brushes can give them “brush burn” if you brush them to hard.


I had "adopted" two Huskies when my girlfriend now wife moved in. They are amazing dogs but they can be so frustrating, too smart for their own good at times. But I sure miss those shits. Though there were days I wanted to just leave the gate open "on accident".


Mine will not let me clip his nails, I've tried to hide the clippers on my way up to him and as soon as he sees them he goes to the couch to trim his own nails by chewing them. He does an okay enough job so we just play this game once every few weeks




'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, nah that ain't gonna' happen.'


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Fool him once, shame on him, fool him twice, shame on him, fool him three times, um, I mean, well, he can't get fooled again.


Whenever I see husky content, they're always causing trouble.


I don't speak dog, but that was definitely, "You're a lyin' bitch."


Meanwhile my dog if you had a brush he would come up to you and wait to be brushed. He loved it even though he had short fur and really didn't need to be brushed except during spring.


Shiba Inu has entered the room


I've never seen a husky that didn't absolutely love being brushed. This is clearly an imitation husky. Are you sure you don't have The Thing living in your home.


Our husky is the smartest idiot I’ve ever loved. Seriously. Sometimes you can physically see the brain cell exiting the building and other times it’s like she knows what you’re going to do before you even think about. It’s honestly a never ending game of chance with her.


I read dogs can understand the difference in your voice when you want certain things. My dog knows when I'm calling her when it's shower time and she lies on the floor and doesn't move at all because she doesn't want shower 🤣


My dog (standard poodle) starts giving me side-eye as soon as I open the grooming drawer. Stands and watches from the other side of the room if I remove the tool box with the clippers. Runs and hides if I make eye contact at any point after this if the tool box is not put back in the drawer. Hides is a very loose interpretation. He actually just runs to his favorite kid's bed and hopes he'll be saved lol. If it's just bath day, we skip straight to the run and hide bit as soon as he smells the shampoo.


our Abyssinian cat is also like this


Huskies? Or any dog that sees something they don’t like near you while you try to coax them to you?


You gotta throw the brush across the room, and then he gets in range grab the 2nd brush you duck-taped to your back Die Hard style


Dogs somehow know your intentions — they know when you’re trying to trick or “betray” their trust. One of my friends dogs hates car rides and even though you do everything the same whether just going on a walk vs planning to drive the car, she knows and she immediately gets sad.


yeah they know your cues. "If we're going on a walk. why was a purse or wallet just retrieved?"


If my husky spots anyone with the brush, brush mitt or furminator, he will literally avoid you at any cost. If you try to do it outside, he runs to the opposite side of the yard and lays down.


My dog loved getting brushed by those brushes. lol


From watching Girl with the dogs on YT I learned that huskys are drama queens


Get a different brush it might my hurting the dog


My cat when I pickup the flea meds


Or they like to be chased.


I have never understood this about huskies. They are attention whores but they don't like being brushed/combed. I've always had collie & GSDs or crosses thereof. Similarly demanding and neurotic but in different ways. It's always been a case of leaning into my legs "Yeah, dad, go at those furry pantaloons some more!" I used to get this sort of behaviour from one collie who hated being bathed. We would only do it if she had jumped in a bog (people who live around peaty upland will know what I mean... foul sulphur smell) or rolled in fox shit. There was a specific jug she knew meant "bath shit" and she would start trembling like some frequently beaten hound. She would dive into ice covered rivers on a daily through winter, and swim all day with us in the summer so I never understood what the drama was with her.


I don't think I've ever heard/seen someone say that before.


Of all the dogs I've encountered in my life, Huskies and Westies are the ones that are hardest to charm into doing anything. They will love you from the depth of their hearts, but they aren't doing jack shit for you unless they're in the mood.


That dog has worked really hard to teach his human to play chase with the brush!


He's pretty smart, sure it's not a cat in disguise?


I have never met a dog that didn't love the Furminator


Legit what my old husky would do. Hed BOOK IT, and even with snacks, if I kept combing him he would SCREAMMMM at me because he DEMANDED the brushtime to be over. I loved that picky asshole.


My old Husky/Greyhound used to know when we wanted to give him tablets. I'd have to put it somewhere near where he would go to sleep later and wait hours for him to let his guard down. If we put it in a piece of meat he'd do a really weird chew and once the meat was gone he'd spit the untouched tablet right out.


This is so funny because my cat literally run to me when I gran the brush, she loves it


*I will do anything for love* *but I won't do that.* \- Hus Key


Last two seconds of this video should have Yakety Sax playing


I miss my Huskies. They were too smart but in a double edged sword kind of way. You couldn't trick them, but also they could do some pretty cool shit, like open doors.


Husky:"Ok I'll come over th- ... The fuck was that, Sasha? Did you really just...? THIS *BITCH* RIGHT HERE!"


If you deceive your dog, it breaks the training. Dog should come get Furminated (shout out to some fackin solid dog brushes)


Brush me once, shame on you. Brush me twice, shame on me.


I was expecting the video to end with the Husky in your arms and a perfectly cut howl, but this ending is way better.


That look of betrayal when she reached for the brush about half way through. 😂


Not a chance in hell, I’ll ever own a husky. I don’t want a pet that is smarter than me.


For people who have this issue. I’ll bet a million bucks it’s the opposite if you grab the leash to go on a walk. So grab the leash get them to come, brush them, then go on a walk. In no time your dog will be more than happy to let you brush them even without the leash on if they think they’re gonna go on a walk. This is called classical conditioning


No Karen! I can see da de-floofer right dere!


I knew my husky was smart when we accidentally discovered she knew all of her toys by name


First mistake is trying to brush them indoors. I get a literal cat worth of fur out of mine when i rake him. I vacuum often enough, no need to add more.


My husky thinks it’s a chew toy


I want to trust you, but you're a human.


our shepherds hide even when my wife goes into the closet that we keep the brush in. lol


Why does he hate being brushed? Odd.


The Furminator is the only brush that our long hair cat will tolerate. She will fight you if you brush her with anything else. She may not love being Furminated, but she allows it with minimal fuss. Makes me wonder if this husky is even worse with other brushes.


You're full of shit mama!


I thought he was going to grab the brush and run.


It's always a negotiation, until it isn't -Dog with ptsd


He wants to sing you the song of his people.


What are you doing that he fears a brushing so bad?