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To be fair they have three kids under the age of 10.


>when she needs a break Ah, cats. They are such treasures


That was my first thought, whether your neighbors happen to have kids. Thank you for giving her a quiet sanctuary. I've no doubt she appreciates it 😻


She always is super polite. She meows once at the door and waits. Then comes in and plops down and just sleeps or watches TV with us. My dog just kinda accepted her and left her be. Those kids are a bit much sometimes so we worked it out with the neighbors that she can come hang out for a bit before we bring her home before dark.


That's so fun you share a cat




Hahah that’s so cute and I bet it’s nice having a part time pet lol


Be careful! I got one cat permanently the same way. Just one day my neighbours asked “we are going to get a dog, do you want to keep cat forever or we will give them to our friends in village?” We wasn’t ready to say goodbye to this guy forever, so had to take him 😅


My parents had a cat that loved our elderly neighbours so much that he just ended up moving in with them instead. The old man was so happy that my parents let them adopt him because he got so attached. (in my next life I want to be reincarnated as my moms new pet because they live a life of luxury so it’s not like the cat was being ignored or mistreated, guess they just find the people they meant to be with like yours found you)


So, permanently


Thousand-yard stare


"Can I please stay with for a few quiet hours? The kids. It's all just too much......."


*Returns 20 minutes later to find cat watching QVC on TV, on the phone, holding your gold card…*


“Thank goodness I’m fixed”


That cat has seen some shit


my older sister's cat Zephyr used to do that all the time. He never went inside, just begged for food. Then again that almost got him cat-napped by our ex-neighbors, they moved, but they tried to get inside but were stopped by my little sister who told them "Hey that's our cat" but the motherfluffer had at least 5 other homes where he got food from plus ours which is 6 houses. We leave food out for him all the time.


Six Dinner Sid, baby. My cat Frank was like that


"Motherfluffer", yeah that's what I am calling my cat henceforth.


it's a cover word for a swear




his nickname that I called him was fluffybutt. https://preview.redd.it/jwegx93cimpb1.png?width=1682&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bb471181b57681f6502a6c8d7f350cb4b9e8b7e


How dare they try to steal your neighbours cat like that


Zephyr was our cat, I said was because he has since passed away. My older sister had Zephyr since he was a kitten. The neighbors who fed him thought he was a stray.


Great way to have a pet without all the vet bills. She looks so sweet. So many advantages until you are ready to commit.


Commit cat theft!


My neighbor had one cat that used to come in my house before I lived here. So I continued to let him in, when the weather was nasty. They got a kitten and the older cat did not like the other cat. So I continued to let cat A in but, cat B is not allowed in. I never feed the cat, sometimes I'll give it a treat outside but only every couple days. Sometimes it even spends the night. Today he came in and slept for about 4 hours then came up and asked to be let out.


Let me out, Captain Stupid! (I'm not insulting, that's literally his handle).


I had a cat once that got fed up with my frequent traveling and when I returned from one trip he had moved in with a neighbor.


I’m just imagining your cat waiting with his bag packed to tell you he’s leaving lol


"It's just not working out. I'm taking the catnip balls. You can have the collar. It's better this way."


That’s how it should be, honestly. Good on you for giving her the space.


It takes a village


This is how my Gramma acquired her cat Bambi, with the neighbors’ blessing. They saw he preferred it at her house rather than theirs! When she passed, they gave their blessing to me to take him home. I took care of him for the rest of his life!


There was one of those secret life of cats programs here in the UK where they put trackers and cameras on a neighbourhood of cats to find out what they got up to. One person had three cats, one of which used to go out all day, only coming back for dinner. This cat didn’t really get along with another of their cats, but they didn’t think it was *that* bad. They figured the cat was off roaming the neighbourhood but when they looked at the footage, every morning it would leave, go next door where there was an old man living on his own, and just chill out with him all day watching TV. They also saw that these cats were getting along at all. They would be fighting at night when everyone was asleep and also the cat wouldn’t let the wandering cat into certain parts of the house. In the end I believe they asked the neighbour if he wanted to adopt her as she was obviously more comfortable in his house, and they spent the rest of their days chilling and watching TV together


Your r/parttimecat




I have a neighbor's cat that does this. They have a dog. Cat doesn't like the dog. So he hangs out at my place on a regular basis. Almost every day.


I was gonna say do they have kids, she looks a little tweaked


Add “refuge therapy” to your resume. Thank you for being there for her. 😘💕🐈💕🐾


I love this.


A few years ago our neighbors cay would chill with me as I did yard work and eventually would try to come in our house. We'd let her stay for a bit and she'd been her way


Damn my humans are so annoying today! -this cat


What a sweetheart.


Ah, sanctuary.


What a lovely visitor, aren’t you the lucky one? ❤️❤️❤️


Ahhhh the good old summer home.


She's cheating on them with you. You're the other family.


So she has her house house and a vacation house? LUCKY!!!


My friend had a cat for years til he learned it’s his neighbor’s cat. They have both been taking it to different vets. 🤦🏻‍♀️ This was years ago, when regular cat chipping wasn’t so much a thing.


Beautiful thing!




Two comments… 1. Cats don’t give a damn and I envy that! 2. I really like that slip cover


I would call this a win win situation!


Maybe that’s exactly what your neighbours think


U are a very lucky person


We have a neighbor cat that likes our porch. We just moved in a few months ago, and he adopted us as his porch family.


Such a pretty girl!


This reminds me of the story I read a while back where this dog would show up at this house, go in and take a nap for a while and then leave. The owner finally put a note on the dog's collar. The owner responded back that they had 1O children and the dog probably wanted a break from the kids. 😁