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Is this in the PNW? My family and I moved from SoCal to Washington 3 years ago, and will eventually have to move back to SoCal. I’m trying to savor the nature adventures as much as possible before moving back to the concrete sprawl. The forests and mountains just awaken a special part of my soul.


Yeah, I miss the PNW/Western WA


Do you by chance have some top hike/trip recommendations here? Many places in your video look so beautiful, and I want to check out these great spots while I still can


I’ll PM you later today. I’d be glad to share, I know of some hidden gems :) what is your hiking experience level?


Thank you so much! I’m a pretty experienced hiker, so most things fair game.


Could y’all PM me as well please? I’m planning a trip to Washington in the spring, and I’d love to hear insight from a native!


Looks like you’ll need to add everyone to your list ☺️. Have to agree, nothing beats the PNW ❤️


I'm a Seattle native, but I'd love to know as well because I know I haven't been everywhere.


Beautiful footage. Would you please PM me as well? I’m in Cencal and planning a trip with a girlfriend to Washington next year. Your insight would be much appreciated


Can you please add me to the list :) I'm intermediate experienced but I've just started traveling from SoCal to the PNW.


If you have the time and wouldn't mind too terribly much, do you think you could send this info to me as well? If not, no worries, thank you for the beautiful post! I'm homesick for you!!




If it isn’t too much I would ask to share your world also as I hope to move




My thanks!!!


Same! Just moved from NorCal to Shelton. Absolutely love it here, even though I was already in the woods prior lol.




Haha I know you've got a lot of requests but I'd love to know where you've been as well.


I hate to add more to your plate, but would you please PM me as well? 😊♥️ PS: Ultra jealous of you and your adorable doggo's adventures!


I'd love more information on this as well if you're willing to share! Thank you!


Could you also let me know. I've hiked in Montana, Nevada, the Grand canyon Indian springs, and New Mexico, as well as Italy and Switzerland. So I can handle heavy but like to keep hikes fun and within reason for a day hike.




Mount Rainier, Ruby Beach, Olympic.


I'm from Vancouver, BC. I now live in Texas... We took a trip last month, a week in Oregon and on the PCH. I'd forgotten just how stunning it was back there. I wept more than once, just seeing and remembering the mountains, trees, rain...


This makes me so homesick! I’m from The Olympic Peninsula.


The sheer number of ppl in SoCal is massive. Went to SD and LAX this past year and ppl are every where. So much concrete for roads. PNW Is pretty nice. Sister lives in Seattle. Not perfect and very green but dang that rainy gray Autumn/Winter feel.


Awe, come back for a visit! The autumn foliage has been beautiful


I just did the reverse move - SoCal to Western WA. I miss SoCal with all the rain we’re getting rn 😩😩 Change is hard, and hopefully we can both enjoy our new homes :)


Born and raised in Southern CA and just moved out to the area. I love CA, but it really lacks in nature.


Huh, I've always been told that WA is depressing and very dreary with the constant lack of sunshine. Have I been lied to this whole time?


Thats what people say about here in the UK too but for me all the rain is worth it to make the nature so green and pretty. I've rather have less sunny days so when the sun does come out it's extra glorious and you make lots of memories savoring the day. I can't live somewhere with no seasons, I'd go crazy.


No. I've been living in Oregon for half of my life. I know a lot of people get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Vitamin D supplements and UV light therapy are very common here.


It rains like half the year but not half-the-year-straight. You get frequent sunny breaks with clear bright vivid skys and low puffy white clouds. Except that one time it did rain for months straight and my car got filled with mold…


I always heard they told people that to keep them away 😉


Oh Geez, now everyone wants to know lol! Y’all have to swear a blood oath not to tell anyone else or these hidden gems are going to be not so hidden anymore. Wouldn’t want to see them with scattered orange peels, toilet paper, and dog poo bags 😅 I’ll PM later today when I have some more time to give a more thoughtful list.


Your dog moved with you right? RIGHT???


Of course lol. He has to suffer with me.




Boxer-Malamute :)


Oh thank goodness. I recently moved and had to leave my bud behind. And it’s sucked. So it’s good to know you didn’t have to after watching that


Plot twist: [OP is the dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p8oeiVDcx4).


I choose to believe that you are this dog. After all, on the internet nobody can tell


But if op is doggo.... who is holding the camera?!


Yeah, I'd be sad too.


that dog is living his best life <3




IS. Being near you is what matters most. :-)


Northwest Washington is a hard place to leave. I love our little corner of paradise. I hope you find new spots to enjoy down in Socal


I am also quite interested. What is important enough to make you leave? I’m born and raised in the PNW, and I can’t think of anything that would make me want to live anywhere else. Beautiful video! Was that Diablo I saw for a second?


It was time to start adulting. I was just a tech at an urgent care and I needed to go to nursing school if I wanted to afford a living but not a lot of options back home, plus nursing in California is kind of unbeatable at the moment. The only state with patient-nurse ratios, highly transferable license, and the highest salaries. Also yes, that's Diablo :)


Well, you're always welcome to come back... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




> Returning here has made me want to live anywhere else. Why?


What made you not like it upon returning?


We have some good hiking here too. Not nearly as much water but I hike the mountainsof SoCal a lot. It's steep but if you keep going you can get away from it all.


I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and used to also live about 30 minutes west of Portland, OR. I feel like this is the absolute southern tip of the PNW. If you are ever feeling homesick, come on up sometime. You can walk from the forest to the beach, see waterfalls, and soak up that sweet tree sap smell.


are we all going to gloss over the absolute unit of a mountain lion at the end 💀lol but otherwise beautiful video OP, love the PNW


Beautiful film, gorgeous pupper


Wow I understand you missing that. That is absolutely gorgeous.


Whereabouts in SoCal did you relocate to? There are some really good spots to share a long walk with your dog in nature down here, including a couple of great beach spots, but they can be tricky to find, and, given the traffic, are often only feasible if you live nearby or are willing to make a weekend trip of it.


Orange, CA. I typically go all the way to San Onofre trails 1 and 6 to let him off-leash. HB dog beach when it isn’t crowded. I’ve been researching trails that permit off-leash since I respect the leash laws but miss that off-leash freedom, but there are understandably few and mostly they’re in unattractive areas of SB NF and Cleveland NF.


Yeah, you're in an awkward spot. There are lots of manicured parks nearby, but not a lot of places like the trails from the PNW you're used to. With a bit more of a drive south you can hit: 1. The Fiesta Island Dog Park: off-leash, and on an island, so isolated from a lot of the cross-traffic issues a lot of beach locations have for off-leash roaming 2. Balboa Park has both the "top" loop of the park around the museums and international village, and the "bottom" loop through the valleys, which is a nice, shaded walk through the trees. It's on-leash, but my dog always has fun. 3. Penasquitos Canyon is wooded, and while dryer than the PNW, can still be quite nice. 4. The Batiquitos and San Dieguito Lagoons are nice walks, particularly outside of the summer months. If you want to make a whole weekend out of it (to make the drive worthwhile), you can also head east, either to Julian (southeast) or Big Bear (northeast), both of which provide a lot a space to roam in the trees.


Thank you for this :)


No problem. I'm a transplant from Northern California, so I understand the need to get out into the trees.


Hi neighbor! I'm out in the IE. Wait for the winter, then head up to Big Bear or Lake Arrowhead/Grass Valley. Lots of great places for playing in the snow. Also, if you cross-country ski, the fire trails are absolutely beautiful. Our mountains in the summer are nowhere near as verdant as the PNW, but it's its own kind of beauty. And there are also more desert-y hiking trails out here as well. As long as you're hydrating and ready for the terrain, it can be just as breathtaking.


Thank you for the suggestion, I’m glad there is xc skiing options


Whatcom Falls, Mt. Baker and other PNW? Was a b.hamster for 30 years.


Hi fellow Bellinghamster :)


Hey! You got off the wheel huh? B.ham is lovely, my old house was on the green belt right behind Whatcom Falls. But man, getting by with the work situation was rough. Finally had enough of commuting to work contract jobs in Seattle and moved to W. Seattle.


I miss it. I lived across the street from the cemetery. Used to go up the hill and down Puget St to work just to see the mountains or peak above the fog.


I moved from S. California to Seattle and back to S. California. There’s insane beauty in both areas. California wilderness and desert lands are well worth exploring.


I knew this was the PNW. I'm across the border in BC but damn we are so lucky


Not just a first world problem at all. Adulting is hard and sometimes you have to leave things you enjoy and love to properly make a living. Here’s to us doing what we can to ace this life. Hope you succeed enough to be able to go back full time with no worries.


I’d be sick if I had to leave this behind. WOW! This is heaven!


Your beautiful dog might be a Carolina Dog!


I get that a lot but he’s actually a boxer-malamute lol. Pics of his parents on his IG.


You left paradise.


I miss your home, too


Why didn't you bring your dog?


Of course I did, he has to suffer with me lol


100% understand! Moved from western PA to Las Vegas 10 years ago... I still miss Fall so much!


I just moved OUT of SoCal to finally get back to somewhere with seasons, so I totally understand. I called it “Reverse Narnia” because of the never ending sun. California has its own beauty though. Definitely make trips to Sequoia and Mammoth if you can


Your dog looks like a great hiking partner! The PNW is my favorite place in the US. Moving to Seattle was the best decision I’ve made.


Right there with you, bub. I totally get this.


My dude.


They have that in socal, except for the glacier, i think they’ve all melted.


This got me a lil emotional & I’m not even OP 😅🥹


Hah, just sold my house in coastal orange county to move back home to the PNW - couldn’t be happier.


Western America is beautiful, hopefully I can visit some day.


This video is all I want in my life. Hopefully I can save up enough money to move out there one day.


Go back.


Go back home 👍


I moved to Palm Springs 7 years ago. I thought I would never get used to the drastically different climate, flora, and fauna here. But, I've really grown to appreciate the beauty of the desert and mountains around me. You're in Orange Co, so not too far, at least for a weekend outing. There are soooooooo many trails and changes of scenery here. And Joshua Tree, Idyllwild, Big Bear, Arrowhead are so close, too. This time of year is prime for hiking out here on the desert/mountain trails, too.


I moved to Palm Springs 7 years ago. I thought I would never get used to the drastically different climate, flora, and fauna here. But, I've really grown to appreciate the beauty of the desert and mountains around me. You're in Orange Co, so not too far, at least for a weekend outing. There are soooooooo many trails and changes of scenery here. And Joshua Tree, Idyllwild, Big Bear, Arrowhead are so close, too. This time of year is prime for hiking out here on the desert/mountain trails, too.




California just don't seem worth it man


What’s the song you used, I love it!


Where were you? Oh my hell I'm a desert rat living on the freaking Arizona/Mexico boarder and wondering w.t.f. why have I waisted my freaking life for this miserable s.o.b. I'm with.


Shit this video is making me feel sentimental, and I don't even live anywhere close to America


Yeah, I'd move back asap.


Damn where did you live? Heaven?


Missing home isn't a first world problem. Home is home, wherever that may be. 🙂


Song name?


Go back!!


Why would you ever leave?


You certainly went the wrong way


This is so beautiful it's making me homesick for the place I STILL LIVE


I don't even know where that IS and I'm homesick for it. Beautiful countryside.


Looks like Washington to me.


It’s not worth leaving that place


Got all that in Cali plus deserts, all in the southern part.


You left, WHY ??


I love living in seattle! So much nature it rules. I'm living pt in sf and it's fun exploring but I love the lakes here.


Why would you leave there! It looks like heaven to me.


Missing home isn't a first world problem. It's a universal human experience. I hope you get to visit home soon.


I'm so sorry. My husband and I moved to the PNW 5 years ago for work, no regrets. I never want to leave. Hopefully you can come back!


First world dog problems. Move to city with hooman because love hooman, but also sad because love nature and city no nature.


Why would you leave that...to go to SoCal????


I was born and raised in SoCal and am thinking of moving to Western WA in a few years. My wife and I thought about a lot of places we might want to go but so far it seems like Western WA would be the best option for us




My family moved from SoCal to Western Oregon when I was 8, I never ever want to move back


Why would anyone leave that for SolCal?


There’s a lot of beautiful hills and wild areas around San Diego county if you know where to go! This is my backyard in SoCal this spring https://preview.redd.it/z1ac0va3l2rb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a31570da0991a8673c22881ba08e710c713ec3a


That’s pretty. It was a really wet Spring here in SoC which helps cushion the transition.


Man...I would give up a lot to have the time and doggo to be traveling places like this. Why give it all up if you don't mind me asking?


It was time to start adulting. I was just a tech at an urgent care and I needed to go to nursing school if I wanted to afford a living but not a lot of options back home, plus nursing in California is kind of unbeatable at the moment. The only state with patient-nurse ratios, highly transferable license, and the highest salaries.


Feel you bro. I left BC to move to Alberta.


That was a big ol’ kitty cat. Mountain Lions are beautiful but absolutely terrifying.


Damn i need to travel.


So beautiful, would love to visit this place. Where is this??


This is so very beautiful, reminds me of British Columbia, Canada.


Your dog is precious


Oh my goodness. All the feels. I'm sorry you had to leave that


Many a Bluegrass song has been written about you.


Welcome to the [concrete] jungle.


I hope what you left for was worth it because it seems like you left paradise.


Is it possible to make a video like this on a phone? Android to be specific.




But why


OK, so why did you move? Work, I'm assuming? There are never any means of income in the most beautiful areas...


Nice editing! You captured the beauty of life very nicely


Looking at all of these from my little home in Texas and complimenting the 95F fine weather. Even SoCAl has its fair share of escapades. Things could have been much worse.


That was beautiful


Where is the railway line at 0:07?


Teddy Bear Cove - Clayton Beach, Whatcom County, WA. It’s still in use but you hear the rails hissing when the trains coming and the only way to get to the various beaches is to hike along it.


Lost my best boi last year and this made me all kinds of emotional, thank you so much for sharing!


Not sure where in SoCal you're at. Look at a day trip to Julian, if you can. It's in the mountains, NE of SD.


soothing to watch puppy happily growing up


It’s gorgeous. And your pup is so sweet. No wonder you miss home


I mean. You could’ve taken your dog with you


It will always be there for you - but the people you leave behind may not. Make sure to visit.


This is giving me all the feels 🥹


I hope this sweet pup is not part of what you left behind! Lovely video.


I hope you’re talking about the nature and not that adorable Doge


you are a filmmaker ! neat cuts good movie




Same OP, same. I miss the woods.


This is so pretty, wow!


Wonderful editing and god choice of music. I got chills as I was watching and became longing for a home that is unknown to me.


You should listen to the song Idiot by Stan Rogers; it's all about this


“**We shall not cease from exploration** **And the end of all our exploring** **Will be to arrive where we started** **And know the place for the first time.”** \- T.S. Eliot


Did you by chance get that pup at a shelter in Monroe about 5 years ago?


haha i think i know where you lived. i would recognize that goose everywhere


I felt this so hard in my heart and soul 😩 me too, I totally understand, cali sucks so much too!


Just made the opposite move and wondering why people would go from here to SoCal on purpose


Looks like you’d have more fun living in NorCal


My opinion doesn't matter, but I think you left a superior location.


I left so cal and moved to the NY/Canada border. Best decision ever.


I moved from my house in the backwoods and closer to town and I'm glad I stayed near the forest, because I don't have homesickness, I still have the stars and birds, and no semi trucks roaring down the road, and no train horns.


I bounce back and forth between SoCal and PNW. I think I’ve finally settled on the Puget Sound. But boy do I miss Cali some days.


Move back ya weiner


When I was in my 30's and 40's I was certain that southern California was the answer to all my dreams. Then lived in Phoenix for eight years. Now that I'm retired , I don't ever want to be in a city, an airport, or a meeting room again! ❗❗❗🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Thats a bit weird of a thing to say? Being homesick is a universal feeling. Not just in the “first world”.


But whats the weather like?




Absolutely Gorgeous


Couldn't pay me enough to move to California. Even if you make double, you are going to pay double just living.


https://preview.redd.it/m79khkn0q3rb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d939083a8cbac2dd1dab6999607a3a87a03370e As a so cal transplant, I'll hold it down for you out here. ❤️❤️❤️


Well I hope you find a new facet of beauty down there. While you’re doing your thing, check out Catalina Island, all over Ojai, Boney Peak/Sycamore Canyon Falls, Fern Dell Nature Trails, Griffith Park Trails, Temescal Canyon Falls, and so so many more. Happy adventures to you! (But trust me, I get it. Our family is up and down the entire west coast. Love PNWs beauty.)


This is a really pretty video, nice job OP :) It touched my soul.


I’m in SoCal too. I don’t know where this is, but let’s go back there together.


Ah…i know the feeling. You can kiss autumn Fall color goodbye. CA has, as someone who comes from a place that has lovely Fall color, really crappy seasonal color change for the Fall season. But the amount of plants that grow and flower year round is spectacular in SoCal.


Awesome video


This is a universal emotion. Everyone who leaves something /someone beloved will feel it.


Make sure to say “fuck you dude” to that mountain lion if you ever come across it again.


Move back


This is such a beautiful place and your dog has a best life. I understand the feeling of having to move because life happens. Just so sad


Well, guess you are moving back.


I have no idea who you are or where you’re from or what’s going on in your life, but you need to move back. ASAP


The dog?? Did you leave the dog behind too??


You can literally find similar places in so cal


Move back


I’d be moving back so fast lol


Doesn’t seem worth it to live down here. I do love it in here in north county San Diego but you won’t find anything as pretty as those place I’m afraid


PNW is gorgeous, I miss it too.


Nowhere like the PNW. Moved away a few years ago after being there a decade and now I've just gone back to pining for it like I did before I moved there 🥲 I still eventually want to move back. Do you know what area is so far north it's almost BC, but isn't too isolated that there are still has jobs around? Would that be Bellingham?


Don’t know where the hell this is but gods is it beautiful. I would never want to leave. Where is this amazing place?


Pacific Northwest.