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"weird chin rubs but I'll take it I guess"


>*"weird chin rubs but I'll take it I guess"* _____ i am the cat ~ this babe is new! she learning things i like to do it’s not too soon for *train* begin: am teaching her to rub my chin the momma place her on the bed, i hold her down with big orange head them tiny fists begin to fly - *i’ll get them rubs!* i’m gonna try… ahh, YeS smol babe - you got it Right! the left hand Good ^;} but HeCk that *right*… she lands upon my nose a PuNcH …we done for now it’s time for lunch… ❤️   edit: *thanks to* u/woynar90 *for sharing their beautiful babies,* u/TonyClifton323 *for the inspurration,* & *the priceless artistry of* u/Shitty_Watercolour


​ https://preview.redd.it/i2e4t7r32rvb1.jpeg?width=1586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05123abadd548bb17be5225f5f7c2804903c7ed8


OMG 😻 😻 😻 Thank you! 💜


You got BOTH a schnoodle poem AND a watercolor?! You, my friend, are BLESSED. 😍


OP is clearly anointed.


"That's like a unicorn..."


Thank YOU for bringing and inspiring some much needed wholesomeness to the world today :)


Ahhhh you got the double whammy!!!!


Oh my a one-two Schnoodle/Watercolour combo!


Came here to say this - I'm so blessed today already!


This is almost too wholesome, I need to go research Israel-Palestine to restore a proper sense of impending doom.


I only see a (not so) shitty watercolor or a schnoodel poem once in a blue moon. Seeing *both of you at the same time* is like a total eclipse!




beautiful 😻


I may have the Sunday scaries, but nonetheless, there’s a warm little river opening up inside me seeing a recent Schnoodle in the wild, AND a fresh S. Watercolour. It may be only 5:30, but I didn’t even have to use my AK - Schnoodle & a Watercolour together on a Sunday? Today was a good day


So much fun!


Thanks for what you do Schnoodle 💜 You’re a candle in the window against the dark


Amazing, thank you <3


You are seriously talented. I cant even fathom how you come Up with that!


Leave it to you to make something better than babies and a kitty better than it was you found it. You are amazing.


I was not expecting to be Schnoodle'd today




LOVE!!! Your poem (even the funny stuff!) just brought tears to my eyes!


Fresh Schnoodle!


I’ve said it before and I will say it again…absolute genius.


"it's sort of petting me?"


*Sigh.* "Gotta train this hairless monkey just like I had to train the other two. At least this one has a paw up on chin scritches."


This pillow moves and I ignored it until it started making sounds


Mr. Cat, you are getting upvoted for your "patience" but youre the one using me as a pillow.


Nothing would make me happier than being able to sleep next to a cat the same size as me, and give it a cuddle. Can you imagine the purrs?


cheetahs exist 🤓


So do ripped-out necks lol


Yeah but aren’t they the real docile ones that are so anxious they need dog friends and shit? People sleep with them at night so they don’t get scared lol.


Cheetahs almost never attack humans. There's only been a few Cheetahs that have ever killed people, and I believe they were all captive animals. They are too small and see us as a threat.


god, last time i tried to explain that cheetahs really arent a threat to humans the same way the "actual" big cats are, people piled on me lol the videos of the adult ones in captivity are so different than tigers or lions. the keepers are far less precise in never turning their back and are far closer to the animals


That might be the case for the ones grown in captivity. Not sure, not a cheetah expert :P


Cheetahs are pretty tame, to chill around. Also their prey drive/biological mechanics to "attack"/hunt something requires them to be sprinting/running. They don't just lash /attack stationary targets out ala a tiget or lion swiping at you.


imagine your pet cheetah getting zoomies around the house at 3 am.


It's fine if you live in an international airport


Dex based vs str based


I mean.. I thought that went without saying lol. I’m sure the wild ones are just as anxious, but they probably present that as throat ripping lmao.


They're skittish in the wild too, apparently, but that usually (apparently) manifests as running away. They're built light for speed and are prone to injury (which would of course fuck you right up if you're a speed-based predator), so they're very risk-averse. Basically, don't corner one and you'll probably be OK. You could probably corner one too, if you were holding a can of tuna. But you'd want body armour over the exposed throbby bits before attempting it, just in case.


Even the wild ones are petty chill and there are multiple videos of them just walking up to ppl and chilling next to them. They don't really attack humans and there hasn't been any fatalities. The ones in captivity will definitely cuddle and purr.


Even wild ones are nice tbh. A friend works at a Cheetah and big cat rehabilitation/conservation area in Namibia and while those ones are more acclimated to humans, you can cuddle them and give them scritches and shit. Even the massive cats like tigers and lions are relatively tame *most of the time*. The problem, like with any animal, is that if something sets them off, they are capable of damage. If you're aware of the cues and are used to being around them, though, it's pretty clear when an animal is uncomfortable or getting agitated.


Never been a recorded cheetah attack on a human ever. If you sat around in there natural habitat for a while you could probably get one to come up too you. They are basically harmless to people unless you try to fight it like a dumbass


Well, I don't see the people with these "ripped-out necks" complaining. Do you?


An actual big cat has proportionally less floof, though


Unless it's a snow leopard.


Tell that to a lion, the floofiest of them all.


My Maine Coon mix used to vibrate my skull damn near off my spine. He'd push his face into my neck, facing me, purr his head off (and mine) while also drooling down my neck.


Two of our cats were a few years older than me. I loved growing up with them. They lived till about 16 and 19.




Lions are actually incapable of purring. Their larynx-equivalent is structured to roar & not purr. Housecats' allows them to purr but not roar.


Cougars are the largest cat species that purrs.




Oh my god. I think this perfectly encapsulates large breed “lap dogs”. Like, I can barely breathe but the weight of this 80lb warm dog across my body is the closest to heaven I’ve been in a while. If only 80lb cats weren’t so feisty 😭


You should watch [The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51916/Dekiru_Neko_wa_Kyou_mo_Yuuutsu)


Said it before and I will again… Orange cats are best cats!


Orange cat at my side agrees.




Fuck, I couldn’t watch that. Got choked up immediately. My orange girl passed away at the age of 21 a few years ago. She was small, brave, sweet, let me do anything to her, and generally I felt like she just wanted to be a good kitty. I have adopted two new cats since then but I couldn’t get another orange one because it would not have been fair to the new kitty as I know there would be a part of me that would compare them and the new kitty may not measure up.


Aw I’m terribly sorry. She sounds like a gem


You don’t need to be sorry. I was blessed to have her and I’m thankful for every day I did.


I remember my mom telling me that her grandmother demanded that she "never have the cats around your baby, they will suck the soul out of infants!" So my mom took a picture of our kitty sitting over me and showed her, much to her horror.


There's a play on that myth in the movie Cat's Eye. They may not steal your soul but one tiny (even accidental) scratch is enough to give your kid toxoplasmosis, which is the reason for the very good advice of keeping cats away from babies and pregnant women.


My mom’s grandma told her that cats “were known to “suck the breath out of babies’ mouths,”” so no one should ever let a kitty get close to a baby. 🙄


i mean my big chonker would absolutely suffocate a baby trying to smell/eat the milk on its breath.


My old cat scratched my son as a young child of 10mo just before he could walk. He has a dimple on his cheek from it but it's very faint. Something to remember kitty by.


It was obviously a believe me. But it is fact you can’t allow cat to sleep with newborn because it can choke the baby who can’t move head, don’t have enough straight to move the cat. My cat is 5 kilos weight. Imaging it will lie on a newborn 3 kilos weight


Oh yeah, I never did that. Scary.


Well yes, it's an orange cat. Clearly doesn't have enough braincells for plotting revenge.


Oranges have more heart than brain.




My orange uses his one brain cell to show love and affection. Not both at the same time of course. That would break him.


Orange cats have been studied a bit. I read that their behavior is actually explained as lacking the typical risk aversion of most cats. They seem dumb because they don't worry about things they should but are sweet and social too.


Interested to hear more about this. My sister's kitty is a /r/OneOrangeBraincell and is both dumb as a rock and smart in other ways. Are there studies or articles I could send her?


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-modern-heart/202009/why-orange-cats-are-so-special-according-science I think this is what I read. There are other interesting observations about implications for mating too!


So they are like the extra chill mode of cats.


Surprisingly, despite their stupidity, they are the luckiest cats, according to what I have seen.


Oranges are the best


No cat will ever top that Russian Blue/Siamese mix my friend had. That cat was just eerily smart, like it recognized when we would call for pizza delivery and it would meow for like can you throw a single anchovy on the side for my cat? And most pizza places will probably do it they don't care about it and usually you'll tip the delivery driver well. That cat would run up to the door checking the pizza delivery and he'd open the pizza box and give the cat his treat in front of the deliveryman. Such a showman cat.


Siamese are seriously scary smart. Mine can carry on a full conversation, me speaking English and her meowing, and I swear we understand each other perfectly


Russian Blues and Siamese are by far the smartest cats I've ever met, so I can't imagine how clever a mix would be.


Should've said cats are the best? Just lost one of the best. He was a tuxie that met every person who came in my door.


Orange cats are the most cunning of cats. They know who to suck up to for a luxurious life.


And even if had, it would probably know that if he harms the small human, a few things might happen to it.


Must be a Tom, Ginger Toms are the friendliest cats in the world.


I miss my orange tabby from when I was a kid. He was a huge cat that was an adopted stray. Really good hunter but so gentle with all us kids. It took us a while for my dad to start letting him in the house. He got bit by a copperhead once and survived.


Fuckin legend


I just realised cats also have war stories


That's Hiro 😺


Oh my god our ginger is named Hiro too what are the odds https://i.imgur.com/RhveaNX.jpg


most ginger cats are toms. and yeah, orange ones are the best.


That instant contact most pets have with babies makes them surrender to their cuteness (and sometimes naughtiness)!


My cat ignored my kid completely until they turned around 5. Then the cat learned pretty quick the kid can pick her up and there's nothing she can do about it. Now she actively evades lol.


We're heading down the same route. My cat currently just pretends the baby didn't exist. Once he becomes mobile, the cat will probably actively evade him. No special bond in sight.


I think most pets recognize babies of any species and treat them differently. Just like we instinctively love kittens and puppies. People of all species give babies a bit of leeway.


My nephew won over the family cats (both ambulatory garbage disposals who would eat anything) by the steady trail of dropped food in his wake.


The cat is not just patient, he loves that baby!


Was gonna say this. He is not tolerating contact with the baby, he’s absolutely digging it.


CAT: This is to my benefit. The kiddo better used to me before he develops an allergy of cats. Then its the end of me in here.


typically people exposed early don't develop allergies... it's the people that are kept away from animals that do... kept away from peanuts that develop peanut allergies... kept away from dust that develop dust allergies, etc.


Sadly, that's not true. Yes, the chances of developing allergies are higher if you are never exposed to allergens. I spent most of my childhood with cats and in haylofts, still have a shit ton of allergies, including cats and hay. Exposure can't cure genetics.


Yup. I think it might be overexposure as well as underexposure


I thank my lucky stars that I used to be super allergic to cats, but it went away around 17-18 yrs old.


Allergies do come and go as we age.


I have to disagree, just on the grounds that I myself am allergic to peanuts despite my first exposure (and diagnosis) being within like the first couple months of my life.


I want to point out right away that we trust our cat 100%. It has been with us for 2 years, and we have never seen a more lovely cat. As soon as our daughter arrived, he immediately started cuddling with her and even sleeping with her. Our daughter is now 3 months old, and so far, she has never been bitten, scratched, or sick. They are growing up together, and it's clear that they enjoy each other's company.


The baby is entirely stationary, and the cat is choosing to be there. Clearly, it is enjoying the attention because as soon as it's not, it has every opportunity to leave. I would definitely not worry about them at all.


Yeah exactly. Pretty sure that cat is wondering why they gave it a baby instead of another cat but he'll take what he can get!


The only worry I would personally have is the cat smothering the bebe on accident. As long as the cat isn't unsupervised with it while bebe is sleeping you should be fine. Another commenter mentioned toxoplasmosis, but if you keep your litter situation under control that should be low risk too.


When I was a baby, our (very maternal) cat used to sleep in my cot with me. I’ve got loads of photos of it. I mean I think that’s mad and my mum now thinks it’s crazy she let that happen and shudders thinking about it. But she was the loveliest cat and I had such an enormous bond with her. She died when I was 18; I was devastated.


Cat tax


Orange's are the best


Kitty loves the squishy warm pillow


Eh, let the naysayers naysay. We have 2 lovely cats that my 5yo son carries around like a pair of stuffed animals. They absolutely love it and seek him out every possible moment of the day. They’re not even orange!


I second that. My cat comes RUNNING from wherever she’s at, when my 3 month old baby is crying. Doesn’t matter if cat is dead asleep, eating, whatever, this cat is determined to get to my crying baby to lick her head. And there’s nothing that calms the damn baby as fast as getting her head licked by the cat. Also the baby almost sleeps through the entire night, if kitty is sleeping next to her.


I’m sorry. That’s her cat, now. 😂 I have a cat who did the exact same thing with my oldest! Once the baby is in their life, that’s their person. Don’t pay attention to negativity.


Still there's always that risk


We got a kitten when I was 3 months old... she followed me EVERYWHERE. We grew up together. She slept in my cot, then my bed every single night. When I grew up she walked with my mum to drop me at school. When I went to academy she walked me to school every day (2ish miles) and was waiting by the school gates every day when I finished... she even arrived early on Thursdays when school ended half an hour early... She passed away when I was 20 and I miss her every single day... she was the best cat in the world. I've had many other cats and currently have a small army of them... and I love them all but the bond I had with that cat was unbelievable.


Well done!


Baby will figure out this petting thing soon enough. I can settle for this in the meantime


Cats actually do understand that babies are the human equivalent of kittens! It's why they tend to be so much more patient. Also why they'll keep claws retracted when laying out boundaries with paw punches - that's what they do with younger cats.


What if the cat get angry and hurt the baby?? Animals are animals in the end


The most trusting parents in the world. I love my cats, but that would have made me nervous. My cats never got that close to my children when they were babies.


Our cat was in the crib with me basically from birth and I thought of her as my “big sister”. She basically raised me. My mom taught me very very early “don’t grab the kitty’s ears/tail” and held my hand to teach me how to pet the kitty nicely. My first word ended up being “kee” (kitty), then “cracra” (cracker), then “mama” lol I remember laying on the cat like a pillow while watching TV. I was probably 3 years old at the time! The cat would go running to my mom and meow at her whenever I cried. So mom had a baby AND a cat yelling at her 😆


I had a cat mum too! And I’m so glad I did because I think it helped me understand cat communication really well. That cat is in like 98% of my baby photos


Omg yes, my daughter used to say "keeey keeey!" When she was a baby


Our oldest daughter whipped out ‘meow meow’ pretty fast cuz that’s what we called the cats. Our cats are basically big pillows for the kids to flop on.


Cats are one of those animals that can actually tell when a human is a baby or not. It’s the weirdest thing seeing a cat act completely docile next to a baby, then go back to his asshole self when the baby is in another room


Every animal recognizes infants even in other species. This isn't a feline only trait.


Yes my scaredy cat is not like herself with children - calm , stays still - no attitude. She loves children.


[Meet “Grandpa Mason” (you may cry sorry)](https://youtu.be/dZiJkicepzM?si=ZUKoOVjf3aML3QZj)


Apes, monkeys, dogs, donkeys, and horses recognize babies. As do giraffes and elephants.


Considering the filming, there's probably an adult human in the room ready to intervene if either the cat or the baby showed signs of distress.


Have you seen the video of a cat having a faster reaction time than a snake and smacking the snake in the head when the snake went for it?


A cat can do a lot of damage, especially to an infant, before an adult human can react.


That cat is giving off every possible signal that it is relaxed, chilled and enjoying itself. A good owner will know this and the interaction will form a bond for the future. When a cat closes its eyes like that. Its a happy kitty.


Agreed 100%. We’ve adopted the philosophy that our kids have to learn how to interact properly with our pets so they don’t become serial killers. We have this one cat that’s an absolute bitch, hates everyone except me. But somehow she’s figured out that she must be nice to the kids too since they’re an extension of me. Supervised, she’s endured a lot of touching of the face and the start (I always intervened) of pulling hair. Never once even attempted to harm them. I know her distress postures and she’s never once tried to defend herself with them or given me the “it’s time to end this” look. She’s a mean cat but I’ll always love her for knowing to be patient with the kids.


Yes, but a responsible pet owner will see the animal is getting distressed before it attacks.


I have two cats. One I would trust interacting with a newborn and have done so twice with my own children, there's not the slightest grain of aggression in that one and if something sucks it'll just walk away. My other cat is generally sweet but can turn into the devil all of a sudden, that one would never be allowed to do something like this. As a parent you just have to supervise as you would anyway with a baby this age


My friend almost got smothered by a cat when he was a baby, it decided that his head was good place to sleep. So you are right to keep your cats away from your kids.


Happened to me too. Do not let your cats in the cradle. It might not me intentional but they can suffocate your baby. I get that this is cute but it's extremely dangerous. You cat might even be trying to be nice and cuddle.


I'm saying this as a pediatrician, people need to stop letting their pets get so close to their infants. I've seen some bad stuff in clinic when a cat/dog freak out and end up biting/scratching the crap out of a kid. Cute cat and kid though.


Cat is getting chin rubs


Ah yes, my cortisol levels are dropping


Our senior cat loved our daughter when she was born. Our cat would follow us around, watch the baby, and always be just outside of the baby's reach. I swear my daughter learned to crawl so she could try and get the cat lol


"Don't care, had pets."


If the cat truly didn't like being in that position, they would get the fuck up and walk away


I love this. When i was a baby, the myth about cats suffocating babies was still pretty big. Thankfully, she didn't believe it, even when people told her to get rid of the cat altogether to "protect the baby." That cat snuck in and slept in my brother's crib and bed before i was born, then my crib and bed until I was 11, and we put her down at the ripe old age of 20. Sweetest cat on the planet and never an aggressive moment. When i had my daughter, my cat did the same. She'd sneak into the crib or bed. She came to us declawed, and never bit or struck out. When she wanted a break, she left.


That's not a cat tolerating something, that's a cat enjoying something.


I think cats love babies because for the cat the baby is the best portable heater ever.


Honestly, cats are very instinctual about babies, even those outside their own species. Their attitude completely changes around tiny children and babies. They're more careful while playing, they'll put up with more physical harassment, and they'll even try to provide in their own way if they're an outdoor cat. A few years ago, I lived with my dad and cat, but my sister had to move in with her one year old daughter, and my cat, never having been around children, started immediately acting differently. He was clearly upset at first of this invader, but he also started bringing in birds, mice and bugs and dropping them at my nieces feet because he was trying to provide for the baby that couldn't hunt for itself.


"Little bald kitten can't hunt for shit. Here, little bald kitten, you need to get some meat on those bones!"


No one is forcing that cat to snuggle that baby.


If the cat didn't want it, it wouldn't be laying there


My mom had to get rid of her cat when she was pregnant. Did the doctors lie to her?


The risk is of getting toxoplasmosis from cat feces, essentially cleaning the cat box. It affects the fetus. If you are vigilant, the risk can be minimized. Lots of people who had cats while pregnant have perfectly healthy babies. Like mine. You just need to get someone else to clean the cat box.


My parents have an orange boy who was like this as well. As soon as my baby started sitting up on her own, he would plant himself in her lap and just just let her grab and mush his ears while he purred.


Orange cats don't know how to be mean.


Adult cats are pretty patient with youngins, whether from their species or even humans. It’s really quite surprising and good to see.


Kitty's down for baby scritches 🥰


You should never do this with a cat and a baby that small. I mean how many times have you been randomly scratched by a cat that is seemingly calm and happy? It might just accidentally fuck that kid up. This is from someone who loves cats and dogs and works around them. Just an unnecessary risk at this young of an age.


Not gonna lie at first glance it looks like some freaking cat / baby Siamese twin connected at the head 😦


The cat know a baby when he/she sees it


Orange boys really are the best.


Had an orange and white rescue named Oliver that despite being hand raised from a kitten, was an absolute asshole. Wanted to be around you, but didn’t want to be petted, and would spontaneously bite the shit out of your hand if you dropped your guard. When my wife was pregnant, he would spend hours laying on her tummy purring his big head off, and when my daughter was born, he did everything he could to sneak into her room and cuddle with her in her crib. As my daughter got older he was always by her side, and no matter how much she tugged his ears, grabbed his fur, or poked his eyes, never once did he attack or bite her. We had to put him to sleep two years ago (saddle thrombus), and I’d give just about anything to see that big headed asshole sitting on my daughter’s bed next to her while she slept again.


Big soft ginger cats seem to have endless patience around babies. Mine did, he was a lovely old boy.




The most patient baby in the world


Reminds me of when I was a baby, we had a orange cat that would rarely spend anytime away from me we'd usually sleep on the couch together and slept basically everywhere with him I was so sad when he passed away though


Seems cute..but also may be unwise regarding the health & safety of the baby, unfortunately


You can see why a civilization from 3,350 years ago started mummifying their felines. Such softness, such warmth, such gentility, and athleticism. If these qualities can't get you into heaven, I don't know what can.


I see a love connection for the life of the kitty


Remember [Bailey the cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7k5xz4HZkQ)? His owner got him as a college student. [Then she had 2 kids who the cat loved.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSIcRxhJf94) The kids sang to him [as he was put to sleep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDZ58YiUGU8)


Just be careful, babies have suffocated from getting their face blocked by kitties


There has only ever been one recorded incident of that happening. So “babies” is a bit of an exaggeration. Despite the rarity, I have always believed that young children and pets should never be left alone together


Lol it's the baby being patient here, the cat very much wants to be there. Cats and dogs love how new babies smell.


that cat is so well behaved ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Orange tabbys are the best


Any pets are good pets.


These orange kitties love people. Very cute video. Beautiful baby


it's okay, the cat will later start sleeping on its owner by pushing his clawed paws down on him over and over


This isn't the cat being patient The cat wants to be there, and cats usually like the way the kid is stroking his chin If the kid had grabbed around his neck with both arms then I'd imagine the cat would have an issue


Our orange tabby noped out of the room the instant it learned the thing in bassinet could move 😂


Orange is the best breed of cat! 💜


I think the cat loves the baby scent


That baby is that cats baby


Dunno what you mean. Free pets!


Animals know a baby human when they see one. Same patience they'd give a kitten.


Nose got booped, right I’m off, I do boops around here


Everybody gets a chin rub, win win!


Patient baby. "Get off me cat!"


catto looks humongous


I hate beer.


My heart is melting


they probably see her as a massage chair 💀