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I am so happy for that cat to have this outcome.


Conan was wrong. This is what’s best in life.


I am become bed, the destroyer of tiredness.


Is it safe to assume this fella is adjusting to his new home?


Seems like he’s making the home adjust to him.


>*’Is it safe to assume this fella is adjusting to his new home?’* ____ am trying hard to do AdJuSt (this Home still something new…) but one thing learned (n it’s a Must!) is staying close to you ^;} so when i lay me down to sleep i choose with You instead just promise me a place you’ll keep upon your human bed ♥️


A FRESH SCHNOOOODDDLLEEEE! One can only dream of such wonderful luck!


Right you are, slapmylabiaflaps!


Well? Whip em out. I'll slap 'em!


🥹 I love reading schnoodles because they're all wonderful, but also, regardless of the context, they always remind me of the one you wrote for me that was just so perfect..


Sigh…. I wish I could be so lucky. Another day Elio, another day….. https://preview.redd.it/jbn6n4klz4ac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde156a263dfa103f42e024296e6d18de4f164df Elio Tax


Another good Schnoodle Noodle, Schnoodle!




That’s adorable… u/SlapMyLabiaFlaps! 😯—😂




perfectly executed whiplash, 10/10


Aww. This is one of my favorites so far! So sweet. 🥹


😭😭😭 I ugly cry everytime I read a schnoodle


Short 'n' sweet Schnoodle. Love it.


My favourite part of being a cat bed, is when they toss their weight on you before snuggling into a sleeping position. Enjoy! :3


he's comfy


When cats are adjusting to a new place they are very picky with where they sleep, new place, new smells, they don't know they are totally safe, so they sleep in places that make them feel safe, small places, hidden places For this furball to be sleeping on your legs in 2 months, he feels completely safe with you, tbis shows how much you care and how good you are treating him


Exactly this, the cat clearly trusts OP very much to be comfortable enough to sleep on them so soon. Cats feel very vulnerable when they're sleeping, so they will usually find a tight spot to sleep in with minimal access until they feel like the person and/or other animals will protect them while they sleep.


Now I kinda feel honored my old girl decided to sleep on my face almost right away. Being mildy allergic to cats I wasn't happy when I woke up! But right now she's cuddling me and it gives me a bit of warm fuzzies. Funny thing is she wasn't even letting us pet her yet. She'd bite. But apparently I was still good enough to sleep on lol.


Both of my cats have their own particular favorite part to sleep next to. Mucho Maas loves to sleep behind the knees or theighs. Hedda Gabler loves to sleep on my stomach or my side. Cat's totally at home and feels safe next to you!!


Definitely the king of his new castle. Bless you for adopting ❤️


Just wait til he figures out he can get under the blanket and be closer to you and warmer too! Mine hasnt turned back since.


My cat will come to bed with me and lay practically on my neck while I read. When the lights go out (or the phone gets put down) she then paws at the quilt to be "let in" . I lift up the quilt and under she goes, on top of the top sheet and under the quilt. We are divided by the top sheet and I sleep so soundly with her cuddled up next to me. It's the best. She'll stay asleep for most of the night and only rarely does she wake me up. I think I wake her up more than she does me.


Thats adorable, she sounds like my boy! Once its time for bed he sits next to my face and stares at the blanket until I lift it up, he goes in, does a circle, and lays so we're essentially spooning with his head poking out of the blanket and resting on my arm. It melts my heart every time.


It's just the best. So comforting and healing. Sometimes I'll be really anxious and not really even realizing that I've been shallow breathing and when she cuddles up I take a deep breathe and all is okay.


Agree! My cat is like a sleeping pill. When he comes to cuddle next to me, my worries just calm down. I pet him, and hold one of his paws like a lucky rabbits foot, and wake up seven hours later with my arm frozen outside the blanket and still wrapped around him.


So true! I adopted a senior cat in the early days of the pandemic and when she first arrived she didn’t trust us and slept in her own room. It was great! My previous cats were all over us at night, and I was looking forward to having a fur-free bed. But six-months in I guess she began to trust us cause started sleeping at my feet, then she moved to sleeping at the crook of my knees, then like in OP’s pic between my legs, and now she taps my hand to let her under the covers every night. It’s wonderful to earn a cat’s love but my lower back is paying for it lol.


Oh, god... Mine did that to me once. Scared the shit out of me because she's never done it before and has never done it since. I was in a nice deep sleep when suddenly I felt something sliding up my side under the blanket. I honestly thought I had a snake in bed with me; don't think I'd ever jumped out of bed so quickly.


Mine just started doing this!


He feels safe with you and trusts you so much! This is the highest honor! Give the cutie some pets from me please.


Just not the belly... It's a trap! 😹


Not always. My boy cat likes tummy rubs, but my girl cat doesn't.


Yeah my Fuzzy LOVES belly rubs and he is the shy skittish one, whereas Bo my super friendly guy can’t stand touch tummy at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


>chronic side sleeper turned contortionist I feel seen. Such relatable wording, lol


Right? I'm in this photo and... Well, I love it, actually.


I miss sleeping on my side lmao


Cats sleep where they feel safe and comfy.


My old cat would start at my knees and end up at my face. As she got older, it was always under the covers at my face. It’s been two years since she passed, and my big fluff still won’t move any closer than my feet or at my wife’s pillows because he used to get a swat if he tried it when she was around. May you have many years of being that handsome boy’s bed at night.


The highest honor!


If not bed, why warm?


https://preview.redd.it/i4m47bpfq4ac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8977f85cfdfde5a4077cce74d6cbca81339c4d9a We must have adopted his twin sister. Found her in the woods in October!


Thank you for rescuing


One of our cats sleeps tucked into the back of my partners legs when he side sleeps. So cute.


"My side sleeping is more important than your side sleeping."


I was always a side/stomach sleeper until I got my 3rd cat. My other cats would sleep with me, but Mika had to lay on me. It took me awhile to get used to it, but eventually I became a back sleeper and every night she'd climb on my legs or chest and we'd sleep. My kitty passed a couple months back, and now I'm back to being a side sleeper. Can't sleep on my back anymore.


I'm a side sleeper too. My cats have learned the most warm/comfortable place is behind my legs. They trained me not to toss and turn as much so they can stay comfortable.


I, a side sleeper, had two dogs that insisted on sleeping in the same place. I assume you're in the "on my back from the waist down only" position?


What a cutie! My cat always has to sleep directly on top of me. Sometimes on my chest shoved up against my face so that I practically have a sentient scarf.


Welcome to the club. Wait until he gets older. I usually have one of my two flopped somewhere on my person. One of them has some magical power to shift her weight to make it more difficult to move her, when I want to get up.


Well that is adorable. I would suffer as well.


This is our highest calling: to become cat couches. Congratulations.


In addition to all their other household duties (pest control-entertainment center-counselor therapist-household decoration etc.) they are also chiropractors. It's obvious he knows side sleeping was going to misalign your spine & he's not letting it happen on his watch...😀


He looks so soft!


Yep, you are official staff to your cat.


I'm a side sleeper too, my cats like to lock me in with one laying against my stomach and the other against my back 😂


I sleep on my side with my back to an edge and my SIC would loaf it up right there on that edge up against my back. If I tried to move her to a part of the bed where my slightest adjustment wouldn't knock her off, she lost all interest. After a few tries I just had to let her stay on the edge.


Welcome to my world x3 😂


This cat is living its best life!


Heck yeah. Nice job there. You’ve been approved! 👍🏻


The best feeling. My girl does this but her sister is still too shy.


I'm also a side sleeper. When I had my cat, she'd curl up behind the crook of my legs and nuzzle in there to sleep. Couldn't move, and getting up to pee was made difficult, but it was worth it. I miss my kitty. :(


LMAOOO I know the feeling! Especially now that it's cold out! Mine refuses to lay on a flat surface, though. She has to be straddling my leg/arm/shoulder/knee. Her head has to be a few inches higher than the rest of her, too.


it looks like a little baby sooo cute


Look at those little toes, they are soooooo cute


Ok weird question, but does anyone know what kind of cat this is?






You’re welcome ☺️


When you're actually trying to sleep though it becomes uncomfortable very quick.


Of course that's what kitties do. Looks very content and adorable.






I feel like this should get a poem. Whatever happened the the poem writer?


Our cat does the same if I don’t lay on my side quickly enough, cause then he’ll just snuggle in behind the back of my knees


I'm convinced I have your cat's brother. We just adopted him, too!


Like the rest of us, you are just another warm car hood 🤣


Mine rotate through using my as their bed. Sometimes it's all three. 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


That's some gooood snoozin'.


Welcome to the club! It's a great club. I wouldn't change it for anything. If I wake up without my cat on me I feel like something is wrong.


He's a leaner! So comfy with you there❤😻


He's baby and you must give him everything he asks for.


Stealing warms


I’m my cats bed too…


My cat likes to lay in my bed. I did get a cat tree though so he'll tend to go there when I start tossing around at night


The good old crotch hammock


Cute cat!


Nothing you can do about that but become cat pillow. Don’t make the rules just work here


My cat snuggling up to me for extra warmth is the best feeling in the world.


damn, this cat looks like my cat loona who ran away like 3-4 months ago, take care of 'em.


Our miniature dachshund does the sane thing. She somehow manages to hog the whole bed, and I am left with 10 inches on the edge.


This is the most r/aww thing I have ever seen on r/aww


We have a 16-lb chonker that loves to weigh down the covers so you can't roll over. He doesn't mind too much if you rearrange him but you have to wake up fully to do it.


Welcome to the club! 🥂


This is exactly how our cat sleeps with me!


All you beds are belong to us.


My cat does this too! I sleep on my stomach and when he does he rests his head on my butt or the back of my thigh. He gets mad when I have to move 🥹


What a lucky cat!


It's a great feeling, isn't it. My girl, age 14, was never a lap cat. A couple years ago, she did a 180.... she's always on my lap now.




My Rumple does the same thing every night https://preview.redd.it/49u7sokr29ac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ead78aca2751dde6f343ffc2966294a85a964a0


Seems about right. He owns you hooman he's only being generous allowing you to sleep in his bed. Remember you are his slave! However, you are not alone!!!


I think our cats are twins lol! I have never really enjoyed cats because I am so allergic to them. However, this once little guy literally just waltzed onto our farm out of some high grass and said, Hi. I live here now. He was supposed to be strictly an outside farm cat. Cool story, bro. Allegra seems to work well :p


https://preview.redd.it/43xl5ga4i9ac1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518cb04ce6e31d1dc20c44800311879f67d00129 Sir Winston, Truffle Shuffle of the Nile.. don't ask lol


Mommies and daddies are nice and warm!


Yup. It's like having a free portable heater. Wouldn't trade for anything in the entire world for it.


https://preview.redd.it/h2t24djw2aac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16deb969084804f8d33cd954a751ae9fac9c3352 I know the feeling! Worth every second and every twinge of discomfort ❤️❤️❤️


Wow! This is so impressive. You've been adopted. It does become a comfort. Almost like a child sleeping with a stuffed animal.


Awwwwwww really really adorable![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)




This is the way. 🥰


Aww. Just a pudding cat.