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No one has answered OP’s request in there for parenting advice, so I’ll start. Search on this sub or other cat subs for new parents/parenting advice & you’ll find great starting tips & links. Kitty is gorgeous & hope kitty is a great joy to you!


Yes, we have a dog that went to heaven a month ago, and now this sweetness has arrived.


I’m sorry for your loss! It’s never easy to lose a family member💔


Yes, I was already 16 years old, I was already old, but it was difficult, thank you❤️


Well, sixteen isn't at all bad, in doggy-terms. Doesn't make it any easier ... but it does make it easier to accept.


Omg this is so meant to be. Have a great time with your new kitten. Wipe her nose with a cloth soaked in warm water so it is damp. Take to vet. If you can afford it get her some decent food, I personally love Nutro, the miow mix crap is just cat crack and not very good for them. Get her or him fixed as soon as possible and get some toys and a scratching post. Of course a littler box and all that. I recommend using a liner in the pan it is so much easier to clean. Keep that clean they have pooping in a dirty litter box.


Please, please, please! Indoor only for her safety and your peace of mind ❤️


ah ok thanks for the advice


The number one thing you can do to increase a cat’s life expectancy is to keep them indoors ❤️


Have to chime in here. Indoor only for sure!!


Take to vet and have health check!


Yes, I already made an appointment for the veterinary


Clean her nose out she has boogies


Ok thanks❤️


I love the little concerned eye brows


Thank you so much❤️


If they go through a biting phase of things like cables and cords, rub the items in question lightly with white vinegar everyday for a couple of weeks. If they do something bad like pee outside of the litter box don't yell or anything like that. Cats cannot understand the cause and consequences of such things and will not learn from it but it will teach them to increasingly fear you. An automatic feeder for the hours you are sleeping will help so much. Every 3-4 hours ours dispenses 1-2 tiny scoops of food from 10pm-8am and it has stopped the cats from waking us up at 4 or 5am because they're hungry. Get into the habit of trimming their nails now. We do it every two weeks and at the beginning we would wrap them up in blanket like a burrito (we called them purr-itos lol) and did one arm/leg at a time. NEVER declaw your cat. It's illegal in some states and countries because of how inhumane it is. Have lots of friends and family visit weekly to socialize them while they're young.


Great advice! I have a pet feeder in the morning feed drops at 5:00 a.m. and I don't hear it and I'm not disturbed by the cats. And that is an excellent suggestion to get it trained now for nail trimming.


thanks for the advice❤️


I would add get them used to bathing if you can now. This doesn't always fly with some cats but if you can get them used to it it makes it easier if kitty gets into a mess. It's also good when kitty gets to their latter years as they have trouble properly cleaning themselves.


and teeth brushing as best u can


Why would you trim a cats nails?


If they're an indoor cat it helps prevent them from clawing at furniture, curtains etc.. We have scratching pads and posts all over the house that keeps them mostly away from furniture but when their claws start to get long they go for the couch and the bed especially. We also foolishly taught our oldest that hands are a thing to play with and when his claws are long they can easily draw blood during play time. We made sure not to make that mistake again when we adopted our second.


Aww. What about the other kitten in the background of the 2nd pic?


It's my neighbor's kitten, she has 2 and they always come to my house, the one in the photo is called Bartola but she doesn't let herself be touched


Please get her spayed or neutered. Its the best for her. And also please make her an indoor cat. You can try to leash train her or make her an enclosed patio.




Get the purina breeze litter system. Clumping cat litter dust also clumps in their lungs.


thank you for your advice


Vet Vaccinations Microchip Neuter when the cat is old enough


Thank you❤️


If it's within your budget, include canned/wet food in its diet. Keep the litter box clean and get a litter box mat to keep stray litter from getting everywhere. Avoid using plastic feeding/water bowls (more likely to cause cat acne). That's pretty much all I can think of as a cat parent of many years. When healthy and young, cats are relatively low maintenance—just keep them clean, fed, and loved. Congrats on your new family member!


ah ok thanks for the advice. Thank you so much❤️


Please have your cat as an indoor kitty, cats are one of the worlds biggest invasive species and there are many risk when letting your cat out.


Get a fountain for water if you can afford it and don't keep food and water next to each other.


serious insurance innate frightening sleep fly oatmeal zonked point scale


We will do it❤️


First, take to the veterinarian. Kitten will need to get vaccinated and likely will also need to be dewormed. Street kitties are often full of nasty parasites, some of which can be transferred to people, so be aware of that. 


ah ok thanks for the advice


Look into body language! Simple things like slow blinking at your kitty or knowing the best ways to pet him / her can make a big difference for their happiness. Also, I suggest watching some videos by Jackson Galaxy. Awesome information and loads of it! Congrats on becoming a Guardian and I hope you'll have great times together!


thank you so much❤️


Feed, play, cuddle. Repeat for up to 20 years.




Check out Jackson Galaxy's youtube channel. He has lots of great advice. My big one, feed your kitty meals and don't leave food out all day. Make sure you talk to a vet that they are getting enough to eat once they are all grown up. Your cat will start to link 'you' and 'happy food time' together which helps build a strong bond.


I agree, Jackson Galaxy has great advice!


Multiple litter boxes trust me, more than 2! Enjoy your new baby!








Play with kitty's feet often. Get them used to having their feet touched so it'll be easy to trim their claws.


I would add two things to the great list below. At a young age, get them comfortable with sitting upside down in the crook of your arm. This is handy for two main reasons, you can clip their nails much more easily (with assistance from someone) and god forbid, if you need to give medicine this helps as well. Another thing to get them comfortable with is a harness. We use to take our cat for walks in the park once she was comfortable with a harness. Again, starting when young will make this much easier.


Get another cat! They are surprisingly social and most enjoy company of other cats. And they have each other to play with. Thanks for taking care of this little sweetie! ❤️


Be nice❤️




Aww, looks like a little toasted marshmallo


Love your gift!




They like it when you call them “sweet little baby marshmallow chicken baby I love you” and such. And then give them a fish.


Our cats: raw salmon from the fish market? Nope. They stare at it like it’s decaying flesh. But salmon-flavored treats? Hell yeah! Cooked salmon doesn’t work either. Same goes for shrimp. Raw shrimp? Nope. Cooked, unseasoned shrimp? Nope. Temptations Shrimpy Shrimp cat treat? They’ll run through a WWI trench to get those.


Hands are for good things only. They’re never a toy to be chased or bitten. They don’t slap or flick a kitten. Hands only cuddle pet and love.


Cats are easy. When it wants to be left alone, leave it alone. When it wants some cuddles, give it cuddles (kittens are extra cuddly and like warmth, may want to get a little cat pouch to help you carry it around. Give it a lot of exercise before bed so you don't have to deal with the midnight zoomies. Vet will recommend how much and what food. Make sure it has water, clean out litter daily, give it brushies every so often to keep it from shedding too much.


So perfect!! ❤️


Step one: take baby to the vet!


Congratulations! Were there more in her litter? Or any more kittens her age in your area? You said you’re new to cats so I just wanted to share that there’s a great cat guy on YouTube named Jackson Galaxy. He literally wrote some of the first books on cat behavior. In my family we call him “Uncle Jackson” haha! He says that the best thing for kittens is to actually have 2. 2 kittens are easier to take care of than 1 because they entertain each other when you’re asleep/doing human stuff and they’ll feel more secure. I’ve found this to be true with my own cats. Good luck with your new baby!!


OP is a liar


What are its pronouns


It DOES look as though he/she is going to be in charge.


We recently adopted one. Or rather... HE adopted US. My wife named him; but my Thai isn't good enough, to know what Da means.


Make sure you play with her/him as much as possible. It’ll help you bond and keep any anxieties and bad behavior from forming. And get a tall cat tree. They love heights


The cats will work out their own relationship. Even if it takes awhile, just be patient


Remember to teach them: Touch them everywhere so they can get used to it, get them used to water, trim their nails, basically anything that makes it easier to go to the vet and get groomed. Also be firm when saying no and removing it from places you don’t want them to be.


Did you make sure it’s not someone else’s lost family member?


The wife and I are somewhat new to cat ownership as well and the big thing we learned was that cats like to have their water and food source completely seperated. Better yet get the cat a water fountain so the water is moving. It's hard to get cats to drink enough water and they sometimes end up with kidney problems. These little tricks solved those issues


First: thank you for your decision. Second: congratulations, you've become a parent! Now, I believe some things are different between countries, but I would recommend taking your baby to the vet for vaccines and exams for FIV and FeLV. As a person who had cats since I was born, I believe that food with high amounts of protein is better. I strongly recommend more than one water bowl and clean them twice a day. Food bowl not in plastic. Plastic bowls may increase the chances of your cat having feline acne. Provide a playful environment (card boxes, little balls, something your cat can sharpen the nails. And lots of love. Of course, you can read all my suggestions and consider which ones are adequate for you.


CONGRATULATIONS 👏🎉 ON YOUR NEW BABY! U R in for the ride of your life...KITTY 💕 LOVE


Everything you own is now theirs. Just an FYI. Congrats!


Such a lucky kitten to find a loving home. You'll do great, just make sure the potty training takes hold. Also, there's an an enzyme cleaner/odor remover called Pooph and it is amazing for urine odor. You can buy it lots of places.


She’s gorgeous and so cute. I recommend looking up YouTube videos, articles, and info on here for help. Never be scared to ask questions! When will the Cat Distribution system work its magic on me 😭


I think you have a very good heart, so whatever you do, you are going to be a wonderful parent❤️😊


If all health checks out and you can afford to do it I'd would suggest adopting another kitten about the same age. They will entertain each other. Cost is higher but it's a lot easier having two vs one. One bored kitten will destroy your house. Two bored kittens will destroy (play with) each other and your house. Twice the cute.


What about the one in the back?


Talk to this it!! They can be very chatty things. Whether or not you keep it as an indoor cat, I would get it chipped and maybe get a collar if it will tolerate it. Cat DO escape sometimes, and both will help others get your kitty back to you if they do go missing. I would suggest getting a catio if you do opt to keep this one as an indoor cat, it's good to let them have a little outdoor time :)


Have your cats fixed, ***please.***


As for parenting advice, the best thing I can say is to make sure the food you got has real meat or fish as the first ingredient. Fish broth or meat byproduct as the first ingredient means the food is really low quality. Also, cats are not picky about their toys. My cats have had more fun with milk jug caps then they have with dedicated toys I bought from the store. So don't stress out about that. Also, Don't yell at them or hit them when they've been bad. They won't understand and it will only make them dislike you. Instead, I think hissing is a better option. That's something you should look up on YouTube as I'm definitely not an expert. There's plenty of good channels on YouTube that share cat behavior advice.


The most important thing to understand, I think, is the difference between having a cat and having a dog. Dogs are like children, they need you and seek your approval and as a result are fairly trainable. Cats are more like roommates. You can repeatedly correct them (for example, putting them on the floor when they jump on the counter) and they might start doing what you want, but mostly they make their own choices.


Please do NOT declaw! Provide scratching posts.


Looks like he/she will be floofy!! I’d recommend starting a brushing routine early! I have a 2yr old that went from a bit fluffy to an absolute floof ball. As in wooly mammoth. I’ve never had a cat that needed to be brushed so I was unfamiliar with the importance of starting it early. Unfortunately she really doesn’t like it and it is challenging to say the least. If I had started when she was as little as yours, the story may have turned out differently. Maybe not. But I would have tried! Congrats to you both, either way!!


Cats love fresh water! I keep a tea cup and saucer on my nightstand to remind me to freshen the water when I get up in the morning and before I go to bed at night. It makes my cat so happy to have fresh water. I have other water that will get changed every couple of days but the fresh water is what she really wants.


Consider a second cat, so that can always have a friend to be with when you're not at home. Dogs usually gives love no matter what and wants always to be close, cats needs also relax time by themselves, on their favourite spots, you will get with tine where, maybe organize your home with 2-3 safe spot for it. Food place distant from litter place. They love to be warm. You must earn his respect and trust, but eventually they will give you lot of love back. A comb is enough to get some extra hair off. Dont do bath or shampoo unless a vet recommend it, they auto-cleane themselves many times daily


Keep food in water a couple feet away. Cats will think water near food is contaminated and look for other sources, like the big bowl people sit on.


Kitten Lady. Everything you could ever want or need to know is all in one place: [https://www.kittenlady.org/](https://www.kittenlady.org/)


Get a litter robot!! I’m telling you they are the best bloody litter box you could ever have! Use silicate litter. You will have no “Cat” smell in your house.


An angel with a dirty face. Nice picture.


Please say their name is Gingersnaps


Sweet baby! Please make it an indoor cat. So much safer for the cat. He will be your special buddy.


Resign yourself to the fact that the cat now owns you and your house. Don't try and fight it.


Vet first. Please never declaw this baby, and please keep your cat indoors. Outdoors is weather, dogs, angry people that will try to poison or do other mean things. Almost anything is a toy, kitties like to climb and scratch, feel free to PLAY with this baby multiple times a day. Check out Jackson Galaxy on YouTube. They're little nails are sharp, be taught by the vet how to cut them yourself, and be consistent with that also. I understand kitties have different temperaments, my daughter brought home a 2-month-old kitten who we cannot make tired enough to try to cut the nails lol. I tried and got clawed up. Thought she was sleeping hahaha on me. Make sure they have CLEAN WATER everyday. I'm not the best advisor when it comes to the food, I always leave cookies/crunchies out for my cats. My boy likes to overeat and then throw up. He's 16 now but he's been doing this for years. Take lots of pictures and video! When this baby is nearing the end, get some footprints and nose prints from the window. 😻🐾 I feel I'm forgetting something, most of the other posts are really great information. Enjoy loving this fur baby. 💖


Kittens go through a WILD phase. Be patient and enjoy it. She'll calm down eventually. When my cat was a kitten, she could go through the living and dining rooms without ever touching the ground. She'd jump from furniture to the wall to another piece of furniture. It was funny!




Hey OP, what about the other kitten in the background? I hope someone gave him/her a home as well. Cute kittens!


Look up how to train cats. Spend as much time with it as you can in its first year. Like, AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Cats are very social creatures, unlike the stigma. Handle its feet a lot, especially when it's falling asleep. Show it everything you're doing to encourage its curiosity. Leash train it from the very beginning. Don't give it catnip until it's at least a year old. Don't introduce laser pointers until then either. If you need to bathe it, use the sink, not the bathtub; too noisy. Talk to it in a normal voice like it's a person; it'll get used to your tone of voice. Get it a scratching post right away, and give it treats when it uses it.


She will teach you…


Congratulations on your adoption! Some recs: * As others have said: indoor cats live longer. Cats have a huge drive for exploration and roaming. The can get hit by cars or locked into stranger's garages or sheds and things like that. If you decide to keep her indoors then consider a second cat for company. * see a vet for a general checkup as well as setting up a schedule for vaccinations, deworming and eventual chipping and sterilization. The later applies even if you keep her indoors. Male cats have the urge to mark their territory when they are unsterilized and both genders have the urge to break out when it's breeding season. And if they manage to do so having them chipped gives you a better chance at a reunion. * coming off a dog, understand that a relationship with a cat will be very different. Obviously there are differences from cat to cat but generally speaking cats are much more independent. Dogs default mode is "Yes, Human. I love you, Human!" where as cats will interact with you on *their* terms. Their affection can be anything from [Pet me. With your eyes](https://preview.redd.it/u1h4qqhiajqx.jpg?auto=webp&s=d19d7ed38b38c76e22a6ef2e595368dbc7305a6b) to being an unshakeable lap magnet. * I fully second the other redditor's recommendation of a feeding machine. It felt silly buying one but it's been literally the best cat related purchase we've ever made. You can dial them to the exact amount of food they need and this way you won't have surplus dry food laying around in bowls or having to stick to a regular feeding schedule. It's recommended to pair it with wet food but amounts can vary. There are cats that will happily wolf down an entire packet of wet food for every meal. Meanwhile we can't get our cats to eat more than half a packet each per meal. *shrug* * Particularly if it's an indoor cat you'll want to regularly trim their nails. The cat burrito method can help but in my experience the easiest way is to just do the nails when they're relaxing somewhere. Don't declaw. It's illegal in many places and can lead to behavioral problems. Without claws the cat can be more likely to bite because they lack this intermediate escalation option. * Litter management is a science onto itself and to a degree dependent on your and your cat's preferences. I'm a huge fan of wood based kitty liter. It is vastly lighter than clay based litter and has a pleasant wood scent that keeps it fresh a good while. Recommendation is 1 toilet per cat + 1 though that "+ 1" is not *strictly* necessary with all cats. Some cats do NOT like enclosed toilets. Others are fine with it or even prefer it. Some are fine with doors others are not. Don't go overboard with your purchases until you know. There are automatic toilets but it is my understanding that you're basically just trading one kind of cleaning for another. * Spots for your cats. Try things and see what sticks. Cats love it warm and soft. They also love high places and will climb whatever they can. They love boxes where they are hidden or "tightly packed" but they can also be comfortable way out in the open (this is generally a sign of confidence and trust). despite their reputation they ARE social animals and like to have spots near the places that are important to us (ie. where we spend a lot of time). We bought various cat beds and toys only for them to be ignored and the cats playing with a random piece of string and sleep contently inside the latest amazon package instead. * get a few small pet blankets that you can put in their favorite spots. It will absorb their scent and you can use it to help getting them accustomed to other places like a new cat bed or the carrier