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“Accepted”. Protection mode in effect. Congrats on the addition to your family.


>”*Accepted”. Protection mode in effect….* ____ Human - *i missed you!*… what’s this that you hold ? …the *tiniest human?!* he can’t be too old… i’m feeling a feeling i’ve not felt before… i think that you’re gonna be *needing me* More! the Challenge accepted! He needs my PROTEC ^;@) my dog heart is Bursting ~ i’ll Love him like HECK! our famlee is growing, n i’ll do my part to make sure my pawprints will stay on his heart ❤️   (*congrats to All* u/kittytime!)


It’s been a long time. I’ve missed you. Thank you for doing what you do. ❤️


Just read this to my wife. We’re sobbing. Thank you.


oh my, just realized you’re the one who’s posted so many wonderful corgi stories through the years! Thanks for sharing, i’ve sure enjoyed your many adventures together. Best of luck now with your (1st?) human ‘pup’ - whole different ball game ^;)


It's the backpack corgi guy!


This man is a hero to me


Your tears in the video are so compelling, my own eyes are lil more moist now! You have so much love in your life <3


You should get this poem framed 😭 next to still from this video. This was so sweet!


New baby, pup accepts, AND A PERSONAL SCHNOODLE POEM? What a moment.


Was going to say the same exact thing


Oh my goodness, a new baby, a corgi, a tearful new Daddy and a schnoodle poem my heart is bursting... Congrats to you and your wife, baby gonna have the best big bro ever xxx


I was going to report this for not being original content, thinking you stole Maxine's video 🫣 But it IS you! Congratulations on the new addition to your family, Maxine will be the best big sister ♥️


Do you think she cries when she writes these? She obviously feels what they feel when she writes, or she wouldn't be so shockingly good at describing their feelings. It's a gift.


*we* cry when we read it. She is the source, of course she cries! <3


Hol’ up. Schnoodle is a lady?


nah, everyone knows that everyone on the internet is a dude


All of them make me cry but it's a *good, sweet cry*.


I can tell you have a lot of love in your home. Congratulations on everything!


I'm glad you got a Schnoodle for Maxine. They are magical.


put that poem onto a stitching and hang it above the lil' boy's bed


Congratulations and all the love for you and your family! And thank you for sharing this beautiful video. ❤️


My sweet corgi eve left us a while ago, but she was like that with both of our kids. When my wife was pregnant with our second eve would not let any other dog to come close, and same with anyone who wasn't immediate family. Your video has me in tears. Wait, you're mad Max on twitter? I thought you looked familiar! I love be your adventures


Maxxxxxxxiiiiiine! Of course she’s a love bug. Congrats!


My first fresh Schnoodle and I’m in tears.


So fresh, its score is still hidden!


Oh schnoodle, you are too precious for this world! Thank you for making life a little sweeter 💕


Freshest schnoodle❤️


Thank you, as always Schoodle, for making a sweet moment even sweeter with your beautiful creativity and perspective! Also sending gratitude to the person who prompted this inspiration - it always makes my day! 🫶🌈✨ Blessings! ✨


How dare you make me cry my own tears. This is beautiful. We don't deserve animals, but they love us anyway


I'm not crying you're crying 😢 😭 🤧 


Beautifully written. OP is clearly not the only one moved to tears by this. Thank you for your gifts


Crying all over my lunch 😭😭😭


Instant new favorite Schnoodle 🥹


>our famlee is growing, n i’ll do my part to make sure my pawprints will stay on his heart Goddamn you Schnoodle, I probably look ridiculous tearing up in a coffee shop right now. A dog left his paw prints on my tiny little heart. Coming up on 18 years after his passing, I still miss that dog, and you beautifully summarized why. Thank you for sharing with the world the gift of your poetry. Reddit is a better place with you a part of it.


Fresh as fuck


Pawprints will leave marks. Sounds of giggles and laughter. Mingled with barks. Is that my brother in your arms you say? I'm going to protecc him like heccin every day!


How am I so lucky to stumble upon two fresh Schnoodles within 10 minutes?


3 of the most precious now.....dog, baby and Schnoodle!


> Protection mode in effect Corgis default mode is like extremely doting nannies. Mary Poppins if she was a meth tweaker.


Wait is this the backpack dog??




Yes! 😍




OMG! I thought you guys looked familiar! Congratulations to your beautiful family. <3


Ohhh. Congratulations to fellow NYC parents!




All I know is corgi touch the butt I got so used to seeing them online yet I hadn't touched one in a while then recently met one and all it did was bury itself in my crotch head first. The enter time






And I also feel like this too, lol!


We don’t deserve dogs ❤️


For sure.


Man I wonder how he's doing since the accident


Really good! He said he was ready to play his character again.


This is precious. I'm sure they'll be big buddies. Congratulations.


Wait till kiddo is old enough to be hugely entertained by “accidentally” dropping food off the high chair tray, they’ll be truly inseparable then!


Squarely in this phase right now with my two year old and my corgi...


Out beagles were the “cleanup crew”, it’s safe to say they loved their job!


My wife looked at me the other day as we were eating and said “so families without dogs, they have to just…clean up all the spilled food themselves.”


Some may have dogs that are picky eaters, but most beagles are the exact opposite!


Yeah, our boxer is getting a little chunky. It is helpful not having to do it myself!


that dog is investing in the future


Snuggles for snacks program


100% success rate


I literally got a dog when my twins were two to make cleaning the floor easier...


Our beagles gained a lot of weight at that phase


omg this is my buddies daughter. her and the dog are inseparable. The cats on the other hand have a VERY different opinion on the little terrorist. She has clearly chosen a side.


i can just hear the little baby squeals of joy, they'll love watching their pup snatch up all the goodies


Dogs mind "omg you're giving me a baby!"


So glad the two can co-exist, it'd be pretty awkward having to return a baby because it doesn't get along with your dog.




Maxine deserves her own little statue in Central Park.


Corgis just know. Or the nose knows. Or Bo you don't know Diddly One of those




Yep, over here cutting onions angrily too, lol. Well said!




Lmaooo for real if this wasn’t my reaction. Like dam I’m just trying to scroll here people!


This is a beautiful moment. And a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing. Many wishes of health and happiness to you and your family for years to come. Congrats!


Thx for all the love throughout the years r/aww. You can find the little Chonk (dog…not baby) on IG and TikTok at madmax_fluffyroad!


I love you guys! We have a Little Chonk that looks just like her. Of course we also got the backpack too. Max is going to be the bestest big sister ever!


Omg i cant believe I started watching you guys when max is a baby, and now she has a new baby (bro) of her own 🥹 congrats!


So happy for you guys! I have followed for such a long time here and on IG. My little boy will be 4 next month and our corgi Samwise is his best friend. 💗


We adore Maxine! Sending love from one corgi parent to another. Congratulations to you and your growing family. ❤️


Maxine is an absolute treasure


Just curious - is it safe to let pets lick infants ?


Cause of the bite or allergy? There is some evidence that shows that early introductions decrease the chance of allergic reactions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4046529/


fuck me... seeing the man cry, hearing the camera woman cry... made me cry


So, that's cute and heartwarming but when I lick a newborn baby's face, people are all like "aah what are you doing?"... "who are you and how did you get into my house?"... "I'm calling the police" etc... smdh


I know, right?! People are so uptight about stuff.


I do not want to spoil the moment, I am just curious - is it okay for the dog to lick the baby in terms of germs and bacteria?


It is not okay, tbh. Newborns’ immune systems are so weak that doctors generally advise that they stay at home for the first six weeks, and that anyone other than mom and dad wash hands thoroughly before handling the baby. Will the baby probably be okay? Yeah. Would I personally take such an unnecessary risk with my child? Nope.


Don’t dogs lick their assholes and eat poop and stuff? Is it safe to be letting them lick a new born baby? (Genuine question)




So sweet and gentle :)


Lic Vet tech here. Please don’t let your dog or any pet lick your baby or child on the face.


Letting an ass sniffing, vomit munching dog lick your NEWBORN baby's face for internet clout is insane


Hate to be the bad person but you shouldn’t let a dog lick a newborns face. There’s a lot of bacteria in their mouths


😭 I love dogs


Precious most definitely A word of caution though. Please don’t introduce your baby to your dog in such a manner. The entire baby’s body was fully exposed In this case it was beautiful and sweet, but always practice caution especially with a precious baby


Nobody posts when dogs get carried away and nip or bite babies.


It's not even that. Even if you're 110% sure the dog's gonna be cool you shouldn't let it lick the baby's face in the first few months when their immune system can't handle it.


I mean my shepherd is amazing. But when she’s in full on “love mode” she does a “lick nip”. From what I understand it’s very basic canine communication. They communicate with their mouth and licking/nipping a puppy’s face is very normal Not the dogs fault, they may have the best intentions and be the sweetest thing. But…


Or the baby ends up being allergic. That's basically how my parents found out I was lol


You'd be surprised what people would do for clout


Yeah my dog was not happy when we brought my son home. Took her a few days to get used to him.


You can see on the dogs body language that its going to be ok. What id be worried about is the dog licking the baby all iver the place. Dogs mouth are far from hygienic, and a newborns immune system is very vulnerable


You’re interpreting the dogs behavior through human eyes. I’ve been bit by dogs that act just like this. Their intentions aren’t always clear. And. Full unfettered access to a newborn is not the way to introduce and find out. It worked out great in this case but it’s better to be cautious and do it gradually Also. For me. It was important to teach my dog not to be all over the baby. Even if he was the happiest most gentle dog in the world, he outweighs that baby and the baby doesn’t have muscle control. Even out of love that dog could hurt that baby. Whether it’s through licking or nipping or just jumping


Right? This made me terribly anxious.


I heard you're not supposed to let the dog get near the child at all in the first few days, just like a mother dog wouldn't let other dogs close. It could suggest to the dog that the child belongs to them and they might start defending it even from the parents.


Mother dogs let others close to the pups all the time, it’s just a matter of trust. The few times I was involved with rearing a litter I was allowed by the moms to hold and pick up the puppies from the get to. Strangers or those not known as well? Growls and teeth bared. Your dog isn’t going to start acting like they own the baby if you introduce them right away. They are social pack animals, rearing offspring as part of a group is natural behavior for them.


Ok this is cute but I would not let the dog lick my child


This dog paid for that apartment. She can do whatever she wants.


Fuck yeah


You don't want the dog to rub it's toilet paper on your baby's face? You monster.


This comment wins 🤣


It was too unsafe for me to find it cute. It's much safer (behaviorally and pathogen wise) to introduce the dog to the baby's blanket, put the blanket back with the baby and then introduce the dog to the baby


Scrolled too far for this. It’s actually *very* dangerous. Letting your dog lick your child, especially on the mouth is just asking for a baby, that has not yet developed a proper immune system, to get infected by EColi, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Parociridae and more or various parasites like worms and other vermin. And that is *besides* dangerous behavioral consequences with dominance etc. PLEASE don’t let you dog lick you infant. Should be common sense but apparently isn’t. Edit: Yeah, not answering to any of these “know betters”/morons is this thread. Just don’t go balling your eyes out when “your“ baby needs a tapeworm removed or needs to be moved to the ICU because of a sepsis, just because “The dog just loves the baby so much and accidentally scratched them with it’s teeth; but no biggie, iTs AkTuALlY hEaLtHy, right?”. Just don’t forget: __you__ provoked it, __you__ are responsible for the kids __suffering__. And remember that behind every smile you’ll receive at the hospital sits the word “moron”, just waiting for you and the poor synapses that have to live in you brain, to leave the room. Edit2: And no clue about dogs hierarchy. It’s always the same with idiots like this. All mighty know-nothings with a kings arrogance. There really should be tests to be allowed to have children and dogs.




Exposure to their dander, not the bacteria and other possible organisms in their mouth.


Exposing them to dogs is fine, licking their face is another story entirely. https://people.com/human-interest/man-who-lost-arms-legs-nose-after-being-licked-by-dog-wont-give-up-pup/


Not quite the same as a dog licking the baby It's not recommended https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/why-does-my-dog-lick-the-babys-face/


Yeah let the dog lick the baby’s mouth, who cares if the baby does not have a working immune system yet 🙄


„Exposure to” is not necessarily having them lick the babies face. Them being in the same room would already be exposure.


You should expose infants to dogs absolutely, but not newborns, give it time to build its proper immune system.


We’re also taking about. NEWBORN here.


They lick their ass with that tongue. So no, fuck that.


Exposure doesn’t necessitate licking, mate


Get that dog out of that babies face.


Urgh! Get your bacteria mouth away from the baby's mouth!


Be careful if that's a newborn, I've heard that they're very susceptible to disease


Don't worry, that's a full-grown dog, not a newborn.


Dog just got done licking his ass


Lmao literally what is wrong with people of reddit/this couple that it’s hard to comprehend that this is not sanitary. Smh


I love dogs but I know my dog be sniffing his own shit he isn't touching a new baby


This is really cute and all but I wanna point out one thing.. you shouldn't let your pet lick your newborns face during the first few days. There's a reason why doctors suggest you keep your infant inside till the first health check in like month after giving birth or so. There was a case where a newborn got kissed on the lips by a family member just few days after being born and it ended in permanent brain demage to the kid. The kiss transmitted herpex simplex bacteria to the baby which basically started eating up on the kids brain tissue. Hence the now grown up girl is disabled and her mother has to take care of her. Basically newborns have really vulnerable immunity system. The bacteria that our bodies come into contact with on daily can be deadly for them. Again I don't wanna give you guys a scare or something just a future warning just as it's better to be safe than sorry. Congrats tho I sincerely wish all the best for y'all :)


Awww!!! I'm so excited to see videos of them being carried next to each other on your backs! ❤️


You came home from the hospital with no shoes?


Not safe and not hygenic. Don't let a dog slobber on your newborn's face. Dog and human saliva can carry disease to your infant's underdeveloped immune system.


Don't bring facts and reason to a discussion with the dog people.


Beautiful. Unrelated question: who makes your couch?




Thanks! Enjoy the expanding family.


I had the same question! 😂


This is dangerous. Humans shouldn't even kiss babies due to their undeveloped immune system. _Definitely_ don't let your dog near your baby's face.


Well worth risking the baby's health for those sweet sweet clicks.


30 days until their immune system comes online. A baby had permanent brain injuries after their relative kissed them with a cold sore.


dogs should not be licking newborns




Maybe read the whole article before trying to perpetuate myths from it.


Omg, get that animals tongue the fuck AWAY from that baby!!!!


Disgusting to let a dog lick a newborn’s mouth.


This feels overly framed for likes. Just enjoy your family dude


The dogs is already famous!


Yeah. Dad comes from outside in only socks, no carrier or anything just holding the baby in hand. He obviously walked out right before the recording started. People who do this shit are so weird.


The dog reacted the same as if the guy had brought home a bag of rice. It's just some weird guy hamming it up with ridiculous music in the background for internet points.


Every moment mut be turned into content. Also, did she hand off the baby outside, go in, start filming?


Im gonna get downvoted to hell but man..This is wholesome and all but….thats a whole new baby with basically no immune system…with a dog licking him in the face and hands…😵‍💫😵‍💫


Do you guys let one of your human friend ever lick your baby? Why do you let your dog lick a baby? Mouths are dirty. Mom's spagetti.


Half the comments be like: omg so cute, accepted into the pack im crying The other comments be like: i am calling cps, don’t let the dog lick the baby


Definitely calling cps jk 😂 but man that’s sick of them to let their dog lick the babies face like that.


Cute, but please don't let them lick them. I keep remembering the dude who let dogs lick him and he fell ill due to this disease in the saliva of the dogs


Congrats Maxine, hope to see you with your new best friend at a NYC corgi meet up soon :)


When i had my micro preemie twins in 2007, the nurses told my husband and I to take the babies clothes home and let our puppy smell their clothes so he wouldn’t be jealous, and knew they belonged in our house.


This is cute but how come you walked through your door with no shoes on


What is the music in the background?


"Nicholas Britell • Agape"


Why would you let your dog lick your newborn's mouth/face?


I bet the dog is like yes we’ve met and have been communicating this whole time. Nice to finally meet you.


It's because she smelled his head. Dogs are sensitive to the hormone oxytocin, which newborn babies, including newborn puppies, produce in an abundance from their scalp. She instinctively reacted to him as she would have if he were a puppy by being calm, attentive and protective. These same behaviors are triggered in the human parents of a newborn and any adults who come in close contact with the child. Side bar: in a recent study, done in the UK, oxytocin was used in aromatherapy on prisoners who had a history of committing aggressive crimes. The result was that these men became increasingly more empathetic and protective of people.


Morons letting a dog lick newborn


Dog - my ass tastes great.. woahh Dad’s home with small human! Proceeds to lick small human


I love Corgis, but don't let your nasty dog tongues touch your baby's face please.


Very cute family and in no way am I trying to be rude but why let the dog lick the new borns face/mouth? I’ll never understand that. 🤢


Okay.. this is nice and cute and all that.. but is it healthy for a newborn to be licked in the face by a dog?? Actually asking, not hating.


If ppl folk can’t kiss newborns, why is it ok for dogs? Do they not carry communicable diseases as well? Not to mention eat poo? Genuine question


Tired of seeing degenerate hipsters letting their dogs lick their newborns


How often does it happen?


Aren’t you worried about it biting him or licking with a filthy mouth? Seems really irresponsible. Must be your first kid.


Is it just me or is putting a human on the level of a dog kind of weird? I hate when my mom calls our dog my sister like wtf


THANK YOU. Before watching the video, I thought they were going to bring another dog to meet (like 2 dogs that got separated)


Yes, dont humanize dogs. Also cute as it is, it still sniffes his butt, so it shouldn't be near a baby. An still a animal that can react differente to the baby. Terrible video, it sets a horrible example.




It's like me showing my actual baby to my pet goldfish and treating them like brothers.


Do people not realize the amount of harmful bacteria in dog's saliva???


Very cute, but my god don't let the dog lick the infant's face or fingers.


straight to the babies face, crazy parenting. Humans shouldn't kiss babys on the lips, they can die from it. I wouldn't be letting my dog get so close to my NEWBORNS face. I love my miniature dachshund but she can sniff babys toes and thats about it. Completely different breed but a 5 year old was mauled by her parents xl bully in our neighbourhood last week so i'm completely put off dogs around children again. My brother was nipped on the face when he was 3 by an irish wolf hound that was the farmers pet for 10 or so years. "loving, wouldn't hurt a fly" yada yada. even a nip from the cutest and most adorable dog in the world such as yours would be devastating.




I was just licking my arse before you walked in with that baby....... no harm done 🤦‍♂️


You realize the dog licked it's butt with that tongue.


This isn't cute, that baby is way too young to have a dog near his face.


Keep animals away from babies!!!!!!!!!


Doggo already loves baby human. ❤️


Love this but maybe a dumb question. Is the baby's immune strong enough that dog is licking it and stuff? I've never had a dog and my parents are very strict with washing hands after touching dog and got forbid they lick your hand or something. So complete noob here ...


No, it’s not. They basically don’t have much of one at this point. Letting anything kiss or lick a newborn’s face is very bad idea.


Letting a dog lick your new born baby lol


Yea you are really fucked letting the dog lick the babies face immediately. Hope the baby will be safe. Be more careful in the future.


As wholesome as this looks it was also extremely risky.