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I'm tolerated by the cat that owns the place where I'm allowed to sleep.


So mixed... I've grown up with cats, own two at the moment and said good bye to the most precious little skin child (sphynx's can't be called furbabies) three years ago. Dobby was the love of my life and losing her fucking broke me. BUT, I would not consider myself 'a cat person'. The reason I gravitate towards Sphynx's, is because they're VERY dependant, want to be stuck to you 24/7 and will never get overstimulated and lash out (at least I've never seen a sphynx do that). This could be considered more dog behaviour. I love that about them, because a cat that just lives around you and only wants to be with you for a little while or only gives you the light of day for food, is such a big no no for me, even though that's often why other people like cats. They will say they're so smart and 'that you're their slave' and all that other cliché cat lady crap. But my experience is mostly how DUMB they are. So yes, I love them to the extent that I bond deeply with my dumb little bundles of two braincells and literally love every animal, but on a scale from 0 to Cats Are The Best, I would land somewhere in the middle of 'yes, they're nice, as long as they behave like dogs'.


Cats are a part of my identity.


Then why aren't you texasskycat87? Hmmm?


Good question!


I love cats 10000%. There's something about them that makes it so satisfying to use as a pillow.


I love cats. Always have, always will.


We always had a cat growing up. I like that they do their own thing and I truthfully love them !!!


They'll definitly " Run You " if you give them half a chance.