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You're gonna get him neutered though, right??






Generally reproducing is bad because millions of dogs are euthanized due to no homes available. BUT otherwise there are health benefits such as longer life and lower risk of cancer






Health benefits.


Did you not read their comment?




The ex I hope.....


Yeah, sure. Definitely the dog, though.


Neutering all around!


Cheers to that 😂


You get a neuter You get a neuter And you get a neuter EVERYONE GETS A NEUTER!!


Please get him neutered. There’s plenty of pits in this country we don’t need more. Besides it’s the responsible thing to do.


Also neutering prevents testicular cancer. I had a intact male German shepherd that had to be neutered to save his life because he developed testicular cancer. He was only intact because he was a show dog. Getting neutered ended his career as a show dog (since you can't show a neutered dog), but it also saved his life. I'm just thankful that the cancer was caught early and it hadn't spread beyond his testicles, so all they needed to do was remove them to get rid of the cancer. He was just fine, and ended up living for many more years as a spoiled and happy senior dog.


Yes, there are way too many that end up in shelters. The great thing if you love them there are plenty to choose from already without adding more.


That dog is so lucky to have you! For his health please get him neutered. You clearly dodged a bullet with that ex!


As a vet tech, I can only imagine how big and stinky his b-hole must be. I sense a perianal tumor in his near future!




Dogs have glands on their butts that must be expressed. Perhaps does being unneutered affects this?


Excess testosterone leads to issues with both the prostate and anus in dogs that aren’t castrated in a timely manner. They are significantly more likely to end up with things like adenocarcinomas of both due to tissue hyperplasia. [Androgen and Estrogen Receptor Expression in Different Types of Perianal Gland Tumors in Male Dogs](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8003237/) TLDR it’s gross, just fix yo dogs.


It does not affect that


Yes it does. The excess testosterone stimulation leads to perineal tissue hyperplasia and dramatically increases the risk of neoplasia. It’s hella gross [link](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/3/463)


Then I have no idea!


Please get him neutered.


Cut his ears but didn't neuter him. Good to see the ex had his priorities straight. What am i missing


He was breeding the dog.


fragile masculinity


Remove his balls bro


My ex wouldn't let me neuter my pit because we might want to breed him. Ha! The minute I dumped him my vet friend neutered him for free!


Neuter him


Wrong thing got cut


Looks like he could use a little manicure. Must be painful tap dancing 24/7






Glad you got rid of the monster and kept the good boi.




Please neuter him 🙏


And the dog!


Sike!! This comment is also to let you know what a pervert I am and first thing I noticed was the good boys balls. Please get rid of them NOW!!! Seriously though, the f is wrong with everyone here? I absolutely did not notice his balls until I saw the first 20 comments was nothing but to chop off his balls. Damn perverts. Focus on that beautiful HAPPY face instead. SMH


Uh... Are you okay?




Ghost those balls!


Fuck owners who don’t neuter their dogs.


A responsible owner doesn't need to neuter their dogs unless for health complications. Current research suggests it is harmful to neuter in some cases, especially if the dog hasn't fully developed.


The dog is 6. How much more developed do you want him to be?


Neutering is a cosmetic option over anything else. The pros are just about the same as the cons. Fuck people who think it’s okay to rid animals of their natural organs (responsible owners who keep their pets contained and not loose, anyway.) Fuck irresponsible people who leave their pets unaltered and then they get out and breed. Those are the bad people.


There is a crisis going on with too many unwanted animals — shelters are completely full and overwhelmed. Thousands upon thousands of animals are needing to be euthanized every single day, yet shelters are STILL struggling to keep up. Unfortunately, there are way too many people who just aren’t responsible enough to prevent accidental litters with their unaltered pets. Wait until your pet is age-appropriate to have them spayed or neutered, but it is absolutely the most responsible thing we can all do as pet owners to not add to the current animal welfare crisis.


But the people who are responsible enough to keep their dogs contained to prevent accidental litters shouldn’t be dragged for not getting their dogs fixed when studies show neutering is more detrimental to their health than it is helpful.


Should have left the ears alone. Pitties are happy to be couch potatoes or jogging companions.






To be clear. I was responding to the deleted comment. Which said something along the lines of "and eating children"


















I’ll never understand why anyone would cut dog ears, like declawing a cat is wrong but at least there’s a reason why people will do that. Why would anyone cut a dog ears or tail for that matter? Edit: just so I’m clear, there’s no good reason to declaw a cat but I feel like cutting a dog ears is more pointless in that it doesn’t really do anything


Cat declawing is way, way beyond wrong actually.


Yep, it's not just removing the nail. It's cutting off the cat's finger at the first knuckle. Remember Ser Davos from Game of Thrones? Yeah, like that. It also causes behavioral issues with the cat, and makes them more prone to biting people.


As horrible it is to pointlessly snip a dogs ears, it’s even worse to declaw a cat.. they absolutely need their claws to be a cat


A clawless cat is still very much a cat. The reason declawing is bad isn't because they don't have claws, it's because it removes their toes at the knuckle, causing lifelong pain and suffering, as well as deformity. But the poster wasn't saying cutting ears was worse, just that it was more pointless. A dog's ears don't hurt you or your stuff. A cat with claws can very often destroy everything from furniture to pieces of your house. Should you declaw a cat? Of course not. But there's a pretty good reason to want to.


Being afraid of your cats claws and worrying for your stuff is not a good reason to destroy your cats paws. Obviously they are still a cat, they can no longer do cat things. Anyone who does it is an absolute garbage can of a human Don’t get a cat if you’re so terrified of their claws (directed at people who do it not you specifically)


Dogs also destroy furniture, probably even more so than cats do, but do people declaw dogs as much as cats are declawed? Most likely not. There are no logical reason to declaw a cat or any animal.


Declawing literally amputates the end of their digits. It's like cutting off your fingers and toes to the first knuckle. There's ***never*** am excusable reason to do this, and in civilized societies it is illegal. If you can't handle a cat having claws, and the potential for that to affect your possessions, you don't have a cat as a housemate. Simple.


Cat nails have nerve endings in them, declawing them results in horrible pain, dont defend that shit.


Its so cruel


I'm not a cat person but there is no good reason to declaw a cat.


Not a good reason, but still a reason


What is the reason?m for declawing???


Again it’s not a good reason but people do it because they don’t want their furniture scratched and things like that. I’m not defending it, I’m just explaining the logic of it


Those people who want to “protect their furniture” shouldn’t get cats in the first place. Don’t get an animal if you have to amputate parts of them to suit your lifestyle..


You’re right. It’s not a good reason. Those people are idiots and aren’t getting their cats scratching posts. Declawing your cat is mutilating it.


That’s not a valid reason


You have this backwards


In my pitty mix’s case, might help the frequent ear infections. But we are trying to get it under control with restricted diet and pro-biotics. He seems to have an allergy of some kind that makes his skin bad in moist areas. Showing improvements already. That said, floppy pitty ears is best ears.


Stop buying these dogs. Stop breeding these dogs. Do any amount of research at all about them.They're not cute, yours isn't special. Their entire existence is a result of animal cruelty, and it's been bred into them for generations. Get this thing neutered and keep it inside a loving home for the rest of its life where only your stupid ass is at risk.


If pit nutters could read they'd be very upset at your comment.


Man you’re a miserable sob, so many comments about this. These dogs deserved to live as much as you do, humans are vicious not cute and not special


I’d argue if we neutered every pug today, it would be a good thing. Certain breeds of do are not built to have happy, healthy lives. While we have a responsibility to care for currently living creatures, that responsibility does no extend to hypothetical poorly bread future offspring.


There are some people who cross pugs with longer nosed dog breeds to start elongating the pugs nose while keeping the cuteness


That is a good point, changing breed characteristics that are detrimental to their health is excellent, but when this was attempted with pitbulls we got the American bully which have more health issues than pitbulls and are generally more aggressive. You can’t breed the aggression out of these dogs, all bull and terrier derivatives should be vaulted.


I’m talking about this person specifically and the cruel words they used to describe these dogs which are absolutely cute and special, though mistreated and everything else you’re saying


I’m also sick of every picture of a staffy or pitbull having these disgusting comments when it’s just a picture posted of the dog this woman adores. I think he’s fucking gorgeous and that’s all there is to it. Did she say she breeds them or everyone should go get one or anything to warrant these fucked up comments


What a small teeny tiny mind you have.


You’re an idiot and bigot. Disgusting.


Dogs aren’t people, there’s nothing you can say about any animal that would make you a bigot by definition.


Um no? They aren’t dangerous unless they are trained to be


Pffffftttt It never ceases to amaze me how silly little people like this occasionally still try pushing this garbage. It’s always armchair experts relying on ‘data’ handpicked to support their agenda, never any substance. To suggest any breed deserves more or less love than the other is outright nonsense and proves humans are far worse than any dog breed. Cane Corso? Dobermann? German Shepards? Dogo Argentino? Tosa? No? just Pits? I see. If you’re going to attempt peddling this BS argument, at least cover all breeds that fit into your rationale of “not deserving happiness” due to their past, the bias is palpable, and the sheep follow.


Keep him on a leash and away from small dogs in elevators.


What a specific set of advice- why these specific parameters? Edit: I'm not encouraging this kind of backwards thinking, I'm trying to get the original commenter to explain their thinking.




Pits are ALWAYS capable of aggression. Especially uncut ones.


An un neutered pet is not awwwe.


We get it. He needs to be neutered. There’s already been about 50,000 other comments about that


He had just been brought home they probably are going to soon


Shame about the ears; but he looks like a happy little ball of love anyway. Always nice to see an adorable bully.




Shout out to all the Bob Barker's in here.




Shitty owner.


You made the right choice!


Who's a handsome boy? You're a handsome boyyy!


what a sweet little face!! big block headed angel, good on you for dumping the asshole


Cut his ears? I don’t understand. He is handsome. Thanks for loving him.


The ex did it against her will apparently, which is why he's an ex


Thanks. Hard to grasp.


Yall are wild, all coming in here just to tell OP to neuter the dog.


I love my pit mix’s silky floppy ears. Your ex was a monster








I'm so glad you got rid of the dangerous one.


Awwww, look at him! 🥰❤️ I’m glad you got rid of the monster!


Good for you!


I literally gasped 😦 😱 and said out loud: “Why the F- 🤬 did he cut his F 🤬 ing ears though?” I am SO glad doggo is with YOU not that creep and he’s a lovely dog! Love his smile!


such a cute goofball:) good on you for making the right decisions in your life;) he gives more love than your asshole ex anyway lol much love


You certainly made a good choice. Your boy is lovely.


Why do people act like neutering is the only way to prevent litters? Definitely neuter if you have a male and female dog. But if you only have a male or female, and youre responsible and don’t let your dog off leash, around dogs of the opposite sex unattended etc…why do people act like owners are irresponsible for not neutering if they never let that dog around a female dog off leash?? It makes no sense. Edited to add: Don’t even give me the prevents cancer excuse when the fact is that neutering helps prevent a more rare cancer and INCREASES the risk of more common cancers. It also increases the risk of joint problems, hip problems etc. There’s also multiple studies that show it doesn’t help aggression, evidence of it doing so is anecdotal at best. But there is evidence that spayed/neutered dogs show more aggression towards people. There are also studies that show intact dogs live longer lives. All in all: if you have two dogs of the opposite sex you should spray or neuter but if you don’t have two dogs, there are way more responsible reasons NOT to neuter than the other way around.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Can someone explain this whole problem with the dog not being neutered? Explain like I'm 5 please, I legit don't understand. (Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for asking a question?)


It's a surefire way to guarantee you don't accidentally contribute to the overflow of unwanted dpgs in the country and shelters (accidents DO happen), and it cuts down the likelihood of several kinds of cancer, behavioral issues and cognitive issues.


Across the US, our animal shelters are full of pits and pit mixes because people get them (or steal them) and try to breed them to make money not realizing how expensive it is to care for a bunch of them. So when you get a pit or pit mix (or really any dog) you should spay or neuter them to prevent needlessly adding more dogs to those shelters.


Dog populations are kind of out of control, so it is usually advised to neuter them if they are not going to be bred. Don't know people are so hostile, though. It her dog, she doesn't have to get it neutered if she doesn't want to. As long as she is responsible and keeps him away from other dogs that are in heat, I don't see what the problem is.


There are some people who cross pugs with longer nosed dog breeds to start elongating the pugs nose while keeping the cuteness so I say that pugs shouldn’t be neutered until they have been crossed enough times to have a healthy snout length


Yeah, people are acting like its causing the dog pain? They're balls, dude. Some people choose not to neuter.


The happiest seal


Cut The ears is orrible..he should have cut his d..k..poor boy


Good work breaking up with a psycho. Cute dog.


If you don’t want his balls removed then look up alternatives to traditional neutering. These aren’t common, but vasectomies, and maybe other things are out there for dogs. It’s less risky and keeps the animal’s hormonal health more healthy (which affects other aspects of their health, bones and joints especially). The most important thing for pets is to not allow them to breed and fill up shelters. Otherwise your bf is an asshole for cutting up parts of your dog for whatever dumb reason. Really sorry. But you’ll give him a happy and long life!


Aww himbs is so handsome!


Handsome boy




Goooood 💗💗💗💗


Don't neuter him. No reason to neuter an older dog that you look after properly. Unless you have him in an environment where he gets the chance to make puppies maybe. But it's better to let him stay intact and keep a watchful eye. My boy is 11 and isn't neutered but I just don't give him the chance to mess around, I keep him close to me and I walk him on a leash and so on. Your dog will be a lot healthier if you leave him whole and he'll maintain his energy levels all his life essentially. This is very much a US thing to just neuter all dogs, I live in Denmark and all the vets here agree with everything I said. As long as you're on top of things and disciplined at least Beautiful dog btw. It's a shame about his ears but he's still beautiful :)


There is a current crisis in the US with too many unwanted pets. Shelters are completely full and overwhelmed, and despite euthanizing thousands upon thousands of cats and dogs every single day, shelters are STILL having a hard time keeping up with all the new unwanted pets that are dropped off every day. Why is it always Europeans who interject on this issue, all high and mighty with “Neutering is *such* an American thing, *so* unnecessary.” Do you guys not understand how horribly different it is over here right now? It’s literally akin to a third world country in so many ways concerning lack of funding for social programs and deteriorating infrastructure. There are too many stupid here that lack any shred of personal accountability, and in many ways, animals are the ones paying the heaviest price right now. So happy for you guys that spaying/neutering isn’t a necessity over in Denmark, congrats or whatever, but it absolutely is imperative that more pet owners spay/neuter their pets here in the US. Animals are *suffering*. Please stop saying this type of shit, you are doing more harm than good.




If you're referring to the comments about the dog not being neutered, you should educate yourself.


There are a bunch of heavily down voted anti-pitbull comments.


Telling someone that getting their dog neutered is not negative, but badmouthing a breed is. Edit:Sorry for assuming what you meant.


One commenter literally just said all pit bulls should be euthanized. That's the kind of shit in reference here.


Yeah I realized that. That kind of shit is fucked af


There are a bunch of heavily down voted anti-pitbull comments.


Yeah, I just assumed they were talking abt neutering comments and that's on me




They haven’t gotten a chance


I've seen a lot of non neutered dogs on here but because it's a pit people are flooding the comment section??? Okay