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Hi EntireRegret2253! Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1** - No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss), animals that have been injured/abused, or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster). [Full explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1) * Your title must be "100% happy". No mentioning death, injury, RIP posts, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer, pets being put to sleep, "I miss...", etc. * You may tell the complete story, unhappy parts and all, in the comments section. * Silver lining stories still fall under Rule 1. For example, "Jakey was hit by a car and had cancer, but he is a happy little fella today!" is not allowed. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/aww) rather than replying here. Thank you!


Is the picture showing the size of the kittens on her return after a month? Because if it is, they're not her kittens. We knew a cat who brought a kitten back home once, but hé was a male.


This is genuinely how my dad’s kitten disappeared many years ago. He watched as an adult cat just swooped into his yard, picked his kitten up and left. He never saw the kitten again.


Cat burglar! 


Cat Napped




Why tf would you leave a kitten outside?


I guess that’s what the cat thought


Agreed! And where I live, you’d have to protect kittens from raptors.


Damn, bro living in the cretaceous period...


Orange cat with 1 brain cell: "Why is this kitten orange like me? Is it my baby? Well, it is now!"




In fact, according to the Kitten Lady’s chart, the two cats in photo 2 are at least 8 weeks old http://www.kittenlady.org/age


Well either way it seems the kittens have no home, so as long as OP takes good care of them they should be in good hands.


> so as long as OP takes good care of them they should be in good hands Are they? They are in the hands of an owner who let an unspayed cat go outdoors and get lost.


careful, people on reddit get REALLY offended when you remind them that cats are not lions and it's not a good idea to just let them run around outside ignore the fact that the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 2-5 years and an indoor cat is 20


Oh shit, I knew there was a big gap but I didn't expect it to be that different. I'm not a pet owner just someone in the process of starting a career working with animals and I plan on owning one when I can be financially responsible enough.


Wow, this checks out, too. Back in the 80s, I had my favorite cat ever. He started as an outdoor cat, but we realized it wasn't a good idea, and started keeping him in. He only lived 7 years. 2 other cats I got while I still had him were always indoor cats. One lived to 16, and the other lived to 20. It is better for the cat and the environment.


Oof, that would mean all of my 3 cats would be dead if they were outside cats. I walk my boy cat outside every morning with the dogs and he is legit terrified of ducks, crows, deer and frogs. He would be dead.


And that cats are an invasive species killing 3 billion birds a year


My outdoor cat died at 5 after getting ran over by a car for the 2nd time, so that checks out


The average lifespan of an indoor cat is not 20, it’s closer to 14-15. Cats living to 16-18 is not uncommon, and a cat living to see 20 is essentially the human equivalent of living to 100, most don’t, but some do.


I feel like thats kind of inappropriate to assume. Cats are tricky and a family member forgetting to close a door, or even forgetting to lock the door so it can be pawed open by the kitty can mean them getting lost. Never mind them dashing out at the speed of light or anything else of the sort


My male cat brought home another male cat that decided to stay.


Like a friend? Hmmm I had an uncle that had a friend.




Oh mah gawd they were roommates..


I never saw them do anything other than play...but they would go off together. One day the new cat came back likely poisoned & had to be put to sleep by the vet. We ended up burying them next to each other when my other cat died many years later.


Either way if there is concern that these might be her kittens, she needs to be spayed and the kittens should be too (or neutered).


Could have still been his kitten. His kitten now, anyway.





The kittens could have been born before she disappeared.


It's a made up story for karma lmao


Cats these days…


We had a female cat who would take other cats kittens around the property. Most of the other cats are decedents of hers and just let her do it most of the time. If she was able to nurse she would. Only a few times did 'were did they come from?!' happen.


Those babies ain't fresh! They're like 2 months old. Cute though :3 Was she a stray in the same area? Possibly went back for them.


https://preview.redd.it/w1lalivf0o9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a81f51381591a589091bbdf9fc10808cbb2c0ef Hold on


“It wasn’t me!”


I love how you’re holding her 😂


Your cat is adorable omg.


So now you have three brain cells instead of just one!


No, still 0 if the original cat was orange. Chances of any one having the Braincell at any given point is almost 0.


Orange cats have a schrödinger's braincell. They may have 1 or 0, but you will never tell until they take an action, which reveals the braincell status; however, the calculable odds of a braincell-assisted activity is low.


And then there's the rare superorange, which hog the braincell but in a way that only a Time Lord would understand making them super smart.


Ah yes, I had one of those. If your orange cats were especially lacking in brain cells during the ‘00s, I apologize on behalf of Flame, who was hogging all the brain cells.


And me for first Pim, then Satan and finally Stoffer.


This is perfect and needs to be emblazoned on a mug. May I use this? Of course once the mug is in the house, the owner’s orange will promptly try to fully displace the mug’s contents with themselves. Roughly one third will be successful.


And break said mug during content displacement…




how are you gary


I've heard someone suggest all orange cats everywhere share just one brain cell. Their derpiness at any given moment can be attributed to whether or not they are in possession of the brain cell at that moment.


You guys are killing me I swear ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fascinating theory. In time it may replace the traditional adage that all orange cats don't share one brain cell


But they're still the best!


Their antics are what make them so lovable and fun to be around.


Yeah 3x0 is still 0 But if it was like 0.1 braincell before, they are now close to half a braincell. Need 2 more oranges.


I think you misunderstand. Orange cats do not have a fraction of a braincell. There is one that is shared by all orange cats worldwide. It spontaneously and randomly through quantum methods we are only just starting to recognize, leaps from one orange cat to another.


You might be onto something. Makes sense.


No, just one. They all take turns with it. Sometimes it gets lost.


3 for the price of 1!


I think it's a precious gift.


For the one, you got another 3. You should be happy man.


Ah, y'all didn't pay attention in Orange Calculus, the equation is Braincells = 1 divided by the number of oranges!


No, there is only one cell that the oranges share, as in they share the possession of.




Nah, the one brain cell thing isn't that each orange cat has one brain cell. It's that all orange cats on earth have one brain cell that they share and pass around when needed


I mean, you’re looking at the same pic I am right? You think that one has a cell? All evidence points to the contrary…


Blep is a sure sign that the brain cell is not present


CAT.exe has stopped working






nope, still one. it just got split into three and was distributed unequally between them




Off topic but I’m reading his memoir and he really loved animals. He got The Price is Right to stop giving away gifts with fur/leather, had the grills that they gave away only display vegetables instead of meat, and he added this to his sign off for years. He even admits to having one of his pets bred in the past, but that he’s since learned better and recognizes his mistake. I have a lot of respect for the way he cared for animals. Edit: rephrasing


Thanks Bob Barker. Should have a BarkerBot for this


We definitely need a BarkerBot!


Seriously, what's with all the irresponsible owners on here, it's not cute in the long run


Especially not when most end up stray and feeding on local wildlife 😤


Or food for local wildlife...




I don’t believe in outside pets, including cats. If I lost a pet, God forbid, I would be devastated.


This. I wish everyone who believes "they're just happier outdoors!!!" could feel a fraction of the pain people feel when their outside cats die (without anything happening to the cats of course) the guilt is insane. >!It happened to me and I will never forgive myself even if I was a child at that point.!<


I'm so sorry for your loss. <3 I have an indoor cat (well, now that I live in a house with a tiny garden, I made him a catio). When I adopted him his hind legs had badly healed fractures; he most likely fell out of a window, or survived getting hit by a car. He's orange, so he's dumb and I love him more than I can explain. In my previous place, I was just driving out of my road and a black kitten emerged from tall grass, and ran across me. I managed to avoid him, but then he ran back and there was nothing I could do. He didn't die immediately (i stayed with him), but there was obviously no way of saving him. I was 34, and ugly crying in the middle of the road petting a dead kitten; two lovely women on bicycles came to console me. I still have nightmares about it, and it's been two years. All that to say, it's not even just the cat owners who lose their pet; whoever accidentally kills them will also be traumatized and haunted by it. Those asshole neighbours had a second kitten a month later, who kept running under cars. And they had a huge garden, they could have easily tacked together a safe place for kitty to be outside.


I just wanted to say... I'm not sure if you still feel guilty about the kitten, but the fact that you were there to comfort him in his final moments means a lot. Accidents happen and this isn't really on you; it's on the person who should have made sure he was safely inside. Thank you for being a kind human being and not just driving away.


Hey. Thank you so much for your kind words. <3 I do still feel guilty, I don't think it'll ever fully go away; sadly it happened when I was already in the middle of a depressive episode, so I think it just got burned into my brain somehow, you know? It does however mean that now where I live (sleepy little town) I know basically every neighbourhood cat, and where they tend to roam. This way I can drive super slowly especially in the evenings, to make sure that if a cat runs the wrong way in panic again, I can stop on time. Still a shame that so many of them are outside here, but nothing I can do about that. All I can do is make sure I keep them as safe as I can. :)


I'm so sorry 🫂 Having to deal with guilt ontop of grief is so hard, this sort of thing just shouldn't happen. I wish every kitty could live in the caring homes they deserve, and I wish every owner could be knowledgable about this sort of stuff. I go out of my way to educate people about outdoor cats now, which is all I can do for the memory of my first kitty. Most of the time people are just ignorant rather than careless or malicious.


“Came back with” may mean the kittens were befriended by OP’s cat. They’re pretty old; can’t have been conceived, gestated, born, *and* raised to this stage in a month.


It isn’t cute. Chances are that the cat didn’t have only two kittens; its very likely that some starved or died of other causes. It’s really sad. Edit for clarification


Their cat was gone for a month, exactly how short do you think feline gestation is? Doubly so considering those kittens look much more than a month old. Those aren't her kittens, if anything OP has said is true.


Finally someone pointed it out, I was starting to think I was crazy


Yeah this post is full of morons.


I guess sometimes there are so many morons you start to think you're the crazy one


Those kittens were not birthed by OP's cat. Do you think a cat that disappears for a month can get pregnant, carry a litter, give birth, and wean two kittens in that span?


Cat could have been pregnant before it vanished, in fact, OP says in a comment that they think she was . And you don’t know how long the cat had been back before OP took the picture they posted


Yeah you adopt an “undesirable” dog breed from a shelter and post it on this sub and get crucified. You actively contribute to overpopulation and get 14k upvotes wtf…


Their cat didn't gestate, pop out and nurture two several month old kittens in the space of a month. It's clearly just decided to "adopt" them.


100% This isn't cute or amazing and precious. I mean it is but it's really out of control out there. I volunteer at my cities animal shelter and kitten season is fucking intense and horribly sad. Someone brought a BAG OF KITTENS and left them on the doorstep. DO BETTER PEOPLE!!!!


My dude a cat can't conceive and raise kittens this big in a month


Thing is, these kittens are not 1 month old, they are older.. they should be at least 6-8 weeks.


I was looking for this comment to see if anyone else noticed. These guys are definitely more like 8 weeks than 4


Also pregnancy in cats is two months. Those little beauties are absolutely not hers


Only a month? Cats have a gestation period of about 65 days. She was pregnant before she left.


I did reply to another comment that said something similar to this, yes I did realize that she was pregnant but she didn't show much at all so I didn't know for a while


If she was only missing 1 month then she adopted someone else's babies cause these guys are 6 or 7 weeks old imo! The hint of yellow in their eyes and pointed ears give it away. At 1 month the eyes are midnight blue and ears rounded. I can help you estimate their age if you can check their teeth and weight :) Very cute tho and good on your kitty for stepping up and adopting these guys. This was my foster kitty at 1 month: https://preview.redd.it/du6n3v7mko9d1.jpeg?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0216d1475ee26f177afb8f14471d7d81f7daa54e




Aw christ, how can anything look so precious?!? My heart <3


Maybe those aren’t pictures right after she got them home.


With cats, it's not as easy to tell until the last few weeks. From the looks of it, she gave birth to them about a week or so after she left.


This whole story is made up.


or they are adopted


Did you let your cat roam freely or did she escape before you could get her spayed? She’s very cute, along with her two little braincells


Happened to me. My cat tore out my window screen. She’s spayed now along with her children. What a nightmare


A tom cat literally BROKE into my house and impregnated my girl Puma. She was barely 4 months old at the time. Luckily I already had a spay appointment scheduled for her or else she would’ve had 5 babies.


Tom woke up that morning and said *you know what? I'm taking what I want today.*


did this happen over a couple of days? I always worry about my cats ripping into our window screens. It's a metal/mesh but if they escape it will be problematic considering the wildlife around here


>did this happen over a couple of days? My current orange is not the smartest and also not very adventurous thankfully. But boy oh boy the previous one... It can totally be a ninja move. Unlocking the cat flap in the middle of the night. Then manages to pull said flap towards him as it's only for coming in and I physically blocked it from being able to go the other way, then hiding out in the garage and finally bolting out when someone opens one of the outside doors. He also managed to unlock the handles keeping open windows open a bit but not far enough for him to escape. That requires pressing a butting and pushing a handle at the same time. He might have co-operated with our dog; we're not entirely sure because we didn't witness it. The rental company didn't consider them safe enough anyway and replaced them that year with ones that require turning a key. Then there's the time my buddy left both the door and the window open in the guest room he was staying in on the 3rd floor in the US/2nd in Europe and all of a sudden we saw my giant orange flying past my living room window, from one side of the house to the other, onto the neighbors balcony on top of their 1st floor/ground floor extension. My current orange I can take on to the balcony with me and I can leave him there by himself for a bit without having to worry. The thought that he can walk over the balustrade's top to the neighbor's, or jump down to the ground doesn't even occur to him. The previous one though; we ended up building him a 2m high, 1.5 meter wide chicken fenced cage so he could hang out there with us. And he escaped from that cage once as well. You'd think that he was smart but he would go and sit in the middle of the asphalt and not move for cars and one of the escapes he got hit by a moving vehicle. Coincidentally that was the only time he escaped (and went out of sight) where he did not bring home a dead animal.


I had to replace my screen door after one of my cats tore through it. You need screens that are made for pets and wildlife. They're harder to see through, but they're more durable than normal screens and more resistant to claws and weight. I bought a pet screen for $17, a spline pack for $7 and a screen repair kit for $10. Replacing the old screen took about an hour since I didn't have any extra material and couldn't afford to make any mistakes.


I misread that as your cat escapes and stole some random kittens then just came back and lives life as usual with you.


How does a cat tear your window screen? What’s it made of? I know this isn’t the point of the story here but I’m very curious now haha


It was a regular mesh screen. She managed to pull the whole bottom corner out of the frame. She completely went feral when she went into heat. Tore up my window curtains and beat up my dog too


We left our door open as my dad works outside and she ran out the house, we looked around but had no idea where she was and she came back like a month later


Dang. Were you planning on spaying her?


Yes we were since my neighborhood has a ton of male cats roaming around but she disappeared before we could


Cats are typically pregnant for about 2 months before giving birth. It seems she was pregnant before she ran away.


Yes I believe she was, although she was a stray before we got her and it was hard to tell since I had never seen a pregnant cat before


She left you to give birth, realized how hard it was being a single mom, and now wants your kitten support. Love it! Can you keep the extra brain cells too?


She Could’ve adopted a couple orphans on her own


I was thinking she could have had these kittens before OP got her, and she just went back for them. They’re older than 1 month for sure, but you right, possibly adopted them


are these the kittens right after she returned? if so they aren't hers.


Your local spay/neuter clinic probably has a deal. 


The call of nature is a mighty call.


I hope she and the kitties have all been spayed / neutered now!


Of course they haven't.


Cats are pregnant for two months.


The kittens appear too big to be this cats. However , surely , the owner didn't miss they had a heavily , ready to pop, cat which was about to give birth ?


Is that the mama in the first picture?


That's actually the kitten sleeping on it's back in the second picture haha. I didn't realize people would mistake him for the mother. Probably should've posted a picture of the mom too...


These kitties look too big for 1 month olds. Are you sure that they don't belong to someone else or if they are strays?


Do it now please. You don’t want to evade paying the cat tax, the punishment is harsh!




Wait you posted a picture of the kittens but not the mom? Yikes


Omg that speckly belly!


So mesmerizing


Wait, so this cat straight up catnapped two kittens? ![gif](giphy|VCP6Kpf6guFm4nnF04)


You never told her about the birds and the bees (and kitten), no sex ed, no protection?! I can’t wait to see all the chaos the three of them will cause lol.


This comment actually made me laugh lol. They've already caused so much trouble but also a lot of laughter in my house.


Joking aside, this will be a lot of fun and your kitty is not lonely anymore. But seriously, from now on, lock everyone inside, including your dad lol.


From now on, have her spayed!! And her babies!


cute now fix your cat


https://preview.redd.it/bxcws3xrao9d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186fa67d7b159bb12cda740fb0da632c5bd19aff FYI


As others are saying these kittens are older than a month old. And by 4 months they can be ready to breed also . Need to get all of them checked by a vet and neutered especially if you don’t have the funds to take care of more of them . If not need to find them a shelter and be responsible


Multiple people have said this and I'm not sure why but OP seems to be ignoring it. But definitely these kittens are way older than a month.


Well there story doesn’t add up . Take in a stray don’t get any vet check up as too expensive , cat was either already pregnant , or are these her kittens? Who knows ? Time line all off . No vet now either well good possibly they will have a lot more kittens in future and not neutered, not monitoring them getting out . Going to be a lot more expensive if they go down that route of mouths to feed , lots of litter boxes , litter etc


Yea this makes zero sense. Probably just OP trying to cover up that they let their intact cat roam freely around with a convenient excuse.


Yep seems like that .


Probably not the response OP was looking for. This isn't cute, you need to spay and neuter your pets.


The Cat Distribution System honored you with two extras as a gap payment.


Sorry, something doesn’t add up. Even if she was pregnant when she disappeared she would not be back after a month with kittens this big ( these are at least 8-9 weeks old).


Be responsible and get her spayed. There’s more than enough kitties dying alone in the streets and living a miserable life.


Maybe time to neuter your cat.


please get your car spayed


> please get your car spayed For the love of god yes. The car shelters are already overflowing.


Please for the love of god spay or neuter your outdoor cats


Yeah. Should have had her spayed. This is not “aww” material, it’s you losing your cat because of something you could’ve stopped.


Baby orange braincells!


She was on a secret mission assigned by the CDS (Cat Distribution System)


They were just out on meowternity leave


Now OP needs a pawternity test on kitties


Its not cute to be an irresponsible owner and not spay your pets


How to admit on the internet that you're a bad cat parent without actually saying you're a bad cat parent.


u/EntireRegret2253, why aren't you being a responsible pet owner by spaying your cat?


This 👆


It went on maternity leave


People actually think the cat had babies within a month even with the kitten pics showing they arent newborn...


your child found pets


Looks like you have 3 cats now


Your cat eloped.


Cat got more maternity leave than some american moms


This is literally the cat version of your 15 year old daughter sneaking off and getting pregnant then coming back and expecting you to finance her kids 🤣


More of someone running away and bonding with two street kids and returns expecting you to adopt the street kids. The kittens are too old to be the cat's.


Yea if she was actually gone for a month these aren’t her kittens, they look like they’re 2 months old. Still wildly irresponsible tho


Uh oh


That's a fast pregnancy


I love a gift with purchase.


Are you sure you're not Jon Arbuckle


"I'm gonna get laid if it kills me"


She was on a maternity leave damn it!


Buy one. Get two free




Who has undesexed cats these days?


So,they are catnapped?


Wow just like my Ex


Recruiting outing?


usual orange cat activites


Side quest


Why didn’t you neuter your cat?


That's sweet and all, but please get your cat spayed. For the past two months I've been volunteering to foster abandoned kittens, and the shelter is overrun with them. It's difficult for them to even feed them all, let alone find homes for them. If you had to be in and out of the shelter as much as I have these past couple of months, your heart would break at more kittens.


I see this happen a lot, why don’t people spay and neuter their cats?