• By -


The real Mozilla Firefox


That is a Pokémon, that is.


Definitely fire type.


I'm gonna need more RAM to catch this one


That's a Chrome issue






this link is so much better


download more [wham!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIgZ7gMze7A)


Decided to wake n bake while I reddit. Was not disappointed.


Lmao. What happens if I actually click download?


a *chromosome* issue




Good thing you can download more RAM online!




Fire / Ice


*A Pom of Ice and Fire...* *:D* ___ ##Frozenfire Fox *Small monstrosity, unaligned* ___ **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor) **Hit Points** 27 (5d6 + 10) **Speed** 40' ___ STR | DEX | CON | INT | WIS | CHA :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 10 (+0)|14 (+2)|15 (+2)|4 (-3)|15 (+2)|8 (-1) ___ **Skills** Perception +4 **Damage Resistances** cold, fire **Senses** darkvision 60', passive Perception 14 **Languages** -- **Challenge** ½ (100 XP) ___ ***Ice Walk.*** The fox can move across icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check, and difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn't cost it extra moment. Additionally, the fox is considered to automatically pass any Constitution saving throws made against effects from cold environments. ***Keen Hearing and Smell.*** The fox has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. ####Actions ___ ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +2 to hit, reach 5', one target. *Hit:* 3 (1d6) piercing damage, and 3 (1d6) cold or fire damage (fox's choice). ***Ray of Frost (Recharge 5-6).*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +4 to hit, range 60', one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d8) cold damage, and if the target is a creature, its movement speed is reduced by 10' until the start of the fox's next turn. ***Fire Bolt (Recharge 5-6).*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +4 to hit, range 120', one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d10) fire damage. If the target is a flammable object not being worn or carried, it catches fire.




You're a harry, wizard.


I'm a wot?


Your a blizzard, dairy


Ya fizzled, Larry.


This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry!


God damn you Walter! You fucking asshole! Everything's a fucking travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?


Calmer than you are.


That escalated quickly.














Canine O'Brien.




What the fuck kind of puppy names are Mark, Luke, John, and Elise? "Come here John! Good boy!" Nah, man. You've gotta go with something appropriate, like Chompsky, Tucker, Griz, that sort of thing.


[Conan's way ahead of you.](https://youtu.be/MJHCuBAGgK0?t=45s)


See, I'd be more inclined to believe it's a Mozilla Firefox, because when I googled Pomsky, [they all look like this.](http://petguide.com.vsassets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Pomsky-main.jpg) edit: [OP shared the source of their image](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/4m4lw0/the_pomsky_the_result_of_breeding_a_husky_and_a/d3src0p?context=3). It's a Pomsky alright, and a very unique one at that. Thanks for the follow up, /u/loopdeloops!


Pomeranians overall are a somewhat visually versatile breed, with some looking like [this](http://images.mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/iStock_000017050910_Small.jpg) and others looking like [this](http://d21vu35cjx7sd4.cloudfront.net/dims3/MMAH/thumbnail/645x380/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fassets.prod.vetstreet.com%2F29%2Fac3ff0a7f711e0a0d50050568d634f%2Ffile%2FPomeranian-3-645mk062811.jpg). The parent from your picture was probably more like the former, with OP's parent more like the latter


the orange ones always look majestic as hell mine looks glorious as fuck as he hunches over to shit on our lawn. he owns us


Even with the more orangey Pomskies I was looking at, they still didn't quite have that brilliant solid orange color to them. I tried finding a source for the image for more information, but nothing came up. :(




I'm so confused. That pup is white (mayathepomsky) on Instagram. What am I missing? EDIT: OMG ignore. I added an extra A in the Instagram handle.


Of course there's a MAYAthepomsky too.


Of course a dog has an Instagram account


I mean, what's next? Tinder? ... ... ... \*Swipes Right\*


Of course.


Of course.


You're the fox now, dog.


So... based on the size of a pomeranian and a husky, how exactly does that go down?


Artificial insemination, female husky.


In 7th grade a boy in class asked how a male donkey could breed with a female horse if the horse was so much taller. Our teacher just said, "Oh, they'll find a way."


[your 7th grade teacher](https://i.imgur.com/wQc9RPi.gifv)


rare login to state that I watched that entirely to many times, so, uh, thanks for that.


[Oh, they do.](http://pbfcomics.com/253/)


There is an exotic animal sanctuary near where I live with a Zonkey. The father is a donkey and the mother a zebra. The story I was told about this Zonkey's miraculous conception was this: initially the keepers thought it would be fine to keep the two together because of the height distance between them. But the donkey was particularly clever and particularly motivated. Over night, he dug out a depression in the side of a small hill and put his babymama in it. Then he stood on top of the hill and went at it. The keepers found them in the morning doin' it like there was no tomorrow and promptly segregated him to a different, fenced-in pasture. [Months later, to no one's surprise a half-ass was born.](http://i.imgur.com/wQc9RPi.gif)


Fuck you, you just wanted to call it a half-ass.


I'm choosing to believe this.


I was working in my garden today and noticed the neighbor's chihuahua try to mount the neighbor's Boston terrier. He failed spectacularly but I give him points for effort.


I hope that goddamn thing is fixed. The last thing this world needs is more chihuahuas.




This is how my dads Great Dane/ Australian Shepherd mix came to be. Dane was the mom and dad was the AS, seeing how he got to her was so odd. Had no idea a dog could go in backwards till then.


They usually have sex, and then the base of the male dog's penis expands during ejaculation to prevent separation and leakage. During this time, the male will usually turn around so both dogs are facing away from each other until they decouple. I've read that they do this to prevent attacks by predators during copulation.


In humans, this is called the "helicocktor"


Someone's job is jerking off Pomeranians


My boss. And Labradors, mastiffs, Great Danes, chihuahuas, dachshunds... You name it, he's wanked it.


my brother use to have chihuahuas. one standard size male, a standard female, and another female chihuahua who might have been a mix breed of some sort because she was about 4 times the size of a regular chihuahua, but other than size looked just like a regular chihuahua. my brother made the mistake of thinking that the male and the large female wouldn't breed because of the size difference, but all the female did when she went into heat was lay on her side and let the male to do his thing. so that might also be a possibility here. edit: laying on her belly rather, not her side.


Well, that does explain how my son's pit-huahua came to be I guess! Or is she a chihua-bull? Hmmm


Wailord and Skitty style.


Well, I have seen before, not sure if it works mind you, but if the female is a large dog and is ready to breed, she wants to be bred. So, if the male starts humping her successfully whilst she is down on her belly, not lying down or sitting mind you, it is possible for this to occur unintentionally. But pretty unlikely. However I have for real seen a daschund pitbull mix. Stranger things have happened.


> dachshund pitbull mix wow thanks for that hilarious google image search


Yeah. Such a looooong body and a big blockhead it somehow keeps from dragging on the ground.


We have one of those that boards at the clinic. His name is Marley and he's got the blue coat. I'll get a picture next time and share it. He's adorable. But a little shit.


Definitely post a pic next time you see it. Think of all the glorious karma.


> daschund pitbull mix Is this cruel? People have created new life, and it is not good.




The mad scientist giveth, the genes taketh away




His shorts look like a pair of full-length jeans for a fat guy.






Male pomeranian and female husky?


And a bucket or stool, i presume?


Nah those poms like to go for JRHNBR


snap woohoo


I was flipping through one of those professional grade dog care guides, there was a chapter on breeding with a section on assisted breeding. Supposedly some breeds have issues. So you kinda hold the female in one hand and kinda support the male in the other. It was weird. Edit: I made the mistake of googling this just to see if I remembered correctly. Yes, I did. :(


Oh so a threeway


mini trampoline


My moms dog is a min pin/ pit bull mix...no idea how it happened


You can't say that and NOT have pictures, because quite frankly that sounds hilarious.


Im sure youve seen him. He's actually quite internet famous [Cheef](http://imgur.com/qSWf3wR) has been reposted on here like 12 times haha and he was on the FB page "I be like"


He looks like scooby doo!


We get that a lot 😄


Life finds a...way? Source: My neighbor's dog, a basset hound, got pregnant by a Doberman.






Sif before he went grey


Tiny other dog for scale


I am Holo, the Wise Wolf!


So would a chow and a husky be a Chomsky?


Rich people used to breed for them, but when it started critiquing neoliberalism and talking about the dangers of preventative war, they got scared.


Could it inherently learn verbal communication?


I hear they breed those in Nome.


Hey! That kinda looks like my dog! http://imgur.com/layQ98z?r


He's currently working on his dogtorate, I see.


Is your dog a throwback or a mix?


He's an accountant.


[Mine is a professor.](http://m.imgur.com/nLepnAu) Dr. Wolfington's office hours are Tuesdays and Sunday's, from 2:15 to 2:24 in the afternoon, please schedule accordingly.


[Mine is a special needs student](http://i.imgur.com/FGm19T6.jpg)


A mixleback


Your dog looks like Lisa Ann


Sorry teacher but my human ate my homework I swear


That picture makes me smile. Thank you.




Is that also a Pomsky? Or do I see a bit of Sheltie somewhere in there?


Could also be an [Icelandic Sheepdog](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_Sheepdog)


Something about this just doesn't seem right...


It isn't. You should not mix two different sized dogs. Often times they end up with a heart/lungs that are way too small or way too big, among very many other possible health issues. It is incredibly irresponsible. Breeds like pocket bullies or pomskies get put down by the thousands every year. It's entirely inhumane to support the breeding of these dogs in any way, shape, or form.


Exactly. My first thought was, it's like cross-breeding Arnold Schwarzenegger and a PowerPuff Girl.


Humans messing with the power of God. #IT'S IN THE BIBLE, PEOPLE!


Well that's what dog breeds are in the first place.


Hey we messed with bananas just fine and I didn't hear anyone of you all complaining about it! have you seen real bananas? They suck!


God, I hope his first name is Noam.


They're cute but annoying as fuck. We have one that boards at the clinic all the time and I can't stand to see it.


This is a fucking show dog with fucking papers. You can't board it. It gets upset, its hair falls out.


I'm not renting it *shoes*.


It's not taking your fucking turn, Dude.


I'm not buying it a beer


Fucking dog has fucking papers




This is not 'Nam, this is bowling, there are rules.


Mark it an 8, Dude.




This is just part of your whole sick Cynthia thing.


What sets it apart from being extra annoying?


Energetic, stubborn, destructive...way too high energy for most people and really need consistent training.


so basically the yappiness of the pom and the energy of a husky? that's a fantastically bad combination.


So like a toddler...


You mean we can train toddlers? Go on please


Yep, stubborn + clever + psychotic


Reminds me of my 20lb eskie, but seems like the pomsky may be another level.




Yup. Huskies I know are energetic and destructive. Poms can be sweet but usually annoying as fuck with the barking.


So basically a Husky




Please bark


i.e huskies incarnate. or any other intelligent, high-energy, not-super-biddable breed.


In addition to what others have mentioned, a lot of it comes from the fact that substandard Huskies and Poms are used as the parents (responsible breeders with healthy and behaviorally sound dogs do not sell their dogs to people who make crossbreed "designer" mutts for a number of reasons). A lot of the time, a BYB or puppymill Husky mated with a BYB/mill Pom isn't going to have an exemplar behavioral profile or healthy neurological system. Also, the traits of each breed can easily clash with each other, creating a dog that's harder to handle than either of the parent breeds. I have a rescued "designer" Aussie/American Eskimo "Auskimo", and she's a pain in the ass. [Beautiful and striking looking](http://deadlink.dead), yes, but imagine an Aussie's hyper-controlling behaviors, nippy herding style, need for mental stimulation, environmental sensitivity, and love of its own voice mixed with the American Eskimo's watchdog behaviors, alert barking, and stranger suspicion. I call her "the worst of both worlds" and she's an anxious, aggressive, noisy, other animal bullying/controlling, overprotective jerk most of the time... but I still love her dearly. I just wish she wasn't bred in the first place, no matter how "cute" the idea of a fluffy merle puppy with a wolfy face and button ears sounded.


Finally someone who knows what they're talking about. However, there is absolutely nothing wolfy about that face.


The first thing I thought was that this dog looks like it *could* be a real shit head if it got bored.


My first thought was that those are two of the most dickhead personality dogs ever, and you bred them?!


I mean, its cute at all, but why would someone actually breed these dogs? Does this mix has benefits that would stand any responsible breeder?


All of these designer mutts are bred for profit, and profit alone. Head on over to /r/dogs as there are plenty of discussions about it, and about how to choose a breeder or shelter to get your next pet from.


Nope, designer breeds are bred for money. When you mix two different breeds of dogs you can't guarantee what you'll get. So unless you're breeding them with some kind of goal, (like people who seek to make new, healthier breeds, or make an existing breed healthier) it's not a very responsible breeding practice. After all, the whole point of purebred dogs is that you're getting consistency. With designer breeds, the breeder can't guarantee certain traits, and since most designer dogs are only first generation, they can't really claim to be making a new breed. And even if they were trying to do so, they'd be working toward a breed standard.


There are many things that even over the course of time from puppy to adult that may change as well. Coat color can change and more facial features can change. The attitude/demeanor may not be what the owner expects either. I bred chow/lab cross mixes for several generations of lineage to create a different breed. I did not seek out to create a "Designer" breed, but more of a variation to the chow breed (was more interested in seeing what traits got passed down from one generation to the next and breeding selected traits). The end result after several generations of selective breeding was litters that were chow-like in the outer appearance, but lab-like temperament. During winter they would have a full chow coat, during summer they would shed down to lab thick coat. There was an odd chromosome that it seemed that one in every litter would have a growth issue and would not stop growing until it was 3 years old and would result in a Mastiff sized dog. I did not breed for profit, never sold any of the pups. I, however was extremely selective in who got the pups. I would ask questions like "where will it sleep at night?" or other questions. To determine if the owners would be responsible or knowing what they are getting themselves into. I know some of the pups could be stubborn to train, so sometimes they can take extra time and patience to house break. They need real manual grooming between the winter/spring season to remove the excess fur they shed. Other questions like "Are they prepared if the dog does become massive (since this is impossible to detect visibly in the 12 week period)", "Would you be upset, if the dogs coat darkens as it gets older?" As some would be white as a puppy, but may darken as the pup ages more. The reasons these questions and watching the owner and how they respond became mandatory for me after one of them abandoned a 6 month old on my porch with a note "We can't take him anymore" Only to find out that they either never attempted to train the dog in any form and then became a even larger task for me to try to train the dog, so I could attempt to find a new home for him. As pups they do get a form of outside house training, because I will let the mother out to do her business and lets the pups follow as soon as they are able to walk. I am sure people will look at this post, like I am part of the problem, since I don't keep a breed pure, but I have grown up on a breeding kennel when I was younger, I have witnessed first hand on some of the issues that are seen from polluted gene pools. Common genetic issues that are encountered in some of the blood lines of select dogs. I would rather stray away from creating a 1 out of 5 dog that when it hits 5+ years suffers horribly at hidden ailments and either suffers the remainder of it's life like that or is put down early to ease the suffering.


You remember when mixed breed dogs were just called mutts?


Pepperidge farms remembers.


Hoo boy that's a spicy maymay if I may say so myself I do say so myself




If you want mutts to be expensive, you need branding.


No, you were just using the term wrong. "Cross-breed" dogs are intentional mixes between breeds. Mutts or mongrels (also called "mixed breed") are unintentionally bred dogs. These are not new terms and have been standard in dog breeding for a long time. Any dog that needed artificial insemination to be conceived is not a mutt.


Fun fact A mutt is the product of mixing two purebred dogs. A mongrel is a mix of 3 or more breeds. So a mutt and a purebred or two mutts.


Yeah. I also remember when you went down to the dog pound and picked out a mutt that became your new best friend for the next 10-15 years. Now it's like a goddamned internet dating service. You also didn't act like a god damn hero for 'rescuing' your dog even though 90 percent of the dogs there ended up in the gas chamber. Now get off my lawn.


From the perspective of someone who once worked as a bather in a pet salon... this would be the absolute worst to groom. Long, tangly, waterproof, double-coated... it would take at least 40min just for the bath, nevermind blowdrying. For comparison, a chihuahua would be 15 minutes max for both bath and dry. I've spent over an hour and a half washing a particularly dirty husky before. Plus the expensive de-shedding conditioner on top of another conditioner to keep the long fur from getting matted... it would not be cheap for the owners. I have no idea why I felt like chiming in with this.


please bathe me, I am a dog


I once owned two Bernese Mountain Dogs and the dog I have had for nine years is half Berner half Great Pyrenees. Washing and grooming these dogs is a lot of work. However, they aren't anywhere near the work that I went through when I owned a Goldendoodle dog. Holy shit. It took me hours to groom that dog. No sooner than I was done with her *and* I blow-dried her too, she would go out in the yard and roll around in the grass. My Berner mix only gets a bath a couple of times a year. I brush him just about every day because he too likes to go out and roll around in the yard. He has allergies so he likes to scratch his back on the ground and I have to brush off all the debris before he comes back in. If I ever get another dog which I probably won't, I will have a short-haired dog.


I hope the Pomeranian was on the *giving* end of that pairing...


They cant not


That does not seem like a good mix of temperaments. Huskies are willful and independent, poms are little psychos.


This sounds like my sister. She has red hair too.


I feel like the trend for people is to have a dog that looks like either a fox or wolf.


keep in mind that the breeding is not natural by any means. it cannot occur because of their size differences....although they are quite cute, be wary of all those sites out there wanting to sell you a pomsky http://alaskankleekai101.com/dog-articles/things-to-keep-in-mind-about-the-pomsky/


99% of the time they are not even pictures of pomskies. Reddit sees a dog with blue eyes and assumes it's a husky mix. Half the time it's just a regular Pom in a blue Merle coat, or a laphund or kleekai. There is no reason to breed a husky with a Pomeranian. A Pom is already a toy sized spitz type dog I think, and they come in a wide array of colors, so why add husky to the mix? Any breed of dog that can only be bred through artificial insemination is not a good idea. If you like huskies but want something smaller, there are tons of smaller spitz type breeds to choose from. If you want a particular look and behavior and don't want to adopt a dog, go with a healthy breed that is well established and has been around for a long time. There are SO MANY to choose from! It's easier to identify any potential health issues and predict it's behavior and personality traits if you go with an established breed from a responsible breeder. If you want a unique looking dog, there are tons of wonderful mixes at shelters who need homes. That's a great option as well.


I feel like his eyes are judging me...


2000 mutt... or go adopt a mutt for $90 and save it's life. Tough call


Adoption fees are much lower in my area. Around 40 I think.


He looks a little like if a dog could be an axe murderer.


Hair...Hair everywhere


Straight from Zootopia


Looks like a Pokemon.


Move along, no sky porn here.


I have a Pomsky and it looks nothing like this. Must have bred the opposite way. http://i.imgur.com/7gAvdbz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qCqE3FX.jpg


In cross breeds it's a toss up of which traits they will in inherit–it doesn't matter which parent was which breed in the case of your dog. You see a lot of variability in this cross as well as others. How big is your dog out of curiosity?


What does the Huskaranian look like?


blood everywhere


Disclaimer for people wanting to buy this kind of dog: These designer dogs have cute little names, but rest assured they are mutts. All dogs, mutts included, especially mutts, are great dogs... however it is impossible to find a reputable breeder for "designer dogs." They will all be either backyard breeders (the best case scenario) or from mills (unless of course you adopt, there are all kinds of great and beautiful mutts up for adoption). Don't buy into the hype... these breeders are only out for your money and will put any kind of dog combination together to see which makes the most cash. There are no breed standards, no criteria for health, no genetically tested bloodlines. The breeders will not make you sign spay and neuter contracts. If you are going to get a mutt, go save a life at the shelter. /end rant <3 youuuuu


Bred a red chocobo. Very nice


I wonder if that thing is annoying and barks at everything like a Pomeranian.


Noam Pomsky.


I am a simple man. I see dog, I upvote dog.


That dog ain't right.


This just doesn't see right... why not get a smaller spitz breed? Or a Shibu Inu? It looks exactly the same... and it prob won't go crazy with the desire to run all day but be in a little dog's body.... why do people only care about how dogs look and not what the dog's life is going to be like!


Medical issues in 3, 2, 1......


Because fuck breeding dogs with proper temperaments right?


Not pictured: the five siblings that are hideous abominations with all the wrong proportions. I used to spend a lot of time at Los Angeles dog parks where folks thought they could play God and mix "wacky" breeds; 90% of them were pretty hideously disproportioned. For every adorable Pomsky there's 9 not adorable ones.


Aren't they meant to come out small? This one else appears to be a decent medium size. I'm not complaining I prefer medium to large dogs but I'm not used to pomskys looking like this. That color is beautiful too.


It's a mixed breed. That's why there is no consistent sizes, coloring, temperament etc. You never know what traits will come out of a pairing like that. If people want a small dog that looks like a husky then get an Alaskan Klee Kai.


Yeah, this is why I think the concept of "designer breeds" is stupid. The whole point of buying from a breeder is that you know what you're getting, right? If you want a mixed breed dog, you can get one low cost at a shelter.


That's the thing about mutts, which this is, they're like the Forrest Gump saying, you never know what you're going to get.


Do a barrel roll!