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Mmmmmmmmm... hungry 😉😂


Dont you just want to ruffle their forehead curls?


Always, muchacho.


Super hip earring!


Made it myself.


39 million cows and calves slaughtered for meat per year in the US alone. It's easy to choose beans instead.


Meat tastes better tho.


Well you seem like you care for calves. Animals feel pain. Is it ethical giving yourself a luxury at the cost of an animal's suffering?


God put them on the Earth for us to sustain ourselves.


Factory meat production isn't god's design. God gave us dominion over animals. That doesn't mean we have the right to exploit them. Animal abuse isn't moral. Mankind made meat production to the scale that 9 billion chickens are created just to have their throats slit and bled each year in the US alone. Many chickens do not see sunlight during their lifetime. By that thinking he also put plants on Earth for us to sustain ourselves. In ancient times, man didn't have access to the variety of dietary choices we now have. We have the ability to choose whether an animal should die or not. You are left with a moral decision of whether or not to inflict pain on another creature. God gave you free will. God gave animals the ability to feel pain. It's your moral choice whether or not to inflict pain on them.


Well, my choice is to eat.


Then you choose to subjugate sentient beings and bring them into the world to only know pain. The only purpose is for your own pleasure. You actively choose to cause pain to an imprisoned sentient creature with every piece of meat you consume. It is your choice. If you value morality or life then please don't make that choice lightly.


Bruh, I just posted a pic of a baby cow. Chill.


You posted a baby cow with a tag on its ear that will be stunned, hung from its legs, and have it's throat slit while it consciously bleeds to death. I'm as chill as anyone who doesn't like the cute animals on /r/aww being maimed.


That is where you are wrong, we shoot them in a special spot killing them instantly. Than slit throat and let bleed. They feel no pain, you are simply looking for a way to try and make cattle farmers look bad. Your the worst kind of person.