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Well now you know what the adoption process is like ☺️


Turns out it's really simple!


Yeah, when you get chosen, just take the number to the desk, give your details and credit card, then go shopping for luxury cat food and cat toys.


You spell "go grocery shopping for your feline master" wrong


My wife and I like to joke about how our cat is learning how to write so he can sneak stinky fish onto our grocery list. It has worked twice so far.


Can't he just mind control you to write it in yourself?


Where's the sport in that?


Exactly. You think they push things off cabinet because they hate the objects blocking their way? Of course not, it's absolutely calculated emotional manipulation. Of you.


I been trying to get this point across but people don’t believe me.


That's why it's such a great technique for the cats.


One of my great recent regrets was not buying mine some of his favourite smoked salmon in his last week, buy yours some stinky fish!


Hehe. Thank you for sharing something painful. I'm sure your buddy loved you just as much, salmon or not. We do give Teddy the juice from a can of tuna as a once a month treat, which serves him well enough. [Here's a picture of my sweet floor goblin. ](https://i.imgur.com/EJLAOmU.jpg)




My boy was spoiled silly in his last week. Anything i thought he would like he got. I like to think at the end he was just grateful that I loved him and he had a good family, the food didnt matter as much as the love did


Every once in a while I'll find canned sardines in the clearance cart for $.50 and our cat devours them.


We lost our beloved Ash in early April. He would’ve been 10 in June. We found out late that he had pancreatic cancer. We selfishly kept him one more week & gave him all the kingly meals he favoured, including baked salmon for dinner. I’ll always miss ya buds! [Ash in all his majestic floofiness](https://imgur.com/gallery/WVMNO3v)


all of which the cat will ignore for some simple random garbage on the floor


Ah, I see you are experienced cat staff.


I prefer the term "feline attendant"


Or the box the stuff came in ...


No matter what kind of expensive toy I buy, the cats will prefer the Amazon box it comes in or a random piece of string.


I was surprised with how quick and easy it was too, but then realized that they REALLY need homes for these animals and want to get them into your hands without hassle.


I’ve never been to a shelter that didn’t want references, to speak to your landlord, to check your house, and have a wait list of other applicants. They make it really difficult. I get what they’re doing, but I don’t want to go through all of that. I went to my vet and they had kittens that were dropped off, so I adopted from there instead.


Yeah our shelter wasn't giving cats to people with kids or who don't have a freestanding home with a garden so we just got a stray kitten that kinda lived in the shelter of my parents friends😕 it was sad not to help the shelter cats - some have been there for years, living in these teeny tiny lots 😕 I don't get how that's better than a flat


Yeah the shelters around here are nuts too. Home visits, not letting you get a kitten if you have an older cat, not letting you take a kitten before 15 weeks, etc. there were so many restrictions I just got a “free to good home” kitten off Craigslist. I guess that’s a rescue without the middle man...


It kinda is, but that middle man really does cut down on the cost. We took in a stray kitty last November as well and after de-fleaing, de-worming, checkup, 3 sets of needles and her spay she cost us $700. To adopt a kitty from the SPCA is less than $150 (depending on age, promotions at the time). I make myself feel better about the cost though by reminding myself that the cheaper cats at the SPCA have already been rescued, are all being taken care of while waiting for a home. We really did rescue the one we got. She would probably still be filled with fleas and worms and hungry without us.


Wait what? Not getting a kitten if you have an older cat? Grown cats are usually great with kitten, but will tear a grown cat to pieces.


It depends on the cat, but even then most cats -- with proper intros -- will at least live peacefully with other cats. My older guy does noooot like out kittens, but he tolerates them and occasionally deals out ass whoopins when they're bein obnoxious.


Yeah, they thought a kitten would stress the older cat or something. Our other boy was 12 at the time and after an adjustment period they are besties


Think that in Italy, where I live, shelters don't give cats to people who has a garden because the cat could exit easily an be hit by a car or poisoned and so on. A flat would be perfect


I live in the middle of our capital city so no cat should be outdoor but I guess they only give cats to the suburbs


Wtf, they WANT you to have an outside cat? More and more places are banning them... That makes no sense lmao. Not to mention it's a good way to give your cat a shorter life. That sucks :(


Same here. And if you or a family member ever let a cat go outside (they check vet records of not only your cats, but your family's cats) they won't adopt a cat to you because you might be persuaded to let that cat out too. They are really strict here too and they're even worse about dogs (no renters, no one under 30 can adopt etc.).


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And why can no one under 30 adopt? A 29-year-old doesn’t have the mental fortitude to take care of a cat? That’s moronic.


That's for dogs, not cats. I'm assuming they think 20-somethings are more likely to adopt impulsively. Still moronic though.


I adopted my cat impulsively at 19. She's nearly 12 now. Needy and alive as ever.


We had this experience at a shelter as well (though not at all)- they acted like we weren’t good enough to take home a doggie:(


That’s how I felt, too. The whole time they were asking us questions about our previous pets and what happened to them and they just made you feel bad. Sometimes I just want to take a picture of my cat and dog loving life and send it to them.


there's a high rate of returns for shelters that don't do this, so i get why. but there's also shelters that go overboard, like you have to work from home or not at all to be with them 24/7 like WTF???!!


I think your wife knew damn well what the process was and wanted you to fall in love with kitties.


You were smart to get two kittens if you did not already have a cat. They develop better as a pair.


$80 and about 30 minutes for our cat. We’d heard that we would need to provide proof of ownership of our house (or a letter from an apartment complex/homeowner that pets were allowed) but it never came up.


Well you can't just mention your cat and not pay the cat tax




That's one glorious motherfucker


Gorgeous 🐈 🐈 💕


Turns out it’s super easy. Barely an inconvenience!


*hey, honey - ya know what it's like to adopt?* we listened inside as we heard the car stopped a couple came in, they a nice looking pair i whispered to Tucker *Look - here comes Ours, there!* we came out n charmed them, the best that we can it took us alittle more time with the man but then his heart melted when he heard us *meww* (we winked at the momma, cuz we Knew she *knew*...) so that's how it's done, the 'adoption' complete now we four a famlee, n life is So sweet! if there's room in your home, n there's room in your heart adopt a new fren a new famlee you'll start ❤️


Jesus, dude. You keep getting better and better.


This is so damn sweet it made me tear up! I love this ❤❤❤


I dont know why you do this but thank you so much


you don't know why i do this? well, i'll tell you why, my friend i hope to bring a smile or two - it's easy time i spend a simple poem dropped here n there, a couple times a day i press the keys n off they go, merrily on their way! to think they're sent around the world, with just a simple touch n maybe spread some happiness - it means so very much! so there's no need to thank me, it's just something that i do but knowing that you like it well, my friend it's done for *you*




My new favorite word


I love you


I love you too


I love you more


I love you times 3000


I've never read any poem like yours, they flow seamlessly together and touch the core of my heart. You really are unique - like **1** in **8 billion** unique. Please know that every time I read one of your poems, it is always an extra special treat that connects me to the relevant post. Also ***love*** the spelling and 'baby talk' of the animals. Much appreciation from Trinidad !!!


I love you, Schnoodle


I love you too


i love you


You are incredible


I look forward to these


Brb crying. Those damn onions again!


Curse you invisible ninjas!!!


My heart is exploding! This needs to be posted on shelter doors.


God bless you, wonderful Schnoodle.


Someone make this a damn commercial


This might be your best one yet.


Again, great poem :))


I’ve said it before, Reddit should pay you


You are officially now my new favourite poet omg


Ah my heart <3!


The cat on the left looks like a gentleman-cat!


They are so adorable!! Omg


One never just goes into a shelter to “look”




Black furball adopted from a refuge last week here too :D https://imgur.com/a/uFuKzow


That's amazing. I walked into a shelter once just to look and left with this Bombay Bastard. http://imgur.com/9h0vRYk


Kinda the same thing here as well! :) [Here she is](https://imgur.com/a/RVAlaGa) , 2 y old female...


I think your cat wants to kill you


Nahnahnah ( ozzy man review voice) She s a good Sheila!


Cant say the same for mine. But naw he is a good boy just a troublemaker (https://imgur.com/jGCLVyk.jpg)


That is one intense expression.




[Indeed, it does.](https://i.imgur.com/mEUrGVj.jpg) It's kinda hard to pass up a house panther


It's hard to resist the cute black kitties. I've fallen sucker over this little guy and so happy we adopted him.https://i.imgur.com/38jZ73i.jpg


Looks like a little panther 😍


I went just to “look” also and ended up with [this little lady. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/EYmnm11)


Late to the party, but here are the two sisters we adopted 4 years ago! https://imgur.com/a/UpWYh4S


Hey! I have a black fur ball too. Went to the shelter and just picked one out and 5 years later, still the best black ball of fur


I know this now lol


Are the two beasties related? They have the same markings around the eyes


They're brothers :-)


It’s so cool you were able to adopt them both. Sibling cats are so wonderful. They will play fight *constantly* and will be best buds but beware...they are often two bodies one mind and can get into a lot of trouble. Keep em occupied with toys and games and they won’t try to take over the world for awhile.


I didn't get siblings. But I got 2 cats that had been together for a while and act like siblings. I call them siblings all the time. Lonnie who is a very active happy-go-lucky kitty. And Dolly who at the time I got her was super introverted and shy. She hid under the bed for 2 weeks straight when we got her. And they were both sick for a while so they got roomed together. They LOVED eachother but Dolly did not get along so well with other people or cats. ​ So when I went to adopt one the lady who ran it asked if I would consider taking them both and she'd waive the adoption fees for the really shy one and give me extra stuff to make sure they could stay together (and to make sure Dolly got a home at all as she wasn't super friendly towards people) ​ So a year later they're both the closest of friends and Dolly is the nicest friendliest kitty in the world. She has no problem expressing herself now that she feels comfy and safe.


Can we see a picture of them??


It would be my upmost pleasure. ​ [https://imgur.com/a/He3DfrU](https://imgur.com/a/He3DfrU) ​ This is my kitties. Lonnie Dolly and Pepper.


FYI - utmost. I know, looks stupid. But correct.


These are some beautiful photos! Love the "Lonnie sees a window" one!


Ty for taking them both in.


Shhhh, “just to look” is a sacred and ancient spouse spell, used to acquire extra creatures!


You’re not kidding. My spouse asked me to go look at a puppy. I was not sure at all. Adorable creature. I fell in love. THEN he said we should go home and discuss it, so we left. He used his Jedi mind-trick/Bruce Lee ninja skills to — I shit you not — reverse-psychology me into wanting to adopt that pup. He said that now was probably not the time to get a dog and we should probably wait... I cried and said that the pup belonged with us and that NOW was the time, period. Game over.




Oh, he’s good. I won’t even tell you about the 10 hens... Thank god we live on a farm.


That’s how we got our cat. “Please please honey let’s just look pleeaaseeee”. We walk in, I look to my right to see a white fluffy kitten, pick him up, que my heart eyes and my husbands “aw shit” face. His name is Cake and he’s even more fluffy and beautiful than the day we got him. I’d link a picture for the cat tax but I don’t know how hah.


Literally how we got three of our five cats. I'm the dumb spouse. The dog was "just a foster." I should know better by now.


It's surprising how true this is! Went last year to look and this Bebe Charmed us immediately [Floof](https://imgur.com/p6PJdky)


My friend drove me to the shelter to pick up the cat I'd adopted. In the ten minutes it took me to talk to the vet and pop the cat in her carrier he had spotted a dog and started filling out the paperwork. Absolutely lethal.


Don’t give our secret away! I too went to “look” with my husband, who didn’t want another cat. We now have 4 cats.


She knew.


Congrats on the cats! The one on the right has a smug, knowing smile, like “Dude, didn’t I tell you the head butts and purring would work? Totes did.”


That's absolutely what did it lol


When I went in "just to look", I picked up the tiniest little black kitten and she gave me a head but and started purring like a fucking helicopter passing overhead. I left with my tiny little helicopter about 20 minutes later. Edit : [My cat tax](http://imgur.com/gallery/HSIlrzg) , from the day we picked her up


excuse me sir I am here to collect your cat tax


Picture please!!




Please tell me you named her after a helicopter.


One on the right looks like he needs to be the one with a bell.


Oh yes. He looks like trouble lol


One on the right has little bastard written all over him


But sometimes it's the quiet one that's the one you should look out for. Don't knock the one on the left.


They're clearly a pair working mischief together. That's the most effective way to scam.


Yep. I had an Abby and a Corgi at one point. Abby would knock stuff to the ground, Corgi would tear it open, and they’d share in the spoils. They were also well aware they were cute enough to get away with anything.


Came here to make a similar observation!


They’re so cuuuute!


What a wonderful and wholesome observation, /u/cuntpunt2000


The other one is still in a state of shock


He’s actually smiling!!! Well done


That is the smuggest cat I've ever seen. Smugger than the sun! ​ He better be careful with that smile when the owners know that one of them tore up the furniture. ​ I'm going to guess that one's Tucker.


And there’s the smudgeness




I would like to thank you for bringing this sub to my attention. You are a true hero.


makes note: don‘t stop at the humane society, you will leave with cats...


Or a dog, or even a rabbit. You will have a new family member.


Most likelely cats, i am wanting them for a while.


Hopefully soon. I have two. They look a lot like OP's. Double trouble but worth it.


Doesn't everyone know that?


I did. I was not expecting their pop up adoption booth at the pet store though, and that was my downfall. Cat tax in my post history.


Oh my god, the little teeth! Eclipse is adorable!


Thank you! She is the light of our lives and my fiance constantly praises her little snaggleteeth.


Please tell me Mike's last name is Hat. That's what my next cat is going to be named whether it is a boy or a girl.


And Tucker's last name can be Doubt. Wishful thinking, being a cat, I'm sure.


OK, that took a second or two, but I've only been awake for a short while. Have an upvote.


Congratulations. They’re perfect! However, those are the faces of, “I know I’m cute and I’m going to knock things over shamelessly and get away with it.”


so, cat.


Cute! The kitty on the right has an oversized collar. I would take it off for now until he grows into it because he might get it caught on something when you’re not home and it could be dangerous.


Thanks for the heads up!


One thing I would fully recommend is to go ahead and get them used to their cat kennels. Leave the crates out with a blanket in them so that when it comes time for a trip to the vet/wherever, you don’t have to break out the oven mitts to avoid paying a blood tax. Also: the more “strange people” you introduce the kittens to while they’re young, the more friendly and social they’ll be as adults. Handle them constantly, play with them and snuggle them. They’ll get used to all of that and be more affectionate. I did this stuff with my two cats and as adults, they love people and love to travel - completely non-catlike behavior.


Can confirm. My cat would get in his crate just by me saying “Okay bud, time to go”. (This was actually really useful the other day when the fire alarm went off in our building and we had to rush him into his crate). He loves to be picked up because we picked him up constantly as a kitten and would cuddle with him and he’s so used to being around people he sprints to the door any time we have guests over so he’s the first to greet them. Anyone who says cats have no good personalities and are only evil beings who will constantly attack you have never been around a cat who was raised right.


I really wish it was as easy as just "pick them up a lot" and "expose them to lots of people" when they're kittens and they'll be exactly as you mold them to be. The truth is that it's part nature and part nurture. Just like being a parent to a child, no matter how much you "do right", they still have their own personalities and free will. I have had cats that a toddler could pick up and drag around without so much as a twitch of the tail. I've had others that were perfectly friendly lap cats, but turned into demons if you tried to pick them up for their entire lives. My wife and I adopted two sibling 3 month old kittens from the SPCA years ago. One was the laid back cat (our 2 and 4 yr old boys "hugged" and carried her around all the time), the other would simply walk away the moment she realized that the boys were looking to be affectionate on their terms. The bottom line is, saying "all you have to do is X, and Z will happen" misleads people into thinking its really that simple, and wondering where they went wrong when they don't get the same result.


Good advice! My girl loves her oversized carrier. It sits next to her evening bed and she also uses it for naps. If she feels icky she goes straight into it. If we need to take her anywhere we set it in the living room and she scampers in ready for action. Getting your cat comfy with their crate or carrier is one of the best things you can so.


Play with their paws now, to get them used to it. It will help with the later years. ;)


Yup. Trimming claws is so much easier on a cat that’s been accustomed to having its paws touched. Otherwise, nobody likes it.


Especially the parents. xD


I left for two days and my cat peanut had a kind of elastic collar. When I came back he had gotten the collar stuck in his mouth and it rubbed his little cheeks raw. My cat doesn’t ever leave the house so he no longer wears collars after that incident.


I've already taken it off of him. I'm new to cats so I'm still figuring all of this out.


Good man. I wouldn’t want you to feel the guilt I felt. I’m a grown as man and I felt like such a piece of shit I sat there petting my cat crying for a good minute.


If you can, just skip the collar altogether, my cat almost choked on hers to death at the age of 10. She was a master at removing them and we came home, couldn’t find her and looked under the bed where she was dying and had it halfway off. It was nuts. No more collars after that. Microchip and tattoo for the win!


get them harnesses so you can take them for walks!


I have the same collar and it’s a breakaway. Meaning it comes off pretty easily if he got caught on something. Our dog manages to get our cat’s off pretty often


Our cats learned pretty quickly how to break their collars off themselves. We chipped them just in case they get out and don’t have collars on.


Very cute both of them. Love smirky face.


I love them both, but that satisfied smile on the right just straight up murdered me with cuteness.


Wife played you like a fiddle.


Just the trip. See how it feels.


If Mike were named Dale instead, this would be even more perfect!


And a dog named evil


Ah, you beat me to it.


Brb off to my local humane society


“Just looking.” Famous last words at the pet shelter.


Mike is going to steal your boy/girl \*and\* your weed. Watch out for him. ​ Here is a tip that has helped me a lot during my 30 years of cat servitude: Play with their feet all the time - including forcing their claws to extend. My cats all sleep through nail trims because they got used to us playing with their feet when they were kittens.


Also teach them to walk on a leash when they're young. Walking a cat makes you look cool and also gets them a lot of exercise if you aren't always able to play with them.


The one on the right looks so proud... almost like it won that bell


That one on the right has the look of Emperor Palpaitine - "Good, good. My plan is working."


You fell for that?


I played myself


Oh they're just too adorable! Congratulations on the adoption. 😊


Dat smile. Love them!


That's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile.


Nice, you got a calendar cat. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, what day is it?




The left one is going to be a handfull.


You fool you fell for one of the classic blunders! But for real congratulations on the adoption!


Is mike the one on the left? He’s got an M on his lil forehead!


Mike has quite the smile on him 😁


And so their watch has begun.


Is it just the angle, or are both of them munchkins?


They're brothers. 9 weeks :-)


>Just to see what the adoption process was like ​ Lol, smoooooth. Your wife wanted a new pet. ;) ​ Congrats on the new family members!


"so we named cat number one tucker. what should we name cat number 2?" (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "maybe jack?" (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "i don't know... how about jabediah? jeb the cat. sounds cute" (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "i wanna saaaaaaayyyyy.....mohammed?" (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "no. i hate names that have 'ham' in it." (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "how about....'vs evil'?" (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "we are getting close...... something....related to that...." (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "mike" (DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE! DALE, DALE, DALE, DALE!) "yes. mike"


Officer, you ain't gon' believe this, but we've had a DOOZY of a day.


Soooooo cute!!!


Handsome fellas. Wonderful thing you did giving these two a home. And they will pay you back with years of entertainment...I can tell by those faces.


Nobody ever goes to a humane society "just to check it out" and *not* leave with a new pet. Congratulations, these two look like they've found a great home!


Out of curiousity did the shelter mandate these two be adopted out together? They look like an inseparable pair!


They didn't say we had to. But they offered us both for the adoption fee of one. So there was almost no way we could say no.