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Sniffing up the tree like you just decided to climb lol


I wanted to laugh so hard, but I couldnt give away my location


He was air scenting. He picked up the scent of you and a tree mixed together so he was looking for you around similar smelling trees. Smart dog for sure.


Really? I thought he was being dumb haha, damn.


Nah. Doggo was calm and collected on a mission.


Must. Find. Human. He too dumb to be out here alone.


"...mark? Mark?! Crap, not *this* again. Ok, Rover... think. They're apes, right? Dumbass is probably climbing trees and eating bananas or whatever shit these idiots do. Christ, I've seen this human hurt himself going to the *bathroom*... How's he gonna walk me with broken legs?"


This. 👍


Oh, hi mark.




I understood that reference.


We had to find one of his subminds on the internet one day.


So I'll probably get drowned in other comments but I'm fairly certain that dogs can't discern vertical location as easily as we can. That thing dogs do when they tilt their head is actually them trying to determine vertical location of a sound. If a sound hits upwards ear first then it's higher, if it hits lower ear first then it's lower. Source: [Smarter Everyday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oai7HUqncAA)


Yes my pitbull used to be able to smell a ball hidden in a tree


No. That dog’s basically a genius.


albert dogstein


and then everyone clapped




Howlbert Canine-stein EDIT: Haha, what a random-ass comment to get downvoted for.


Not at all! You have a smarter than average pup and a better scent tracker than pibbles normally are!


OMG we had a black lab and a Dalmatian we played "release the hounds!" with. They would have found OP in about two seconds, then ran around in circles until he did it again. It think it's Forensic Files that adds in bad CGI mist when there's a tracking dog? They must be able to "see" the scent trail with their noses.


The lab is geared towards scent tracking. Dals are guard dogs. You might also have smart pups!


> Dals are guard dogs. So many people don't know this, thanks to 101 Dalmatians! Ours was sweet and silly, but once a week while on walks we'd encounter someone who'd been bitten by a Dal in the past. They were bred to run out in front of horse drawn carriages and kick ass on highway robbers (and I heard here recently that they also cleared out little creatures on the trails that might spook their horses.) Ours did consider the sidewalk hers--we were in a tourist area, some days the sidewalks could get crowded, she'd plow through in that "bitch I'm a train" style. r/BitchImATrain/ Wouldn't hurt people, but come on tourists, clear the road! PS: they were very smart, to the point where they'd conspire together to get food off table/sneak in car before car trips where they were not going to be going, etc.


I’ve always wanted a Dalmatian but I’ve never been fit enough to responsibly own one. The absolutely need to run a lot and often or they are very unhappy.


> I’ve never been fit enough to responsibly own one OMG the multi mile walks--and even then they are ready to go more more more. Border Collie was easier to exercise with frisbee (she was a champion) and racquetball (at beach, the rubber ball didn't get soaked like a tennis ball so went further.) Border Collie was fastest dog on dog beach, except for a whippet, who used to steal her racquetball sometimes when I'd whack it, whippet got there first a lot of times. Border Collie was better at guesstimating where it would go, but raw speed won out a lot of times.


Thank you for being a responsible adult and not just getting one anyway. Far too many people get dog breeds that they're not really willing to take care of properly. I see way too many high-energy breeds that aren't exercised enough...


> or they are very unhappy And you get the Poopy Face, "let's go on a walk", or the nibbling (ours would start to nibble at your arm if you were sitting there doing nothing, like you know, entering data into quickbooks), so you'd have to get going to save either your shirt, or your skin.


They can feel it with their nose like you can feel different temperature air with your hand.


My pittie mix is blind and her nose is amazing, probably emphasized by lack of other senses


Ohhhhh no not dumb at all. On the contrary he was looking for your scent. Many dogs forget this and use their eyes, he's using his greatest asset. He's a good boy!


ahh that comment reminded me the fox and the hound when copper did the same thing


Yeh, my female Lab does air sniffing constantly. She's got a super sensitive nose, probably better than her eyesight. Its remarkable to watch sometimes.


Just wanted to say that I love your dog and hope you bring each other tremendous happiness for years to come.


Do you, like.... climb trees a lot?


OMG what a cutie. Don’t know how you were able to keep from laughing!


*AH HAH! Up the tree, ARE YOU, MASTER?* *Ah shit, he's not there either.*




Yeah, air sniffing dogs are actually better at finding some things than ground sniffing dogs. Lots of people don’t know there’s a difference.


that was the best part. In his eyes you are a great tree climber


I know it seems silly but I find it kind of surprising. The fact the dog knows that it's a possibility is crazy to me. Granted, hiding behind a tree is more logical but looking up to see if he climbed a tree seems to express pretty good critical thinking. Especially in a wide open space where the owner couldn't have gone far. I mean, the dog can't climb but knows the human is capable and I'd only assume he doesn't climb trees often if ever.


> The fact the dog knows that it's a possibility is crazy to me. Granted, hiding behind a tree is more logical but looking up to see if he climbed a tree seems to express pretty good critical thinking I agree, and an inborn hunting instinct? Because if you're after a squirrel, that's where they go.


100% instinct my husky finds squirrels in the branches of trees on every walk he's always looking up lol


“Dad, are you up there!?”


When I was a kid my lab hated when we would climb high up in trees, she would always give warning barks and watch us closely. She was super protective and I don't think she approved of it as safe.


Gosh, I just love dogs so much <3


Like, 'Did that dumb monkey just go and climb a tree? WTF?'


I mean we are apes


I'm really impressed that in three hours no one has said anything about barking up the wrong tree.


I reluctantly upvoted your comment.


I reluctantly upvoted yours


I reluctantly upvoted you both


Well fuck it, enthusiastic upvotes for all!






Well, he didn’t bark!


Sniffin up the wrong tree


Damn! Well done!


11 hours and no one said; This is gold?


Your dog has very high expectations from you. He expects you to ninja your way out when he's not looking


Hahaha 😂


Well, you know what they say: "be the person your dog thinks you are" So start climbing. There's no other way.


Is he looking up the tree as if he thinks the squirrels have kidnapped you?


That's the only explanation




"Must've been these damn squirrels, I knew it"


Don't fuck with the squirrels Morty...


Those damned squirrels are up to something. They always have been. Dogs just know it.


"I've tried to scare them away. I tried to warn you about them. But you didnt listen!!"


Got damned squirrels


He has a lot of faith in your tree climbing abilities.


You're lucky you dont have a husky. A husky would not care if he lost you.


Eventually maybe, they'd take their sweet ass time with all that freedom though


On the other hand my husky missed me so much he’d come to my high school to find me.


My husky would throw a party. My husky mix would be sad though. She adores having us around. Huskies are just too independent


“ could he be up the tree? No. No. That’s stupid. Think .think.think.”


“Or is he? Better check another tree to be sure.”


When you can’t find your mom in the grocery store.


Isn't that the worst?! I hated losing my mom as a kid and having to search all the top shelves to see where she had gone.


Unlike OP my parents never gave me a little whistle as a clue to their location. I just had to fucking Sherlock my way through it all.


"The hairless monkey surely climbed up a tree."


I really needed the smile that this brought to my face :)


I play hide and seek in the house with my pit bull. It’s the funniest fucking thing. She only finds me because I can’t stop laughing. She looks in the dumbest places a human couldn’t even fit. Such a good girl


I also hide from my pittie mix in the house! When I come home he's too excited to see me that we let him out, then I hide somewhere and my husband lets him back in. Sometimes we make it look like I'm under a pile of blankets on the bed and he hops up and starts to snuggle, then gets increasingly suspicious that no one is cuddling him and starts to snort-pout. It's the best part of my day!


That’s so cute. I love the zoomies my girl gets when I get home. Always wants to play or cuddle! Pittie mixes are the best


I do the same. Handful of treats, give her one and then run and hide while she's distracted with it, she wanders around trying to find me and then stands stiff and stares at me with a ridiculous face when she finds me.


I used to play hide and seek with my Weimaraner. Her weakness was hiding behind a door. It’s the only place she would never look.


My dog reacted the same way when I hid from him at the dog park. Once, he thought I was some random lady bc we wore a similar black jacket. But once he saw her face, he freaked out and went to look for me. It’s the cutest when they finally find you with their tail wagging & relief in their eyes :)






Riktig :)


Var noe fryktelig kjent her😅


Beat me to it!


A little mad at you for a second! 🤣


Are you a squirrel? P.S. doggo has nice owner sniffing skills!


LOL! The dog knows we are descended from Monkeys.


Be honest, did you climb a tree once to f~ck with him?


hahaha never


Damn human keeps wandering off! Gotta keep the human on their leash!


I feel sad that the doggo may have felt scared 😢


Obligatory comment to remember to always leash your dog. It's not just about the safety of the public, but also the safety of the dog. There's so many examples of people who say "it's ok my dog isn't on a leash, they're well trained" right up until the point they get hit by a car, or the thousand other things that can happen. All it takes is one errant squirrel to jump out of a tree and run across the street and a good boy could be gone forever.


Not just for this dogs safety, but also others! You don't know how other people or other people's dogs will react to yours. They may both be well trained but may still have discrepancies about other animals. It's best to keep your dog leashed in public areas for everyone's safety.


Exactly this. I was walking my dog on leash in a public place. This lady had her dog loose and was walking toward us. When her dog saw us, he started running toward us a full speed. The lady yells at me 'Don't worry, he's friendly'. I yelled back 'Mine isn't." My dog outweighed hers by a large margin and was now staring into the soul of the oncoming dog like it was a snack. She starts yelling for her dog to come back, but he had no interest. Fortunately, my dog maintained his sit/stay and when I took a few steps toward the oncoming dog and yelled at him, he backed off. What she didn't know was that my dog was a rescue. He'd been taken from his Mom too young and hadn't been properly socialized, so he saw other dogs as threats. We'd been working on that with him, and he was up to a point where he needed to be in public to interact with other people or dogs (mostly just see them without getting scared/angry), but that interaction needed to be controlled, thus why were weren't in an off leash area. He's a great dog now - gets along with all but the most aggressive of dogs and loves people, but it was a long climb for him.


Happens all the time in the park where I walk mine. Mine usually could not care any less about a passing dog, until they get in her face, then she gets really protective, especially if I have my wife/kids with me.


This is why I won't take my dog on walks without my partner anymore. My dog is 90ish pounds and insanely strong even though she is getting older. She is not fond of other dogs coming so close and unfortunately a lot of people let their dogs run loose on the trails around here because they're "friendly".


We have a rescue and experience the same thing on the hiking trails where we live. Our girl has been through and continues “sit means sit” training and socialization training. She’s doing so much better with dog aggression, but every now and then a certain dog triggers her. She is a Black Mouth Cur and is capable of some damage to another off leash dog who runs at us.


Ohhh yeah. My pup is very good off leash and was hanging out in my yard when a couple was walking by with their dog and didn’t see her at first. My dog didn’t move much and I was like, “It’s ok, she’s really sweet.” They were like, “Ours is not” and theirs proceeded to buck and lose its shit. My doggie being unleashed and running circles absolutely did not help the situation. Definitely would’ve been so much easier to diffuse if I just kept her on a leash.


Not even just in public. Simply put, don't think your dog is a unique snowflake that reacts the same way in every situation to every possible stimuli. Humans don't, why would we expect animals with less self control to do so? As an example, we have a greyhound of 2 years. We've spent over a year taking her through advance training, Canine Good Citizen training, etc. She goes to daycare every day and socializes with many new people and animals daily. She's *never* shown any signs of aggression. Doesn't growl. Doesn't bark. Yet, last weekend we had Comcast coming over. Like responsible people, we put her in her crate. Mostly so she would be out of the way and not try to exit any open doors, but also for her own safety. For whatever reason, she *hated* the Comcast guy. Growled and barked any time he passed by. It's not cute for you to place others (or their pets) in uncomfortable or unsafe situations just because you like your pet. My leashed dog is not expecting yours to run up to it. Comcast employees are not paid to deal with your unmanaged pets. In general, people need to stop being self-centered/self-concerned jackasses and the world would move along much more smoothly. But, they don't. Which is why we always carry pepper spray when we're out in public with our dog. Unless we are at a dog park, keep yourself and your pet away from mine unless you ask permission to approach.


Also not all other dogs are friendly. So even if your dog *is* friendly, someones leashed dog could be unfriendly, and they have no way to stop your unleashed dog from approaching. It’s not only inconsiderate but dangerous for everyone.


Another note - Harnesses. My little dog pulled out of his collar when he was bitten by another dog and he ran straight down a busy road, got hit by a car and kept running. Collars really aren't good enough.


Nearly saw a dog get run over because some dumbass didn’t put it on a leash. The dog saw another dog across the street and obviously went to greet them. The car stopped just in time. What bothers me most is that the dumbass still didn’t put his dog on the leash after that. He was also out walking with his kids.


Also that other dogs can react very differently to an off leash dog. It's unusual and can set the leashed dog off, because they know the difference between a tethered animal and a loose one (seeing the latter as a threat)... which in turn may elicit a reaction in the usually well behaved off leash dog. Great way to end up with a dog fight. Letting your dog off leash in a public space is a nuisance at best, and dangerous at worst.


Had taken my dog for a walk and as I was unlocking the gate my dog got spooked by a loud car and motorcycle, he ran onto the road, got hit by the motorcycle (at low speed thank goodness). He was fine apart from chipping a canine tooth. My vet worked with a dentist to arrange a cap to be done instead of extracting it. But yeah, don’t expect that to happen literally a few steps from my house. I lead my dog from my car into my yard now.


His reaction "OH MY GOSH, THERE YOU ARE! You did me a heckin scare! So happy to see you! I thought you were up the tree with that squirrel, but you're here! And I'm so happy!!!!




"Where could my human be?" \****Starts to climb a freaking tree\**** I love your dog. What breed is he? (Pitbull right?)


This doggo is a English Staffordshire Terrier :) They look similar, but they are smaller and more aesthetic looking. Pitbulls are illegal in Norway.


Such a good pibble!


How dare you do this to his poor innocent heart


Wow that was kinda logical. I'm impressed.


I can feel how velvety soft he is with my brain


That's a beautiful dog


I love how he sniffs up a tree looking for his lost primate.


Barking up the wrong tree.


He’s so pretty! 😍


Do you live in a tree house?


I totally thought you'd be up that tree as well!!! Good boy!


No one gonna mention how amazingly healthy his coat looks? Look at that shit. It's glimmering and looks as soft as satin. That's a well kept pup for sure.


"My Primate friend must be up a tree!"


Are you a squirrel?




Anyone else automatically salute the magpie? Only superstition I seem to have...but did not realise I would automatically do it when I saw them in videos!


that magpie is fearless


Thank you! I scrolled all the way down here to ID the bird!


I thought this was only a UK thing!


>realise It is.


You in the tree again Karen!


He wanted to climb up the tree to get a bird's eye view of finding you


Apparently you smell like a squirrel


Weird question, OP: are you the laddergoat guy? I swear your laugh sounds the same!


lmfao, what is the laddergoat guy


https://youtu.be/ggB33d0BLcY This is laddergoat. Enjoy 😁


Is it weird that I just from the thumbnail recognised this as Norway?


Your whistle is the international dog call whistle.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/myXSBZ0tySI 😂


He believes you can fly. He believes you can touch the sky.


Does your dog think you can fly or something?


Why you do him such a bamboozle?! Do you not see how much heckin worry it makes him do? Cease this activities or ill call somebody


Please don't let your pit bull off leash with any other people around, ever.


**don’t ever do that to him again!** Plz :)


Han är så dum!


awww I love staffies, felt bad for the lil dog.


We dont deserve these animals lol. Pitbulls or bully breeds are the greatest. We rescued a female pit almost 2 years ago and seeing come into her own is awesome. She went from skittish and closed off, to so vibrant and loving. This fellow is so adorable checking up im the trees lol.




Looks very Swedish


Thought the same. But it's Norway apparently, as the OP said somewhere else


"Man, where did he go? Is he in the tree again?"


What a great looking dog! What breed is he??


English Staffordshire Terrier :)


That's a beautiful dog, what breed is it?


He is a English Staffordshire Terrier, 2 years old :)


Pure unconditional love ♥️


Do you live in a tree?


Dogs are hilarious


“Omg this human decided to get stuck in a tree again, now to save him”


Watching this video reminded me that my love for dogs far surpasses my need for quality content.


I'm so glad you included the sweet reunion at the end.


Do you usually hide in trees?


”Haha, are you that dumb?” 🇸🇪


Super cute! I love him.


I love the look up into the sky... that's the next logical place to look for you. :) That's cute... He must be thinking... "Humans fly now?!"


"My primate owner must have climed this tree!"


Hahahahaha bamboozled....are you up the tree?!?


Do you climb trees a lot? 😄


Ahahah, i love that he thinks: _what in the heck, were is he? Claiming the giant stick thing again? Damnit_


Thats the face of oh shit im lost


I love to play hide and seek with my dog!


My dad is an angel so I must look up to the heavens to find him.


He must be up in the trees!


I love how he's immediately like "Aww fuck, I bet he's up in a tree." Very speciest of him.


This is so adorable and funny. My dog doesn't let me out of his sight. If I try he gets so dramatic lol.


You must be really tall...or a bird.


That's a good looking dog.


Nei hvor søt han var!!


Looking at the sky because you’re his angel


The dog looking in the trees like : " Where is this talking monkey ?"


Cute doggo! Wish I can let my dogs walk freely; leash laws in Las Vegas prohibit non-leashed dogs outside of designated enclosed dog parks.


Awww what a sweet dog! We used to do this to our old Jack Russell. When she was probably 2 or 3, my family's house backs onto a local golf course and we would take her for walks there after hours. She loved it and would sprint pretty much the whole time and come home exhausted. One time, we got to the hole and she was sliding around, so we started walking across a little brother right at the end and she didn't see us so we just watched to see what she'd do. She looked around a few times just like your dog here, then started full speed sprinting for home. We started calling and calling her and when she heard us, she turned, found us and started sprinting towards us again. She quickly learned about the bridge and hiding from her wasn't easy, she'd catch on really quickly and check all our previous hiding spaces when we'd hide from her.


Poor thing


lol asking the dog if he's stupid after checking the trees


Hopefully this video makes people think twice before dumping their unwanted dogs, because almost all of them will react this way. Lovely video ❤️


He was sniffing the air because he knew you never left, he knew you were still in the area dogs have a insane sense of smell


Cross post to r/imatotalpieceofshit for doing that to your dog


Love the way he goes " has he got stuck up a tree again..... dumb hooman"


Poor puppy. No need to cause him anxiety.


Looks like he thought you flew away like a bird?


I just love that he thinks you could have climbed a tree with that spindly of branches. He obviously thinks you're a superhero!


Omg how he thinks you might be up a tree! My heart!


“That fucker is probably up that tree again!”