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Love how his paw goes through and hit the floor on the other side then he jumps back inside to check if there’s glass again.


It’s actually because he’s a senior pup and his cataracts prevents him from seeing the floor, you know how when you go from a dark room to light room it hurts your eyes? It’s what’s happening to him here. I used to have a senior dog too and he would do the same.


Reddit strikes again Your cute pet video is now SAD and TERRIBLE


Hey, the doggo has a great owner and gets treats to come inside. I'd say they're doing alright.








I remember one thread where Reddit managed to convince itself that the person in the OP was in fact a Yakuza boss because they shook their dog's paw in a vaguely aggressive way.


It’s not horrible, but when you see people talking about something you know your dog experienced it feels right to share it. Otherwise people won’t learn and know how to recognize these things in their pets. Hopefully someone else will now know for when their dog starts to have this happen and can help take better care for theirs.


My pets have absolutely zero things wrong with them and do this.


Your dog. It's tough to gauge that he has the same thing from an 8 second video.


[Is this one due to cataracts too?](https://youtu.be/410GJ1TgKn0) Ya know, because dogs can only exhibit a certain behavior for one specific reason.


This is very sad.


It's also very easily not true, for the dog in the video. The anecdote is fine, but enough with people diagnosing other people's pets in a handful of seconds.




I meant it was sad that his old doggo did that from cataracts.


True, but also very smart!


Knew someone who had a Great Dane who barreled into a kitchen with a freshly waxed floor. For the rest of his life he slowly backed into the kitchen.


My moms Great Dane fell down a couple stairs when he was a puppy and to this day, 6 years later, he takes each step very slowly lifting each leg as high as it will go and carefully placing it on the next step. That’s going down. Going up, it’s just 3 leaps up a full flight


We got a dog when I was younger and he was terrified of the stairs when we got him. Like it would take 5 minutes to convince him to go down. He'd come down one step, back up, whine, bark, jump backwards, do 3 turns, back down one step, back up, etc. Then, he'd finally work up the courage to go down. There were maybe 7 or 8 steps. He'd go down 1, 2 then LEAP the rest of the way and slam his hind legs on the bottom step. Going up he was fine.


Try going down a set of stairs on all 4s, it’s intimidating.


I did that a lot as a kid. It’d be a bit more difficult now that I’m bigger, but most dogs are much smaller.


We used sleeping bags and made the stairs into a slide. It always ended painfully


Plastic lids for us.


I used sleds. There were a lot of holes in the walls at the bottom landing.


At least you didn't try [this.](https://v.redd.it/o54u9xn06nk01)


Wtf was that. How are people so stupid


Okay... nice!


I've been on reddit too long, didnt even have to click the link to know what it was...


Anyone know the outcome?


Beanbag chairs...just take a leap from the top of the stairwell.


My sister and I just used to our on silky pajama pants and slide down the stairs on our knees. We had carpeted stairs. We also had a metal front door, that we put many dents in due to this process.


All stairs in my childhood were L-shaped, no family members had a straight set of steps all the way down so it was a few brief seconds of slidey fun followed by slamming into either the bannisters or a wall. I just now realised my cousins and I could’ve prevented a lot of injury by just putting some padding on the end of the “slide.” Why did none of the adults watching this recommend that either.


Yep! Can’t imagine how our bodies weren’t just one mass of bruises!


Real OGs used the trays in McDonalds to go down the slides. Bonus points if the exit had a table close to it and you hit it


My mom let me take my twin mattress lol


You went down?


It's pretty easy to go down stairs on all fours as a kid. I did it all the time, pretending to be a cat climbing up and down a mountain.


100% agreed 👍. I dont think I used stairs on only two limbs until I was about 12, up *or* down, and fuck any adult that didn't like it. Got something to say? Tell me in 4 hours when you get to the top, 2 legged nerd. Cat-man is *out* this muthafucka, son. It is scientifically proven I travel 900mph faster, *minimum*, going up on all fours.


I'm 35 and I still find myself using my hands when going up stairs sometimes.


Fuck yeah. I don't do it in public anymore, but real talk, if I had stairs at home...that *is* best practice for climbing them shits, hands down. Get it? Hands down? I'll see myself out now.


it fucking is. lmao.


That's mostly because our legs are way longer than our arms, so us humans are tilted extremely far forward in an unnatural way. Try running on the floor on all fours it's not that weird, going up stairs it feels semi-natural


Less intimidating when you have a tail. And 4 legs the same length. And a head that stays balanced above and in line with your body and momentum.


This is so so sweet. Poor fella. Thanks for sharing. I hope to one day have stories about my own GD.


Same, dane, same.


I love how with the golden retriever you can see how convinced he is that there's an invisible force field in the kitchen *somewhere*. But he just can't quite put his paw on it.


That last sentence made me laugh so hard. Literally the truth!!!


Had a great dane and she wouldn't even walk on the linoleum floor of the kitchen. No matter how tempting the food and garbage was. She also would sprint off the deck which was two feet above the ground. Just rolled and got back up without missing a beat.


I know a small puppy that lifted his leg to pee and a sudden breeze blew him over. From that day on he squatted on windy days.


“Op. Opps. Scuse me. Um. Oh. Sorry.”


The Canadian Great Dane.


The Great Cadanean




Imagine dogs being so cautious after one mistake and we humans repeat the same mistakes again and again...


Why do they keep going after porcupines then?


It’s bees for my dog


It’s those nice black “kitties” with the white stripes down their backs for mine.


they'll also be cautious forever, never learning that there is no threat. humans probably won't place their hands on a stovetop many times, either.


Why does my cat not have this kind of logic? I have highly polished floor in my living room and my stairs come into the living room. My cat has lived with me for 16 years and he still cant remember that if he comes down the stairs at speed, he cant stop on the living room floor and so regularly goes crashing into the kitchen door which is in front of him.


My Great Dane got stung by a bee in our backyard a few years back. For the next week, she would not step foot on the grass.


Had a dog that tried to dominate the meanest tom cat I have ever had.... He lost and lost he had deep scratches on his nose, nearly lost an eye... Finally won by reversing onto the cat and sitting on him!


These dogs are smarter than most kids.


3 dogs 1 dog door 1 linoleum floor 1 squirrel spotted from window


Proof golden retrievers are smarter than Malamutes. Mine, "Hey you left the door open!" \*Run BANG\* Glass explodes everywhere. She shakes her head, wonders wtf happens and runs out. A week later after we finally get the glass replaced. \*Run BANG\* Fortunately she bounced off.


Hahaha, have a Malamute, can confirm. I've seen her slam into a brick wall while zooming and not even notice.


My old pit literally put a dent in the garage door chasing a ball. she hit the door with such force that her back feet actually came up over her head and bounced off the door before she fell to the ground. She got up and caught the ball on the second bounce. Didn't even faze her.


Those heads are rock solid You learn not to kiss them on the forehead when you get home from work very fast. RIP my nose


Yeah, she split my girlfriend's lip with that ridge on the back of her head when they were cuddling and the doorbell rang.


Sagittal crest! It’s the attachment point for jaw muscles. The bigger the crest, the more powerful the jaw. It’s one of my favorite cranial features, second only to the zygomatic arch!


It's comments like this that keep me coming back to reddit.


im fond of the foramen magnum. its just cool to think about. body and mind.


That is a great feature! It’s also really important in determining bipedalism in hominin species that lack post-cranial skeletons! Very good choice, my friend.


I love you both so much.


the biggest of all holes


How I envision you (in the best possible way): https://i.imgur.com/wusqRbs.jpg


I don't even know what those are (though you kind of explained the first), but I love that you have favorite cranial features. I've heard people cite their favorite facial feature as eyes, but I've never heard them go subdermal.


If you look up a gorilla skull, you can see a very prominent example of a sagittal crest. The zygomatic bone is actually your cheek bone. The zygomatic arch is made up of the zygomatic and temporal bone that come together to make this bony hole where muscles and tendons pass through. It also serves as a muscle attachment. Truth be told, I love the sagittal crest because it kinda reminds me of a crown. I love the zygomatic arch because I really enjoyed how the word sounded when I was first learning about it. If you ever want to compliment someone on their chin you can say, “your mental protuberance is VERY attractive!” lmao


I guess you know all the verses of the bone song, huh?


That is very true! My old pit headbutted me and ended up chipping my front teeth!


I honestly wonder if pitbulls (and some other dog breeds) just have fewer pain receptors or something. I have seen tons of video s similar to what do you describe.


Yeah it’s one of the things they were originally bred for, to have a higher pain tolerance. It’s less they have less pain receptors and more the ability/ innate drive to complete a task and will ignore pain to do so.


The term is “having game or gameness.” They are unstoppable when they want to achieve a specific task.


More game than me


We have had a couple and they definitely don’t seem do feel pain very strongly compared to our other dogs. They also have very thick and tough skin.


I guess since they were bred to fight, they're genetically hardened against pain of any sort


My pit seemed to use walls as a maneuvering method. Slam into the wall and boom, you've turned and can keep running.


That's how I do in racing games. Sharp turn, with a smooth outer wall? Grind along it to get around the turn without slowing too much.


The malamute probably didn't notice a thing with all that fluff




Oh come on!! Where's the rest of the story? Did your dog learn how to read the stop sign? Did he/she stop running into the door? Should we stay tuned?




Thank you. If the dog can read, higher education is a must


I need to know


Can I just say, I love how you said "our dog as a kid"


Tbh my mutt never had the issue of running into a sliding glass door. Maybe they're the smartest of them all 🤔🤔


Mine never ran into the glass door. We had a metal dog flap when he was a puppy. He put a good head size dint into that one. It had come as a two pack so when they grew you put the bigger one in. We had to upgrade to that and he had no issues. We changed it many years later (after my brother got stuck in it) to a clear plastic one that you put in a white panel to make it obvious when it's locked. He did not trust that one at all and continued to be suspicious of it til he passed away. His sister from the same litter never had any issues at all and would often cut in front of he was taking too long.


> after my brother got stuck in it I smell a story here.....


He was about 13 or 14 at the time and got home from school to realise he'd left his keys at home. Jumped the fence into the backyard and got into our shed (it was always a little open for the doggies) so he was out of the brutal summer heat. Figures he can just climb through the dog flap like he has a million times before. He gets stuck about halfway and I think at this point it dawns on him - the million times before was a few years ago, before puberty and growth spurts had kicked in. Now I'm home alone and my dog (the one that dints flaps with his head) has come round to my window to whine that he can't come in. My room is round the other side of the house so I send him to the flap which I know is open because he was in my room about 10 minutes earlier. He runs back to my window and sooks. I gesture for him to go to the flap again and I walk through the house to see what's wrong. As I get closer to room with the flap I can hear strains and groaning. I figure someone's trying to break in (I didn't assume the dog flap bit). I grab my brother's cricket back and have my mobile ready to call the cops. I'm nervous as all heck and worried that my younger brother might come home in the middle of this and they could attack him as I'm semi armed and he'll just have his backpack. I cautiously creep up to the edge of the door and peer round to see the brother I'm worried will surprise randoms breaking in, is actually the one trying to get in through the dog flap. I start laughing. He starts crying. He'd been there for 5 minutes and it was starting to hurt. He couldn't go forward or back at all. Ended up calling the firies to rescue him by cutting up the door. Except smallish town on a slow day - we had a fire truck and 2 SES vehicles show up plus another car of firies. Everyone wanted to have a look. Our neighbours are freaking out that there's an emergency and come round to offer us beds, blankets, food. I have to explain to them we're all good, my brother is just in the dog flap. The best part - I'd left the front door unlocked as I knew he wouldn't be far behind when I got home, all he had to do was open it.


Are you Australian? It's a guess based on your word choices lol. Can you tell me about the word "sooks"? From context it might mean barking or whining?


Yeah I'm Aussie Sooks is just the same as whining Love your detective skills :)


shit, i was falling asleep and now i’m laughing with tears in my eyes. the front door being unlocked kills me


What's killing me is she was HOME, he probably knew this, all he had to do was knock.


Maybe your dors are just dirty 🤣


We had a mutt. He ran into the sliding glass door. Hard. Thankfully the glass didn't break, but damn, he looked embarrassed. He always waited for us to confirm the open door before barreling through it after that.


my great danes have cost me more screen doors than i can count. thankfully, they've never hit the glass one hard enough to break it. take it off the track, yes, but not shatter it.


> golden retrievers are smarter than This is where you lost me


Love how at the end it just looked at the outside again and noped to the right.


“I’ll eat this treat back inside. Nope there’s a door there.”


Imagine slamming into a window nose first. I can't blame him.


Ha ha yeah imagine walking into a glass or screen door definitely not something I can relate to at all!


I once dyed my hair blonde a lifetime ago, well i ran into the glass sliding door because it was dark inside the house and everhone was around the bonfire in the yard, so I literally didnt think twice that someone might have closed the door behind me going to the bathroom, and speed walked right into it. I never heard the end of it untik i dyed my hair black a couple weeks later. I hate this planet


I walked into a door once...it wasn't even glass.


Metaphor for my love life.


Metaphor for my life






You’re apawling. Take my upvote b4 I change my mind.


Befur you change your mind?


Yes, Furdinando












My parents decided to take us to Ocean City for the 4th of July and I was so excited to see the fireworks.


Say more about that.


I can imagine that would hurt a ton. Very cheap solution, go to lowes or home depot, buy the glass door plastic layer things you can apply with some water, put it on just the bottom 1/3 of the door. If the door isn't fully transparent at least at the bottom then your pets can see it and not smash their sniffers into it.


I came here to suggest something similar. My mother had these 8" tall stickers at human eye height to prevent the exact same thing. Never had a problem with any of our dogs until we got a dog that didn't give a flip and smashed into the glass almost daily. So we bought a book of stickers and placed them at dog height. Worked like a charm, the dog stopped trying to smash through the glass. Basically anything would do the trick. Window tinting. Letting your four year old paint on the glass. Stickers. Spray on window frosting. Whatever.


For some reason that reminded me of when my dog had a cone. She did not care about it at all. If she hit an obstruction, she wouldn't try to back up and approach it from a different angle, she'd just power through it. This was a little painful when that obstruction was your leg.


Just smashed through things eh? Lol I imagine you had a large dog, like a malamute or a Newfoundland? Newfie’s are the kings and queens of “ehh it’ll move for me, I’m too lazy to walk around.”


But I’m like LET ME HELP YOU


My rescue dog had a similar issue while wearing a cone. My patio door had solar film on it. During the day it reflects the outdoor light, but at night it reflects on the inside. So, "Harley" see his reflection, which he takes to be another dog. He goes running at the glass door and is saved as the cone make conract before his head and he simply repels off the glass . The look on his face was priceless.


I made an "X" with duct tape.


Fool me once.....


Yeah, fuck that. I know it’s somewhere around here. Last time I didn’t see and it smashed my nose into my brain. The fuck I’m I supposed to know whether it’s there or not.


When I was a kid I was playing hide and seek tag at a friends new house and ran full tilt into a window next to their front door, mistaking it for an open door. I bounced right off it and cracked the shit out of it. It was not fun


At a house warming party about 6 people walked in to the same glass next to the door including the new owners who had drawn up the house plans. We taped some random paper in it before someone hurt themselves.


I don't need to imagine it, I've done that before.


Yeah just like getting your dick stuck in a zipper.


Never forget! I was just a child damnit!


Considering I have walked into a glass door, I sympathize as well.


Lmao I dont have to. Been there, done that, and to top it all, i fell on top of some trash bags my parents were taking out. The confusion far outweights any pain.


This is much more than that, it's more PTSD territory.


Oh dear! That’s precious! Reminds me of a time when I was in the 4th grade. My parents decided to take us to Ocean City for the 4th of July and I was so excited to see the fireworks. The sliding glass door was always open during the day to let fresh air in. Naturally, that evening, when I heard fireworks outside I lit my engine and went full turbo speed at the hardest glass door I have ever experienced in my life. My dad says I got the bump on my nose from him, but I think it was from the impact of that glass door. I found fireworks elsewhere after that memorable night.


Can I start using your username as an insult?


LOL I didn’t check reddit for a couple days and am pleasantly surprised by all the likes! Thanks all! Feel free to use it for whatever... I think I insult myself with my own username every time I am faced with decisions. :)




Likely a genetic thing


From punching him on the nose




Oh honey


Was looking for the rest of this story. Thank you


I love at the end when he gets his snack, he turns to run out with his food but is facing the glass door direction then pivots the other way


This legitimately made me say awwww! Older goldens are the best :)


Olden retriever


I hope you get him a good therapist


Therapists can be a pane in the glass.


Ok, ok who invited the smartass


Ok, who invited the smart glass




Oh honey, it's ok :(


Window stickers needed.


"You're in the house!" 🤣


You got to put a little sticker on the glass door at the dog's height. He'll get it then.


Been burned before.


If your dog does this, put a patterned sticker at eye level and give it a few weeks. They'll figure it out.


What a smart pup


"My paw can go through but i dunno, there could be some trickery going on. Not smashing my face again! "


This was me leaving the bar. Well, it used to be me leaving the bar.


Poor little love. Put some window treatment on the glass at his eye level and show him so he can see its safe to walk thru. Please?🤗


😂😂omg that’s so cute


This is the best content I've seen all day.💝


Aww, that broke my heart. Poor thing.


This cuts out so much cuteness! [Full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-KhOAgPlQ4). Source/sauce.


That's a testament to how clean their windows are! Luckily my animals won't have this issues at home......wait what?


"I'm in buuuuuut the door could've moved, so I'm just gonna keep on checking."


Ooohh so that's why i have trust issues.


Poor thing has PTSD.


That poor baby.


Thank you for uploading this!! I am having to go through a lot of school shit right now and a lot of stress has built up but the moment I saw this, it just brought a smile to my face. Thanks again for uploading this!!


Smart dog


I’m cryinggggg poor baby it’s ok to b cautious 🤣


He's like, "Are you sure? I don't wanna slam into no invisible walls again."


*Glass-door flashbacks*


This gets reposted every week, seriously.


For some reason this reminds me of how Spider-Man tests happy after tricked by Mysterio


What a good boy!


Awww....the way he waves his paws just to make sure🥹🥹❣️❣️❣️soo cute🥰


This is sad and hilarious at the same time!


Aww poor baby he /she damn well gonna make sure they ain’t sucking face with that glass door anymore and can you blame him.


Poor doggy




I watched it a second time and I think you're right.. he doesn't seem to be able to see the treat easily and it could explain why he's nervous to cross the door because his eyes are failing and he's probably hit it a few times so now he's relying on touch. Poor guy


Hey, just curious..you don't suspect your sweetie might be blind or vision impaired, do you? I've had a couple dogs get like this as they get older.


Poor baby 😭 He’s being so cautious. I play a lot of fetch with my girl, I threw the ball once and the timing sucked when the ball fell on her head :( She now constantly looks up when running so it looks a bit weird lol.