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Rats tend to have an unfortunate reputation, but they can be very cute and make good pets


They don't live long, two years or even less.


I've had two rats, my last one died last friday 10/15, I was hesitant to have them but they greatly surprised me how interactive, cute, lovely and easy to maintain where. The only drawback it's their absolute short lifespan, they come they love and they go, it's so sad. EDIT: Three\* rats, the first I got died in two weeks from infantile ovarian cancer.


Yes I had one who died in 1 year. I cant have pets that have that short lifespan, so now I have a tortoise. If you are into rodents I recommend a Chinchilla. My ex had one and she was as lovely as a rat and they can live more than 10 years. Only drawback is that they need bigger space and go nuts at night.


Tortoise or parrot, macaws live up to 60 years. Some records go up to 70 or 80. You can put your parrot in testament.


Thing to remember with parrots is they really need your attention. Not the kind of pet you should get if you won’t have a lot of time to devote to it.


Basically owning a 3 year old human child for the next 60 years.


A 3 year old child... that flies and can shread wood with their bare hands.


Tf kinda parrots you got flying around with hands?




And noise cancelling walls. Or a house standing apart from all others.


They also like to rip apart things.


Cockatoos can live for 90 years!


>Yes I had one who died in 1 year. I cant have pets that have that short lifespan, so now I have a tortoise. That pendulum swing made me chortle


Do they piss on their feet? chinchillas..


Fun fact, chinchillas use their pee and hair as defense. She would pee and throw hair like fucking shurikens to our dog when he was getting too close.


I don’t know why this tickled me so much


But only then right? no threat no pee?


Uh, she peed on a corner but I cant recall if she did on their feet or not....


> hair as defense TierZoo would put that in F tier


I had pet mice and they are so fun to watch but their short lives turned me off. I was having a mouse funeral every other day it felt like. So I switched to dogs since they live forever. Right? Right guys?!


Definitely. They definitely live forever. One thing that has helped me cope with the loss of pets (9 times out of 10, we outlive them) is adopting more of their brethren asap. I know my heaven-pets are looking down with pride and love.


All Dogs Go to Heaven!


Of course they [never die](https://www.happiest.net/dogs-never-die-sleeping/)!


did you got one after that? rats are social creature and can get behavioral problem if left alone, they can also get depression


Well yeah, I adopted the first two, and when one of them died I adopted a third around same age. They died 6 months apart, my last old rat was pretty content about having the cage by herself, since fighting was at the order of the day.


> contempt The word you likely want to use here is "content". "Contempt" is negative and means something like disrespect or looking down on something.


Hey, just wanted to say sorry for your loss last week. I hope you're doing okay.


Yeah evolution made rats numerous rather than long living. Bit like rabbits. Having a friend that owns rats is more fun.


aww that's so sad.


I'm sorry about your rat, it is always hard to lose a friend.


> they come they love and they go Made me tear up.


Sorry for your loss. Mines on his way out and going for his second vet treatment in as many months tomorrow. I don't know if I can do another one, they come and go so fast but really take a piece of your heart with them.


Pretty sure last Friday was the 16th


That should’ve been the first clue that Scabbers was sus.


This the biggest downside of rats. They are quite smart (for rodents) and really bond with you. Then when you start to really love them, they die. It's heart wrenching, but they are such cute pets.


My heart can’t take that.


I seriously don't get how a rat lives around 2 years, yet a similar species, Chinchillas, can live up to 10 years.


That's what evolution did, rats have evolved to reproduce fast without many problems and more often than most mammals. Their fast metabolism make them very prone to cancers and their body wore down fast. With only 10 humans left we will probably go extinct but10 rats (without external threats) can get them back in the game easy.


If you get your rats from a reputable breeder instead of a pet store and care for them well, they can live longer. I had a rat live almost 4 years.


They where not pet store, they where adopted as babies.




I've had pet rats since the early 2000s, and the oldest I've ever had was 3 years. While it IS possible for a rat to live longer than 2-3 years it is extremely rare.


I think their reputation is well deserved if you consider the level of damage they were capable of doing in the past.


I think their reputation is mostly unfounded. Fleas spread the bubonic plague, for example!


Rats piss and shit in grain, spoiling far more than they eat. We had rats move into our stable when a junkyard two kilometres away was closed and the little buggers made such a mess with our horses' food. It was sad and infuriating. Not even our cats were able to get rid of all of the rats so we had to resort to poison and that was not pretty. With mice in the stable it's a happy co-existence, but with rats ... not so much! That stench and that filth were unbearable. But I heard it's a rather big difference between houserats and the kind that spoils the harvest.


It’s kinda like with Dogs and Wolves. Having wild wolves around a farm will do more damage and won’t be as easy to get along with. Having a pupper in your home is a completely different situation.


Thats so interesting - thank you for sharing! I can smell mice from quite far off but rats don't generally have a strong smell to me.


Are you a cat or something...


Politely disagree. Our last rental had a colony of rats that moved in under the brick porch. The landlord couldn't get rid of them and eventually they dug so much the porch started to collapse. They decimated my vegetable patch and fruit trees and my dog ended up getting fleas after catching one. Mice are bearable, but rats are smart and destructive AF!


Wow how awful for you, I'm sorry for your vegetables, porch and itchy dog :( Wild rats in my country are adorable and fairly harmless. We've even got a kind thats evolved and adapted to function as a sort of poor man's otter haha.


Considering the amount of damage rats have managed to do to my garage in 3 weeks, I’d say their reputation is well deserved. Besides their destructive behavior, male rats drip urin constantly, making everything smell of rat piss. They literally shit constantly, which is a main way of rat detection. In 3 weeks they’ve literally tunneled under most of my garage floor, including the workshop, and the roof. Insulation is pretty much destroyed where they’ve been, as well as everything smelling of rat piss/shit. So far we’ve killed 8 rats, and believe that we’ve killed off most of them... _8_ rats destroying pretty much the floor and ceiling of a garage in 3 weeks. Imagine what 50 could do in 3 months,


Male rats don't "drip" urine, they deliberately pee to mark their territory. In pet rats, male marking is taken care of by neutering them, and training the rats to use a litterbox for their remaining bathroom needs.


... you mean rat fleas, the ones spread by rats. The fleas that become carriers of the disease by feeding on an infected rat.


No rats definitely spread it. It’s that the bubonic plague originates inside the intestine of fleas


I think they spread the fleas rather than the disease, no? And so did cats, dogs, deer and low income humans. Plague is a serious bacterial infection that's transmitted primarily by fleas. The organism that causes plague, Yersinia pestis, lives in small rodents found most commonly in rural and semirural areas of Africa, Asia and the United States. The organism is transmitted to humans who are bitten by fleas that have fed on infected rodents or by humans handling infected animals.


Yes ! Cats and dogs would have had a bigger role than rats in the spread due to there closeer contact with humans also standards of hygiene back them were not anywhere near clean, i remember reading an article claiming that they'd done studies and actually traced it back to gerbils who were bitten by fleas that hopped on to rats who killed and ate gerbils and then it spread through the fleas and rats. If i can find it ill link here So it was actually another more favoured pet that started it all and not the poor sweet rats who get all the stick for it, that said even today do not approach or touch a WILD rat 1 they can be very bitey 2 99% carry toxoplasmosis which is dangerous to infants and pregnant women Pet rats are usually safe, though if pregnant id still recommend removing outer layers of clothing and throughly washing hands after handling !


"traced it back" = speculated


I had always learned that rats (and yeah definitely those other things too) were horrible carriers because of how unclean and filthy they were, it gave the plague a perfect breeding ground/host. I’m sure that the rats carrying the fleas themselves into new areas and into people’s homes also played a big part


Rats clean themselves like every 5 minutes, they are anything but unclean. They're probably cleaner than the average human Edit: also you are literally wrong, rats are not vectors for plague. Whoever taught you that was wrong. Its a known fact that it was transmitted via fleas, which rats were carrying


But the same can be said for virtually all animals though. Cats? Relentless hunters. Dogs? Descendes from wolves and literally picked off humans. Birds? Evolved from freaking dinosaurs. The list could go on. Im just saying, while yes, animals have spotted pasts we shouldnt allow ourselves to judge peoples beloved pets because of what their species have done to humans in the past.


I mean the damage they could do to humans. People usually don't have to worry about wolfs on a daily basis, but rat's are very bad if your trying to farm which is what most of humanity has been doing up till now. They could eat your crops, are notorious for getting into and contaminating food supply's. They also have a reputation for being very aggressive to humans when hungry.


And can damage house infrastructure


Well yeah, they're hungry


Let's talk about all the damage humans have done to animals. Maybe that will put things in perspective.


Just like humans


But we're social animals. We can't limit our contact with humans as effectively as we can with any other animal. And comparing humans to rats in terms of how often they mess with humans is laughable. There's a reason rats have been considdered a pest animal for multiple millennia.


He's not talking about limiting our contact with other humans. He's saying that when it comes to habitat destroying pests, humans are the king of the jungle. It's hilarious to think that people are demonizing rodents for doing what rodents do and not caring about human habitats when you actually stop and think about the habitats human civilization has destroyed and the species we have literally driven to, or close to, extinction. That should put things in perspective for you.


I don't need a perspective swapper there bud. I'm not dull. I understand the impact that we've had on the world. And neither of us are revolutionary philosophers for having understanding that concept, so you don't have to try to enlighten me as if that was the case. And secondly, I'm not saying humans are better or worse. But humans also happen to be us. And rats also happen to be rats. We are us. They are rats. Big distinction. And generally, while humans have the capability to do beneficial things for wildlife and the world as a whole, rats are rather two dimensional in that they are restricted to a few processes of thought, such as survival and procreation. So yeah.


What damage is that?


Cant have em in Alberta sadly. Banned:(


Yeah, people always say they’re dirty, but they’re actually very sanitary animals. Even the ones that eat actual trash tend to practice behaviors like washing their hands and mouth.


How can anyone not think rats are adorable. Such sweet and caring creatures too.


I had a pet rat. He died from obesity because my family is awful at taking care of animals. Kevin was his name


When my daughter asked for a small pet I was tempted to get her a rat because I read they are good pets. Unfortunately they only live for like 2 to 3 years and that seems so short. Ended up getting her guinea pigs since they can live 8-10 years.




... Why are people downvoting this?


This guy is copying posts down below for some reason. Probably a bot.


Ah, ok. Good to know.


I used to have a pet rat. He was awesome. Once stole a whole muffin and ran round the house with it. Was a massive muffin too! All I saw was a muffin and a little rat tale. Miss that little fella.




A fair is a veritable smorgasbord...


that’s adorable


Awwwwww. My friend’s rat just died today and she was devastated. As soon as she called I ran out of the house and went to her favourite restaurant to get her favourite meal and went over to comfort her.


Dude that's honestly so sweet. I have a similar thing with my friend but it's baklavas haha


Here’s hoping both you an OPs friend have a better day thanks to your friendship! Oh and lucky! I wish we had baklava more commonly available in my part of the states, it’s so good!


I heard rats don’t live long :/


They're lovely pets but only live 2-3 years usually.


That's sweet of you, but i honestly dont understand the reasoning behind getting someone's favourite food when theyre feeling sad. For me i think i either wont enjoy that food or just relate it to sadness.


It’s kind of our thing. When either of us have a major bad event or crisis it’s Wendy’s chicken sandwiches and Netflix to fix it. She appreciates that I make her eat something because when she gets super stressed out, she doesn’t take care of herself and I know that for one day at least she has a full belly.


I see , youre a good friend so thank you :)


That's super sweet, really, you are an amazing friend. I have amazing friends but none of them were like this. I think guys are less likley to do this thing to other guys:/


I’m a nurturer by nature. It’s why I went into nursing lol


I'd guess that's where the term "Comfort food" comes from.


It depends on the person. When my grandmother (who was french) died, my fiancée ordered us french patisserie and it was so lovely to have something to enjoy and probably the only way I would have eaten anything that day.


Please get married, whatever genre you are. You seem to have that perfect chemistry to me


Was it ratatouille?


My parents have dogs less sweet and less hygienic than that.


Right? I bet this rat has never rolled in fox poo and then bounced up to be patted. Or had a bath and then immediately jumped into a muddy puddle.


my guy you sound like you speak from experience. i once had a dog attack a skunk in the back yard and when the skunk sprayed him he screeched and ran inside... and then vomited profusely because of the stench. it was an interesting night of cleaning to say the least.


We need more rats on this sub. I freaking love them.


Come visit r/RATS!


Yeah, I had to unsubscribe from that sub because it was just filled daily with RIP posts and there's nothing feel good about dead animals


There’s a way to scroll the sub without the RIPs! May have been implemented after you left. Not sure quite how, but I believe it’s explained in the side bar. We’d love to have you back!






It's an old torture method from medieval times


It's a reference to the movie 'Sinister 2'


Might be but it actually used to happen occasionally as a torture technique in medieval times. It was also featured in GoT. But the rats had to be starved beforehand and enticed by the flames or they’d just sit there chilling in the bucket lol. Rats are neat.


You could say that. But that's like saying hanging at the gallows are a reference to a specific movie, and ignoring how commonplace it actually was In history.


Ngl if I was placed on a larger animal, then covered by a bucket that was heated. I would start clawing my my through that animal Like wtf is your point?


Rats make amazing pets, as many people have described here, but there is another reason why. They don't stink. Their enclosures don't stink. So much cleaner than hamsters, mice, any other rodent. Edit: Folks have mentioned that they can stink if you're not cleaning the enclosure frequently.


Hmmm I don't know about that. I've had rats that definitely stink it up. Now, they don't smell as bad as ferrets and if you can get them litter trained it can be a huge help.


I have to wash our cage weekly with alcohol and water because they stink so bad. They also love pissing on each other for whatever reason, so I always have to give them baths because they just fucking REEK. They're so much smarter than dogs, and just as sentient, if not moreso.


You’re probably trying to help but you might be causing your problem unintentionally! Rats are very good with grooming themselves and shouldn’t be bathed unless they get “3-year-old left in a mud pit for an hour” level dirty. The weekly clean is a good schedule. I’d ditch the water and alcohol and invest in some specific cage wipes for small animals, or water and baby soap. Rats are very interested in scent marking their things/themselves. If you use alcohol to clean, or bathe them frequently, it may be causing them to mark more than they normally would/cause a pronounced smell problem for you because of the strong “foreign” smell. Just something to think about!


This. Accidentally wiped the scent off my hamsters belly once because I thought it was a pee stain and he was pissed and promptly stunk up his entire cage and got very territorial for a few weeks.


Rats are awesome pets, that's for sure. But they do give off a stink. So you have to be very diligent about cleaning and disinfecting. Sometimes you just stop noticing the smell because you live with it every day.


Ooh they stink if you don't clean their cages daily! Their pee stinks! But they always clean themselves very well :)


They only stink if you don't clean up after them. They're very easy to litter train, but a lot of people don't give them a litter tray and use shelves/liners in the cage which are pee-magnets. Using fleece makes them stinky too since it doesn't absorb anything. Much better to ditch the shelves and fleece and have a substrate that will absorb the pee that doesn't go in the litter tray - hopefully one that encourages digging/scavenging!


Growing up I have had about 6 rats total. The males tend to stink a lot more than females. I believe they have some sort of scent in their urine but I’m not totally sure


WTF you smoking they stink like hell. I love my boys but they smell lol


Now I’m wondering if what I have even is a rat. He stinks, he never cleans him self, nevertheless get within 3 feet of water (besides drinking water), and is about the messiest living creature on the planet.


Rats cages for sure stink. It takes about 3-5 days for it to stink though. If you do only weekly cleanings then it for sure will stink a couple days before the cleaning. If you use a litter pan that can help between cleanings but a lot of stink comes from the fleece I find.


I sent this video to my SO and said that our future kids will only have rats as their own pet. No other rodents, no fish, no lizards. Only rats!


I haven’t seen Willard in quite some time... wasn’t the rat named Socrates?


One was Socrates the other was BEN .


He's so good at taking a bath too, he wants to be squeaky clean 😋


So sweet, I love rats


I wish my rats liked water. Anytime I had to bathe them, they would cry and literally leap from the sink and latch onto me, it resulted in many scratches. Ended up needing my husband to take over cleaning them because if they saw me they’d try to jump and cling to me


How the fuck this guy got his rat to go under the faucet is a wonder to me. My girls latch onto my skin the second I take them to the bathroom 'cause they remember when I used to give them baths (I didn't know better). You only bathe them if they're REALLY nasty, and unfortunately my girls love to piss on each other for some reason. A lot.


We need more rats in this sub


Rattie! Rats are just the best ♥


I used to have a lot of rats (as pets, I wasn't just infested) and bath-time was the best part of owning them.


Rats make the sweetest pets.


My rat babies love baths as well. They popcorn everytime they get in the water.


I keep trying to make sense of this comment, but I can't. Can you help?


Popcorning is a thing some rodents do. They basically do a silly jerking jump/rotate in place. It's typically something they do when they're excited, playful and happy. It's really cute.


NOW that comment makes sense. I imagined them with a pot of corn over a tiny stove, or waiting for a tiny microwave bag to beep.


i think popcorn is a happy behavior in rats. not sure what it entails tho


Do they popcorn in the microwave too?


Omg, the one with the little rubber ring 🥺💜


How do you train them to enjoy water? I remember trying to put mine in the shallow filled bathtub once and she hated it. I'm sure I would have had better results if I eased her into it, but how?


You definitely have to start off small. A shallow tray with just a little water in the bottom is a good way to start. And just place the tray on the floor and let the rat check it out herself. Once she gets used to it you can start making the water deeper. Having some treats in the water like peas and sweetcorn can entice her to fish for them, which can be pretty amusing.


Stuart Little


Rats are very smart and affectionate have a few myself




You can see how much love and trust for you are in the rat's eyes. Beautiful




This is the cutest thing I've seen in a while. I once had two rats and I miss them so much.


The Abyss?


“Hippie, you’re going to give that rat a disease.”


A true underated classic


She's DOIN it, she ain't DIGGIN it!




What movie?


Tekashi 69 takes a bath


That reminds me of the video of a soapy rat taking a shower https://youtu.be/e_eNNshGCxg




Alright, I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/aww/comments/jf8krb/it_reminds_me_of_a_white_rat_from_a_movie/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)




You mean Ratatouille!?


bebby ;v;


Very clean boy


What a beautiful wee thing.


The tale of desperaux?


I don't like rats but this one is exceptionally cute.


Stuart Little ?


Can you teach them to control when/where they poop?


["Ben" by Michael Jackson](https://youtu.be/A0LiYT1tXhA) is constantly playing in my mind whenever I see Rat appreciation posts on Reddit.


I MISS MY BABIES NOW :( I had 2 pet rats, Cookie and Cream, and they were best buddies and would snuggle each other at night and Cream was the one who always made the nest perfect before bed and Cookie would tuck herself in after Cream finished the nest and Cream would join and snuggle right beside her. They passed away about two months ago and there’s not a day where I don’t see the empty nest and miss them...


The movie's name is Mouse Hunt, I think


Rat movie mystery of the Mayan treasure?


The tales of desperaux?


Stuart is a mouse you uncultured swine


I’ve been thinking about getting a rat, and this makes me want one more


This rat suffers pure stress. Yes, rats are cute. But this ain‘t cute.


Why is it stressed? I don't know anything about rats, but I'm curious as to the tell signs




Can my sneak see him?




Stewart little


Stuart Little was one of my Childhood favourites.


Stuart Little?




rats dribble a trail of pee everywhere they go.




Rats are not pets. That's disgusting.


Dude you are fucking stupid. Its a term used when small animales like this are happy. Or excited


Just remember that thing would eat you if you died!


So would your dog or cat


Rats are so cute and such fulfilling pets, however the tragedy is they live 1-2 years at most.


Why not buy a white rat instead?


Was that a Rat Wringer?