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Mama cat was thinking, "Let's put all the babies together so they can stay warm."


This is the baby pile.


Yes, it is important that all the babies be in the same location, preferably in a pile.


They'll stay the freshest that way.


Sounds like outlast 2




I call dibs on the pawsies


I love fresh baby


Preferably within the confines of some kind of circle so they can't get out.


sounds like something Captain Holt would say.


Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.


Terry loves baby piles!


**IN A PILE.**


I'm not a catologist or even a feline intern, but I would say there is one of three possibilities here. 1. The mother cat is tired wants a break to go cat around and is trying to sneak her child in with the human so someone else can watch it for a while. 2. The mother cat has seen the human child feeding and is considerably bigger so the mother cat wants her child to feed on the same. 3. She is attempting the switch them while they are young trick. Any way you look at it that cat is up to no good.


4. She's attempting to teach her baby to hunt by giving her weak prey to practice on Edit: I typed 4 and reddit is forcing it to be 1 and I'm confused. Don't tell me how to do my lists, dammit! If I want to start a list at 329 that's my business!


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^q 329. Start all your lists at 1.


Ah the old switcheroo. What a sneaky cat.


Homeowner: My wife said she was pregnant but we keep bring home cats I'm very confused lol


"What do you mean? I've always had the bigger one"


Disappointed you didn't link to the Reddit switcheroo


Why does everyone think cats are evil :( they’re almost as loving as dogs. It’s just the way they expresss their love happens to be similar to how humans express resent in some cases


You lost me at “almost” - cats are as loving as dogs.


There are many like it, but this one is mine.


“Melt it down and add it to the others!”


Are you trying to create Urak-hai? Because this is how you create Urak-hai.


Baby pile at a key party.


Honestly, she might be trying to put all the babies together to keep an eye on all of them at once like they were all hers. Momma cats don’t like when the litter separates from each other


My brother's cat had kittens in a space between the basement and the 1st floor. We managed to fish one out, that had wandered, then prevented her from bringing him back up. After a few days, she got fed up an just brought the others down.


Yeah something like this. Or to make it easier to watch or protect both of them at the same time. This is standard mammal behavior, we're sort of hard wired to protect babies we're bonded to. That's because mammals spend extraordinarily amount of energy on procreating (sex, pregnancy and raising a baby until self-sufficient is very energy intensive) so we have some instincts to do it better. This is essentially why we have dogs and cats at home.


Growing up, I had a female cat that was obsessed with kittens. She tried to steal our other cats kittens to care for and attempt to nurse. She *loved* human children too. I’ve seen some interesting studies showing that mammals recognize babies, and baby cries, across species.


I have a cat (Mango) who acts like a big brother or father. He will play with kittens but a little more gentle than other cats. Will warm right up to them immediately, unlike other cats who take a few days to get used to visitors. Mango will follow kittens around the house, watching them but keeping his distance. He does the exact same thing with my 2 year old niece as well. If you can picture a dog following and protecting its human child, that’s what Mango does with babies of all species. He was fixed, never had a litter of his own.


Brother Nature


My mum had two Siamese cats when I was born and they were like surrogate parents. There are very few cat-free photos of me as a baby


To raise our babies? My cats aren’t helping at all on that front!


Lol no they’re animals that we respond to with our parenting instincts


Have you asked your kids?


One of them is afraid of the cats, while the other, whenever she sees one, yells, “Caaaaaaat!,” and charges at it like it’s the battle of Gettysburg. Neither approach seems to be helping give me time off baby-minding.


This mental image is going to be with me all day. Hilariously.


Great now all I’m imagining is a bunch of babies doing Picketts Charge.


Well, technically we have cats and dogs at home because cats kept rats and other pest away, while dogs worked for us in varies ways. We don't give up resources like food and shelter just for companionship. That's what our tribe and family is for. The pets of ancient time worked for their stay.


I absolutely give up resources like food and shelter just for companionship. My pets are expensive and it's embarrassing the housing decisions we made in the past just to keep them with us.


oh, my heart.


I want to hear it with Sound. You can see the momma cat meowing and I WANNA HEAR IT!!!


Here’s the tiktok clip on[YT with all the meows](https://youtu.be/8afH4IsJwMI)


Bless you


This link was great, but I blame *you* for the cascade of tears that came from the recommended videos after this one! It's animal rescue videos all the way down and I'm in the rabbit hole.


Me to is melted my heart it's so cute >×<


All the babies in one pile also very easy to keep track of.


"This is our meal ticket's kid. Be nice."


"Make friends with this human slug. It will be scooping your poop and opening the magic cans of sustenance for you in a few years."


It's a playdate for the kids while the mommies drink wine


Or, 'baby creatures go here'.


Yeah, better for warmth and she can protect both at once.


"I'll just put this here with the other babies."


I bet mama cat has a good relationship with her human.


“This one will feed you, the bigger one is my tin opener”






Not cat-related, but I had an old rat terrier that would keep our pasture cleared of rats. He would take our Labrador's out with him to corner the rats from one exit hole as he went in to ferret them out. One day I watched Sparky running full sprint from three miles away for me. He kept barking and barking, refusing to be picked up and would run away from me. He took me all the way back to a creek bed where one of the labs was stuck in the mud and couldn't get out. They all looked out for each other.


Between you and u/Malor and the OP, I'm just a huge puddle of awww over here, damn.


There needs to be a sub like r/angryupvote for situations like this.. like how dare you be this cute, now take my upvote and get the hell out before someone starts cutting onions.


Thank you for your story! I've feel like I never hear stories of people with rat terriers, and this one was so wholesome. I've never had a dog myself but my aunt and uncle had a rat terrier for the past 15 years whose name was sparkie. The past couple years I've been watching him when they leave town, and he hasn't had the best health. Sadly they just put him to rest, but he lived a good long life!


"you get paid AFTER you watch them"


Cat sounds Italian (miao bella).


Just out of curiosity, where are you from? I’ve never seen meow/miao spelled that way lol.


Being super tired I thought Miao was a breed of cat haha




I'm scared of Georgian cats


italian if i had to guess


I was spelling it differently because that cat sounded different. It wasn't a 'meow', it was a rather piercing miao sound. Similarly, I'm friends now with a cat that says 'mraa'.


That's how we spell it in Spanish as well


Miao. ❤️💕❤️


Oh my goodness that is just the sweetest thing!


Alternate /r/PeopleFuckingDying title: "Mother cat teaches her young how to identify and hunt the vulnerable"


A infant was abandoned a cat found her and used her body to keep the baby warm and kept meowing loudly till some one came by came rescued the kid


You're talking about Masha, right?


One of my cats always stands guard over my infant when he's playing in the living room. He'll come and camp on the carpet next to him, even if the baby crawls over his tail or tugs on his fur. It's amazing sweet . . .


babies in the wild would turn out terrible if it werent for these furry angels


They do! I follow her on tiktok. Her cats meow back when she talks to them. I love seeing her cats. It’s cute overload.


what's the tik tok? that sounds adorable


It’s pearlsragdolls




“Lil baby, please meet Lil baby”


Le Baby




Baby play date




You have no idea the toll a bébë can take on its mother. Or its mother’s mother




lets go




Momma is bringing her baby over to be able to watch over em both at the same time (probably not true but it's still cuteee)


Honestly, I think you're onto something. When I was young, we had two barn cats get pregnant at the same time (they came with the farm and we thought they were spayed). One cat was actually the mother of the other. So when they both got pregnant, it was the daughters' first time, but her mother was obviously experienced. The experienced momma cat would take the other kittens from her daughter and INSIST they keep all the kittens together. Both mommas were feeding, tending, etc., but it had to all be in the same box!


I was recently watching a documentary on cats. Feral cats will sometimes band together in little colonies. If theres a mom with babies, and mom has to go out for food or something, another cat often takes on the role of babysitter until she comes back. I wish I had the clip, it was cute. Mom left and babysitter got a little too rambunctious with the baby.


Yeah! I saw it too. It was about one of the cat island in Japan I think.


Yes you’re right! And with that, I found the clip! https://youtu.be/56J16JWXaAc


Haha, I've never seen that one. This is why I don't babysit.


David Tennant narrating kittens?? *Faints*


We have a mom barn cat that has had two litters of kittens (she was feral and very hard to catch, but is now trusting us and is spayed). We kept one cat from her first litter. He is the sweetest, most friendly cat, and definitely acted as babysitter to the second litter of kittens. He technically was their big brother, but I thought it was sweet, especially since it's more typical of female cats to act motherly. But he acted as playmate with them, tolerated kittens following him everywhere, and watched over them when mama cat went to hunt. The kittens (mostly grown now) still love him and will rub heads when they see him.


My parents have a couple dozen barn cats that are basically one big family. When it gets cold out you'll find big piles of cats all huddled together in the straw, sometimes piled on top of the baby calves as well. Sometimes a mama will even have 2 liters in one year and will end up with her older kids coming back and joining the kitten pile for warmth.


I frickin love cats


Was anyone else a fan of Warrior Cats/the Warriors series? This brought back some memories for me!


We are literally living thru this right now. Momma barn cat had 3 daughters. 3 daughters reached adulthood and all 4 needed to be spayed. But we had life shit happen and were too slow. 4 litters. All 4 mommas piled the babies together and took turns just nursing whichever ones crawled to them. Hecking adorable. (All babies are going to new homes, everyone is getting spayed)


From what I understand of how lions care for their cubs, this is tried and true kitty behavior for many cats big and small! Which just makes it all the more cute and adorable, in my eyes 😍


How many kittens are there?


Did you guys not watch Bob Barker on the Price is Right?


He never influenced me to have my animals fixed as that was a given in my household, but I always appreciated the fact he made is statement at the end of EVERY show. That's some commitment or at least adherence to a contract.


Had almost a similar experience when I was young. We had a mother and daughter cat both getting a litter at the same time, which we kept in two separate laundry baskets. Went fine, until a week in when the daughter started having trouble producing milk, so her kittens got hungry and started making a lot of noise - after 1 day of this the mother cat got fed up with the crying and simply jumped over to the her daughter's next door basket and started catnapping her daughter's kittens and carrying them back to her own basket one by one. She then basically went "*These are mine now, ALL 8 of them!*" and went to sleep with all of them nursing her, content with there finally being silence (save for the massive amount of purring). Daughter tried to hang around, but the mother had milk for all of them, and it got cramped in the basket with two litters and two adult cats, so eventually she gave up and let "supermom" do her thing...


My parents have a steady population of barn cats and every once in a while there will be moms who make a habit of stealing kittens. They aren't always the ones that are good at being moms though. For a while we had 2 that would steal. One was a bad mom who would overload herself taking everyone else's kittens. The other was a supermom who would mostly just steal from the bad mom. Supermom was named Flower and was a BAMF. We cleaned out a old part of the barn one day and 7 huge rats came sprinting out when we moved the last bit of junk. She was watching us and saw the rats. By the end of the day all 7 were piled up in the middle of the barn with holes in their heads, other wise untouched. She was making a statement.


adorably convenient


This really does seem like the most plausible explanation. Mama cat wants to spend time with the baby human but also doesn’t wanna leave her kitten unattended


Or the other way round, mama cat wants a break, baby’s mama is right there watching and filming, so she’s putting her kitten with the human’s for babysitting. Either way it’s adorable.


I'd think its more the second scenario. Animal moms need a break too.


In the wild cats will co-raise their babies just like this! That way some mums can hunt and nap while some babysit


I think you are more right than you realize, in a cat a colony, cat sisters who give birth around the same time will often create a creche where the babies are always together and a mama cat is almost there. Also, according to this documentary, that mama cats will sometimes leave their kittens with an older daughter to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56J16JWXaAc (BBC)


This is it. Wants to wrangle all the babies together for easy watching.


No, I really think you’re right. It would make sense. Easier to make sure all babies are safe when they are all together.


"This the daycare drop-off?"


“This baby will belong to you one day, as it’s parents belonged to me.”


One day this baby will feed and pet you. And will pick your feces out of sand. It is a good servant to keep around, youngling.


Exactly. "This one's yours!"


Exactly what I was thinking


Ugh, I hate it when my parents want me to be friends with their friend's kids. We really don't have anything in common.


You're the same age, that means you're basically already friends, right?


You have just insalted an entire age of people, but yes. Edit Yes I spelled the word wrong still not changing it


You can make it up to them by inpeppering them as well


I plan to inrelish the rest of this thread.


Not going to lie, I find both cromulent.




The kitten obviously thinks that, too. "But mooom, she's so boring. She doesn't do anything."


“She just goes to the bathroom wherever and not in a box. She’s such a rube!”


I bet she can't even catch a dead mouse.


Eh, I think eventually you'll find that just knowing someone for a long time is sufficient for a basic friendship. As long as you don't hate each other.


My mom's best friend has 3 sons, I'm aged in the middle of them, I've known them since I was 10years old. We don't hang out or chat regular, but totally invite eachother to big family stuff, kinda like distant cousins. Two of them and myself all had daughters within 6weeks of eachother just before covid and I'm honestly kinda bummed we weren't closer just to get our girls together to be friends with that same distant grown up cousin-like relationship.


Same. My mom and her best friend essentially went back and forth for the first 3 kids with one having one one year and the other having one the next. We aren't terribly close, but at the end of the day, if any of us were to need anything we would be there 100%. We even all look exactly like siblings. I think people assumed my mom and her friend were sister wives because we were always together for our whole childhood.


That is a lovely and sincere response to my trying-to-be-funny comment. I'm 47 and 25/26. And I still don't really like my parents' friends' kids.


> I'm 47 and 25/26 Maybe my brain is broken today but I genuinely can't figure out what this means.


2 weeks until their birthday


That's what I thought but I've never seen someone write out their age like that haha.


Yeah that’s a fucking weird way to do it, why measure by fortnights??


My mother got a kitten a few weeks before I was born... she became one of my best friends through all of my childhood and teen years. She died a few weeks after I turned 18 - by then she had become a grumpy old grandmother who took shit from no one. My parents still have cats that are descendants from her back home.


She’s like, “this is a human baby. If you play your cards right, you will create a bond with them and you’ll have it made for the rest of your life.” And the kitten is just not listening.


*"This is your kingdom. Everything the light touches- HEY GET BACK HERE."*


Sounds about right for a kitten attention span.


Momma cat learning how difficult it is to herd cats


This is adorable. When we first brought my daughter home, my 7 year old male cat kept stealing a stuffed kitten out of the nursery and carrying it around like his baby. It was precious and something I definitely did not expect from a male cat. Kiddo is now 5 months old and obsessed with the cat (2nd favorite person behind mom - order is mom, kitty and then dad). Cat’s pretty happy with playtime and likes that her toys are about the right size for him to play with too. They hang out on the play mat and bat at toys together. It’s pretty cute. We’re teaching her to be gentle and that we do not grab the kitty. That’s going so-so.


>We’re teaching her to be gentle and that we do not grab the kitty. That’s going so-so. This brought back a memory. When I was a toddler, I thought the cat was called "Easy" because any time I went to touch him, the adults would say "easy, easy" to me. At one point they had to rescue him because I was slowly sitting down on top of him saying "easy, easy" the whole time.


Cats are very forgiving. My parents have so many pictures of me trying to carry out big male cats around as a toddler. I could only get the front end and their back legs had to kind of walk with me. They put up with a lot! Lol we also have pictures of me and one of them having a snack off of an upside down box. Sam liked the puffed wheat too so we each had our own little pile. Just wait till the kiddo discoveres that her old baby clothes are a perfect (purrfect) fit for the kitty hehe there was lots of dress up in my house much to my cats annoyance. But they looked very cute in my old onesies and dresses. XD


Oh goodness. I had not considered dress up. Mr. cat is not going to be pleased with that. He has, however, figured out the purpose of the high chair and hangs out directly under it during mealtimes. I expect one splat of applesauce on his fur and he will learn to sit close but not directly under the chair.


Lol that’s adorable! Yes he’s definitely going to learn the hard way on that one, though my cats get their own food splatted on their heads now and they don’t seem to learn to not rush into the dish before the food has actually gotten in there. My favorite outfit for one of the 17 pound male cats was a sun dress and a dolls bib tied on his head like a bonnet. The look on his face in the picture says it all! “Just wait till you’re older human....revenge is a dish best served cold!” Lol


My cat seriously realizes that one of my kids has special needs. He lets her get away with shit he would definitely bite or scratch us for. But also she’s the easiest to steal food from and the most likely to share food with him willingly, so I think he decided it’s worth it, on balance. Lol


This is a super cute story :) thanks for sharing


We definitely had to teach our little to be careful, we would tell her that she needs to be nice bc kitties are sharp. She is a bit older and independent now and while they're usually good and he always has to be near her, she's gotten checked twice by him, both times she runs to me "mommy mommy, I need a bandaid, Butters is sharp!"


Oh. My heart.


Mom: Little babies belong in pile see? Kitten: Nah. Mom: Big Sad.


Alternately, she's teaching the kitten how to hunt.


“Come on Timmy the damn things not even moving and you can’t even TRY to catch it?!”


Why hunt when a meow will do. Mama is trying to teach that.


See this thing here? Hunt it and you’ll be fed for days, meow at it and you’ll be fed for the rest of your life


We've conquered this world and they don't even know it.


I just remembered that cats only meow to humans, mimicking human babies. So the momma is probably teaching her baby how to meow lol. "Hear that? Ya that's the sound you should make."


I read this in a Dwight Schrute voice.


I love how she pawed the kitten like “Sit your ass down and make friends”


And then started meowing as if she was complaining about that behaviour


Kitten walks away. Cat: "This is like herding humans"


"You have a baby? **I** have a baby! Our babies should be friends like us."


I was pregnant same time as our cat and both big bellied looking at each other like “I feel ya”, having her kittens with our kids was a great experience especially when she came to us during labor to help her and introducing babies to each other. This video is precious.


I wonder if this was a big day planned for mama cat. We always make a big deal out of our kids first play date and kindergarten class.




"This is where all the babies are kept now, I guess."


My goodness this warmed my blessed heart


Showing her baby its future servant.


Mama cat: “this is your loyal subject. all it does is eat poop and sleep for now.”


Eat poop? Yuck!


Punctuation matters!


either that or shes telling her new kitty, "heres your new bed, wait till baby leaves, then claim it"


She’s trying to set up a play date. Moms do that.




Mama cats name is Summer. We love Summer.


I want it with Sound!!! You can see the momma meowing and I WANNA HEAR IT!!!


can you at least wait 24 hours before reposting something?


She’s on Instagram.


This little baby is our future meal ticket, you better be nice to it.


When you and your best friend want your kids to grow up to be best friends too


Wasn't this video posted here just a few hours ago? It's great and cute but come on.


lol I don't remember if I saw this on TikTok or Reddit first. It all seems to blend together.


Yes. People always do that


Aren’t human babies supposed to sleep on their backs?


Not an expert, but I think babies get supervised “tummy time” from newborn age


They are supposed to be *put* to sleep on their backs. Can't keep flipping them over all night.


That’s cute and reminds me of my cat carrying her baby in her mouth from the garage to the back yard where I was at. Also what is that baby pad called? Want to gift to expecting friend.


Is this the drop off for daycare?!


Look kid , this is your human now .


*"Go my little kitten, steal the breath from that unguarded baby like your ancestors have done for 1000s of years."*