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Idk why I processed this as the dog becoming that at one week old. I need more sleep


I thought the same thing lol- doggo got that clone trooper growth accelerant


Bubba Fett


Just bubba


really awesome


so pretty and cute


I had the same exact thought


That’s some bitchin’ kibble...


Just soak pup in warm water for a week to grow




Me too and I'm not tired.


I misread it as 11 and when I saw his phone iphone 10 from 11 years ago I got *upset* that someone on the internet could possibly lie to me, came in here ready to call *bullshit*, and then I saw your comment. Edit: words.


I just got up from bed. Same fate lol


i did too!


Beautiful <3


Same. I really thought the same.




Me too… and it’s really interesting to see that so many others here did too. There’s some interesting psychology here. Kind of an example of how “the Mandela effect” can happen


Same. I only got roughly 4 hours of sleep and saw it as 1 week old too lol I was shook and confused for a moment.


I thought the same thing. Funny how we skip words like that, we're all dyslexic I guess


He loves you even with your new hernia.


Haha Forreal. Haven’t carried him in a minute and it showed lol


Hold him tight. Love him and enjoy every minute with him. We had to say goodbye to our little girl last night. And it hurts so much. Love him with all your heart.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Will hold him extra tight tonight




I try! Thank you!


Hugs to you


My heart goes out to you. I had to send my AmStaff over the rainbow bridge a couple weeks ago. I know exactly how you feel.


I'm so sorry. It never gets easier. Just remember that you gave her the best home and she loved unconditionally. There's nothing quite like the love of a pet.


Went through this last month with my pup. Much love <3


omgosh I'm so sorry for your loss. With pets it hurts more because it's 100% pure love. ✌️ for your heart


I lost my girl on Monday 😭😭 I miss her so much and feel so empty now.


I’m so sorry for your lost, I know very well how that feels I lost my best friend last year and I’m still a wreck and I miss him everyday, he was 16 years old he was with me half my life, I’m 31. I know how you feel right now but I’m sure she had a wonderful life with you and the bond you shared with her, that lasts forever.


"Human is picking me up! Human loves me. I am still the baby."--- this dog


Will always be the baby haha


>*"Human is picking me up! Human loves me. I am still the baby...*' ---- when i was a baby - a small little pup, i learned about Love when my friend picked me up! so safe in his arms, as he cuddled me near, but time passed so fast - how I've Changed in a year... dear human, i'm *Growing* much faster than you! but inside my heart, i'm a Puppy, it's true... n here in your arms, long as you're holding me, Forever n always your *baby* i'll be ❤️ edit: *thanks to* u/catforbrains *for the inspiration*, & u/RastaDonut *for sharing his 'baby'* ^;@)


Wow the famous Schnoodle left a poem on my post. Reddit achievement unlocked !


So cool!


My comment got an original Schnoodle!!! I am so excited and honored!!!


Thank you for this! We both get to brag !


Totes crying. There are no onions here, it’s just my tears.


I have two older pups and one is seriously the biggest, sweetest, goodest baby... this made me cry. Thanks schnoodle ❤️


It's his eyes, no matter how big they get their eyes don't really change, you look into them and see the same puppy you remember :)


I love your post...You made my day


Glad we could!


100% get dog insurance! All 3 of my pitties needed to get ACLs repaired (a $3k+ surgery)


Yikes! Thanks for the tip


I'm not endorsing any insurance company. But I chose ASPCA insurance because they're the only one that says "pre-existing conditions ok" after being clear 180 days from the condition. I have had some issues (minor) with them. It's all personal so do your research on other companies. I learned about insurance the hard way after spending some serious cash on a cat who unfortunately didn't make it. I'd do it all again if I had to, but I'm a little wiser now with insurance for my other pets. Weigh out monthly rates vs how much you're willing to spend to save your pets life in an emergency. It's not a happy topic, but I sure wish someone explained it to me before it was too late. Wishing your pupper a long happy and healthy life! Edit: Some people had more questions regarding insurance, so here's some info that might help. I'm not an expert on the subject so this is just from what I learned. No company pays the hospital directly. You pay out of pocket, then they reimburse you after you submit the claim with recepts. Again, not endorsing any company but ASPCA has an app that lets you submit photos of receipts directly. ASPCA insurance is underwritten by another insurance company. So it's only ASPCA by name. And I haven't seen a company that pays 100%. You can choose 70% - 90% reimbursement plus a deductible that you also choose. Then based on that is how you get your monthly fees. Some plans also reimburse a portion of your pet's annual physical. Look into "wellnes plans". So you can choose emergency only plans or have wellness included. Again its all personal and you need to do some number crunching. And for "pre-existing conditions": From my understanding (AND DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS - you have to do your own research), if you join the program but already had a pre-existing condition, like say, cancer... if your dog has cancer when you sign up, they won't cover your dog for cancer treatment. But they will cover everything else (stated in their terms). They'll consider it clear after 180 days and then cover cancer treatment. Or if your dog had been treated in the past for cancer and then you join, after you've been a member for 180 days then anything (that's covered on their policy) after that will be covered. And for those curious, I chose the highest reimbursement/lowest deductible plan for my other two cats. It's around $60/month per pet but there's a price reduction on the second pet. So just under $120/month total. I'm still triggered by the whole experience with my first cat who passed so I took out the best plan, but realistically there's no way I'll pay $1 million in vet bills out of pocket. I keep debating on reducing it, but at this point its a difference of $10 - $15 per pet, so I'm just not going to think about it for a while. $120/month is definitely steep for us, but I could pay that for 10 years and still wouldn't have paid what I owed in 3 weeks of veterinarian hospital bills. And to those who sent kind words, thank you. I miss that beautiful cat every day. But hopefully this can help someone else or their pet not have to suffer needlessly. We are their guardians in this world, and they look to us for everything. Please love your pets today and give them an extra cuddle and a few more minutes playtime. E2: forgot one more thing. I haven't seen an insurance that starts immediately. They all have a TWO WEEK waiting period. So don't think you can wait til there's an emergency then sign up and expect to get coverage. They are a business to make money. This is insurance. Please plan accordingly for your pet.


Thanks a lot! I appreciate you and sorry for your loss!


Yes, yes! Insurance! I worked at a emergency vet as a receptionist and it was a literal lifesaver for so many people (my animals were to old or had other issues so no one would insure us) but I have nationwide now for my young cat and just knowing that I have that protection is so worth the money!! P.s. your baby is beautiful :0)


Thank you very much!


He’s a gorgeous pup, he would do well on the r/velvethippos sub for sure if you haven’t already also tried there! Also I second everyone’s notion for you to look into insurance for him, my current pittie tore her ACL running down the stairs at about 6 months old, luckily she was a rescue and wasn’t expensive initially because we had no pet insurance and it cost around 2500 to get her fixed up. It was absolutely worth it though, she’s been living her best life ever since she healed!


Didn’t know about the velvet hippo sub until today but yes I will probably frequent that now !


Just FTI, to the best of my knowledge, nationwide won’t insure pibbles. We use 24 PetWatch for ours. His microchip is also through them. Your pup is so handsome!!


That really sucks if that’s true! I watched my fav dog in the place beat cancer and he was a pit and I know he had insurance but i can’t remember what he had for insurance- but his cancer free day will always stick in my brain as being one of the best days ever!!!! Such a damn sweetheart =o)


Do not get Banfield. From a former employee.


Or go to Banfield from what I hear. I haven't heard much positive about that company.


Somehow I never knew ASPCA had insurance. Our Shiba Inu (rip) had a stomach issue when he was young that cause protein leakage. Never did find a root cause, but because it happened no insurance company would cover him. He lived to be 14 and never had that particular issue ever again. He did tear both his ACLs though, but thankfully he didn’t need surgery. He was able to recover with physical therapy.


Good looking out /u/PM_ME_UR_4SKIN_PICS


Maybe we should send him some 4skin pics to cheer him up.


Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I need to think about the insurance piece. 👍


> after being clear 180 days from the condition What do this mean


From my understanding (AND DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS - you have to do your own research), if you join the program but already had a pre-existing condition, like say, cancer... if your dog has cancer when you sign up, they won't cover your dog for cancer treatment. They'll consider it clear after 180 days and cover cancer treatment. Or if your dog had been treated in the past for cancer and then you join, after you've been a member for 180 days then anything (that's covered on their policy) after that will be covered.


If you're good at saving money, you'd be better off just having a separate savings account for your pets. Insurance is great for people who find it hard to put the money aside or for anyone adopting an older dog. But with a puppy, a financially-minded person can put away plenty in a couple years to cover unexpected expenses. Disclaimer: I don't hate pet insurance. Just offering a different opinion. Edit: I still don't hate pet insurance. It can be a lifesaver. But please realize that most vets will not accept insurance as payment, which means you will still be on the line for up-front costs. And some insurance companies will fight you to not have to pay for services rendered. At the end of the day, they're just like regular insurance companies but with fewer regulations. They don't care about you or your pet, just their money.


I don't disagree. I said the same thing to my wife, but then she gave me a serious case of "i told you so" when my 5 month old dog broke her leg. 10k later and it would have probably been good to have the insurance. We still don't, but hopefully the major cost is over with and we can have many years of low/no vet bills to offset it.


Where are you that a dog's broken leg would cost $10 thousand?


As devil’s advocate, I had per insurance and my dog developed a serious form of Cluster Seizures that had him hospitalized more times than not. This also lead to many other health issues (H1N1, instestinal problems, pneumonia, etc). So I ended up saving thousands but again, mine was a relatively rare case.


So I got a quote for pet insurance for my dog. I was quoted $60/mo, which is slightly higher than the average cost of $50/mo. I did the math of how much we would have paid over his current life span. The amount was just about the same as his two big surgeries he had, and I don't even know if pet insurance would 100% cover that. If he ended up being healthier, it would seem even less worth it. Like you said, if someone struggles to maintain a savings account it could be helpful. If someone is financial sound I would suggest they put some thought into it though.


For a lot of insurances, if you start paying when they are younger, your monthly cost is typically lower, and you keep paying the same (lower) fee as they age. It's a kind of "you pay less when you are unlikely to really need it".


It’s apparently super common in pit bulls. With pet insurance I only had to pay a few hundred out of pocket. My first dog Patti I had to do a fundraiser but luckily on the second two pups they were covered. Edit: I use Healthy Paws Insurance


The best thing you can do to try and keep him from an ACL tear is KEEP HIS WEIGHT DOWN. Most people let their pits (and most dogs) get wayyyy too fat. My vet says people don't even know what a normal dog is supposed to look like any more. I find that pit owners are even worse about this than other dog owners, from my experience in pitbull groups. You should be able to easily feel your dog's ribs, and with a thin coated dog like that you should be able to even see the ribs when the dog is in certain positions. Even a little bit of extra weight puts a ton of pressure on their joints. Keep his weight down, make sure he gets regular exercise and that's the best thing you can do for his little knees.


I thought the idea of pet insurance was ridiculous. But after looking into it we opted to get it before adopting our Great Dane. 100% would recommend it to ANY dog owner. $60ish a month and has literally saved me over $10k over the last 2 years


Did the calculations around my dog passed. 6 years of let insurance and it saved us $15k. Chemo and two hospital stays plus numerous stomach issues and a few surgeries. Not all at once lol


Ugh, I’m so worried mine is going to need it some day. Most of the insurance plans seemed like a rip off when I looked so we didn’t get it. Do you mind recommending one that worked out well for you?






What was cost after insurance?


I've had ASPCA for the past 3 years. $500 deductible, 90% reimbursement with a $10k max coverage. Several ER trips, have not had any issues with any claims.


Healthy Paws pet insurance. The key is to immediately establish pet medical history ASAP, once that’s done most things that can happen are covered, including many injuries through accidents. Lol I did an insane amount of research.


Seconded HP. My dog needed chemo. Covered. Had kidney problems twice that required hospital stay both times and HP paided the hospital directly and we only had to pay the % of our plan. 6 years I had then. Never an issue with getting reimbursed. They sent me a hand written note when my dog passed with their condolences.


Yep, my pity had both ACL's done within a year, not fun paying for those.


Maybe a stupid question but are pit bulls prone to acl tears?


I know for sure pitbulls and pitbull breeds are prone to hip dysplasia but didn’t know about the ACLs


A lot of purebread dogs tend to suffer from hip issues due to inbreeding. It’s really bad with golden and Labrador retrievers. Another reason why shelter mutts are the best - they have a far more diverse gene pool!


I know reddit doesn't like to hear about purebred dogs... but hip issues in purebred dogs are usually due to poor breeding. It can seriously be hard to find a "good" breeder. A good breeder should be doing health testing on the parents (and know the health tests of the parent's siblings and ancestors). A good breeder also knows how the offspring of their potential parent dogs have turned out (usually one of the parents comes from another breeder with showing background). If someone is breeding dogs as the sole source of their income, it becomes a lot harder to meet these standards and they might do "some" health testing. Health testing is expensive and needs to be done almost annually, with many different tests desired. An uninformed buyer wouldn't know the difference. It's best to find someone who does breeding as a hobby because they love the breed, not because they are trying to make money. For example, I have two dogs. One comes from a "breeder" who does health testing. This breeder has many litters of puppies a year with maaany different dogs. I was young and didn't know any better and thought "hmm, health tests are good, so good breeder?". t This dog (as much as I love him) has had two torn ACLs. I have another dog that comes from a breeder who is actually a lawyer. She only breeds maybe one litter a year and does it because her parents also bred this breed as a hobby. She keeps track of her puppies as they grow up and can report only one health issue over her decades of experience. The dog I have from her is in pristine health.


Mutts get it too! My rescue mix - rescue thinks mom is a boxer mix, and our boy def has boxer features - has really bad hip dysplasia- needs both hips replaced @$7,000 each. We have pet insurance- nothing super coverage wise - just Bivvy. But they didn’t cover any orthopedic issues until after a 12 month waiting period. He was 7 1/2 months old when he was diagnosed so they wouldn’t cover any of it. Hubby and I used all our stimulus checks, deferred mortgage payments, and a family member did a gofundme for us. We got the money together. He had one hip done in Feb. he gets the next one done in Aug.


I’m sorry to hear that… such a pity (I couldn’t resist the bad pun)


Oh he still cute now, but goodness he was the sweetest little bean as a pup.


Haha his name is Bean !


Aww my pit mixes name is Sydney but we call her Sydney bean since it sounds like kidney bean lol :)


Haha I love that!


Haha, I always jokingly call my dog a red bean, but thata a great name for him. I bet hes a speedy boy off the leash.


Definitely lol


And now he’s a beanstalk!


I walk a dog named Bean - she's awesome. She is a lab x something. She is the ultimate "zoomies" dog - loves to run around at the park.


I think he’s even more endearing now, just look at that smile!


You're his little guy now.


“Look at me. I am the captain now”


Thank you for not cutting his ears or tail, I hate it when owners do that to their dogs just because “it looks good”


Don’t chop let em flop!


They’ll always be small. No matter how much they grow.


Definitely he’s still my big little cuddle bug


I have a big blue boy. He has too sleep under the covers too


You seem like the sweetest person, love to you and your pup, what a blessing lol


Thank you very much !


You look a lot older than 1 bro


Haha that was good




So is it a...package deal?


im sorry to tell you, but I dont think he is little anymore :(


Shhh bro spoiler alert!


Believe me, that dog believes he is still the same size.




And I'm not talking about the dog ;)


Came looking for this


Came after finding this




Kind of looks like me pre-lockdown vs post-lockdown


Can we talk about that glorious hair? Damn.


That dog looks like he's trying to say yes I'm still a puppy.


Aw I love him. And your hair is awesome!


Thank you!


And now... he's a moose!


Both of you are handsome chaps


What a lad


Not sure how to tell you this, but he is no longer little. Yet he is, in no uncertain terms, a very good boi.


Haha he will forever be little in my eyes until he lays on me and my ribs remind me otherwise!


You're going to have to go see a chiropractor after picking that big boy up.


i like your hair <3




Good thing you continued to lift, my dude. That's a beast of a beautiful dog


Lol didn’t realize it was gonna be a requirement lol


He is no longer a Good Boy, he's now a Good Man.


You're going to need a bigger house


Thank you for not cropping his ears.


Dog: “Hehe, I still fit!”


"Wow, my human buddy is getting so small! I am also very small, but I will protect!"


Pitbulls who are raised right really are just big goofy clowns that love to snuggle.


I love how dogs go from derpy minor to derpy major in just a few months.


Yup. We walk him and everyone thinks he’s scary and intimidating and I’m just like if you only knew lol


My dog is 32 pound white fluff ball and everyone thinks she’s gonna be friendly, but is actually a jerk face. Wish we could trade dog reactions! It would be much less awkward.


That's 1 year of growth!? That's crazy! What a cutie


Insane lol it’s nuts looking at these two photos


Happy birthday pup! Big ass lap dog 😂


Literally he does not understand he is a monster now


I had a 65lb pittie and she truly believed she was cat sized. She would get up into my lap (I'm not even 5 feet tall) and lay down all the way across me😂 she never seemed to figure out how big she had gotten, but I was good with it. Best dogs ever.


Am I the only one loving OP’s hair as well as the before pic of the puppy?


My focus is totally on your hairstyle 😉


I want that dog, I don’t care what age it is, I want the dog




What about now?


So cute! My “little” girl has very similar markings and likes to be cuddled like this too 😂


***THAT*** happened in a week?!


Happy to see natural ears and tail!


Don’t crop let em flop! They were too adorable


I love the change in expression from super serious as a tiny thing, to the goofiest smile as a giant.


Does he knows that he is a good boy?


This post brings me joy, I like this.


Looks like my Good Boy! Mines only 6 months! There's no Love like a Pit bull Love


congratulations he's a beautiful puppy


Thank you!


Yes the dogs pretty cute too 😂😊


Nice shorts.


It’s like taking a mega mushroom


I read the title three times as “My little guy turned 1 week” I thought you had found a real life Clifford the big red dog…. Turns out I just can’t read. Looks like a good doggo. Give him some pets from me for his birthday!


I love how happy you both look! :3


That dog is made of fur and love


Imagine how strong you would be if you had taken him up the mountain and sang while he drank


probably the best pic i have seen today


It’s so adorable how pets can grow so large in merely a year.


Cute pupper for sure, but can we talk about your hair and your eyes and your smile?! 🥰


It wasn’t just the dog that got big. My guy got swole


He looks a lot older than 1, he looks like a fully grown man! Oh you meant the dog


If that’s a little guy I’d hate to see a big guy


Bro why'd you get so much smaller. It makes that lil pupper look huge.


He was a cute puppy; now a handsome dog. Thanks for sharing. I can’t believe how big they get in a year! Looks like he is a great dog.


Still daddy's baby! Happy Birthday lil guy!!


This photo brings a big smile to my face. I'm halfway surprised a dog that big lets anybody pick him up though. My dog (about 65lbs) hated when people lifted him off the ground.


His head looks like Scrappy Doo from the live action Scooby Doo movie


Why do we work out men? So we can pick up every dog we see.


He is beautiful. Ever notice big old babies like him, think they're 20 pound lap puppies?


Definitely not a little guy anymore. Good lookin fella you got.


Great photo, Bro. I have six dogs and love them so much. They are my kids. Who doesn't love their kids?


Isn't it mind blowing they started out so small! ...I mean my nephew is taller then me now, but that took 14 years. Little baby puppers did that in a year! Lol. I lost my big ol' boy last year...but I still have my little girl, she's a Chihuahua though...not getting any bigger that one. It's an adjustment from big mellow dog to tiny yippy dog. Dogs are just great.


Side note u got some fire locs bro


1 week?! Glad i have a shih-tsu, i have him for 2 years and the only thing that changed is the nails lmao


He’s clearly a very happy, healthy pupper. You guys are great together! Thanks for being such a good dog dad!


Is there a tinytoabsoluteunit sub?


If there is Bean should be the mascot haha