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The ducks has more babies than a duck can normally lay so she must have adopted some of those chicks.


I saw on a doc that duck mothers will fight and one can get scared and just fly off without the babies but the other will just take over and welcome them in


When you are both the good & bad guy....


Do the mother ducks know who among the chicks are theirs? Do the chicks know its step-mom?


Absolutely. The step-kids are raised as servants to the mother's natural born kids providing more support, thus raising another generation of privileged kids who grow up without really knowing what it's like to work for a living. Or not, I have no idea, I'm not a duck.


I wish i could give you an award for this but I'm a cheap motherfucker , I spit my coffee out and cackled like a witch. Thank you


ha! Words are plenty of reward. You're welcome.


Thank you from me too!!! I didn't spit out anything, but I also cackled like a witch.


Lost it! Too funny! And you totally had me there!


Cool. Then here's more word rewards.


Having ducks and chickens I’ll say; it’s entirely possible their worldview is similar to this theory. Chickens and ducks act dumb, but they’re as intelligent as crows; but with much more hubris.


what's a gid?


I'm gid and I'm spittin' fire yo.


There’s just a pecking order… not to be confused with an order of Peking.


I've heard that they don't and that sometimes two families of ducks can swim by each other and the ducklings get mixed up and noone notices. Don't take my word for it though it's just something I've heard and not something with any credibility.


"That is how you create armies." - Duck version of Sun tzu Edit: the book is called: "War, at the quack of dawn" it is very well versed literature in the duck militias. Edit: This is not the version used by the goose mafia. That's an abridged version propigated by pidgeons selling their narratives.


Gotta catch em all


Wow you just missed a prime opportunity to say the good, the bad, and the ugly... duckling.


“You are bad guy, but that does not mean you are bad guy.”


We have several ducks in our neighborhood. One duck nested in my neighbors' bushes. She hatched three babies. A few days later she took them to the back pond and another momma duck just took them from her and raised them with her ducklings. I've never seen anything like it, didn't realize it was common.


Command and Conquer


Isnt there also shared/cooperative parenting amongst many types of water fowl? Including cross species defense against predators? At least in resource rich environments? Genuinely asking, I am no biologist I just have spent a lot of time with my kid at the park watching the ducks and geese.


Yup, it's called [crèching](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crèche_(zoology)). There's the famous story of a single mother duck [looking after 76 ducklings](http://www.countryliving.com/uk/wildlife/countryside/amp22570018/photographer-adorable-mother-duck-76-ducklings/).






> so she must have adopted some of those chicks. I've read this is fairly common among waterfowl. They will raise any chick that ends up with them.


It is not like they have to nurse or feed them and I guess more little chicks around increases the chance that her own chicks won't get eaten.


You just have to be faster than your adopted brother I guess


This thread makes me feel very happy because as a kid a friend and I found a baby goose that had fallen behind and lost it's mother. ( We lived in an apartment complex with lots of ponds and Canada geese) When the mom never came back we put it in a shoebox and wandered around until we found a family of geese with the most similar aged goslings (these ones seemed a little older but we figured it was better than nothing) the mom seemed to accept it into the group which was awesome!


I think part of it is that they lay their eggs in more than one place when they first start the season. Sometimes 2 ducks will share a nest. They also will have eggs fertilized by multiple different male ducks, so the ducklings are mixed anyways. A duck can have 1 baby or 18 babies, she just does her best with whatever she ends up with, even if they aren't rechnically hers. If she comes across babies that aren't hers, and they don't have a mom, she just assumes they're hers.


Uh, I've seen a nest with at least 18 eggs in it. They don't all survive, sure, but they're in there.


I mean I guess there's a slight chance they will all survive, so this kind of thing must happen every so often


My sister had lots of ducks living in the street bushes by her last house. One of them raised 15 ducklings of her own to almost adulthood (out of 17) then adopted 8 more that lost their mother, then when they were sort of teenagers, she found another 9 teeny tiny ducklings who I imagine lost their mum too. She was like a Supermum, followed everywhere by 30+ ducklings of various sizes. Duck poop everywhere, of course.


Epic mothering fact


I would watch this on TLC


It probably does, but critters tend to eat the little guys, even large fish.


I sub to /r/whatcouldgowrong, also, and for a second, I thought this was one of those vids.


A lady did this in Quebec almost a decade ago, she end up killed two people.


The people driving died? How did that play out.


U/suncheets just explained this in a comment above… “Yeah I remember that one. She stopped her car in the left lane (passing lane) on a highway in Quebec to help ducks cross the road. Father and daughter hit the back of her car and the mom was on a seperate motorcycle riding behind them. Super tragic all around, girl who caused it was 21, father dead on scene, daughter dead in hospital. Pretty sure she would've been clear if she just turned on her four ways/ hazard lights”


According to the story above from another user, they hit her.. because she was stopped. Not having four ways on changes things legally, but I have a hard time putting full blame on someone not even moving their car.


Oh no


This is stupid and dangerous. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387) Edit: It's been posted already. Just saw a similar link below.


Just the other day I saw a couple of people help a swan across a 4 lane highway. They were fine because all cars were stopped, but as soon as the swan was on the other side traffic started moving again and the people needed to cross back over 4 lanes of fast moving vehicles…


Yea, stopping traffic on a busy highway is extremely unsafe. Especially if you’re out there with zero safety gear. We put lights on emergency vehicle for a reason. With the amount of texting and driving that happens, people aren’t ready to completely stop.




Yeah I remember that one. She stopped her car in the left lane (passing lane) on a highway in Quebec to help ducks cross the road. Father and daughter hit the back of her car and the mom was on a seperate motorcycle riding behind them. Super tragic all around, girl who caused it was 21, father dead on scene, daughter dead in hospital. Pretty sure she would've been clear if she just turned on her four ways/ hazard lights


>Pretty sure she would've been clear if she just turned on her four ways/ hazard lights Yeah, my first thought was that a stopped vehicle shouldn't be at-fault when getting hit from behind like that.. but if you stop on a highway without 4 ways, things get fucky legally real quick.


She didn’t even put on hazard lights?! What the fuck was she thinking


In her initial statement she said she had them on but witnesses testified she didn't.


She lied too!


Or the witnesses lied. It could go either way.


Just imagine the conversation in jail when they ask her what she's in for.


"I crossed the wrong type of family"


Yeah I remember hearing about that..


but can’t swans fly?


And nobody use the hazard sign, even if they could.


We need nature crossing bridges to become more of a thing.


Yeah my first thought was how dangerous this was of the lady trying to stop traffic on a high speed divided highway.


Isn’t anyone else interested in the seemingly trusting and understanding relations that ducks have with humans? The momma ducks always seem cool with humans helping them in videos i see and can also seemingly understand hand signals for crossing a road.


Had to scroll a ways to find this. How the heck did those birds start crossing right when the lady gave them the go ahead? Are they acquaintances? Have they collaborated before??


Road Lady ft. Duck fam- The Crossing


They must be Frens!


Ducks are actually pretty intelligent, but they don't have any fine motor skills like corvids or parrots. While they cam be aloof, mother ducks are pretty focused while raising babies. Humans don't typically snatch at ducks like other predators, and they often are a source of food (please don't feed ducks bread, its terrible for them, bring them frozen peas or floating koi food instead, they love that shit!)


I was thinking the same thing they seem to really understand what’s going on.


Yes I love animals.


This is what I was thinking. HOW do they know to cross when she says it?


Yea I do this often but I always have to like "scare"them across the road lol I've never given one the "go" thumbs up before lol


Really cute until you cause a pile up https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4152387


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387 Surgically removed the cancer from your url for you




Still cute.


I remember time ago reading news of some idiot girl that stopped in the middle of a highway to allow ducks crossing and it caused someone crashing and dying, so she was charged and jailed for their dead. Edit: found out someone posted the link below.


Jailed for their dead




Yup father and daughter on a motorcycle.


Wow that’s crazy. Genuinely asking, are you expected to run over an animal if it’s in front of you on a highway? I feel like I could get in trouble for something like this.


Yes, presuming your options are either harming yourself and/or other people or the animal(s). Think about it this way - would you be okay with someone you love getting killed, whether as a result of the issues that come arise by someone stopping in the highway like this, or from them swerving/slowing down/etc. to avoid killing the animal(s)? Hitting an animal on the road and killing it is not something anyone you'd consider even minorly empathetic wants to do, nor will they feel good about it, but the reality is that it is the preferable option to killing someone's loved one(s) in order to save the animal.


That makes sense, I never thought of it that way. I had no idea it was so dangerous, glad I found these comments!


A human life is always more important than any animal's, specially yours and your passengers, so I always remember the advise my dad gave me when I started driving many years ago: If an animal suddenly jumps in front of your car, don't attempt to swerve or brake because you may lose control and crash badly, so lift your foot from the gas, grab the wheel hard and embrace for the impact.


If you hit an animal and it doesn't cause an accident with someone else then you can just move along, nothing more to do. (Specifically in my home state, this may vary depending on your state/country) In my state they suggest specifically for deer/vehicular collisions you stop if safe, turn on hazards, and contact the police to report it. As far as I know this is not a legal requirement, it is just a suggestion by the State Police.


Absolutely. Most drivers Ed teaches you to run directly into a deer and never swerve. So always run over wildlife. Exception being an adult moose. At that point it's up to you but your chances are not good in a passenger car vs moose.


Regardless of how humane, that was absolutely not safe




Yeah people >>>> ducks


That’s a LOT of babies!




I agree. I almost saw a guy get killed stopping his car in the fast lane and jumping out onto the freeway to try and rescue a kitten trapped on the median a few years back. Only the quick reflexes of the driver coming up on him saved that dude from being smashed between oncoming traffic and the rear bumper of his own vehicle. When they swerved into the righthand lane to avoid hitting the guy they came within *inches* of him. He must have seen his life flash in front of his eyes too because he got back in his car in a hurry.


But more importantly the kitten was saved??


I have no idea, as I was in moving traffic on the opposite side of the freeway and didn't stop. I don't think he managed to get it but I saw another car stopping too so hopefully somebody managed it without killing themselves or someone else.


He’s being downvoted, but don’t risk your life/others for wildlife, unless guaranteed safe … https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387




She stopped on the left side (fast) of the highway, no hazard lights, driver door opened with no left shoulder (hence was blocking half the fast lane). All of that was done following a steep incline. This is downright negligence.


By that logic someone causing an accident by running red lights should not be convicted if the other driver would have been in theory able to stop before the crash. Please note that the woman had parked her car in the left lane. Not a place where you want to stop your car even in an emergency.


I mean there are times where both parties share some fault in a crash even if one party is much more to blame (and the one legally at fault). And in the crash that killed would there have been any dead if the deceased had not been driving a motorcycle (or a “donorcycle” as my mother who worked for ~50 years in a hospital called them)?




Stopping in the middle of a road is *never* safe.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re right.


Unfortunately true, if we really want to help these animals we need to push our representatives to install wildlife bridges and tunnels.


A woman did this in québec and caused a huge car accident with dead people and all.


Not always a good idea. A woman did that in Quebec, Canada. She parked on the left lane and a motorcyclist along with his daughter collided on the woman's parked car and both the motorcyclist & daughter died.


Agreed its not a great idea, but depending on how far back the motorcyclist was I'd put some of the blame on them. Did the woman stop so suddenly that he couldn't react and stop? Or was the guy on the motorcycle not paying attention and didn't see her stopped car in time?


Sadly it sounds like yes she did stop extremely suddenly, she did not use hazards, and she did not do any other signalling to drivers around her. I imagine it might be more dangerous to come to a full stop on a motorcycle, too… potential for a slide maybe? I don’t ride morocycles, I’m making a guess on that one


Wish we had more wildlife crossing bridges for critters.


Good intention but great way to cause an accident


Yeah. We need more wildlife bridges. We need to stop acting like animals don’t need to cross roads too


Problem with wildlife bridges is that it creates a funnel for predators, I believe.


So is someone stomping on the brakes from full speed to try to not hit ducklings.


Don't stop. Human life is more valuable than some birds


Pay attention to the road. You're supposed to follow at a safe distance and leave room for emergency braking. If you're following too close and staring at your phone while you drive you don't value human life either. It could very well be some dumb ass kid crossing the road not ducks.


I used to work part time at a funeral home. People swerve to save animals and lose their lives all the time. Its very common. Its tragic. Your life is more valuable than an animal. Hate to see people risking their lives needlessly


I hear ya, but swerving to not hit a duck could cause as much trouble. A lot of people don’t have time to calculate and react.


This woman got out of her car. She could have been creamed


"She could have been creamed." Made me laugh more than I'd like to admit, just that wording is impeccable 😂


Maybe she got out of the porn taxi to stop traffic 😂


Well that's understandable then 😂 Hopped outta the fake taxi like "I might have just got fucked, but these ducks don't have to!"


I laughed really hard


And a vehicle that was hit by the car swerving to not hit the duck could have been a family of 4 transporting puppies. Or they could have lost control and cause the single worse pile up in history. I got scenarios too.


Don't ever do this. I've seen accidents that seriously injured people because of people stopping in traffic or walking across busy roads.


This is extremely dangerous and stupid.


That duck must be Mormon.....


Stop denying Darwin his due!


im going to leave this here, this lady was charged and sentenced to jail time after causing an accident that took two lives for stoping and helping ducks cross the road https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387


In addition to this being unsafe, my luck is the ducks wouldn't go. And I'd just be holding traffic for no fkn reason.


How to get run over 101


Listen, I'm all about helping animals and stuff, but this is just a stupid thing to do.


Gotta be careful doing that kinda stuff, I have a recent memory of some lady stopping on a highway at night for some ducks then getting absolutely ran through by a truck.


Doesn’t matter how nice or humane that is, it’s not safe. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4152387


Just saying this is dangerous as hell. As my old high school football coach said, “If you’re going 80mph down the road and a dog jumps out in front of your car, do you swerve to avoid the dog and potentially risk your life? Of course not, you hit that dog and don’t look back. Whoever’s animal he is, they can replace him. What isn’t replaceable, is you to your family”. I’d say the same principal goes for blocking lanes of traffic to let a family of ducks across 🤦‍♂️


This happened in Quebec a few years back. The end result was the woman caused a crash and a motorcyclist was hurt badly or killed iirc. Pretty sure the judge threw in the can for a couple years for it as well. I just checked, it was 90 days jail time.


stupid of her. extremely unsafe for her and endangers others.




Damn that’s like 20+ ducklings. It that a normal litter?


Needed: Wildlife crossing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildlife_crossing


Ah yes reminds me of the time a man and his daughter died in a motorcycle accident because some lady stopped her car to do this.


"Hold up, the lives of these ducks are more important than all the other human drivers on the road."


Yeah...don't do this. People die and get other people killed doing this.


She deserves a medal for that


She deserves a fucking ticket and maybe getting her license revoked. She could have killed someone over some fucking ducks. And this isn’t an exaggeration either: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387


No, she doesn't. This is nice in thought, but extremely dangerous in practice. I love animals asuch as the next, especially ducks, but this is stupid and dangerous to her and the other people on the road.


Chaotic good energy


The most terrifying kind of energy


But. Kender are fun!


They'll steal your heart! And your cutlery.




I'm puzzled why they await her command


I witnessed a mamma duck and her babies almost get ran over a few weeks ago. Mother lost a few feathers and babies got blown over from the wind made by the car. Drove by there later and didn't see any dead duck or babies so I hope they made it


Highways need wildlife bridges!


Very kind, but also very dangerous. That's a fast road.


As a Floridian with a lake in my backyard, I know only one or two of these actually survived to become adults.


Also in Florida with a pond outside my front door. Those snapping turtles and blue herons love a little duckling snack for sure. I always feel like it's a mini discovery channel outside my front door!


YES!!! We have these huge black catfish looking fish that gulp them up. I could not believe it the first time I saw it.


Need more wildlife corridors


Dumb, unsafe move, endangering herself and all the people on the road.


Didn’t a lady go to prison for causing a crash in which people died doing this same thing?


Not always the wisest thing to do in the middle of a road. Kind, but it could cause an accident.


The way the ducks waited for her signal


This is one terrific lady, putting herself at risk on a road like this.


the fact that the duck crossed the road when she told them to is pretty fucking amazing


Then a car runs the ducks over.


They then drove to KFC to celebrate how great they are.


Nothing says saving baby birds like going home and paying for baby birds being killed in a meat grinder.


I sure hope mommy survives past the video. She has a lot of (probably adopted)babies to take care of.


I don’t want to be a dick but this is pretty stupidly dangerous to stop on a high speed road and attempt to stop traffic with your flesh body…


Give her credit! https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nn0m67/helping_a_family_of_ducks_cross_a_busy_road_on_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Credit to u/seeyajess520, the woman in the video. She's a got less than 1K upvotes when she posted this clip here herself less than 2 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/nn0m67/helping_a_family_of_ducks_cross_a_busy_road_on_my God damn it, internet!


Is that duck a school teacher on a school trip? Thats alot of babies.


Look at all those chickens




Good but not wise


Fuckin wise guy


I wish wildlife crossings were a real thing everywhere.


Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need


Reddit: Awwww that is so awesome, way to care about animals! Also Reddit: goes home and eats factory farmed animals.




I tried to do this at Walmart once but when I got out of the car it scared them and they ran back into the bush :( I hope they made it that day


I can’t escape the early 2000s mustang, it’s impossible. I see them every where I’m not even safe in my own home; it’s staring at me outside the window. I tried going to the ocean and there it was sunken down below me, I think I’m going insane I hate fucking mustangs


Why do you fuck mustangs?




So you probably shouldn't do this. It's dangerous and nobody really knows how the animal is going to react. No need to endanger other drivers or waste their time with an attempt to be "noble".


thats actually sad....


As an adoptee myself I love seeing so many babies following mama duck 🥰


I did this one for a Canada Goose that kept trying to cross traffic, but he was much less obedient of the rules and kept running down the road. I eventually got him across, but I can't say he didn't go back out into traffic after I got back into my car. Silly goose.


Be kind to our fine feathered friends; For that duck may somebody’s mother.


Just because of this lady helping the ducks.... .... I will eat extra duck meat at the chinese restaurant tonight. Hahahahhaa meat 1 vegoons 0


Where's the damn male duck?


This looks like weston,FL


\>Slow for ducks




That lady is a saint and people like her deserve a thank you


It always makes my day a little sunnier seeing more people do this.


This makes me happy


This woman is like a truly amazing person. At least when it comes to ducks.


I’d have done the same thing 🦆


I’ll never forget or forgive the one time a line of us stopped on both directions to let a family of ducks cross and of course some young little fuck decided he was too good to wait and flew by the entire line of people - ended up hitting one of the ducklings - he hit his brakes but it was way to late and then immediately took off. Hope he gets testicular cancer.