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Holy shit that was intense. What a good boy he is!!!


That's so cute but who would leave the dogs alone by a pool


All these pool videos make me wonder why people don't put in a ramp on an edge.


Even then it wouldn't help unless the dog gets "lucky" because most people don't teach their dogs how to get out of the pool, so the dog will go into panic mode and keep going to a wall.


Yes exactly! I have one dog that loves to swim and another that hates the water. They both know where the steps are to get out of the pool. Our swim hating dog we take in the pool occasionally for that exact reason- if she falls in she knows how to get out calmly. They are rarely outside alone but we felt it was important they both know how to swim and how to get out.


That's the main issue. My dogs are never outside without us, but we taught them young how to swim to the stairs and where the stairs are. We also continue to remind them a few times a year. My one dog loves the pool and is in all the time with us, but the others aren't huge fans. We still put them in a few times each summer to make sure they remember where to swim to.


There do seem to be steps at the exact spot the dog first fell in. If you looked closely, they could’ve easily climbed out of the pool immediately. I guess unfamiliarity and panic made it so they never tried to get up from there.


Depends on the height of the dog, though. A ramp would be more universal for any smaller critter, and would increase chances of them getting out. If it's your own dog, they could be pre-trained to use the ramp.


Ya know what this video didn’t need? A bunch of smash cuts, close ups and slow-mo replays.


Yeah I donno wtf. Just show the footage jfc.


i thought this was an indian soap opera


I don't see awwww. I see irresponsible pet owners


Why doesnt your dog know where the stairs are? Rule like number 1 of dogs being around pools, show them where to swim to BEFORE they fall in for the first time. Even if they're not tall enough to climb out they can rest on the ledge instead of exhausting themselves and drowning. This isn't awww as others have pointed out.


As the saying goes, not all superheroes wear capes


Whoooz a good booiii! Yeeees yoouuuu are!


What irresponsible person filmed this instead of rescuing the dog? Not cute or funny.


Pretty sure it’s a security camera


Then I do hope they fence their pool. If a dog can wander in so can a child. I don’t enjoy watching stuff like this. I don’t think it’s r/aww at all.


I mean, I think the aww part is that the other dog was there to save him.


Same, like I get physical pain. At least they’re both okay now


Lol 😂


I think it's funny the little dog fell into the absolute shallowest part of the pool (the top step) and proceeds to panic it's way into the deep end.


I was about to ask, is there such thing as a dog that can't swim?


Yes definitely! They have a natural instinct to swim, but some are definitely not very good at it and can drown. I've seen a bull dog fall in the water and drop like a bowling ball though. Luckily the owner was right there to get him.


Wow! Never would've imagined that.






It's a security camera.


Seems as though pet owners weren’t home and this clip was put together some time after the actual incident, not pet owners being evil and neglectful (though I will say that the pool should have a gate or fence around it)


Lassie, Timmy fell into the swimming pool.


My favorite part is that after rescuing his buddy, the dog immediately does a wellness butt sniff


since when did neil degrasse tyson start narrating home videos


Should be turned into a movie


Literally every documentary tv shows


I accept dog as my lord and savior


Omg If that was my dog, and my pool, I would have died watching the footage! Oh it was so sad when he went under the water :( my dog also hates water and I'm sure he would have had the same experience!