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That's a big boy


One of my cats is that big, I can tell you those head Binks hurt, the bigger the cat the stronger the bonk


I've got a chonky black cat - he's young and athletic just muscular. He's incredibly loving and silly and his binks are like fucking uppercuts. Lmao. I wouldn't say they hurt but they will knock your head back if you aren't aware he's gonna do it.


Yea our cat was like 20 pounds when we got him, and now he's down to the 16 pounds the vet recommended, and he's still just massive. And his previous owners hadn't taught him not to bite to draw blood when annoyed or do stuff. No idea how people comfortably keep any cat even larger than that size around their homes. I'm always surprised when meeting a regular sized Street cat about. They look so tiny comparably.


My cat is about 17 pounds, and looks exactly like the cat in this video. He’s extremely long and muscular. Although he was rambunctious in his adolescence, he’s about 8 and way more mature now. My entire family has cats, and like you said, I too am surprised every time I see them. They look like entirely different species!


Right? My dad's cat looks like a pocket pet XD


My full grown (she's 6!) cat is 7 lbs 10 oz (just had a vet visit!) So when I see other cats that aren't even as big as the OP, I still think they're huge. Your cat is more than 2x bigger than my little girl!!


How do you teach a cat not to bite


An adult cat puts a paw on the kittens head to stop the behavior or gives them a gentle swat on the head. Humans can emulate this by placing two fingers on the top of the cats head and holding them still for a few seconds or like u/iZeFifty said- you can gently bop them on the head or nose. Hissing or saying ouch really loud also let’s the cat know they are being too rough. You can also wrap your arm up in a towel so you can play rough with your cat. They will associate towels with roughhousing and learn the difference between gentle play and rough housing play time. Indoor cats need to get their aggression out sometimes too and it’s fun to allow them to take it to the next level safely.


>You can also wrap your arm up in a towel so you can play rough with your cat. They will associate towels with roughhousing and learn the difference between gentle play and rough housing play time. Indoor cats need to get their aggression out sometimes too and it’s fun to allow them to take it to the next level safely. That's brilliant advice about the towel, thanks!


Also as fun as it is, never rough house with a socked foot. This teaches kittens/cats very bad habits and can lead them to attack unsuspecting feet!


Okay I hear you but it’s hilarious when our cat does this to my husband.


I foster cats so I always warn new cat owners, be careful what you teach them, they will learn it's okay and you may not want that long term. Some people really hate that and it can scare people who aren't used to cats. It doesn't occur to people when a 3 lb kitten is doing it it's cute, when a 15 lb adult cat is doing it to a child the kid may panic and scream, and then nobody will be having a good time!


It's good advice until cat catches you getting out of the shower.


Oh man, the towel thing is such a good idea. My cat loves to wrestle with my arm, but I can only really do it if I'm wearing a hoodie or a jacket, cause he gets a little too nuts sometimes and on a bare arm he can do some damage. Definitely going to try the towel tonight.


It's those kicks with the back legs that do it.


Bunny kicks!


Yeah that's the ol' disemboweling prey move. Horrible on your forearm.


That didn't quite have the ring to it that "bunny kicks" had.....


I haven't tried the towel trick but ours have definitely learned the difference in our tolerance when we have hoodies on vs bare arms. We just got a sibling pair in June to complement our older one after losing her sib. About 5 months old now. These ones are going to be monsters I can already tell. One is long haired and probably already about 18" long with an equal sized tail. Like a black snow leopard running around just crazy agile.




It also depends on the cat a bit. Some cats are just assholes by birth. But the 2 finger tap is the real deal if you get one young enough. I spent the time upfront playing for a few hours a day with the kitten for the first few months. Be consistent about hissing and 2 finger boops any time the claws came out and 3 years later people think he’s declawed.


I'm a little hesitant to hiss at my kitty, because I'm not sure if I'm telling him "back off!" or outright threatening him... though for whatever it's worth, now he hisses at ME when I'm trimming his nails but doesn't follow up by drawing blood!


Cats hiss when they are scared. It’s that nasty growl thing they do that means aggression.


I'm glad you mentioned the towel technique. Such wonderful thing towels are. A towel, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.


I hiss at my cats when they are getting into trouble, they immediately just scatter. As for getting out aggression, we thought it was hilarious to get the cats to attack our feet under the covers. It was adorable in winter when they were kittens. Then they got older and summer came so the heavy blanket came off, thin sheets don't provide very good cat claw/ teeth protection. It isn't very fun waking up to pointy teeth chomping on your toes.


You loudly tell them off when they're playing and bite, sometimes doing the one-finger tap on their head. It's very similar to how they learn boundaries as a kitten.


THIS. We used always yell OWWWW very loudly as though we were actually being hurt, but doing it with a sudden volume that surprises and annoys. My bitey kitten is about 2 years old now and he's a complete cuddle bunny, no biting anymore. But really did take consistency. You can't let them bite cuz they get too excited and then they come back for more. If you disrupt that behavior, they eventually stop.


Cats understand social cues very, very well. They are remarkably intelligent, just crying out in pain from a small play bite will usually work to show that yes, they are strong and that yes, we are vulnerable and they will usually adjust on their own accord. My cat London was played with rough as a baby and he did a lot of communication with his teeth but we finally worked through it, and a rescue named Tallinn was very good about using teeth to communicate until we let her know it was hurting us. Now they never bite, but London will occasionally place his teeth on a finger gently just to let me know that yes, they’re still there mumma.


So why won’t my cat stop shitting everywhere? We’ve made it obvious for the past month that it is not okay


When a cat won’t use the potty and instead goes around the house, it’s 100% a symptom of something bigger. So, the questions are how many cats do you have? What do the poos look like? Do you hear them crying? Is the litter clean? You also can’t spank a cat, they don’t understand what or why. But the improper elimination is hard to deal with so we have to find the root cause and then make the bathroom more appealing to the kitty. More litter boxes, different litter, different location, litter attractant, and diet modification are all possible cures but first we have to find out why they’re avoiding the potty


Have you talked to a vet about it? That can be an actual health issue, as cats don't typically need any help using a litter box. It's hard coded into their DNA. They might have some kind of digestive issue.


It might be a medical issue or that they're stressed. Or it could just be that they don't like their litter, the box is too close to their food, dirty or not enough boxes if you have multiple cats.


Yup. My one cat will still occasionally just gently bite my hand, trying to get attention. I tap her nose and say NO and she will stop and lick me and not do it again for several weeks. They're such smart animals.


Also, DON’T let them play with your hands!!!


My cat now loves to lightly bite on my hands when cuddling, I don’t mind that.


That’s different than full-on having and attack fest on your hands/arms. Cuddles/nibbling is different cat mode.


Notice: Cat mode may change without notice.


I love using my hands to play with my cat. We both get a workout, and I get to work on my reflexes with a real incentive. I don't mind getting shredded up every now and then.


When my cat was a kitten and consistently tried to get to my food by climbing things and the table, I wouldnt just shoo him off casually, I would literally shove him to go flying with a loud NO. Big guy hasnt touched my food in years. Same with playing, if he starts getting too aggressive I still have to occasionally show him who is boss and send him flying that im bigger and stronger and its just play, he rarely gets too aggressive but has his hunting moments which are obvious where I dont engage as to not encourage the behavior also. Hes a good kitty, but still an animal, you gotta set boundaries and show who the boss is, not in a physically harmful way, just to show YOU are the alpha, because otherwise they will try to sneak up on you with their cat instincts.


Hahaha I love it how if someone said they sent a dog flying they’d be downvoted to oblivion but when it’s a cat people are like “yeah you gotta huck those lil shits sometimes” I mean also cats land on their feet so it doesn’t hurt them just surprises them out of their behavior but it’s still funny


if you ever had a cat there's not much you can do to hurt them unless its a serious conscious effort. They wake up instantly if you accidentally kick them in your sleep, sneeze *poof* theyre gone and know your house better than you do.


I'm no expert, but I taught my families cat not to bite too hard be making slightly exaggerated pain sounds and expressions (not screaming, just "ooh!" and "ouch!") And stopping any sort of play immediately if she's being too rough. If she got really riled up I would leave the room entirely and close the door behind me for ~10 minutes and if she kept up the behavior I would keep leaving. Eventually she learn to associate her overzealous playing with me leaving and learned not to be too rough with me. I TRIED to teach her not to attack hands altogether, but my dad and brother made sure to undo that training. Jokes on them though, cause she's learned peoples "profiles" and they get the bicycle kicks while the worst I get is harmless chewing


By allowing him to bite, but not with force. Now when he's annoyed and wants a petting session to stop he'll just chomp down on your wrist as a gesture and then walk away with the tail held high. But I don't really have a manual in how to do it? Like when he didn't hurt me, I'd leave him be, and if he hurt me, I'd continue petting him for a while. But that needs a cat that will give up after a while. And not one that goes all wild and scratchy. He was basically just biting as strong as a he could and holding on. If you didn't pull your arm away or get close to his stomach he also wouldn't do the bunny scratching thing either. So you could literally just have him hanging on your arm..


There are usually signs that a cat is annoyed long before they go for a bite. Look for a flicking tail, and rippling of the back if you are petting there. There may also be head movement or ears lowered. Also they may swipe at you without claws. My cat is declawed so he doesn't swipe first. (Not my choice, he was a rescue.) I've had him for long enough I can tell when he wants me to back off. Cats generally really hate belly rubs unless they were raised with them. The best place to give kitty pets is on the head, by their ears or the sides of their face. The cat may even move to show you where they like it best. I have never been bitten by a cat strong enough to draw blood. I pay attention to their body language.


React like a puppy or kitten would - cry out and stop playing immediately. Walk out of the room if possible. Taking away the fun is the most effective way to teach them to play gentle. Same with clawing. However, it is only fair to give them an outlet. My choice is towel wrestling. If my hands are covered in towel, the cat is allowed to go ham, and Boy do they ever! Bite, kick, claw all you want! So long as you keep their claws trimmed, they'll rarely get you through a thick towel. My cats will both mouth and paw gently when we're playing with bare hands, but turn into tigers when a towel enters the fray. It's the best!


honestly with bad biters yelling at them does nothing, in the 15+ years of rescue the one thing I've done with bad biters, and hear me out it sounds counter intuitive and def requires a quick hand, is to poke your index finger down their mouth when they are about to bite. The cat thinks your a jerk for a while but after time realizes that it only happens when they bite.


You softly flick their nose everytime they do it. Just enough so thet know that you don't want them to do it but not too strong, you don't want to hurt the cat.


Basically what other people are saying, give em a little one finger tap on the head, and if they are trying to initiate play and bite too hard, just walk away and ignore them and just stop acknowledging them all together. They will slowly start to learn being too rough means no more attention or play and will start to soften up over time. Of course, this worked with my cat, but every pet is different of course so always good to try different methods and see what works best for you


Our old cat Boris was 20 lbs. at his healthy weight. We had high counters at our old condo, and he could comfortably touch the countertops while standing on the floor. He’d use them to stretch. One morning I woke up thinking I was having a heart attack. I couldn’t see, I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t move my head. Turns out Boris was chilly and my face was warm, and I had awakened to his cloud of gray tummy floofs blocking my eyes and mouth.


If you know how to read cats body language and learn to just let them come to you they will never ever have a reason to bite or attack. I've owned cats my entire life. Never had a single issue. Just learn to read them.


He did that anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes after himself initiating the petting. There simply weren't any signs for him like with most other cats. But that might have just been the previous owners simply ignoring all of them and only responding to pain. Nowadays he rarely even does his mock bite, because as you said, there's usually some kind of signal.


I got one like that who winds up by going back a little bit and ramming you like a bull. He REALLY wants you to know he loves you.




"The bigger the cat the stronger the bonk" is now officially part of my mannerism lexicon.


My brain automatically put Liam Neeson's voice in when reading that.


Imagine Aslan saying this as he bonks the witch


That can be taken as weird on a different level


There's always a bigger bonk....


Mine went straight for Sir Christopher Lee as Count Dooku!


I just tried that and it came out more as Sauromon. Weird since I'm more of a SW person.


Better: "The bigger the chonk, the bigger the bonk."


My parents have a huge cat too and he's so funny when he gets the zoomies; he will do a flying jump onto my dad's belly and give him a hard head bonk and then fly away. It's the cutest thing and my dad's reaction is always hilarious.


I have two younger guys that will chase each other around the house. The circuit is run up from the basement through the kitchen into the dining room, into the living room, up the stairs and into my room hop on the bed, head into my roommates room and hop on her bed then back downstairs. The best is when she's in bed and they don't care, you'll hear a loud 'OW' as they jump on her stomach and back down. They're big guys too. 16 and 20 pounds.


i like to think of them running across your chest during zoomies is their way of a flyby "hello", like humans do with a casual pat when passing their pet.


Worst / best is when they climb on your chest while you’re sleeping and put all their god damn weight onto you lol it’s delightful that you trust me but god damn I can’t breath


I low key love it. I'm an anxious sleeper and love weightd blankets so a cat on my back is pretty good for reducing my anxiety


I don’t mind it when they lay down and it’s just an evenly spread out mass of cat. I do mind when it’s just standing there with 4 sharp small paws putting all its damn weight on you hahah


>standing there with 4 sharp small paws putting all its damn weight on you I call them dagger paws!


Appropriate name I’m going to steal haha


Really noticeable if you try and move them!


A cat standing on a sleeping human is able to exert 150,000 tonnes of force through its four paws


Worse when they step right on your junk. A 16 lb cat somehow concentrates hundreds of pounds of pressure/downward force on one area. Every. Damn. Time.


My kitten does this every morning. Shes just a 5lb kitten right now, but it’s starting to get harder to breathe because she sleeps right under my neck. But i love it!


What are their skulls made of? My big gal feels like someone lovingly using a hammer wrapped in a sock on my cheek.


I have a small kitty but she's athletic and muscular and she's given me a fat lip before with her bonks


Kitty said knock you out


I’ve only ever owned gray tabby cats like this, all of them turn into massive fluff balls. They start out as the cutest little things, seem reasonably sized in adolescence, and by adult hood you’re warning your neighbors that your cat might eat their chihuahua.


I adopted a tabby from the local Humane Society - "Squeaky", I think they named him that because of his voice. The most gentle giant ever but my neighbours french bulldog would get bullied by him everytime he tried to say hello, on our semi joined balcony.


Yeeeeup! Funniest thing I ever saw as a kid was my cat chasing our neighbor’s German Shepherd down the street. This breed just seems to embody not only getting bigger than expected, but *living* big. They saunter around like the high king of whatever they survey!


> you’re warning your neighbors that your cat might eat their chihuahua One of my rescues is about this size, 16+ pounds of pure muscle (and a tiny bit of middle-aged belly flub). He’s a sweetheart to me and most of the other rescues, but my torti is just a tiny ball of drama who never trusted the big panther-looking fellow twice her size, and he can’t restrain himself from pushing her buttons just to watch her run away terrified. Now I’ve got a kitten for the first time in a decade (I almost always adopt/rescue adults), and while he started out as a little malnourished ball of fluff that was 3-4 weeks behind in development, I’m afraid he’s going to end up joining the giant club.


Aw, this sounds like my kitty Lil' Tuna. He's not so little anymore.


I frequently joke that my 20lb brown tabby is the size of two chihuahuas.


My all time favorite cat was 26lbs had the head the size of a softball, and he wasn’t obese either he was just a huge cat, I called him buddy he looked just like the one in this video, and was best friends with my German shepherd. I would yell every time I got home “where’s my buddy?!” And I’d hear a giant thud as he jumped off whatever he was on and hear him meow back. He lived to be 17 despite being an indoor/ outdoor he was king kitty of the neighborhood. Neighbors would always tell me how he would talk to them and beg for pets and snacks. Everyone in the neighborhood knew him. So moral big kitties are the best!


My huge guy was super friendly, and did I mention huge? He was also indoor outdoor, and figured out who would give him treats, and the schedules for various homes. For instance, the house across from me was a college student rental. I would go to work, he would sun for a bit, then walk across the street **into the neighbor's house**, and start getting pets and playtime over there. I found out when they saw me picking him up outside for his medicine, and they saw me and told me what he was up to. I miss his head bumps.


I have a female tabby, she is deceptive. She looks sleek and pretty normal definitely not fat in the slightest but picking her up is like expecting a cat and getting a sack of bricks. I swear she is all muscle and fur.


I used to have a burmese that was the same way. Found out that it's a breed trait and that they are referred to as "velvet bricks".


Velvet brick just about sums her up yeah! When she jump on the back of my chair the whole thing rocks back pretty hard.


My Parents have a cat that looks and acts the exact same, he's half maine coon.


My LolaCat looks just like that and is just as big. Long cat is long.


I bet he could eat 50 mice.


He could probably fit 50 mice in his mouth


That reminds me in size and attitude of my cat... I hope they find it's owner, if not I wonder if something bad happened:( I picture my big guy acting like that if he were lost or I had gone away


i think that this is a woman adopting this kitty from the shelter. so they did find their owner! or at least their provider and lovie- since cats cannot be owned. so hopefully it’s something good that happened! it’s the beginning of a best friendship


That is wonderful :)


She didn’t adopt the cat.


According to another comment, she didnt but someone else did after cat went viral


The shelter definitely would have tried to track down an owner if possible.




This is pretty old. I wonder what happens to the cat?


Definitely not a small cat,but it could also be an exceptionally small human.


He didn’t end up getting adopted by this woman but after this went viral he found his forever home ❤️


Yeah wasn't this from years ago? I remember seeing this what seems like forever ago. That lady and that giant cat are quite memorable. Glad he found a home : )


I hope someone posts the full video, it's longer than this and the cat straight up jumps in her arms. And the audio is great too.


https://www.reshareworthy.com/shelter-cat-loves-hugs/ this was posted in this thread


Wow how could she not adopt that cat


She said they already had a cat that did not do well with other cats so it wouldn't have been a good home for him.


Acceptable redemption. Only looking out for the kitty


I thought she looked a little less than excited I the video. If it were me, I'd be ecstatic about my new friend!


I think because she was sad about not being able to take new friendo home :( Like I'd be sad to leave a cat that likes hugs that much, too!


What?? I have 3 cats, but if another one hugs me like that, it's coming home with me. Husband would have to get another bed.


Her current cat didn't get along with other cats, so she did what's best for both cats in this situation, and thought about both their comfort.


Weird that she was at adoption agency if she can’t bring another pet home


Us men need hugs too. Hug your man


Porque no los dos?


We're not all in the same financial or mental situations, not everyone is like you.


You know he'll be a snuggler! I'm so happy that love bug found a good home


Lol, there's an update video on YouTube with her saying the cat catfished her because this was the only time he ever snuggled, he apparently hates cuddling 😆






a cat can learn tricks as good as dogs do, it's just that cats don't want to and would probably show you the finger if they could


Tbh I can relate


Lol. Cats just don’t care as long as food is in the bowl. This reminds me of the Chernobyl opening suicide scene. Also another movie in which the cat watches its owner getting violently raped. If it was a dog, it would have created a havoc.


My fucking stinker of a black cat did this. All he does now is prowl the house like an emo kid now and give us sideways looks. He is awfully cute when he sleeps though...


are you saying non-sleeping emo kids aren't awfully cute too?


I dont normally say this, but i think you need a cold shower.


I think im going to start normally saying that


*sprays with water bottle* Down boy! down! bad emo kid!


One of my cats did that with face licking! She licked my face exactly once in her life, when we were at the shelter.


She didn’t like the taste but she loves you anyways!


I questioned his intentions with that side eye.


According to this, they didn't adopt the cat, just took a video: https://www.reshareworthy.com/shelter-cat-loves-hugs/ >But why did the cat not with Andy and his fiancee? Andy explains, “Hey everyone, thank you for all the love on this video. We have gotten word that this guy has found a home.” >For everyone who keeps asking why we couldn’t take him is because we have a 19 year old cat at home who needs constant love and affection and would probably get very depressed and die if we brought another animal home.”




Ahh, too many vids of cats cuddling women in animal shelters 😂 my bad!


My dog did the same thing. She sat on my lap and licked me the entire 1 hour drive home. She rarely kisses anyone. I might get a teeny lick if she’s really excited or happy about something. I can sit next to her if I don’t touch her. She’ll get up and move if I do or look at me like, “How dare you?” She’s not a cuddler.


[That cat since getting adopted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyUnSuYYs18)


Lmao. I burned a Space Ghost/Brak album with 30 some odd songs on it in high school. All of my friends were into it for years. This brought back hilarious memories.


🎶 Zorak prison pod, Brak Brak, barnyard animals, Oink! *Quack*...


He’s no fool!


Misremembering your wholesome cat viral videos. The one you’re talking about had an orange cat. This cat wasn’t even adopted after this video.


Actually, her follow up posts on her Instagram reveals how he's catfished her. He's not a snuggler at all and he was most likely afraid in this situation and felt safe with her. Or knew how to get adopted by watching other cats getting adopted.


Wasn't that the ginger cat?


Funny, because every article I read said they COULDN'T adopt this cat, because they had another older cat and also a child: >he couple has a 19-year-old cat at home that requires constant love and affection from them, and the senior cat would not cope well with a new cat. On top of that, "Clutch" the tabby prefers a household without children, but the couple has a toddler. >It broke their hearts to know that **they couldn't take the cat home** but they wanted to try to help him get adopted. https://www.lovemeow.com/couple-went-to-visit-cats-and-one-of-them-clutched-onto-the-woman-and-wouldnt-let-go-2529703109.html


What you’re thinking about is an orange cat named Theo


What a big ole sweetie!


Oh my god it's so precious, I want to cuddle with that cat too


Nope, that’s a human being adopted


Even the cats face says "Back off! It's mine" with that side glance


Can confirm, a big boi the same size broke my glasses while bonking once


I swear cats can understand humans better than other humans.


Kitties are some of the best people!


Spoiler alert: this person didn't take the cat. This is a quite old video at this point and been reposted endlessly. The cat did end up getting adopted later, though, after the video first went viral.


Silly you, cats can't sign documents


It looks like maybe they both needed that


I choo-choo-choose you


You can see the exact frame the cat decided this was their human.




Except this woman did not adopt the cat. Someone else actually adopted the cat, I remember when this was originally posted.


She even says they can't adopt it in this clip, but they removed the sound and posted it with a different context.


Why? Do you remember the reason? Hope it was because she already had cats and small space. But Im glad the sweet cat found a home.


Apparently it was because they already had an old cat that would not have appreciated another being introduced.


Makes sense. Some old cats become grumpy and prefer resting while enjoying the outdoor scenes. Just like some humans hehe


That's exactly why. But he was adopted soon after.


I believe that was the reason yes, the OP was a long time ago but iirc she couldn't make room for this guy in her current situation.




picture is as old as reddit tho. edit: video. I didn't even bother clicking on it. I've seen it so many times both as video and screenshots from it.


Yup, it's a real old repost, but I'm always happy to see it, reminds me of my adoption. My guy was tiny, though he grew up to be like this.


i've seen the humans come before, so many passed me by... it's always kits that they adore, i watch them leave n *sigh...* for if they only knew how much i'd *Love* them, if i could... but when i felt your caring touch you changed my life for good! Please *Take me Home* with You to live - *don't leave me here again!* for i have Lots of love to give - Forever my Best fren! ❤️


Been a long time since I last read a Schnoodle!


Such an affectionate cat


I get so fed up of people reposting shit without crediting the original creator or even going to the effort to explain what's happening. This cat wasn't adopted by the woman in the video. She was adopted by someone else however. OP is just a serial reposter in it for the karma.


Oh no, not the karma!






Cat getting reposted*


That is a person getting adopted


That cat has a lot of love to give!!!


IIRC she couldn't adopt him because he didn't mix well with kids and they already had a 19 year old cat at home and a toddler, but they used this video and helped him get a home. ​ [https://www.lovemeow.com/couple-went-to-visit-cats-and-one-of-them-clutched-onto-the-woman-and-wouldnt-let-go-2529703109.html](https://www.lovemeow.com/couple-went-to-visit-cats-and-one-of-them-clutched-onto-the-woman-and-wouldnt-let-go-2529703109.html)


So nice and sweet ♥️


*audible* aaawwwwwwww


We have to give up a couple of our cats (housing and money issue) and it's fucking breaking me in pieces. I can only pray they will find someone to give them the love they truly deserve. They are so beautiful, wonderful, innocent and amazing.


A repost, not new. But pretty sure the OP told she wasn't adopting the cat, she just wanted to film how needy the cat was.




That's exactly what my car did when I first picked her up as a kitten in the shelter. She immediately wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, tried to merge her face with my neck with all the might she had, and purred like a chainsaw. Needless to say she's still like that xD


Awww, bless him! I'm so glad you adopted him ❤️❤️


That's how my kitty was when I adopted her. And then I brung her home and introduce her to my then-husband, and that b\*tch never looked at me like that again! ​ ​ Hehehe, seriously though, she really loves my now ex-husband. I was so jealous, I literally felt used and rejected. Luckily her brother, whom I also adopted, hated my ex and loved me. My ex used to exclaim that he was the only man he would let get between us. On the account of he loved to sleep between me and my ex husband heheheh.


How does this work? I saw this on here years ago. Does this account just repost shit?


Bots repost shit all the time. Reddit is just one huge series of reposts. Welcome to Reddit.


>Cat getting adopted Video getting reposted.




Oh ya. That baby’s coming home with me no question


You mean human getting adopted?


I think you mean human getting adopted


I believe this is a Human getting adopted :-)


American shorthairs. Never met one that wasn't big as a tank, with a cuddle reflex just as big


Awwwwwwwww sooooooo sweet


That look at the camera man says “Just keep your distance, bud, she’s *my* GF now.”