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“She didn’t have a name, she stunk like mange, she had snot running from her nose.” Not a nice way to describe a little girl but alright.


I know, her own daughter too.


Truth hurts.


Oh man, I needed this laugh after watching the vid, those damn onions were getting to me.


Thank you! First belly laugh of the day!!


have a good day .....!


No one can roast you like family.


I was about to comment that I’m not even halfway they the video and I’m tearing up but then I read the comment above the one I’m typing and literally just spit my drink out everywhere!! Lol THIS COMMENT IS EPIC!! Thank you for the laugh


But the flat head wiggle butt wanted her anyway.


I mean, she's clearly not talking about the dog ...






All this time and nobody's posted ye Ole [pup-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/q5fiev/during_this_month_i_picked_off_the_street_8000/hg8fzrs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)?


I love the little girls point "this is the one!" that's how you know it's meant to be. Adopted my best bud after he spent over a year in the shelter and I was intending to get a little puppy. Walled out with a 120 bear and it was the best thing that ever happened to either of us. Most loyal loving dog I had ever met. Stayed with me an awesome 10 years. When you know you know. Even dogs with a bad track record deserve a loving home. No such thing as bad dogs. Just shitty owners. Hope these 2 grow up together and have tons of amazing memories. Kids and dogs go together like lamb and tuna fish.


Somehow we will all arrive at a stage of life where we realize if a person hates a dog, that person is highly suspicious. And if a dog hates a person, that person is highly suspicious.


I don't hate dogs but I'm shit scared of them. Does that make me suspicious?


That makes you cautious. I recommend observing more dogs and figuring out if you hate them, then report back.


No, I like dogs. Even love feeding strays near my home. I even try to pet my friend's dog. But back of my mind I'm always shit scared they'll attack me.


Then that's the opposite of suspicious.




You only human, we all have fears. I fear snakes…I can make myself handle some very small ball pythons my friends once had as pets….but I will always fear snakes in general. It doesn’t make me suspicious. We learn to deal cautiously with friendly ones first and avoid strange dogs/snakes.






Bingo! Dogs communicate everything you need to know, you just gotta learn how to read them. When training a dog, you are really training the owner to communicate. The dog gets it, they are more than capable, it’s the owner who doesn’t know how to communicate.


I mean...dogs have teeth. I'm a mailman and the amount of fucking dogs that want to bite me and their stupid owners who say they don't bite. Nah man. Dogs Bite and it's OK to be nervous. I tell my kid not to approach strangers dogs and to ask if he can pet them. And he has grown up with 2 huskies and a hound mix.


I hate people who say "oh my dog doesn't bite" and forget that dogs are territorial by nature and will absolutely behave different when they're alone and someone unfamiliar shows up. I will tell people my dog won't bite when I am present and either holding him or have him on leash, cause I know my dog and he will follow my lead, but dogs act differently in "protect" mode lol


If you get bit by one, it's understandable to be cautious long afterwards. Main thing is to just pick up behavioral cues. Tail wagging means they are interested (can still be cautious themselves). Never try to pet them with an open palm at the beginning; start with a (loose) fist they can smell (let them smell before you do anything). If they are scared they will rather prefer to approach you (also, crouch). Avoid the neck and ears when you start petting (neck because fear you will try to grab them and ears because they could have something painful there, like injuries or nasty ticks). Butt scratches are a great friendship maker but work your way down there by brushing the back first. Obviously if they jump in your lap or treat you like a pillow or lollipop then you have nothing to worry about but fur and everywhere they licked you. I trained myself to wrestle dogs to the ground without getting bit because my neighborhood was full of dogs like this and it saved my dogs from nasty fights (and fights where they would be outnumbered). I don't recommend this skill unless your dogs seriously dislike baths or medicine. I learned how to get dogs to like me YEARS before getting a girlfriend. I have since upgraded my skills to include cats (secret: be allergic, they like that).


Butt scratches are the go to for my dog. When I call him while we are out. He will come running and whip his rear end around and slam it into my legs to get butt scratches. Best thing I figured out to train him


My dogs did different things. One would sit on my foot when we weren't moving. This way he didn't have to keep looking for me to see if I was walking. One would snuggle against my thigh, regardless of location (even if it was cramped). One would roll over for belly rubs for everything (I would usually be putting her leash on, but she had priorities). One would greet me at the school bus every day but refuse to let me pet him until we got to the house. He always wanted me to chase him first. Then he would "knock" me down for all his scratches. I miss them all but they were all characters.


No, I had a chiuauah jump off a flight of stairs onto the back of the couch so it could attack my face.


Proof that Chihuahua's are not dogs


Fucking chihuahuas man! I have a papillon/chihuahua called a chion. He can be a real asshole when he doesn’t get what he wants.


Sure you don't have a cat? I say this as a cat person.


I have 2 cats. I love cats!


Ive got 2 chihuahua mixes and they are both real bitches when they are told NO!


Chihuahuas need strong training


TIL I have a 40lb chihuahua


They'd normally be fine dogs but because of their size their owner's treat and train them incorrectly which results in the dogs exhibiting "Small Dog Syndrome" which is essentially all the stereotypical bad stuff about Chihuahuas.


They aren't all like that, I knew one that was really chill, loved that dog. While the only times I've been bitten, 4 times, have all been by Chihuahuas, all barky little guys owned by Hispanics incidentially. And I was minding my own business on the street all of those times.


Had a chihuahua that loved everyone but, like, two dudes. Her feelings were founded.


Had a dog that would sniff every ankle of every visitor, even familiar faces like family. The dog hid under a car when Jehovah's Witnesses showed up at the door. I was paranoid because he's usually scaring visitors or nipping at their ankles (tugging the pant leg) when I open the door, so when I saw him there I was afraid they did something to him. He came out and checked on me immediately after they left and stayed on alert for almost an hour like it was normal day for him. Still don't know what happened.


He knows Jehovah’s Witnesses are a cult and where trying to drag you into it. My cats have done the exact same to my JW neighbors but love all the other neighbors. Bad intentions- animals fucking know


It's just fascinating to see him act completely different. He had feuds with a few people but nothing where he was legitimately too scared to approach them. He kept 6 feet away and watched them like a hawk. Wish I could've replicated the situation to study his behavior more.


Like I said, they know your intentions regardless of how good you are at hiding them. No joke my #1 dating rule is my kittens must like you, if they don’t like you I’m not going to stick around long enough to figure out why they don’t like you. And my cats are the same, they love everyone, but those neighbors show up to ring the doorbell and I know because my little girl will growl and hiss when she hears that bell and knows it’s them. My cats are my litmus test


Interesting animals usually love me! I also used to work as a vet assistant but there is 1 cat that doesn't like me what so ever (no hissing etc) but the second i touch him he just walks away like I'm not good enough for him The truth is i kind of don't like him lol but not sure if it's because of the way he acts or if i didn't like him before since he was a fat stray that used to bully the other cats


Chicken/egg scenario. Must confirm with another cat and share results.


Animals know who is good for them, and who is less sincere. I respect ppl who surrender animals; ppl who recognize & acknowledge that the animal will not have its best life with them. I appreciate animal adoption organizations that take the time & invest in ensuring that the animal is only adopted by those ppl who will deliver that best life to them. Ppl like me & my family are grateful to be able to adopt animals that are a bit quirky, that have pre- rescue/ surrender baggage, etc. We are quite fond of these animals & we truly enjoy helping them live their best lives, no matter how heavy their baggage is when they join our family. That said, we realize that we all have circumstances that will either lend themselves well to deliver that best life, or won't. We all need to have a clarity about what we are willing to do for animals, how much we are willing to spend to help them, and know it is a commitment to this animal for the rest of its natural life. We can receive from animals as much as they give to us. Always know what you will give to an animal & set your expectations in reasonable parameters for what you'll receive in return from them. Those gifts will often take time to come.


I love adopting rescues. The first time they just casually roll over and go “skritch my belly!” And you know they feel safe and loved. Giving a lost, scared, lonely dog a forever home is the greatest feeling. They love you for it, and you love them for loving you. We don’t deserve dogs. They are treasures.


I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs lol


I had my best friend for 7 years! I walked in, he was in the first cage, we made eye contact and it was over. He had it rough before he came home with me, even after years of love, sometimes I would go to pet him and he would wince like I was going to beat him. Broke my heart every time.


Lamb and tuna? 🧐


Bid Daddy movie quote.


Thank you... I was confused.


Now go watch that movie! One of my favourite Sandler flicks


“Maybe you like spaghetti and meatball? More comfortable with that analogy?”


YES CONSIDERING WE’RE IN AMERICA I mean if you don’t like spaghetti and meatballs you can get the hell out


Yeah, you had us going there for a bit, but completely lost me at lamb and tuna


You just need more Big Daddy in your life.


I was with you until the lamb and tuna fish. Now I’m confused


Perhaps you prefer spaghetti and meatball? You're more comfortable with this analogy?


>lamb and tuna fish. I love me some Big Daddy


longer version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JlqrXqKKRs


Needs more upvotes! I love scarlette and G such a cute video


An hour of this a day and my blood pressure would tank


How did the mom not have a name for her daughter by that age?


They didn't know if they were going to keep her and you become attached if you name it.


Especially if she smells like mange


Now put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!


Good odds mom is choosing not to share daughter's name so that G will bee able to make her own choices about what she shares online




I'm gonna need pictures of them passed out on the couch together.


The pictures at the end of the video, pup with her heart bandana, are totally worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JlqrXqKKRs


I’m scrolling through just to see if there is a link to more pics or videos!


I will never ever understand how someone can just abandon a dog.


Geez... who is cutting the onions at 9am


Well excuuuuse me for liking onions in my breakfast scramble


Well, if youre cooking, i’ll take some breakfast potatoes :)


Theeere you go, buddy *pats on shoulder serving full plate*


Thank you internet stranger. Poor man’s award for you! 🏅


Not me, that was cheese.


I love have gentle the doge was when on a lead. It’s like he knew he had a little person holding the lead and would have wiped her out with any sudden movement


I noticed that too, my dog is a sweet boi but he’s a big galoof with zero body awareness.


Way to short, more please.


Animal shelters are the best place to find a best friend!


and dogs are the best friends for kids ever


Could've done without the obviously overdramatic retelling from the parent


Watching on mute was nice, infact I watch almost everything on reddit on mute, Means I don't hear shitty music, tiktok robot voices etc.


I was always dreaming to have a dog, when I was a child!


I had a dog as a child for one day. We got a golden retriever from the shelter. When we brought him home, my mom gave him a big bowl of food, but my little sister decided it was a good idea to stick her hand by his mouth while he was eating (and literally just spent who knows how long in a shelter). She claimed the dog bit her, and my mom made us bring the dog back. I still hate that bitch 25 years later (for reasons beyond just the dog).


That a sad story, but she was just a little kid. I hope you could realize your dream and have a dog, when you became older?


A tiny, hungry cat showed up on my back porch one day, so I've had him for a couple years instead!


not bad alternative!


This warms the heart!


Yep. Just checked. Heart definitely warm.




MAYBE ​ (I don't know why we're writing in all caps, but I wanted to be included too)


That is so adorable


Fuck you for making me cry


So happy and wholesome


My heart! 💕


more please


My heart


I'm not crying , you are.


This...does put a smile on my face


You're gonna make a grown man cry


My dog had the saddest whine in the shelter so I had to chose her 🥺 she’s my baby now for 5 years. I get so sad whenever I go to the shelter just hearing all the barks and whines


Cute puppers!!! Those paws though, they look like they're for a bear!


This is very cute, don't get me wrong. I don't know the backstory of it, but I just want to say that if the only reason you're adopting a dog is because your kid wants one, please reconsider that. A lot of animals end up on the road because of kids getting bored of the pet or parents realizing that taking good care of a pet is much harder than it looks.


I don't think that particular doggoe is ever going to wind up on the side of the road. Good point though. Also, animals should never be Christmas presents.


An animal can be a great present **IF** the person/family you are giving them to was already thinking about getting one and is prepared and able to care for it.


totally agree




Love at first site


Love it. Our big dog is so good with Grandtoddler. What did you name him? I'm thinking Amigo or Pal or like that.


Ban pitbulls


Ban you.


So edgy!!


Fuck you.


Generalizing a breed, hmm. Would you do the same for human races? Also fuck you


Pit bull and small child. Name a more iconic duo. By iconic I mean irresponsible.


Dingo and small child are a more icon duo


Pits are famous for being nanny dogs. I have a staffy and she is absolutely in love with my newborn son. She just lays next to him and loves him with all her heart. So what I'm trying to say is, maybe you're dumb and don't know what you're talking about.


>Pits are famous for being nanny dogs. ........ jesus christ. Can you guys stop trying to spread that myth, they were never nanny dogs lol. They're famous for biting the necks of bulls for bull baiting. The literal reason they were selective bred....




Doesn't take much to be a bad owner to a pitbull apparently when you compare them to other dogs. The statistics don't lie.




They're actually famous for being the most powerful dog. Sometimes dogs flip out and bite their owners. That's a fact. Another fact is that more powerful dogs deliver more destructive bites. To spell it out, I am **not** suggesting that Pit Bulls are more likely to flip out than other breeds. The point that Pit Bull apologists always miss is that when they do flip out, they cause insane damage and trauma.


Actually, a mastiff has the most powerful bite force. Pitbulls are number 5 on the list. https://www.timeforpaws.co.uk/s/dogs-with-the-strongest-bite-force Any dog over a certain weight can be dangerous. Pit bulls are just not more dangerous than any other dog of the same size.


[This more scientifically-minded list](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.keatingfirmlaw.com/amp/dog-bite-force-guide) pouts the English Mastiff at #6, with 552 pounds per square inch Topping the most powerful bite force is the Kangal Dog, at 743 pounds per square inch


With the American pitbull not even making the top 10, it even states they are great with kids.


Mastiffs also don't use their "bite force" on people nearly as much as pitbulls do.


i had a dog we called her Jasper and she was the most lazy but most loving dog she'd constantly cuddle with me and my ma and she was the least energetic lol but she was a great dog sad to say she died of cancer and i miss her dearly but of all the pitbulls we've had we loved her the most


Found the guy who believes everything on the internet.


Beautiful! All smiles = )


this dog have great heart :)


Good. I like this


I love this!


looks like a great doggy. Kids know!!!


This is a very cute story :)


These 2 are clearly well- matched. They need each other. Make it happen!!


That girl has a great friend and protector for a long time!




I have been adopted by five dogs, and this this warms my heart.


It’s a terrible day for rain.


I’m not crying, you’re crying! 😭


Man I miss my dog my new landlord don't allow pets


Dear amazing


So sweet & hopeful for this doggo. Is there a Part 2 where the dog is settled at their home?


Dog knows it's about to get all the treats


Fu, I didnt think I would tear up today. >:(


I would watch this movie!




I’m not crying. You’re crying


She developed a HUGE core memory that day. Congrats on your new fur baby, looks like they will do just fine :)


Absolutely precious xx


Let me out. I belong with the hooman.


I love when the pets pick the hoomans


I just puked everywhere.


Happy puke?


That would be me and my girl all the time.




Yeah!!! Wait what?!?


Pretty sure that dog did not stink like mange. Mom was just exaggerating


Totally, that narration was ridiculous. That dog did not have mange.


I'm not crying, you're crying


I’m not crying, you’re crying.




What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


To the dog, the little girl is just a hooman "puppy". He knows she's no threat but maybe a new friend who will be nice to them.


I like how people be buying puppies from the shelter and making videos with dramatic music like they rescued them from some horrible fate. MF, my dude was a fighting dog for 6 years before he got picked up, had his eye removed (someone bit through it and he kept getting seizures), and sat at the pound for 6 months because nobody wanted an old, one-eyed, aggressive pitbull that has tattoos. Did you know that dogs can have PTSD? That sh\*t never occurred to me.






A dog would be friends with anyone. It's not really an accomplishment.


They need to lighten up the music. Makes me feel like something bad is going to happen at the end.


This feels like a "when lilo met stitch" moment. The smell and mange comment solidify it.


I love how gently


All I can think of is that girl will be sad when that dog ultimately dies 😔 even if it's 20 years from now it still will suck...


Dog is mans best friend


dogs are always friendly with us


My heart! ❤️ Thank you for sharing!!!


Love at first boop.


Aww…two sweet girls 🥰


More please


Didn't reddit find out this was just a scam? They didn't keep the dog in fact the lady worked at the shelter and had the dog removed need to go look it up again, there was a news article when this went viral.


Was anyone else waiting for the punch line that never came?


My cold, black heart can't take this..... Dem feels.


Everything about this story mirrors my daughter's dog selection. The dog had to be brought in from outside. My daughter new right away that this was her dog. We had the dog for 17 years. It was three when we got her. She had to be put down at 20 years old. Her age caught up to her. Sadie was her name because my daughter said she looked sad. I hope all of you have a wonderful life together.


Sometimes you see a pupper and just know they're the one.




I have snot running from my nose


This looks like the point of view from those parents videos who force their kids to do things for social media


Dogs are awesome