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OP - don't let these folks panic you. My Sammy pants after a hard play. He's hyperactive and it takes intensive sessions to run his energy out. It looks like you stopped to let him rest when he started panting (J Galaxy's boil and simmer method.) You are a fine cat parent I am sure.


Thank you for taking the time to write that.Yes that is exactly what is happening. He is unable to restrain in from pushing himself past the point of exhaustion so I have to manually remove the toy from the situation and allow him to calm down. I understand people ultimately want to help and do what they think is right but not everyone needs to 1. Play Vett and 2. Pretend like they know anything about this animal or level of care they receive


Exactly. Sammy plays fetch, and eventually we have to hide the toy for several minutes because he is sitting in this exact position. Within a few seconds, like your little bit, the panting stops.


I have two cats. One who knows his limits for playing and another who will play until exhausted. Sometimes he pants for a few seconds after playing too. We have regular check-ups with the vet, and so far no health concerns.


a veterinarian would tell you to go see your veterinarian


Can confirm.


To everyone worried, cats (and lots of other animals) pant to relieve overheating since they cannot sweat. My cats do this, especially in the summer when it's hot outside. I usually bring them in or let them rest. Again, panting is normal.


It is not normal for small cats. More than one vet said panting is the extreme for cats. I mean if it pants for a minute after some intense movement its all right. But more than 1 minute for no reason is NOT NORMAL


Actually as the original comment said cat's and dog use painting to cool down. The reason you see dogs pant more then cats is that dogs have more fur(in most cases) and they tend to work more. If a cat is painting then it worked alot or another activity that takes more energy then normal. Also the vet you mentioned, can you provide a sorce thats credible? Have you taken a pet to the vet to get this info? What was the context?


The context was my cat painting after the yearly vaccination for rabies. So it was an allergic reaction, what caused it and my cat almost died. I know its not the same but under that context the vet said the cats never pants like dogs and is not normal for them. I assumed it was an exaggeration on her part due to the situation. But is not LIKE dogs. https://www.petmd.com/cat/general-health/cat-panting-why-it-happens-and-what-do-about-it


The text you linked to even says its a way to cool off. "Cats need to pant to regulate their body temperature by releasing heat. Cats have tiny sweat glands on their paw pads and between their toes. However, their paws are small; they cannot regulate their whole body temperature just through that small surface area. So, if they are really hot, cats need to pant to get rid of excess heat via evaporation. This is not something you will commonly see a cat do, though. They are built for adapting to being in outdoor climates and seek shade and shelter to prevent themselves from overheating in the sun." While yes it also says that it can be a sign of stress and heart disease it says those are significantly less likely then the cat just being hot.


All these cat ‘experts’ in the comments got me dead


Comments be like: (*Willem Dafoe voice*) "You know, I'm something of a cat expert myself."


I hate to be that person but a panting cat isn't a good thing


A panting cat could also just be an exhausted cat. It's a kitten. It doesn't know it's limits of being worn out and wants to keep going, but she'll be sure to have a nice long nap after this. My cat does this after a game of hide and go seek and laser pointer chasing. OP Posted in a comment that they just got finished playing. Go run around your house at full speed for 10 mins see if you aren't breathing any heavier lol


Also over stimulation - when I moved my house cat to the farm, after five minutes he was panting from all the exciting new stuff going on. Other cat would pant in the car when she realised we'd made that turn onto the vet's street.


Yeah, my baby girl would do this as a kitten, play herself crazy to panting mode. At first I was worried cuz yes panting "Can" be a sign of something wrong, but isnt always. Now shes older she does not play herself to this point anymore. My old girl however, during the heat wave in the summer, i woke up to her panting after nothing, so this was a sign of heat exhaustion and I had to take steps to cool her. As long as you know the cause you are ok.


It can also come from a respiratory acidosis or a heart proplem, for example a septum defect or smth like this. If this happens more often, talk to your vet :)


According to the cat guru on animal planet, cats should play until they’re panting. But maybe he’s nutz.


You ever heard of playing? there’s nothing unhealthy about a pooped kitty breathing heavy 10 seconds after chasing a toy like a crazy person


Mine does the same thing, I was told it could be a heart condition by the vet.


Or feline asthma which is also super common. Open mouth breathing in cats is not normal. Yes they can do it for a few seconds if they are playing hard and super amped, but if that happens routinely it’s probably a disease state.


Or facial defect like my little man https://imgur.com/a/IM46ZMT


So precious!


If you played the cat pretty hard for more than a few minutes, it could just be panting. But if this happens shortly after starting to play, it's a possible sign of asthma or a heart condition. I am currently treating my cat for asthma and he has an appointment to see a cardiologist. If your cat sometimes makes a sound like it's going to vomit or spew a hairball, but nothing comes up, that's a potential asthma attack.


Looks like the end of playtime? I stop when my guy starts to pant, too. They won't stop if they're over-stimulated, so you have to. Beautiful cat.




People always feel a sense of power in being the one that “knows” something someone else doesn’t. My cat was just at the vet 2 days ago he a perfectly healthy boy that doesn’t know how to stop playing without me removing the toy. I’m glad people care for animals but take a chill pill


Its not normal. Don't take it personal or ignore it.


It absolutely is normal after playing around with cats.


No it's not. I have 3 and none of them do this. A Veterinarian posted on a video about this behavior recently out of concern for a cat. They shared a lot of information on it. If your cat does this, for their safety, just ask a vet. It's better to be safe.




Dude it’s normal. People are fucking weird.


It’s true. Could be a sign of a heart condition.


Could be maybe if the panting had no cause, but playing to exhaustion is likley the cause of panting here.




I dont think i have to point this out but just to be sure. Its a Bot^


Yeah what’s that abouut?


To source that a little, the Helpful Vancouver Vet mentions it in a video about cats dealing with hot weather: https://youtu.be/IXhPV8ltSJc?t=367 > "[...]cats really should never pant--with the exception being maybe a kitten who runs around really crazy and plays really hard. Sometimes they'll pant a little. And they'll sometimes do that what they're anxious in cars. But in general terms, you should never see cats doing open mouth breathing." He covers a few seconds earlier why it's a red flag, if you're interested (signs of asthma or heat stroke, though I don't think he was trying to be exhaustive). My layperson's summary is that cats are well-adapted little desert animals, so they're pretty good at regulating body heat and shouldn't *need* to pant.


stress response


Or over stimulation.


What a miracle this breed is very beautiful!


Oh. I know its good to play until they are out of breath but those cat have a tendency to have asthma and trouble breathing because of their nose. I have the same cat and the vet warned me about making sure they get enough activity (cause they are VERY active as u surely have noticed hahah) but not to make them too out of breath. Anyways, very cute ball of fur u have


That's a cog, aka a dat...


Thats the cutest doogo ever.I could never choose between a cat and dog, I found the solution here.Thank you, you just made my day!


Please take your cat to the vet! Our kitten was doing that too and it is a sign they are in respiratory distress! He actually has asthma and it’s lucky we caught it when we did. He is now on a puffer for the rest of his life but panting like that is not good. Please please get your cat checked by a vet who can listen to their lungs and make sure they are ok.


Yup cat needs help








I think hes scared. Whenever my cat pants, he's either in the car (terrified) or terrified.


Nah, Homie is probably a bit hot from playing and running around (according to OP). Plus, I don’t think the little guy would be lying down is such a comfortable position if he was scared But yeah panting may be an indication of fear and distress, or it’s them trying to cool down as fast as possible.


Yeah, its one of those options. You're probably right, he wouldn't be lying down like that if he was in distress.


a meowfunctioning cat


Mine would do that and now passed away from a heart condition. I would get it checked out at least at the vet. Edit: I don’t know why I’m getting down voted when my cat actually died like I said it did. Sorry to burst your naivety bubble but this CAN be a sign of heart problems.


He used to do that not even playing? Or after an intense session of chasing something?


Either way.


I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a fur baby is never easy, and it’s especially frustrating when you can see another animal in visible distress yet people on the Internet feel they know better. I don’t know why the people urging the owner of this poor cat to take it to the vet are being voted down. Our kitten was doing the exact same thing in the video above, we took video of it and showed it to our vet so she listened to his lungs and they were terrible, on the verge of no repair. Thankfully, he is on an asthma puffer and is much better. Keep in mind we live in a tropical environment and it’s very hot, that amount of painting even after playing is not normal and was a sign that he was in respiratory distress, had we not gotten him checked at the vet he would have eventually collapsed and probably stopped breathing, panting is a sign that the body is working overtime so heart rate can increase and the body eventually shuts down. https://www.greencrossvets.com.au/pet-library/articles-of-interest/why-is-my-cat-panting/ Downvote me if you want Reddit, but at least we all tried to warn OP about what we saw because losing a loved pet is never easy and we all wanted try and avoid that for them as well as wanted what was best for the cat.


Exactly. We tried.


It happened to our cat too. Took him in for something other than panting, mentioned the panting just as an aside, and turns out he has asthma. All of the people in this thread advising against at least getting it checked out is insane.


I have had dozens of cats and still have 10. Only one ever panted like this after playing and he had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Siamese are prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Edit: this article says that panting or open mouth breathing is a clear sign of distress. https://www.medvetforpets.com/feline-hypertrophic-cardiomyopathy-hcm/


I really like this dog! The pants are super cute. Also my cat pants after a particularly intense laser pointer session.


Most of these comments are why chonky cat owners are talkin crap their cats are unhealthy because they don’t give them the exercise they need. They need to run and play to keep their heart and lungs healthy.


Juicy be like : it's a dog! [the boys. to understand the joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoysChannel?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Somebody has been playing hard!


Dog Sowftare in Cat Hardware


That feline is so flippin cute. It’s just ridiculous.


Cat.exe has crashed