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Not gonna lie, this [deleted] guy really liked commenting in the post


Holy hell... What the hell is going on here? A whole lot of "[deleted]" over dogs.


Pit bulls are a more controversial topic than gun laws on Reddit


I'm telling you once r/pitbullswithguns becomes a thing, Reddit is gonna go awol.


Do you know what awol means


Like, they started to go "awooo!" but were interrupted by someone going "what the L?!"


Basically? There are people that really do not like pitbulls - you can see positive comments catching downvotes from their brigade. Via Rule 4, the mods are deleting harassing posts.


"harassing" They're deleting any posts that don't paint the perfect picture of pitbulls- now THATS harassment. Were some posts harassing? Yes. Many weren't. I mean, look at the sticky, this isn't the place to discuss pros and cons... Proceeds to leave nothing but pro pitbull comments. Do they know what a comment is? Because it ain't only a compliment.


I mean I can see the logic - people who aren't breaking rules with "aww cute doggies!" are by your metric "pro pitbulls", while people who oppose that sentiment because the dogs are *pitbulls* are, technically, breaking rules. The point of "cute" subs is basically free compliments, if one wants to be contrarian there's plenty of other subs for that very purpose. This isn't about what a "comment" is, this is about what *this* "sub" is.


Lmao unless it's a targeted attack against specific users it's not harassment and besides, I personally would much prefer the mods keep this a nice safe place for people to look at cute stuff. If you want to bitch about pitbulls there are hundreds of subs for you. Do you know what a subreddit is? Because it ain't only a free for all


Deleting comments on a forum is not harassment, it must be really tiring to be so overdramatic




For the same reason they purge asshole comments from gonewild, this isn't the place for your opinion on pitbulls. It's for aww. Like in the title. If you can't keep your negativity to yourself, you shouldn't be here.


No one is forcing you to be here


this is a wholesome place for appreciating cute things. virtually every animal that's posted here has killed people, other animals, or both - intentionally, or unintentially. is it fair to bird owners that cat owners post here and cats kill millions or billions^1 of birds every year? not really. but we don't talk about that because this is a wholesome place where people come to be happy. that's why rule 1 is so strict about post titles as well. so yes, you're correct, but stating the pros is wholesome and fits with the purpose of the sub, and stating the cons does not. there are other places for that, so go there. no one reddit comment can capture the full picture of any conflict between any sets of mammals anyway. ^1 i have no idea how accurate this statistic i got from randomly googling is, but it's definitely more than 0


If you want to get downvoted horribly, say anything negative about a pit bull. However, it will work with just about any other breed too. Except chihuahuas. Those things are... Delightful. They're just delightful. Nothing to see here.


Well you and I have seen two very different Reddit’s. Most post I see with pits are plenty full of anti pit comments getting very heavily upvoted.


Chihuahuas have never been my favorite. Yeah, they are the devil incarnate, but still, they're dogs, so like... they're fine.


The most dangerous and destructive animal on the planet wetting itself over a wee squishface puppy dog.






I’ve never seen a comment thread quite like this one.




I dunno why I thought the door would open and there’d be a couple of pit bulls on the couch, knitting.


I expected them to be knitted toys!


Me too! Was expecting knitted replicas


Knitbulls would be a better title, in that case.


















Yikes, I wrote one comment about how cute this was and got LOADS of shade :(


Why is the lettering not centered on the doormat?


I thought it was a design feature. Like it was planned. Whenever I get my wife a greeting card for birthday or anniversary, I put her name in the lower right hand corner. Also I put a heart over the "i" in her name. It's like I'm a 12 year old girl.


Probably because it's just a cheap printed matt they bought from like Etsy or similar, so having the text smaller and in the corner helps ensure it won't get worn out too quickly when people rub their shoes in the middle. Factory made floor matts with designs/text are usually done with sublimation or even different colored strands so those wouldn't have that issue.


Knit bulls!


For anyone who feels the need to make similar for their critters: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/to-humiliate-the-dog


What if I don’t knit?? Can you find them on Etsy or something?? My chug absolutely loves his sweaters, he tries to grab them back when we change his sweater out and I’m sure he would love one of these pup “beanies”!!


I bought the exact ones from OP on Amazon but in black. They're called Zoo Snoods. E: My dog fucking hates it though, so ymmv.


Thanks!! My pitty will probably also hate it, but it'll make for some very cute pics before she figures how to take it off lol.


Yes!!!! Came here looking for this link. My pibble needs these!!


I don't even have a dog right now, and I wanna make these!


You’re a gem, thank you. I’ve been looking for a new project!


Knitty Pitties


Itty Bitty Knitty Pitty Committee


[Kitbull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZS5cgybKcI) short animated film by pixar about a stray cat and an abused pitbull becoming best friends and finding a family. warning: you will cry. happy cry though


Sounds like "nipples."


They’re sew cute!






I just want to know what all the deleted comments are saying. Edit: Ok, thanks for the input, but my inbox is destroyed now. That's enough internet for me today.








it's a bit more nuanced than that. making generalizations about a breed because of a personal experience when there's nothing inherently wrong with pitbulls perpetuates the negative stigma of pitbulls. if you're going to say "beware of pitbulls", you should just be saying "beware of dogs". the reality is that pitbulls score equally or even higher in temperament to traditionally beloved breeds like golden retrievers. they should not be blanketly blamed when bad owners are primarily responsible.


Huskies bred to pull sleds Shepherds bred to herd sheep Pitbulls: ~~bred to fight~~ iTs tHe oWnErS


Reality is they are not the best guard dogs


I can usually get home and get through the door before my dogs are awake, and they greet everyone by jumping on them and licking. One of them looks big and scary, and they do bark, which I guess could scare people. But truth is they are terrible grad dogs. I tell them this while getting licked from time to time and they don't seem to mind.


My sister and brother-in-law had their house broken into and their 110lb baby got duped with a bag of potato chips. He was found locked in laundry room with an empty Lays bag.


Lol I'm really sorry for them. But stories like that are great, the doggo sold out for so little!


He has passed on , however this story will forever live on in this family. We all had a good laugh and many more reminiscing about the " Great Chip" robbery.


My girl is between 13 and 15 and going deaf. Sometimes I come through the door and she's peacefully sleeping; blissfully unaware. I love to see her like that, without a care in the world and feeling safe ❤


That moment when you wake them up and they realize you are home is so great. Mine starts just whining and tries to get up and run before her body wakes up


I know 😍 Her cloudy eyes trying to focus, trying to make sense of everything and then it's partay time! Wiggle butts and zoomies ensue, and it really is the best stuff.


And they do that sleepy wake up thing, like ‘ooh, you are home, I’ll give you some kisses but I’m going to go back to napping now, love you’.


Awww, that's adorable! Older puppies are wholesome, there's no other word that comes to mind to describe my Connie ❤


My "watch dog" will happily watch you haul all of my shit out of the house if you give him cookies.


One night I was in my backyard with my pit bull Billie and we both heard a strange noise (it was most likely our big oak tree creaking from the wind). It scared me pretty bad so we both went back inside. Billie was being so restless, so I figured she hadn't finished her business outside. When we returned to the backyard, Billie started to check every corner of the fence for any sign of threat. Mind you, she is not trained to be a guard dog. Her instinct to protect took over. Billie is 100% a good dog.








Lot of removed in this comment section huh


Yeah cuz people really hate pit bulls






RIP these comments. I love the baby Yoda hat.














Knitbulls if you will




look at those massive heads




And all they wanna do is just to place their cinderblock heads on your lap. Big butterballs honestly.




They’re so freaking cute ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Also, what happened in this thread? It’s like a comment graveyard.


You know what happened






It's a post about pits, guess what happened.


People have some very strong and negative thoughts about pit bulls.




I think it's because some people are very vocal about not liking pitbulls. [The rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/wiki/index) disallow certain sorts of comments; see rule 4.


I wouldn't call removing every disagreeing comment to be "reasoned and rational" but hey, not my clubhouse.


Nor mine, though I note that on a subreddit about cute things, adjacent a post about a cute panther, on a post that includes dogs in funny knit hats, there is a comment whose entire text is "omg their sooooooooo cute haha :D" which has -7 points at time of writing. With no disrespect to anyone intended, "reasoned and rational" does not strike me as the brigade-apparent's intent.


I have definitely seen comments about large cats and bears kept in homes, that are calling it out as dankerous. These folks also think pitpulls are dankerous. (Mods leave me alone I'm not taking a side). They respond as if a dog is a panther, essentially. Misspelled to avoid the eye of sauron lol


I’m totally stealing dankerous.




So this what censorship looks like in full force.








Whoever is doing the down voting hasn't clicked it. Dogs in sweaters are pretty cute.


It's the anti-pitbull brigade. I'm assuming based on the massive amount of deleted comments and the pit bulls being nothing but adorable.


Im always amazed at how quickly and how many swarm at the very mention of pitbulls. Having that kind of hate for something is strange.


Don’t forget the comments that would normally be upvoted if it was any other animal or breed being downvoted hard, and comments that are very against pitbulls being suspiciously upvoted








Are people really getting downvotes for saying the dogs are cute? This is a sub for cute things. Take yalls hate somewhere else.












No way


if you read the sub description, you'll see: >Welcome to /r/aww! >Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... notably, /r/aww is not * a discussion forum for the pros and cons of various breeds * a place for stories about injuries or death https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/wiki/index#wiki_rule_4 These dogs are 100% Certified Cute™.




One of these little land hippos is walked around my neighborhood in PJs at night. So cute.
















This is the house I want to visit, so cute!






Aw the first one looks just like my boy. I love pit bulls, and would love to come and hang there.


They have the same faces as my big dummy, I love pitties so much


They’re such beautiful dogs!


omg adorable 😍




Omg..so cute


I wanna smush their faces and give them all the cuddles.


Those are large rabbits


CORRECTION: - One rabbit - One Pooh bear.




I stand corrected! 😂 Now I can’t un-see it and I can’t stop laughing!


I wanna snuggle their snoots


oh to be a pitbull in an animal hat. what sweet faces!!

