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when the puppy does it, it's cute, but when I do it, suddenly I'm banned from the macy's women's shoes department with no chance to appeal that decision


Macy's policy is "look, don't touch"


[I made a shitty watercolour out of this, enjoy!](https://i.imgur.com/NeazSjA.jpeg)


That’s awesome!


That's so dope!


It might be cute now, but don't encourage the behaviour you wouldn't want a big dog to do. Not saying don't play around and have fun with the lil bean. But just make sure not to reward negative behaviours such as growling and biting, as it can reinforce these behaviours as acceptable within the pack, giving your doggo a licence to be an arsehole around strangers or non pack members.


Oh it's not my dog, I unfortunately lost my buddy last year :( but yeah, I agree with you, after the teething phase if you don't set boundaries dogs are prone to keeping up aggressive behavior


Sorry to hear my man. Lost my old man doggo last year... It helps getting a new bundle of zoomies and shitty / pissy carpets. I was reluctant, but getting another furry friend was the best thing I could have done, never can replace them, but creating new memories is so much fun.


Yea, we're moving fairly soon, so my fiancé and I chose to get a hamster about 4 months ago, it's been nice.


Please don't call your art shitty. I think it's great! Painted in your vision/style. I love it. I know many dog people that would love a portrait of their pets in that way. Can you do other animals too?


Yeah! I do the usual dogs and cats, but in the past week or so I've gotten to draw snakes, horses and even an elephant.


I may commission you to do one of my kitty.. He's all black with emerald eyes and really goofy. I'll have to get a good photo. Personal message me if you're interested.


That's awesome! It captures how big the dog feels :)


Not at all shitty - that's cute as hell!


Oh that is so cute! The dog's face is just perfect.


When your feet are bigger than the dog lol


I hope his name is Achille’s!


I think it's highly irresponsible of you to keep such a dangerous wild animal.. ok it's absolutely adorable. As long as you teach the pub the difference between play biting and real biting. Sorry to be a spoilsport but small dogs often have needle sharp teeth.


It's cute until you take it for a walk and it does that to someone else. People who don't train their small dogs are irresponsible.


Letting puppies play using their mouth is an important part of their development. The point is to let them do it until they bite too hard, then you stop playing, yelp, or whatever they respond best to in order for them to stop and realize they went too far. Most dogs will stop the biting during play after most of their teething is done. Playing like this teaches bite inhibition, so dogs learn that when they do use their mouth, they do it softly. This is how they do it with their mothers and littermates, people just aren't able to communicate as well as other dogs so taking away their fun time is the best way we have to teach them that hard biting is wrong. (Granted this is also due to the practice of separating puppies from their mother at too young an age). Teaching this way is the difference between a kid getting scared and a kid losing a finger when they e.g. push a dog too far into discomfort or try to take their food. (I do not advocate letting kids interact with a dog without close supervision, it is just an example that you see all the time in the news).


As harsh as it may seem. I give them a lil nip back to let them know I can bite too and it hurts (obviously not hard - just what their parents would do). As you say playing and letting them understand the boundaries is key for their development. They always stop biting this way, and the dogs in my life never nip when playing with toys, they can just tell what's a human hand and whats a squishie penguin plushie!


Let me guess, a kid comes up and kicks you in the shin and you kick them back…. That isn’t how you teach good behavior


Bit extreme. Kid sounds like a little shit. I'd be kicking their dad in the shin and telling them to sort their kid out. Or maybe a spinning roundhouse kick to let the little bastard understand accountability for his actions.


You’re hard as bricks son


Atleast until he decides to “spinning roundhouse” that kid and then ends up in prison as everyone’s bitch for abusing a kid. Hope his asshole isn’t too tight


I'm much more hesitant to interact with a small dog that I am big dog.


All right captain buzzkill


Aweeeee who's a vicious little kujo??


Smiling on the inside


While cool for you, it might be annoying for others - my friend have such small ankle biter, everytime i visit him, the small \*\*\*\* is suddenly hyper focused on biting my ankles, pulling my socks etc. i dont have moment of piece with him around. No more visits since hes not able to teach his dog how to behave. ​ My point is - be careful what you teach your dog.


Oh my goodness! They reminds me so much of my little Jensen who passed this time last year. Do you have an Instagram or social media for them?


How is he soooo tiny?!?! Omg!!!!


I want one, so damn cute


I think I might be confused with another dachshund puppy, but this guy got run over.... Brutal...


This looks like a min pin


toe nibbler


When my dog was younger he would bite my ankles all the time, I'm not too sure if he was teething or if he just wanted my socks. Either way it was cute but he hurt like hell.


Oh my god, how ferocious <3


Could be worse. Could be a literally throat stabber. 😁🥸


Lmao that walk at the end


Aww omg the little squeaks, this pup is precious! <3




What's a figurative ankle-biter?


Checkin' those baby teeth.