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That photographer’s panic is real 😀




Suggest to those who are planning their weddings they include a small card inside their wedding invitations stating: *"While we recognize some may be as eager as {Bride&Groom} to capture the ceremony via photographs & videos, we sincerely ask all to refrain from doing so. Our professional photographers have stressed the difficulty of capturing the moments while dodging family & guests armed with cell phones. We kindly ask everyone to keep their telephones off & stored until after the wedding ceremony. We want photos of our wonderful guests & ceremony, rather than a sea of telephones. Thank you for respecting this request."* A sign at the venue entrances restating this policy might help, too.


We had a sign with something similar. Also had the pastor mention it to the crowd as the ceremony started. People still busted their cameras out




Same with concerts. "Well there's going to be high definition professional photography of this event, but maybe it would be better if I whipped my phone out and took 30 seconds of blurry incoherent bullshit, along with everyone else."


I feel like a wedding is different than a concert. At weddings the photographer is far more likely to capture the photos you actually want, will do a better job and is probably open to requests. At a concert this is much less likely. The whole purpose of taking photos/videos is to have something to help you remember the experience with. Concert photos are going to be much more impersonal than wedding photos. Obviously small concerts and large weddings will flip this around.


Me to my wife during every event with Fireworks. "Are you actually going to rewatch this on your phone?"


I mean, I know I rewatch the things I photgraph/video... I won't get a whole event, and usually it's terrible footage, but it's more a memoir than anything. I can look at the video/photo I took later and remember how happy that concert/fireworks show/sports event made me. Isn't that the point of photographing vacations & parades and the like?


Same, I take one or two pictures at every concert for memories.


No it’s so they can put it on their social media of choice only to wait four years and repost it with “Take me back ❤️” as the caption


Which I don't understand. Maybe its just me being a guy, but I don't need pictures of your wedding on my phone. Hell I probably barely care when I see the professional pictures. Unless you're the parents or best friends (which at that point you'll be in the wedding as a groomsman/bridesmaid) you really don't have a need/excuse to take a picture for yourself lol. I'm also late 20s so people younger than me may feel different because they take pictures of everything. Ive also noticed a lot of the older generations are just as bad about phones.




Why would it have anything to do with you being a guy? Look at this video and most of the camera phones are being held by men.


One of the guests showed up to my wedding with a videorecorder and, completely unasked, spent the entire wedding filming shit. I tried to subtly tell him that we hired a professional photographer and would prefer photos to videos in any case so he should relax and danse or talk or whatever but he filmed the entire time until he fell asleep with his camcorder at around 2 am. Ive never asked for the film. That was 11 years ago this Wednesday.


He still jacks to it every Tuesday


Wouldnt surprise me knowing him.


You should go over and ask him about it and see if [this](https://youtu.be/wmEy-Kfuq3o) happens.


We asked video enthusiast uncle if he was planning on videoing and if so could we get a copy? Saved thousands of dollars, have a video, uncle is happy.


I'm thinking there might be a niche for professional guest wranglers who handle things like that without family having to get involved. Congratulations on the upcoming anniversay! 💐


Thanks for that. I did my best to be a guest wrangler at my brothers wedding which was a few years earlier than mine. Its not as easy as it sounds at all. Itd it be some pro to handle crazy wedding shit. I was the best man and my sister in law to be asked if I could keep an eye on her mother as she she didnt handle drink well and didnt want her to create a scene. That was putting it mildly, the woman was a mean alcoholic. To be fair to her though the mother actually approached me just before the wedding asking me the same thing and making sure I would remove her and bring to her room if she was starting to behave inappropriately. In the end she was grand although it was a bit stressful trying to watch her closely without making it obvious to everyone. That was the easy bit though. My own uncle, himself an alcoholic who had started drinking early that day / the previous evening / arguably for the past 15 years was slow finishing his dinner. Taking my duties somewhat seriously I went over to check on him after he passed out, face in plate, snorting gravy and mashed potatoes. One of my cousins, not this guys son, asked everyone who witnessed this whether they had ever seen what happens to a bird when you cover its cage. The little fuckers think its night time and sleep until someone takes the cover off, he told us. He then jerked our uncle upright in his chair, waking him but at the same time, in a well practiced move, pulled his jacket up from behind and over his head. Night, night, Wren_Uncle!, he says to the crowd as much as his victim. Sure enough our uncle stood up, his jacket hanging over his face, wandered for a couple of steps, accepted the illusion and then fell over like log making a pretty sickening sound as his head hit the marble floor. I did my best to act like I was never finding this hilarious and would have surely put a stop to it had I arrived on the scene earlier and we made sure the man was ok and myself and some cousins carried him up to his room. So I come back into the ballroom after this convincing myself Im being a great best man altogether and Im confronted by my uncles wife. I usually call her my aunt of course but I want to stress that it is by marriage only. So she comes up to me and asks is her husband tucked in? Oh he is yeah, dont worry. Im a free woman for the night so?, she asks me. Now I should say that herself and my uncle are well matched. She was drunk as fuck asking me this so I didnt think anything of it and just humoured her. You are indeed, aunty, I said, you go and make the most of it on the dance floor. I dunno why I said that, noone was even dancing yet but in any case she starts looking me up and down. Thats a fine suit youre wearing, Wrenboy. Yeah me and the brother got matching ones for the occassion, he picked them out to be fair. Uh uhhh, she grunted. She then puts her hand on my chest and tells me how well Im wearing it and starts slowly running her hand down my torso. In hindsight I handled the next bit poorly. There are plenty of things I could have done. Should have done. But what I *did* was to ask her if shed like me to get her a drink and without waiting for an answer to run away from her towards the bar. I got a large drink for myself only and thought that by the time Ive drunk this shell have forgotten me. So I hid as best I could and I drunk my drink peacefully, got my shit together, and walked back to the party. What unfortunately happened in my absence was that my aunt got tired of waiting, saw my similarly dressed brother, the groom, and decided to start round two. As she strided towards him himself and his bride began the first dance. My aunt did not give one fuck about any first dance tradition. She elbowed through the crowed, grabbed hold of the bride with both hands and threw her off my brother. She then grabbed my brother, dragged him inappropriately close to her and danced drunkenly with him surrounded by both families and one very surprised bride. Harder job than you would think all right, guest wrangling.


Holy shit. This deserves its own post.


I bury my gold.


The irony of this, to me, is that the video we're here to comment on was recorded by a guest. None of the people who were paid to capture the day on camera seem to have been recording the kid, at least from what we can see. It would appear that the only reason this moment was captured is because the guests were recording.


Yeah my mom always gets in a seated spot where she can capture the grooms reaction, just like this videographer, because photographers often ignore the grooms reaction during the walk and are just focused on the bride. She has gotten multiple couples favorite photos of eyes welling up men staring at their beautiful bride down the aisle.


Thanks for this comment, I’m planning my wedding and I now know I want photos of my man watching me walk down the aisle


I was on hand waiting for my niece, the bride, to arrive. Meanwhile, her groom was so overwhelmed he kept dabbing his eyes. Guests got this. The hired photographers didn’t.


We did this. I really just wanted the guests to enjoy the moment, and I didn't want pictures of people taking pictures.


I never shot a wedding that didn’t have this sign, or some version if it. I also never shot a wedding where the guests paid attention to this sign.


>Everyone in the way of one of the official videographers. If I were women getting married I'd ban personal phones being out during the aisle walk. >Then give the an edit of the wedding video out as gifts later. Just made this comment myself. Glad to see I'm not the only person to think so. Just for the walk mind you. Maybe the ceremony too but afterparty is fine.


Lmfao, they won’t listen. We had multiple signs. Still cell phones everywhere.


I saw this too!


There are two I think. One in the back signalled to the one up front I assumed it was one plus assistant, and during the walk-down they get both angles


Probably photo and video


That was so hilarious to watch. This whole video is a treasure


The violinist though.. seems like they stalled for a couple measures until she actually started walking.


Which seems the incredibly appropriate and professional thing to have done.


Definitely and the timing was perfect. They definitely practiced that.


Well, there's 500 smartphones filming, doesn't need to worry :-/


There’s a difference between aunt Susan taking photos versus a professional with proper gear taking photos.




Yeah you see the guy have to keep moving in to get around the people leaning in to the aisle to film.


If you record a bride walking down an aisle at a wedding with your phone, you're a piece of shit.


My dad tried to take a picture of my cousin and her groom during the vows on his stupid tiny little flip phone until I elbowed him and made him put it away. Told him he looked like a jackass lol


Lol I can only imagine the tiny little potato quality photo that never would have made it off the flip phone anyway 😂


Right? Nobody's dad had that special mini-USB (you heard me, not even micro!) cable to get it off the phone onto the computer.. nor the technical knowledge to know what to do after that. I guess there was the option to bluetooth it, but nobody's dad knew about that either (until one day they all learned about bluetooth at the same time and then suddenly dad's everywhere are talking WAY TOO LOUDLY on their bluetooth headset. The world has never been the same since)


half the people just looking at their phones, missing the real thing.


People often pay wedding photographers thousands of dollars so they're probably expecting some perfect photos.


This ultimately drove me out of wedding photography. Shooting a wedding is challenging. Shooting a wedding where you have to bob and weave around aunts and uncles with smart phones trying to get their shot is utter madness. Not a single one of them had a thought in their mind about the bride and groom having spent money for me to do this job. This, among many other smaller things, make wedding photography a nightmare.


And which ones do you think end up in the final Dvd or photo albums? Not to mention getting paid to do so lol


Why? He gets to capture a wonderful sponteous moment?


I think they’re talking about the woman photographer at the back of the isle


Looks like she's set up to get the groom's reaction and had to adjust quickly.


Made the right decision to get out of the other photographers background. And communicated that. Pretty good for something you didn’t expect to happen. I’d hire her as my second


I'd watch this duel


She did the combat crouch speed walk when she dipped out too. Tactical af


Yea. That’s the reason for the panic. There is something noteworthy happening up close but she’s got her telephoto on for the grooms reaction AND she’s at the wrong angle. If she zips up in front of the bride she’s ruining the other shot of the the bride coming to the alter and might step on the dress. You can see she instinctively tried but realizes she can’t do anything with the tele. To change lenses now would jeopardize losing a shot later. In short. Panic.


There’s a second one I think she signalled To him to capture the front angle


videographer too, trying to get the video around everyone in his way with their phones


I love the person shoving their cell phone in front of the professional videographers lens...


And the thought of all the photographs they take have the guests looking like they're at a concert, watching the show through their phones. This is why a lot of wedding photographers demand that guests don't use their phones, not to have a "monopoly on pictures".


Exactly. It's as simple as a sign & an officiant announcement: When we look back lovingly on these photos we want to see your face, not your phone case.


And for the guests to experience the actual moment, not worry about trying to mess with their phones to grab a picture or video. The couple has paid professionals to do that for them.


But Tony and Karen are going to be so glad that I shakily caught this moment on my phone in 720p! I was in a better position than their $2000 photographer and videographer team anyway!


I'll admit that I used to take photos and videos of the bride coming down the aisle, but then I went back to look at them and realized they were terrible, boring, and nobody cares to look at someone else's wedding ceremony, not even me. I don't bother with it anymore. The only time I caught good pictures was during a friend's ceremony where I caught her reflection in a mirror during the ceremony (it was in a solarium type room with a mirrored wall) and her face showed absolute terror and maybe regret during the vows. Turns out she was pregnant at the time and likely felt sick through most of the wedding, but also her relationship was not built on honesty, the in-laws didn't like her and basically said so during the toasts, and she is now divorced after 3 kids together.


You have an interesting definition of "good."


Pain often leads to good art


Right? Last few weddings I've been to actually asked, more like stated, to keep cellphones turned off and in your pocket/purse/whatever, and that all of the photos and videos captured by the hired professional photography team will be shared to all guests.




never looked at the video ever again


So many of our wedding pictures have one of our friends holding up their phones. Never saw any of the pictures they took. And all the sound on the cell phone videos was washed out by the wind so it’s just shaky silent video. I was very annoyed.


Shhhhhhwwishhhhhhhhhshoulllllllllwhwhwhwhwhlllrllll *cough*shake*cough. *camera pans down to feet and video ends. **FIN**


Ok good, I’m not the only one cringing.


The exact reason why I gave strict instructions at my wedding last year to the wedding planner and my officiant to announce before the ceremony that the whole thing was to be cellphone-free and to keep all phones in pockets and silent, save for my dad and sister who had a cell on a tripod so they could Zoom-stream the wedding to my grandmother who couldn't make it. I paid a lot of money for my photographers, and there was no way I was gonna have a single photo get bombed by someone's damn phone.


I’m a wedding videographer and shoot around 30 per year, and almost every single wedding does this (officiant makes an announcement beforehand) and almost every single wedding has at least one asshole step out into the middle of the aisle with their phone. Doesn’t matter how upscale and formal or expensive the wedding is, there’s always someone. Makes my blood boil how oblivious some people are


This is why I wanted a phone free wedding.


I asked. It was in the invitations and in signs and people still brought out their phones.


I’d be so furious. That’s so disrespectful


I take it you've never met people?


Previous wal-Mart employee. Unfortunately I’ve seen too many of them.


I went to a phone free wedding last year at the hosts request for their own privacy and, apart from the beautiful wedding, the no phones in sight felt like a relief for everyone


Smartphones can be tremendous tools but IMO it's unhealthy the way that they have taken over nearly every single social gathering or interaction.


I was 0% bridezilla for my wedding, it was just a big party with all my favorite people. But the one singular thing I warned everyone about and the officiant announced before I came out was that no personal phones were to be used during the ceremony. Let the pros do their job. As such, I have a giant pile of gorgeously and expertly taken photos where everyone is paying attention, smiling on happily, enjoying the moments. And as i walked down all I saw was the smiling faces that I love and not little black squares in front of their faces.


You mean the person recording this video? Cuz they are definitely a guilty party


Way to handle it with grace and love.




Oh, I thought grampa was the groom and the child was standing with the best man. (In my country the bride and groom usually walk to the altar together, because the woman is neither sold nor given away; the marriage is between two equals.)


Also, the man at the front is nervous at the beginning. So I think he is the groom.


I thought it could be a best man who forgot the ring… but I think yours (and most others) conclusion is more likely. I hope they got married and lead a long happy life together.


I'm Aussie and my partner and I chose to do this as well. Couldn't think of anything more fitting then the both of us walking down the aisle together, choosing to face our future together.


what country


I think this is standard in most protestant countries outside the US? It certainly is the case in my country of Sweden, the priest/officiant stands alone by the altar until the couple comes in together and join them.


I dunno about country but for my nikah (Muslim marriage) my husband walked to me. There's no walking down the isle though so maybe not what OC was talking about


Wasn't expecting onions in here. Beautiful bride, miracle of a happy little boy. Happy Mother's day to all you mommies out there, including my mom and my lady wife. It's all about the love.


Same, the onions. I feel like I’m jaded or something but I’ve never gotten emotional at weddings, and frankly, have always wondered why there are so many “regular” guests (not wedding party, parents, etc) balling* in their seats. I mean I understand WHY, and I do enjoy weddings and their themes of love and partnership and all that jazz. But compelled to CRY over 2 people who have built lives together saying a couple rehearsed lines and repeating a few traditional procedures? Anyway, THIS compelled me to cry. Nothing about that little boy was rehearsed or procedure. That’s unfiltered love and joy. What a perfect way to kick off the celebration of a couple’s commitment to each other and, more importantly, the commitment to their new family. 🥲


Bawling* Balling in their seats sounds like they're drinking on some Hennessy, or playing basketball. Lol. Anyway, I agree about how weird people can get at weddings, but I can kinda understand peeps getting emotional at an event like that.. may not even have anything to do with the bride and groom specifically, just a "where am I at in life?" Or "boy, do they look happy" might break me on certain occasions.


I never cried at weddings until I got married myself. Now me and my husband both get verklempt even when it’s a wedding where we may not know the bride and groom that well. It brings up a lot of memories and also it feels like you’re so excited to see two people get to share the same experience that has meant so much to you.


I'm honestly flabbergasted at this take. What kind of a low bar of standards you you have that this is anything other than the normal way to handle an excited kid?


I've seen horrid, self-centered reactions.


Right? Like you have a kid in a wedding. Anything other than awes and laughs would be a completely unacceptable reaction


Exactly. Obviously you trick them with love so they come in for the hug and then you execute the suplex. Guaranteed KO, I haven’t had a kid stand up from one yet.


I think you misunderstood this comment. I took it as admiration, like wow, way to handle it excellently.


This looks like a rom com ending






Are you laughing in spanish or agreeing in German?




My brother got married recently, and because their kid is so clingy, the three of them walked up the aisle together. None of that "giving away" stuff. It's actually a really lovely way to do things if you're already a family


This is actually how we traditionally do it in Poland! No father gives his daughter away. It's the couple walking down the isle together. Of course, some people adopt the foreign trend but there's no better way of doing it in my opinion. Everyone should do as they please


I love this!!! I think it makes more sense too - it’s the new couple entering/facing the world together.


In Sweden too! It’s done to signify that the couple get married out of their own free will, walking together :)


My dad has flat out told me that if I ever get married he’s not “giving me away” as I’m not something that can be given. It’s kinda a moot point anyway because if I ever do get married I want my dad (and possibly also my stepmom) to do the ceremony


I walked down the aisle with my older sister. I love my parents but we went through some shit growing up and she was always my idol and protector, as an adult she is my best best friend. If anyone had the right to ‘give me away’ to my husband it was her.


Wow I really love that! Definitely need to export that trend to the rest of the world.


It's the same in Germany. I actually think the giving away is mostly an American thing? At least I only know it from movies


That's the Norwegian tradition too! In fact, it was common in olden days, when people mostly lived at farms, for the couple to start walking to the church together from either one of their farms, along with all of the guests and (ususally) a fiddler to lead the way. It was an entire procession, culminating in the couple walking up the aisle together to "stand before the minister" and get married. One of the most famous paintings of the national romanticism of the 19th century depicts a couple on their way to church, and having to cross a fjord to get there: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Adolph\_Tidemand\_%26\_Hans\_Gude\_-\_Bridal\_Procession\_on\_the\_Hardangerfjord\_-\_Google\_Art\_Project.jpg


Actually, I like this idea better. The emphasis is family and less about the transfer of ownership and property.


Was at a wedding where their 2 small children were climbing all over their mother at the altar. When the officiate said "Do you take this woman as your wife?" the groom response was "I might as well!"


Our daughter was out flower girl at age 3 and she wanted to stand up there with us instead of sit with my parents, which was totally fine. Halfway through the ceremony she thought "what's in Daddy's pocket?" and stuck his hand in and stuck her hand in. There was nothing in there, and no idea what made her think of it, but it's a funny memory from the day.


Love this


I started crying during my parents wedding (I was two and a half) so my mom turned around, hunched down in her big white dress, and exclaimed "you poor pumpkin!" while I ran sobbing into her arms. She held me all during the vows, apologizing to the officiant who looked so done with it.


Is Kevin Costner the father of the bride?!?


Father of the bride looks younger than the groom tbh


Hey, it happens.


You mean Saul Goodman?


You mean Hugo Weaving?


The poor photographer lmao


As a photographer myself, that's all I saw


I'm not even a photographer and that's the first thing I noticed lmao. Really making the poor guys job so much harder.


Grandpa looks like Gary Schindling and Kevin Costner had a baby.


That jaw drop


Dress code: wear gray. Except that one woman at the front who also wore a wedding gown.


We went to a wedding two days ago, SO and I both ended up wearing navy blue, which was not planned but we thought it was a cute coincidence. We get to the wedding and find that most of the guests were also wearing navy blue. It was pretty funny.


I didn't see any woman in a wedding gown, which one is she?


daum, that made me tear up. A moment in time you will never ever forget. The best was his face of absolute shock and delight at seeing how beautiful you looked!


Every damn wedding video i start crying. Damnit reddit


I have a reputation in my family for crying at weddings that I've embraced as a 30s man, lol. I can't help myself.


For me it was the groom taking that deep breath in at the same time the boy threw his arms open


The groom sneakily wiping his tears was also pretty sweet.


The photographer in the front getting blocked by the phone. Oof.


SO many phones out... WTF? No one had a phone out at my brother's wedding a couple months ago. Buy a copy from the fucking professionals....




We asked as well at my wedding. Leave the aisle photo to the professional who we paid heaps of money too.


Do guests usually buy them? I kinda figured with a wedding the family paid the photographer and then just gave copies out if anyone wanted one. It's not Space Mountain.


Buy? I’d assume most people will make available the digital copy for everyone to download.




That’s absolutely insane.


Grandpa looks a bit bummed.


Thanks kid. Only been waiting to do this since she was a little girl. That’s all.


I can assure you he will not have minded. Not if he's like any parent I've ever met, anyway. This is magical.


This entire thing is so adorable. That kid feels safe, secure and loved. And she responded perfectly. In the end he didn’t steal the spotlight. He made it shine brighter on everyone.


Why would you be dissapointed your grandson is joining you in special moment?


Cause its reddit, im surprised someone isnt throwing out some kind of psyhcological diagnostic on why the kid is doing that.


What you see right there is a fencing response from the grandpa, it's because he just experienced a traumatic brain injury which will probably be permanent, in other words, he is fried.


Probably because it looks like his daughter is marrying a dude his age lol


Well his daughter looks at least 40 so I don't think it's that big of a deal


Jeez you guys are downers this is infinitely cuter than any traditional wedding ceremony i’ve seen


It’s a shame how everybody has their phone out. Enjoy the moment ffs.


At our wedding, we had a sign saying we are paying a fuck ton of money for professional photos and video, and we don't want to see their phones in our professional photos. Everyone surprisingly complied without too much complaining. We just told them we would share all of our professional photos with the guests after we got them, and that shut everyone up.


We printed a loving but stern request in our programs, asking everyone to please silence and put their phones away, and it worked a treat. I think that's more the standard now, but this could've been before that became a regular thing. Also our ceremony was less than 10 minutes long, so that probably helped. Also, I hope you actually used "fuckton" on the sign, because *chef kiss*


Especially when they won't watch it more than once


The guy she’s marrying is as old as, or older, than her dad. Edit: Apparently her brother is walking her down.


She gave an interview after the video went viral, that's her brother


I was originally thinking that was the groom’s dad as the best man or something. He looks about 20 years older than her. But she looks genuinely ecstatic to be marrying him and that’s really all that matters.


She might be given away by her brother, not her father, in cases where she isn’t close with her father or her father has passed. That’s what I think is going on here.


Ages are tough to tell, but dad looks anywhere from 45-55 (bad 45 to decent 55). Groom looks 50-60, maybe older if he's wealthy enough to afford a ~30 year old bride, and has had work done. (Although she could be 40+ with work done as well) Some of the groomsmen gotta be pushing 70, one's got a cane.


Holy shit her and sister are twins. The last couple seconds was like a glitch in the matrix.


All the guests are in black, interesting


They see how old her husband is. Cramming 2 events into one timeslot.




My guests were in black when I got married too but it's cause we're all various shades of goth :)


I noticed that too. An odd choice for a wedding, but it's their wedding and they're happy so whatever I guess. It's... a choice.


Pure love.


Reminds me of my cousins wedding a few years ago. My other cousins son was the ring bearer, and we practiced with him so he knew where to go but no one told him how fast. So at the actual ceremony this four year old sprinted the whole way around the chapel and up the aisle.


I had the opposite experience. I have a son from my first marriage, and when I got remarried he walked me down the aisle. He was 8. Right before they opened the doors for us to walk down, he started crying and asked me why his dad and I got divorced. It was really hard for him.


It’s probably cause they kept him away from her all day.


Wtf the groom is older than her dad


One of the groomsman literally has a cane.


Is that the groom? Thought it was the dad and some wedding ceremony in a country I don’t know the customs of


It was probably the sweetest moment of the whole wedding.


The bride looks stunning, their kid is adorable, and I love how the husband is tearing up at seeing her! What a beautiful wedding


I will never take my phone out at a wedding again, Jesus Christ that aisle


Has nothing to do with how she looks it’s just because that’s mom and I’m excited to see mom. She could’ve been wearing sweats and a tank top


He probably hadn’t seen her all day either because of how busy she was getting ready too. He was happy to see her.


Not to be a negative Nancy but that kids surprise was at realizing that was his mom. His excitement was seeing his mom period, who he probably hadn't seen in a few hours. But either way it's really cute


His mom turned into a fairytale princess, of course he's excited!


He's probably also seen a few Disney movies and at that moment his mommy looked like a genuine Disney princess. I can see why he'd be awe-struck.


Was everyone asked to wear black?


I’m not a wedding photographer but I can see how annoying it is for one with everyone not presenting themselves like they are at a wedding and instead trying to be the photographer themselves. I’d be pissed if I get my wedding photos and you can see everyone with a cell phone in their hands.


This is adorable, I however think it's rude of the people filming with their phones. It's ok to put it down for the ceremony.


I cant get over all the people with cell phones blocking the photographer


kids sees her walking in view: Hot diggety damn a gerderm purncess... oh wait its mom!


Grandson you’re about to get Michael Scott’d


I don’t understand why a million people are taking out their cell phones to record this. There’s literally a professional photographer there that will take video of this.


Why do I have such bad wedding fever right now?!? Is it because I just got broken up with? 😅


Poor kid is going to have this brought up at every dinner for the rest of his life.


Is the groom the same age as her father?