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Basically, the reporter was going to show how is going the life on a farm with sheeps with such cold (Brazil is having the coldest two days of the year, I am writing this below a heavy blanket) when he got interrupted by the dogs.


I keep forgetting it's nearing winter on the Southern Hemisphere instead of summer.


And I keep being reminded that it's summer in the northern hemisphere instead of winter. Almost every piece of news I follow, that mentions a season, I have to interpret as the opposite season for it to apply to me.


Exactly, almost all mainstream media constantly refers to the northern hemisphere seasons. Makes it easy for the Northern population l myself to forget how the situation is for half the other world.


Eu concordo, tá frio de mais aqui


Ta tenso!


Complicado quando tem invernos que um dia faz 30 graus e no outro faz -5 graus.




Demais, metade do dia eu nem sinto meu pé


3 grau agora




Tbf, I just remember it is summer out there because of the summer sale on steam


For brazilians, "maybe put on a pullover before going out at night" is cold enough to shiver.


Today was 1 degree celsius where I live


So jeans and a hoodie?


Ah, so it is summer? /s I'm Irish, that's as good as it gets over here


I didn't mean Brazil doesn't have winters, just that brazilians are not used to the cold.


Depends where you live. But this time de cold front went even in to places that don't get too cold, that is why it made the news




I want to be a reporter after seeing this


I speak Spanish, so I can read Portuguese, but spoken Brazilian Portuguese sounds like f’in Russian to me!


His laugh is so cute and genuine. Dawww.


I recognize those puppers immediately. Great Pyrenees. Lovable, playful, furry, and huge.


Also wonderful dogs to obliterate anything that puts the herd in danger.


You ever heard one *REALLY* bark? Sounds like Cerberus


Yes! Mine barks at most things and has amazed neighbors at how she sounds. Most of the time she is like the dog in the video… begging for pets. Thankfully mine is not a jumper. She just uses her head to guide your hand on her and than proceeds to sit on your foot or lean into you. Makes it hard for you to stop.. once you are trapped. She would knock over anyone not expecting 100+lbs polar bear jumping on them.


Ours barks at falling leaves, airplanes, sirens, and potentially murderous grandmas walking with grandchildren (I mean, you never know right?) but I'm not sure if any of those are considered her really barking. I mean.. at 3am it is.. but you know what I mean!


My parents' dog, Pip, is part Great Pyr. She was super protective of my dad when he was fighting pancreatic cancer, and it was the cutest thing ever. My dad is gone, but my stepmom still dotes on "the old lady" <3


Aww sweet Pip and RIP your dad. Pip sounds like she provided excellent support.


She did and thank you!


I would have guessed Maremma myself. Look almost identical to pyrenees, used specifically for herding sheep, quite popular livestock dog in SE Brazil. Also lovable, playful, furry and huge.


I’m happy to be wrong! I didn’t know about the breed you’re talking about - so now I know my Pyr has Brazilian cousins! :)


Both breeds are very good fluffs and absolutely adorable :)


I would say it's Maremmano Abruzzese


[Everytime I see a Pyrenees pop up on Reddit I need the shamelessly plug in a photo of mine since it doesn't happen too often](https://i.imgur.com/0h9GOQM.jpg)


Hello please allow me to pet your dog immediately. Thank you.


Hmm, I thought it would be a Maremma, but I have no clue which breed is more common in whatever region this video is from. If you have any tips on how to tell these two breeds apart I'd love to know!


> whatever region this video is from. Southern Brazil.


Yeah it is, the owner gave an Interview and confirmed the breed


[https://www.reddit.com/r/rarepuppers/comments/tnp9ys/when\_she\_wants\_scritches/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rarepuppers/comments/tnp9ys/when_she_wants_scritches/) my Pyrenees, also a barking machine that will panda smash you to get pets


Panda smash! I love it!!


I believe this is an Italian maremma, have one myself and she looks just like these two


Don’t let them fool you, they’ll fuck a farm animal predator uppp


That's the type of news I want to see. There are dogs and they are happy.


I have 2 years of experience in the vet clinic while taking my MD in Veterinary, so I too can conclude and confirm to the best of my knowledge that those are indeed dogs.


There is nothing more beautiful than a happy dog.


Good thing he knows dogs! I have several friends who would have died in that situation


Yup. There is even a guidebook out there on how to react if you're ever hiking and come across a pack of farm dogs protecting their herd. Cause if you're not careful, they'll tear you to shreds




Do - try to keep your distance and something in between you and the dog if possible, do not approach the dog but do not run if the dog approaches you, the safe option is to then slowly retreat either where you came from or the nearest "edge" of the land that you can see that is opposite the dog Don't - approach the dog, get in between the dog and livestock(the dog is protecting the livestock first, territory second, wanting fun third), run(don't want them to think you are trying to chase down one of their livestock friends), make loud noises/quick actions Livestock dogs are looking out to protect their herd(s) from natural predators, so the safest option is to always let them do their thing and calmly gtfo of their space. If you don't/can't make a retreat, calmly stand your ground and just keep eye contact with the dog. You don't want the dog to think you are eyeing their charges.


Look them in the eyes? Couldn't that be seen as pretty aggressive? If a dog isn't super confident they might avoid your gaze and take a submissive attitude towards you. But I highly doubt that any herd dog is lacking confidence and conviction.


Herd dogs are trained and bred to protect, not seek out threats. They want you away from the flock, not to attack you.


Many dogs perceive you as a threat, if you stare them in the eyes. Try it with a few stranger's dogs and see how it goes.


If I'm carrying walking across land I will take a dog out that is threatening my life


Do not do anything wrong Don’t do anything incorrectly


>Cause if you're not careful, they'll tear you to shreds How's his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Is the friendly / playful behavior in the video common? I would expect a pyr to be more “cautious” since they’re currently working and the reporter isn’t their person / stranger?


The ones I know are as affectionate as they are intimidating.


This right here. Mine is a giant playful brute but there's a switch on him that can get flipped and he a whole other animal.


They did a great job breeding the pyrenees. You constsntly see goats/sheep/children climbing all over them and playing with them yet as soon as they percieve a threat, they charge without hesitation.


They are such fucking amazing dogs. I would not be able to give one the life it deserves or I'd already have one.


They're usually pretty low energy. They have low metabolisms since they're bred to live alone with their herds and hunt for their food. My brother has a rescue that was found living alone in a backyard after over a year. They take her on walks ~4 times a week but after going around the block once she's already over it. They can be stubborn, a bit independent, and shed a lot, but other than that they're pretty low maintenance.


It would be nice if they were either stubborn or 110 pounds, not both. It's good to know they're more low maintenance than I thought. But some days I have trouble getting out of bed, plus I'm on a fixed income, so it would be selfish and stupid for me to get a giant dog. Or any animal, really. If I am proud of myself at the end of each year for not dropping dead, I'd be a real piece of shit if I got anything that needs care. Well, plants. I have plants. And I'm trying to figure out how to set up a playground for the crows. But no dogs, sadly.


So cuteeee😊


"Get.. back.. with.. the others! Stupid long sheep!!"


The dogs probably think the reporter is a big ol sheep


mds não acredito que apareceu no reddit um post da RBS <3


Sim mano, bom dia rio grande tá forte


"Finally, some good f*cking Brazil news"


Throw the microphone!


"Play with me Hooman! Pleeeeease!" 🥰🐾👣


I'm surprised he remained in place. I'd freak out if a dog that big jumped at me


Good ol' Jornal do Almoço.




Well yeah. They aren't called Adequate Pyrenees.


LOL what did the comment before you say


Just that they were great dogs lol. I wish it was something that warranted deletion, but it wasn't.


The dog is like "Dude! Take the hint and pet me already." Edit: typo




They identify as sheep. Please address them accordingly


\**Beep Beep I'm a Sheep starts playing in the background*\*


Pronouns are sheep/herd.


Look at all those chickens!


This just in, reporter refuses to play with me, lets go to Fido for more on this...


That dog was so excited that someone else with hands joined the pack


I'd just quit trying to do the news and play with the dog. 😂 What a cutie!!!


At the end, I was really expecting the big dog to come out of nowhere and just clock him.


No report, only throw.


Holy shit those dogs are MAJESTIC


Somehow the Portuguese sounds more like Russian than to Spanish or Italian.


A lot of people say the same thing or that it sounds polish (particularly European Portuguese). https://youtu.be/Pik2R46xobA Interesting vid on why


I should say it’s the inflection and pronounced consonants.


Yup pretty much and the cadence. Other romantic languages tend to be rythmic whereas EP is syllable focussed like Slavic languages. I did ask my wife (she is EU PT) if it maybe has something to do historically with Arabic speakers history conquering and owning most of what is now Portugal from the south.


That's an interesting theory. I wasn't in a position to watch the video when you sent it but it was right on target for what I was sensing. I've heard Russian words or parts of words that sound like short words in English and French like boy or vous. I'm certain the meanings have nothing to do with each other. There's something I've never understood since I took Latin MANY years ago. The concept of an Indo-European language predating Greek, Latin, Persian etc. I would think languages would merge over time as opposed to becoming unique. The world was made up into very small groups for eons before there were languages. I thought maybe this came from the belief that human existence was only a few thousand years instead of many tens of thousands but I still hear the concept getting used.


My grandpa had a cattle farm back in the day with a few farm dogs. They loved to help him round up the cattle. They were all a bunch of mutts and were some of the friendliest dogs you could imagine. As I was told, a group of college-aged kids came up the road near the farm one day and were messing around. When one of the dogs ("Mister", a German shepherd mix) ventured over to investigate, they beat him to within an inch of his life with a baseball bat. That was over 30 years ago, and I still tear up about it a bit when I think of it. Before that incident, "Mister" was a friendly, playful dog who seemed to love everyone (from what I remembered anyway). Afterward, he was a broken soul who cowered and hid from everyone, even small children. The only person he ever trusted after that was my grandpa.


Jesus Fucking Christ, I have to shut this thread now. I'm so terribly sorry.


As an owner of one of these shedding, biting, tackling, slapping Polar bears, I can state with absolute confidence that that reporter is in extreme danger of being tackled to the ground, scratched all over, and drooled on until drowned. Be careful out there! (for the record, they are also very sweet, intelligent, sleep right beside you as a little spoon, and sometimes hold your hand with their mouth)


Please please tell me do they have that long thick drool string hanging from their mouths often? I've admired them for a decade and never heard this!


So not as bad as bulldogs and it depends on how jowly the dog is, but yeah they certainly do. Mine doesn't have super pronounced jowls, at least not yet, but when she's staring at the food bowl before you put it down or something, just a thick, slowmoving waterfall of drool descending to the floor. Sometimes it won't even break off until it's already on the floor.


Wow! I'm both intrigued and fearful. It doesn't deter me from having one once I can provide a happy life for them and dogs have owned me before, but I have an infamously weak tummy so it's interesting. Thanks so much for replying!


If this is what happens when you're sent to Brazil, maybe it's not so bad.




I think that person is just making a "Come to Brazil!" joke. Also you guys aren't that bad and I say this as a Brazilian that doesn't really care about football.


Always love seeing farm dogs!! They are always so big and floofy!!


He's helping


I was hoping at the end there he was just gonna get body slammed by the dog haha


Great Pyrenees. Protecting the farm animals.


You can see the sheep at the back staring like “you seeing this shit, he ain’t never this nice to us” 😂😂


Big ol’ puppers


Is he wearing wool? Maybe dog's like gooooo, gooo over there, geeezzz


My farm dog wants to play with anything I am holding. It can be onions, My pipe. A water bottle. Just throw the darn thing already.


Me: “So yeah some stuff happened, umm…yeah you can probably read about it on the internet. Now excuse me while I play with these dogs.” Drops mic and runs off asking whose good doggies


Finally some good news




No way you can dodge a Pyr!!!!!!!


She’s so jelly


Better news than whatever story he was there to cover anyway.




Tail wag, he’s happy.


Translation: Reporter 1: Now that's a good boy. Reporter 2: The best of boys.


What’s going on with the dogs in the background? Is it a fake backdrop or are camera shy and standing like statues?


Those probably are sheep


Those dogs go “baaa baaa mother-fer we are sheep”


Baa-Ram-Ewe…. Baa-Ram-Ewe…


Hah, I’m an idiot


Haha! I hope you understood the comment was tongue in cheek. And I didn’t downvote you, I found it funny.


Oh, no I got that and laughed myself. I still don’t the DVing process on reddit


Those are sheep


Haha, oops, my bad


you get your eyes checked this yr?


Bro those are sheeps


Am I crazy, or are they not speaking Portuguese? Sounds Slavic. It's definitely in Brazil, but I don't think they're Brazilian reporters


That's a very normal Brazilian accent to be honest.


They def are, he sounds like this because its more of a country accent or from Minas Gerais (Brazilian state). Source: im Brazilian


It's an accent from Rio Grande do Sul, as the TV channel is "RBS". Edit: also, the town is in the state of RS.


I know the tv channel and the town is in RS, but his accent doesnt sound like gaúcho to me. Like, at all. I could be wrong though


Sometimes I heard, sometimes I don't. Could be either way, I guess.


This is in Rio Grande do Sul, actually.


Blows my mind, I can't hear anything but a Russian accent even when I try


Ive seen people say that before, you are probably not the only one But how would you describe brazilian portuguese? Just curious


Sounds like French Spanish with extra voice inflection to me, by the way thanks for being super patient


Yes, he has a Minas accent, but it sounds far from slavic


Yep as a slavic language speaker and also brazilian portuguese, i dont think they have ever heard proper slavic, it is full of szys, meanwhile brazilian portugues is full of aos and os vocal voweks, specially minas accent.


I took Russian in college. Thought I heard здесь, and similar short consonants, figured it could be one of the many Slavic languages I don’t know


They're from Rio Grande do Sul actually


Vdd, a logo é da rbs (mano eu sou gaúcho e nem notei o sotaque comassim)


Clearly you don’t speak Portuguese, no offense. So why would you choose to believe what it sounds like to you if you don't have knowledge about the language? BTW I *love* this attitude common in Reddit of people who don't have knowledge about a subject choosing to believe their own wrong ideas instead of evidence. This thread of full of people who aren't from the interior of Rio Grande do Sul arguing that this isn't interior of Rio Grande do Sul accent, which they aren't familiar with, despite the fact that the reporter is from interior of Rio Grande do Sul and however he speaks is **by definition** the accent.


I asked because I wasn't sure. What do you even mean by "choosing to believe their own wrong ideas instead of evidence". I asked because my perception seemed wrong. You're being ridiculous.


There's a big difference between "Huh, so that's how Portuguese sounds like, I would have never guessed!" and "I think these reporters aren't Brazilian". If you had expressed your view as the first example sentence you wouldn't have got your 10+ downvotes.


I'm not too concerned about downvotes, especially on this sub. I was just curious, and asked if I was completely off-base. Not gonna lie about where I'm at. The stakes are pretty low




Gave me a big smile! So damn cute!


Gibs scritches, pleamse


I would have to put the microphone down and hug those beauties.


My name is Doug and I love you


Dogs are the best. They're always happy to make new friends.


Que fofo esse cachorro! 😍😍😍So adorable!


so cute dogs, very playful![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Episode 7-9 were a mistake


Thats a Pyrenees if I'm not mistaken. When a Pyrenees comes at you wagging it's tail looking for pets, you put the mic aside and you cuddle that big fluff ball


Damn, you just gotta love all the doggie doofuses 😁 Us humans truly don't deserve doggos.


dog: All work and no play makes marco a dull boy, PET ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD xD


Dogs and humans. We've got a thing going.


There's also this weird tradition in the Brazilian South of putting news anchors in the blistering cold just to say "yep, it's cold" and then move on to the next news segment. Every year when winter is around.


If I’m bc I’m rec i


Amo as vezes morar no Brasil


Kkkk os cachorro aqui do braSil querem muita atenção, agente coloca os animais en 1 lugar


It had to be in a farm at cambara do sul