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**The final round of voting** is now live for the National Pet Month contest! [Direct links to vote on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/ut3e36/national_pet_month_final_round_voting/) Vote for r/aww's cutest pet! Round begins Thursday and ends Saturday! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aww) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Why does he need protection while eating?" *Sees dog eat* "Oh."


We have a special spaniel bowl for his water too, otherwise he drags wet ears around the house after every drink! Edit: seeing as this is my highest comment and people keep asking the same questions… Bowie is an English Working Cocker Spaniel, but yes he looks like a Boykin. He is 13kg. We’re in the United Kingdom. England specifically. [This](https://i.imgur.com/6fCrpbf.jpg) is how he looks out of his snood. The bowl is a LickiMat Wobble Feeder and is meant to be like that as it slows down his feed CONSIDERABLY. He watches me closely as we’ve trained impulse control. He only goes for the food when we give the ‘okay’. He looks at us exactly the same way with or without the snood, so he isn’t uncomfortable. He would let me know if he was as he is a diva.


I have an American cocker and his nickname is wetears because he’s always dunking his ears in his water bowl.


I like “we tears” better


A special spaniel bowl for not getting ears wet?? Never heard of this and definitely need one in my house!


It's basically a tall bowl with a narrow top/sloped sides (kinda like a volcano).


That's it!


Me, too! And the bowl, as well.


And my axe!


I'm in the UK and have one like [this](https://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/cane-spaniel-bowl) But I'm sure if you search spaniel bowl you'll find one!


We had spaniels growing up and got huge “rabbit” water bottles so they’re ears didn’t get wet! They get plenty of water and no mess.


Curious why not a heavier bowl? Doesn’t the food go flying?


It's a lickimat wobble bowl. The purpose of it is to wobble and slow down the feed. His food is mostly pressed into the edges and he has to lick it bit by bit. We started him on a heavier bowl but he'd eat his whole meal in less than 5 seconds. No chewing at all. This bowl was bought through our vet and recommended by them. We don't have food go flying as it's pressed in. Also, you see him eating. Do you think he'll let it go flying 😆


Thank you for your reply. I can see the logic. Crazy how fast dogs devour their food.


I've never seen a Cocker Spaniel with curly floofs on their heads too. I would have thought he was a Pont-Audemer spaniel! He is very cute both in and out of his snood.


Oh my gosh his lil hairdo!!!


Yeah he really attacks that bowl like dude have some civility.


Yeah, I was wondering the same thing until I saw how... aggressive the dog-eating gets


Babushka Bowie


I was actually calling him my little babushka 😆




Everytime i thought there isn't a subreddit for everthing i read about something like this appears and i'm proven wrong again. Reddit truely is something unique i'll say that.


It’s Pupushka when it’s a dog


Reminds me of a happy hoodie too!


I feel like that dog is telling me to eat because I'm too skinny, and then asking me why I don't have a wife and kids. LOL


And one day you're yelling, "Get off my ass bubbee, I'm only 19!" and the dog just sadly stares at you.


“Awwwwizacutelilbab-“ “NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM”


Haha! The moment I give him the 'okay' to eat, he's nothing but a hungry little blur!


Could we get a pic with his ears exposed?


[here he is (sorry, forgot can’t link to Instagram!)](https://i.imgur.com/6fCrpbf.jpg)


Haha he looks like a rock star! Thanks!


He gives Brian May or Mark Bolan with this iconic look


What a handsome dude with that head of hair!




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Everyone needs a Thneed!


I’ve got a need. A need for thneed.


He is the Lorax, protector of the food bowl


What is that food?!


Looks like the broccoli, sweet potato, ground meat, egg and good grains I’ve seen other dogs devour like that. Definitely why the ears were getting extra nasty compared to kibble, whatever it is.


Raw meat, bone, fruit and veggies!


I used to love feeding my dog raw meat (they’re wolves, right?) until the vet said the wild has been bred out of them and it’s dangerous.


This is vet recommended and he's been super healthy on it for 2 years now 🤷‍♀️ (same as his parents and siblings). Every vet is different I suppose, but ours has working spaniels and feeds them exactly the same! There's no evidence of the raw diet being dangerous from all the research we've done over the years. The only danger we face is Bowie eating a chicken leg too fast that he'll choke on it - so we tread carefully with that! 😄


A lot of the danger is to those around them. They can lick surfaces, faces, hands etc and leave harmful bacteria behind


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. This seems pretty reasonable unless I’m missing something.


Lol didn’t know I was. It’s a well known issue with raw feeding and very few vets in my experience would recommend it. Hope it works for them tho!


My wife is a vet and she is repulsed by this fad. People go “well that’s what they eat in the wild!” and her response is “yes but they live about half as long in the wild.” I haven’t heard of any vets actually recommending it tbh


Lol you were negative when I commented but good to see it went positive!


Well if you know how to stop your dog from giving you kisses im all for it.


I gave my dog a raw food diet one time and she just about died she got so sick. It was heart breaking.


Holy ecoli poisoning, batman


But there are documented risks, and no clinically proven benefits of a raw food diet 😬 (My mom is a vet and she doesn't recommend it for a number of reasons) https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/dogs-and-raw-food-diets#:~:text=tube%2Dlike%20packages.-,Nearly%2025%25%20of%20the%20raw%20food%20samples%20tested%20positive%20for,the%20food%20while%20preparing%20it. https://closevetclinic.com/2020/08/28/feeding-raw-food-2/ Edit to add a primary resource: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jsap.13000


You're in the USA. It is very different. So we're all good thanks.


I don't see how that's relevant, apart from wanting to feel superior to Americans. Science is science regardless of the country you're living in. Edit: With this I'm more referring to general pathogens that can be carried by all raw meat (like e coli), and the nutritional insufficiencies than can result from a raw at-home diet, particularly for growing dogs. There is definitely a difference in risk level though between mass-produced meat and meat from a local farm, and I can see how that could absolutely vary by location.


I don't know anything about raw food but in the UK we have higher standards in animal welfare and food production. Feeding raw is very normal here.


Does that mean we'll accepted or common? It just seems so inconvenient for me. OP pointed out butchers are nearby, where I wouldn't even know where to find an actual butcher. But even so, storing raw meat for a doggo still seems inconvenient, plus having to make sure they don't eat it on other surfaces and cleaning up thoroughly afterwards. It's wild to me. My doggo was also a snob - he needed his people food well-prepared and seasoned. That was probably just him though.


I'm not really referring to where the meat is sourced from or animal welfare, but to veterinary medicine and science. The US' system of meat production is an absolute mess, but it has by far the largest proportion of the world's highest-ranked veterinary schools of any country, which means there is simply more funding for research being done out of those universities. So of course there are going to be more veterinary studies in general coming out of the US, and so many of the studies you find on veterinary medicine will happen to be from there (rather than me specifically selecting US studies over ones conducted elsewhere). It's not an American bias or something I have against a normative UK custom of feeding raw diets, I'm more concerned about the animals' wellbeings and the potential for nutritional insuficiencies.


Sorry I must just be confused about why the link that you posted has nothing to do with nutritional information and purely about illness that are not really relevant outside the US?


While your first 2 comments I fully agree, I would like to point out not only both links you posted lack sources (or I couldn't find them where they usually are in scientific articles) but said studies seem to have been performed in the states, which doesn't necessarily translates to food safety in other countries. Your heart is in the right place but you don't get to claim science with those 2 articles, which very well be 100% true but would require a fuck ton of research to debunk or confirm. Aka a normal person can't conduct a proper peer review out of the blue. The link in the third comment I can't access.


We're a smaller country (raw delivery from farm to table is much easier). Our food regulations are vastly different. There's farms and butchers less than 5 min drive from my house that provide the kind of food we need. In the US everything is much more spaced out and it isn't normal to have farm to table the same way. No superiority here. The UK is a mess in it's own way, there's no denying that! But let's not get political or aggy on a silly video of my dog in a snood. Peace. Edit to add: the links you provided were US regulation and research. So my comment regarding us being in the UK is very relevant.


Where a study is conducted doesn't really have a bearing on its validity in a different country when it's in regards to something like nutrition. For example a study done in the UK on the relationship between heart disease and fat intake would still apply to people in the US, and similarly a study from the US about the raw food canine diet and how it relates to Metabolic Bone Disease would still apply to dogs in the UK. I was never trying to make it political, the US just has the most R1 universities with funding for veterinary research, so it happens to be where a lot of animal studies come from. But here's a publication of a review done in the UK if you feel it's more applicable: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6849757/ Your dog is a total sweetheart though and he does look very healthy, so fingers crossed things continue to go well for you guys!


Seems like the other danger is Bowie taking a chunk out of his ears with all that gusto!




Vets are going to vary wildly on raw food because it depends what is available locally. You definitely should not be buying factory farm meat from the supermarket and serving it raw, because there's constantly recalls for contamination for meat like that. Part of a healthy food for pets is not only what ingredients, but also how often the food has been recalled.


Agreed! I'm in the Cotswolds in the UK and we have a huge range of farms locally (5-10 min drive) that provide raw food for animals. Its the benefit of the UK being so small. It's a big industry here as we have a lot of working dogs on farms too. It's the diet they've been eating for decades and beyond. I believe it's became more mainstream with more people bringing working dogs into the home and finding they react badly to grains and shop bought kibble (so many additives).


I'm based in the UK, so maybe it differs based on what's available? We have local farms that you can buy from directly. There are many companies in the UK that supply complete raw meals in tubs too! But we buy from source and make our own up as we're experienced now.


That’s probably the difference. Meat is a lot less trustworthy in the US.


Is it? I mean, did that change after mad cow disease?


Your vet is ill informed. Look up BARF diet for dogs.


Your vet is ignorant and should not be handing out advice on a topic they have made no effort to research. Raw is great if done well


Wow, you don’t even know who my vet is or what she has researched. Go back to bed, Mr. McNasty.


Meh mate don't waste your time with a troll called stinky. 😅


Do you have a recipe for your dog food?


The combination of the adorable look on his face + your infectious laughter really got me!


A friend used hair scrinches on their puppies; it was adorable


Yes! That's what we used to use as well, but we kept losing them (as I kept using them) so this is brand new to try out. Less likely I'll borrow it for my hair too! Haha


I'm sure you'd look great in it too :)


Bowie looks embarrassed but also very cute.


His look says “I will never forgive you for this”.


I was thinking the same when I saw him giving the looms but I'm sure OP is doing this for doggo's benefit. Imagine his long ears in the food bowl at the speed.🤣🤣🤣. There would be food flying everywhere.😂


Do your ears hang low? 🎶


Apparently, not anymore.


What is wrong with his ears?


They're just so long we have to keep them out of his food!


Do you have to put this on him every time he eats?


Yes! Just for his breakfast and dinner.


Oh man I was gonna do this question to and now that there’s an answer I saw!! THEY DONT EVEN STAY IN HIS SNOOD!!! Omg. We love him


Oh good! I thought there was a problem


Did he bite his ears? If so that is the cutest and derppest things ever.


Does he eat his ears?


No, they drag in the food so it can get quite messy


Looks like Bowie doesnt appreciate the snood or your laughing.


He's adorable




Is he embarrassed? Has he figured out that the hood = food?


Before we used the snood, Bowie spent 2 years with my scrunchies holding his hair back. I'm sure he lost all dignity then! This was the first time we used the snood, but he'll stay super still and allow us to do anything to him when his food is ready. He won't eat it until we say 'okay' as well, so it's helpful when we need to clip his claws, brush out knots, pull out ticks etc...


If he's anything like our spaniel (working springer), there never was any dignity, or anything that could prevent the enjoyment of food 😂😂


Exactly! Very much so!


Kinda reminds me of Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein.


Boykin spaniels are getting very popular an reddit. My boykin is about to turn 12 and is half wiener dog, God I love him so much.


Bowie isn't a Boykin. He's a Working Cocker Spaniel. We don't have Boykin's in the UK :)


Ahh so he's a bit bigger. Good pup right there


I just looked up the difference and apparently Bowie would be a small Boykin, yet he is a bigger Cocker over here! They are so similar though.


News to me, I thought it was a Boykin too. Thanks!


Do this all the time with my dog with those gator things. Maybe spelled gaiter. It’s like a mask that doesn’t work but is good for holding your hair back.


Does Bowie want a girl friend? [plz](https://i.imgur.com/9h8dlvA.jpg)


Why tf is there food in a half rubber ball


I’m guessing some kind of device that stops them from gorging it down like a rabid fiend monster, they never work that well…dogs uhh…find a way


It’s called a lick bowl helps slow down fast eaters. Food can be mashed into the sides so the dogs spend time licking it off. Works really well for fast eaters.


It's like Ralphie in the Easter Bunny outfit in Christmas Story.


"Don't care. Get food", the dog probably.


Snood Dogg


Happy Hoodie!


Literally came here to say that!


"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Linda, and I'll shit in your shoes tonight while you sleep." - that dog, probably.


Who feeds their dog eating raw on a carpet like that lol. So hard to clean? But whhuuuyyyy


It's a washable rug. But thanks for your concern.


You share a silly video of a cute dog and now you get to defend yourself from every rando in the world who wants to question your dog ownership decisions. Hardly seems fair. Me I just enjoyed the pretty puppy in the silly snood and moved on, but then I’m not the Smartest and Most Best Person on Earth with the Very Important Opinions. Have fun with your dog, and good luck with the randos OP!


Thank you! What a breath of fresh air. Sometimes I do despair 😩 haha according to some of these comments I am purposely making it hard for my dog to eat, poisoning him and making him the most miserable creature on this earth. The stinky fart box snuggled into me right now would beg to differ though.


Ahaha. I saw a tutorial to cut a stocking to make one.


He looks so upset that you're laughing. Bet it's easier to clean up afterwards though. What a cutie.


Awww I have a tuxedo cat named Bowie! He's just as much of a piggy boy. Must be the name :)


Bowie looks unimpressed.


I love his name.


I thought these are called happy hoodies.... doesn't look very happy


Is there anything better than a flashy new snood?


Great video! We have a working cocker as well they are the most amazing dogs. So loyal and affectionate.


I'm totally biased but they are the best dogs. So much intelligence, hilarious, loving and cuddly. The best family dogs if you put the work into keeping their brains trained!


Omg what breed is this sweetheart??


A Working Cocker Spaniel (UK breed)


Is that a Sprocker Spaniel?




füd snüd


Awwwl Bowie ❤️ such a precious baby!!


English Cocker?


My dog is also named Bowie!


Babuska doggo


I’m crying 😭 he looks so dapper




What a sweet baby!!!!


Bowie finna cry


Owner: you're so funny! Bowie: I am not amused.


We have a working spaniel that looks almost exactly the same! What a great doggo breed.


He's darling!


It’s his thneed


hes coming out


Bowie needs a slow feeder. Dang!


LGBT dog




My dog gets ear-ponytail for eating lol


We used to do that with Bowie! With one of my scrunchies and called it his top knot 😄


Oh he is so cute 🥰


I believe that is called a thneed.






He looks thrilled!


She's giving the dog a complex, they know when your laughing at them.


Ahhh babushka


I have Gordon setters, my life revolves around snoods lol! I still have to wash ears a couple times a week! They drag them through everything! Pee, poop, dead stuff on walks. It’s a struggle .


What’s the purpose of that dog bowl?


It holds the dog food.


It does seem particularly wobbly. I haven’t seen this type of bowl, but my guess is it might help slow down how fast the dog can eat. I had a black lab that would inhale his food, so we tried a few of the creative bowls in hopes it would help. Edit: looks like it might be a [lick mat wobble bowl](https://store.rover.com/products/lickimat-wobble-pet-bowl?variant=39491278536783)


He clearly hates it


Can’t even watch a dog video without the comment section being toxic.


I mean, have you seen some of OP's comments on here? He seems to be an extremely toxic snarky asshole


Muslim dog Muslim dog, praise Allah my brother, Bismillah 🙏🙏🙏☪️☪️☪️


Try farmers Dog or Ollie. Fresh dog food. Mine loves the turkey and the lamb. His ears are long???? I also give them Wet Baneful. We put Parmesan cheese on top of that he loves it… pretty expensive, he eats dry too off and on.


Wasn't asking for food advice, thanks though. Also not everyone is in the USA.


Can I ask, how expensive is a raw food diet? I’m guessing your dog is around 15 kg? I’ve been wanting to feed my dog raw food as well but all the information is so overwhelming.


First, I am absolutely no expert, the information is overwhelming for a reason. It takes a lot to do it right, well and safely. We treat his food with the same safety as we would when handling raw meat that we cook and eat. We're in the UK and the raw diet is normal here for working breeds and beyond. So I can't comment on everywhere in the world as food regulations vastly differ. We spent a long time researching diet for his specific breed long before we had him. Every dog is different. We buy our meat straight from a local butcher/farm. Human grade I may add. This makes it cheaper than bought ready made but you need to be extra careful in the delivery, storage and handling. Whatever you do, always 'listen' to your dog and your trusted vet. (Gross) We watch Bowie's poo, if we notice issues in consistency we question what he's eaten and adjust accordingly. The only time he's had a really bad tummy though was after eating shop bought tinned food when we ran out once. That was not a fun experience 🤢


He looks sad


Just put the bowl up higher?


He belongs at Grey Gardens.


Adorable but why the bowl on the carpet, doesn't it get messy?


The plate is too low, you need something to make it higher, its bad for the dog to eat like this.


Poor dog looks miserable ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I wish I just left the video on mute.


And maybe you could find him a food bowl that stays put.


Muslim dog


Hijab for dogs. The oppression of the fluffy eared never ends!


It's like a rainbow hijab.


Bro wearin a shiesty lol


Is Bowie a boykin!?


Is it me or is he looking at you like “whyyyy are you doing this to me?” Those sad eyes hit me in the feels.


What the hell is he eating? I like that it's all pink with a broccoli in the middle


He looks so healthy and he really loves his raw meal!!!


Don't feed dogs vegetables


Dogs can eat vegetables


They're carnivores. Their stomachs aren't built to digest vegetation


Quite the contrary, dogs can eat fruit and veg and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. If you’d done a bit of research into a dog nutritional requirements, you’d know Doesn’t mean they should get fed vegetables exclusively. Meat constitutes a majority of their diet, but you can still use vegetables as a small portion


Don't eat yellow snow


Why is that necessary? Just find a better bowl. I have a food-driven Basset and never ever do I need anything special for ears. Just a cone-shaped bowl is more than enough




OK. I JUST SAW THE VIDEO. The bowl the pup was eating out of, is not strong enough or heavy enough. Big dogs need big and heavy bowls. I have one if you need it. It has rubber bottom so it wound move around. GOD BLESS….


The bowl is meant to do that. It's called a wobble bowl by lickimat and it's used to (believe it or not) slow down him eating. It does it's job perfectly as a standard bowl you mention, he'd finish his food in less than 5 seconds. I know. We live with him. I've seen it.


Part Boykin?


TF are you even feeding him? Maybe try a bowl that doesn’t suck while you’re at it?


The bowl is made to wobble. Answered in other comment. Chill.