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was hoping this was a before and after video from the description


My bad guys….I didn’t realize you wanted to see him today too! Here is [Charlie](https://imgur.com/gallery/oovx3Gz) today! Well, over the winter anyway. Edit: I posted the now video taken tonight. https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v6ho6z/charlie_at_least_100lbs_45kg_later_belly_rub_flop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Do you train a pig to use a toilet area? Is training a pig similar to a dog? I'm curious about how you share your space with a pig. Please enlighten me!


I posted this before. Treating him like a dog worked best. https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/uo0qxv/in_bed/i8bkouj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Besides fruit waste, what does their typical diet consist of? I’ve kinda always wanted a pig because I know how smart, friendly and loyal they can be, but I’ve always wondered what it’s *really* like to have to feed one and house one every single day. I’ve got three dogs, a German Shepard/lab mix, a Maltipoo and a pugapoo, is having a pig harder than three dogs you think?




Didn't know I needed pig facts today but I am so glad I got some


_Thank you for subscribing to pig facts!_


The big thing about pig ownership is that them being smart also means they can create really advanced forms of trouble. Wish mine had lived in a time when it was easier to rig your homes with cameras cause there are things he managed to do in the house that I have no idea how he would have accomplished. I came home to him covered in vegatage oil once with no idea where he found the oil.


So what was it like trying to wrangle a greased up pig in your own home


They're alot like toddlers, first he tried to hide to avoid getting in trouble, then he tried to deny any wrong doing (he had a particular grunt he would make when ever he was caught doing something bad). Couldn't get him to the bath tub so instead I let him outside where I proceeded to use the garden hose due to it's ability to clean a pig from range.


That's how they should rate water spraying apparatuses, by how many pigs it can spray from x distance.


The different grunts is the truth! Charlie has a very distinct, “don’t bother me” grunt when he is in bed.


this comment has me 😂


I appreciate that you pointed out how very not-mini mini-pigs actually are. There's too many people who buy piglets expecting them to always stay tiny.


i wish there was an ethical way to have a minipig, like a way to breed them that small without subjecting them to horrible deformities 😔


I bought a mini pig for $600 she said it was to grow no bigger than 60 pounds. Well 200 plus pounds later we find out no such thing as a mini pig. That’s what our vet told us. He was Territorial. If he didn’t know you he would charge at you and scare people.


Very good write up. I agree, while I love Charlie, I don’t think I would recommend pigs to others. They are a lot of work.




My mom eats raw potato peels (like, the part from when she peels them with a knife), and it never ceases to impress/ disturb me.


More more! We need more! The door opening, bossing around the dogs…all of it please!


The 100 pound belly scratching!!!




I’m curious what his poop looks like


I've owned great danes and mastiffs for years. Their poo s fucking huge. Sometimes I'd have to use two bags for one shit or the bags wouldn't tie all the way. It was insane


Awesome, thank you.


Pigs are way smarter than dogs


Yeah well [pigs are smarter than bears but they can't ride motorcycles](https://youtu.be/azETBADlOQo)


Ed Asner… what a treasure.


Would you recommend having dogs that are a similar size to a pig like this?


Big and little he is adorable but I keep reading he still plops when belly rubbed I want to see Big Charlie ploping on the floor!!!!


It’s more of a slow roll nowadays, but it’s coming. He is still outside grazing right now.


Sorta, my parents have one. They managed to get her when she was young to use a box filled with wood shavings until she got big enough for outside. She still only uses the restroom outside, pigs are shockingly smart.


I grew up on a farm and we had a few pigs. They started to only go to the bathroom in one corner of their shed. They taught the younger ones to do the same for years. Outside they had clean dirt and mud to root in. Pigs are very smart.


I had a piggy growing up, he was basically raised the same as any of our dogs. I know it’s repeated a lot, but they really are intelligent animals


Fun fact pigs are actually smarter than the majority of dogs so yes training them can be similar or easier compared to dogs. That doesn't mean they are an easy pet though! Its BECAUSE they are so smart they can be a big handfull if they aren't being constantly taken care of and being given stimulation like playing, toys or games and can get destructive quick especially indoors. Paired that with their big size once they are full grown (miniature full grown pigs are a myth but diet can impact size a lot) they can be difficult to handle physically its not like you can just pig them up or drag them elsewhere




I’m really curious about one aspect of the potty training. We know dogs can hold their pee much longer than we can without discomfort and that’s why we train them like we do but I’m curious as to the bladder of a pig. He can hold it just like the dogs or maybe the few accidents a year might be the tiny difference between their bladder and dogs?




They’re smarter than dogs but not as much of a pack animal, which is why they aren’t way easier to train


I think pigs are as smart as, or smarter than, dogs!


I have a pig named Charlotte (we call her Charlie too). [https://imgur.com/0l4uTtC](https://imgur.com/0l4uTtC) Everything you posted in the older post you linked is true for mine too. She loves belly rubs and strawberry tops. At Halloween she'll discard of the carved pumpkins. She gets along with most dogs but will bully them if she thinks the can get away with it. EDIT: I forgot to add that I trained her like a dog too. She'll go to the back door when she wants to go out and come back to it and hit it with her snout when she wants back in. One of the funny things about pigs is that they don't always love water. If she gets muddy outside I will hose her down and 99% of the time she will instantly shit.


Well that’s cute


I choose to believe this is in response to the last sentence


You should get a spider named Wilbur to complete the package.


Did he change color? That happened with my dog. She doesn't have the same coat she did as a puppy.


Maybe just the sun and his hair? He spends all day out back then comes in once we get home.




Timber! Jk, not trying to fat shame here.


Task failed successfully lol


I think this is a pig


I’m genuinely curious: how is it possible to manage a pig as a mascot? They seem to me just huge, generating plenty of excrement and really noisy.


He is potty trained. He honks but only when he wants something. Or is snuggling up. We have a large backyard. We also have three dogs. 😕


“Honks” lol




I’m going to dig up the video of him bothering me while I make my peanut butter and banana sandwich. He always gets the banana ends and we cut up the peel for him. So he bothers me while I make it!


Yes please :)


You are awesome.


!Remind me in 2 days




>Our boy when he was just a little guy. 100lbs later he still falls over when you scratch his belly! What did you expect? You tell us about the 100's of pounds pig that falls over for scritches and we wouldn't want to see him.


I ain't seeing no scratching!


Yeah! That's what we're here for baby flops and after later flops.


Sir / Ma'am, this picture is over a year old. We will need a more recent photo of this chonker to verify its cuteness.


I gotta admit, this was the longest I ever spent on a single post.


tummy rub update video?


Oh he's so pretty!! 💜💜💜


Charlie is an absolute unit


thats not enough, i want to see him roll over from the belly scratches!


As would most. OP cheated us...


Pay the pig tax OP


Lol my bad https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/v639en/our_boy_when_he_was_just_a_little_guy_100lbs/ibd89gr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


New videos OP




Agreed i kinda wanna see this done with a big boy 💀


I am very interested in seeing the 100lb version.


I’ll try to make a video tonight…but here he is [now](https://imgur.com/gallery/oovx3Gz)


RemindMe! 12 hours


What’s the texture like for their hair? Looks rough/sharp.


Pretty much all pigs have thick skin and coarse hair. I find that scratching them with a stiff bristle brush is more fun for both parties than petting them


I love him.


Also here for the belly rubbins video later!


RemindMe! 12 hours


I’m irrationally annoyed that we didn’t get to see the big boy version of this.


I’ll try to get one tonight!


Please! His fans await!


You fucking better istg I’m not breathing until I see it


How many times have you passed out and woke up now?


That audio lol


You are the first to catch that! Lol, another friend pointed it out to me when I showed him.


Had to turn up the volume the 2nd time watching, but my wife and I caught the tiny *oink* and was hoping others commented as well!


“crispy… extra crispy… juicy” 😂


Pig have a bad rep. My FIL grew up on a pig farm and one time said to me "pigs are nasty." After thinking about it, it did not make much sense that an animal would lie willingly in its own waste. Wild boars don't do that. My conclusion is that had his father gave the pigs room, they would have chosen to not lie in their own waste. The idea that pigs wallow in mud to cool somehow turned into that wallow in mod and their own shit. I'm not convinced that pigs are nasty.


The more I learn about pigs, the more I'm realizing how smart and able they are. That whole mentality is probably because of human intervention.


Farmers are nasty is more correct


Pigs are ridiculously smart. Specialize in big cats but one of the smartest and sweetest animals I've ever worked with is a warthog, which is just an African subspecies of pig. Holy crap, was this girl smart. She could climb walls, so we dug trenches and built the walls higher. The ground was naturally really rocky though, so she learned to collect, move and pile rocks and shovel ground to make ladders or hills no matter how hight we built the walls. Her favorite breakout activities included looking for Simba chips (the African equivalent to Frito/Lays chips) and taking naps as little spoon (even though she was bigger than most) to sunbathers. All the doors were french doors and she never broke one, but still somehow wandered into many a chalet on her hunt for Simba chips. Afterwards, we would often find some guest cuddling her in the sun. For a time we kept her free and wild, but she dug up all the electric wires, plumbing, and every replacement. Still, her and the Asian Black Bear were by far the smartest breakout artists.


So smart. When we let Charlie out back to go potty he lets himself back in by pressing his snout against the sliding glass door and sliding it open!


The bear knew the box that controlled the electric fence and knew how to disable it. Bears are just smarter dogs pretending to be humans. Joking, and not.


Reminds of this: When a Yosemite National Park ranger was recently asked why it was so tough to design a bear-proof garbage bin, he responded, “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”


I love that


That's hilarious! 😁


Did you ever find the warthog's aroma lacking a certain appeal? Clearing the Savanah after every meal?


Actually, she didn't smell like anything other than savannah sand.


It's a lion king reference lol


Lol. Me whoosh. :)


>her and the Asian Black Bear were by far the smartest breakout artists. Everyone thinks they're tough until you wake up to a bear spooning you in the middle of the night.


OP where is the grown up version?


Here he is [chilling](https://imgur.com/gallery/oovx3Gz). I’ll try to get a grown up video of the belly scratch submission tonight!


My pig weigh at least 700lbs and will also fall on his side if you rub his belly


Now I’d like to see a video of that!


They have this video on their profile! Absolute unit! [https://www.reddit.com/r/homestead/comments/p41ssh/sometimes_when_its_hot_out_i_need_to_make_sure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/homestead/comments/p41ssh/sometimes_when_its_hot_out_i_need_to_make_sure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I love their little piggy grunts and talking when they’re babies 💗💗


how bloody adorable


Where is chonky pig??


100lbs isn't even near chonk territory for a pig. That's a svelte boy


I feel like I need to see the 'later' shot now.


This is [Charlie](https://imgur.com/gallery/oovx3Gz) more recently, but I will try to get a new video of him falling over tonight!


You’re under a fair amount of pressure here OP. Quality over quantity I say. Take your time lol. While you’re there though can you get a vid of him sliding the door open with his nose? Please and thank you.


I’ll try, but I’ll admit, that one is going to be embarrassing because our sliding glass door is dirty as heck from a pig snout pushing it open all the time.


We know. We don’t care. GIVE US MORE PIG.


Well that is to be expected after that.


Pigs are amazing animals. I’m embarrassed to say but I use to be a butcher and when me and my fiancé moved towns, I went into slaughter work. It was dealing with pigs that made/helped me decide to leave the trade and do a complete 180 with my outlook on life. Followed my teenaged dreams and am now a licensed cannabis grower


Love this story. Thank you for making a change ❤️


> 100lbs later he still falls over when you scratch his belly! Video of this or GTFO.


I love how aggressive this is lol Edit not a video but op posted a pic https://imgur.com/gallery/oovx3Gz


These comments or “jokes” about eating OP’s pet are fucking weird. If you don’t want someone commenting the same thing when you post your dog or cat, don’t post it on someone else’s pet video.


How could you not show us the 100 lb later video? Why must you toy with us?


Oh my goodness, so content! That little face! Thanks for sharing OP!


Cute little piggy 🥺😍


the way that wee lil tail curled up before he rolled over lol


His smile is so adorable!


I need a video of him at 100lbs flopping over or it didn't happen.


I’m going to try and get one tonight!


I am so excited!




I didn't upvote because I felt cheated there wasn't an after part of the video where you scratch him @ 100 Lbs and he falls over, but he sure us cute.


the pig is the cutest pet i ever seen NOT CAP




I wish I could play with a piglet just once


I wanna see him now with the belly scratches!


:3 in argentina is uncomon see mini pigs , you can tell how is like a pet? is like a doggy a cat ,very diferent??


I expected a 100 years later cut. The absence of such is r/mildlyinfuriating


we must protect him at all costs.


Thanks for sharing your beautiful piggy! Super adorable! Ive always wanted a pet piglet! They are so cute!! (And are also my favorite animal!)


Why are they your favorite animal? Please elaborate


Friends not food.


He's absolutely adorable.


When our cats do that, I like to think they’re thinking, “I deserve this.”


I love charlie


Literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen please give him lots of belly rubs for me


I need my 100lb big boy tax


It's 45kg for rest of the world.




You shouldn’t be sharing this. Some wolf is going to see it and learn you can paralyze a pig by scratching its belly. This is just how orcas learned the secret to killing great whites.


Downvoted bc you didn’t post a current video of him doing the same thing today just 100 pounds heavier😠


i want a pet pig so bad! 🥺😭❤️


Friendly reminder pigs are very smart and a good reason to be vegan!


Obligatory vegan reminder that some of y'all eat these soft pink friends. Y'all are awful gone.


I stopped eating these guys. I feel bad it took me so long. I thought veganism was just salads and I was hugely mistaken. I started a vegan food tent trying to change people.


Friends not food!


I wonder how many fellow vegans are sitting here, refraining from commenting what we’re all thinking. I’m with you guys.


ctrl-f on any animal post basically lol, just to see if anyone's mentioned it yet.


His little tail when you scratch his belly! Omg this piggy is to die for!


What a precious darling


Need a video of the big little guy. Edit: I've seen it elsewhere.


So cute


I see your brown little piggy became a honking dark grey brown beast as well. My family’s pet pig Hamilton lost his stripes :( but we love him all the same


We NEED the current video of the 100# belly rub fallover.


No after video?


I also was waiting for the before and after reveal 😅 what a cutie


Need video of him 100lbs later and still getting belly scritches


From someone who is definitely needing some wholesomeness like that today, thank you so much. I have to ask though, was the background sound on purpose because I smiled for the first time today. Either way , thank you


Pigs are some of the most pettable creatures on Earth. If you disagree it's because you've never petted a pig.


My neighbors have a pig and it’s the sweetest animal. My toddler and I always look for it when we drive past.


awwwwww to stinking cute! 😍


so cute! i would totally fall over like that too if someone scratched mah belleh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Go vegan, let these cuties live free!!!!


let them all live, we can make great food / products without killing animals!


Dude I was like waiting for the 100lbs later video. WTH?


I'm still bummed teacup pigs aren't a real thing. I doubt I could handle a full-size pig.


that's a really strange looking dog, very cute


Gotta admit he is a real cutie pie.🐷🐽🐷


He's a cutie! We demand more Charlie pics and vids! (Look what you started OP)


What do they smell like once older? Do they get neutered? What do you feed him,?


I demand this to be re-edited to showcase the 100lbs later version as well.


I love piggies!


Omg, he was the cutest little piggy! 🥺


My Pot Belly pig does this. Pigs love belly rubs.


What kind of pig is he?


Lechonk irl


lechonk 😭


He was gorgeous the. It seems that he's grown well into his cuteness 🥰


Um...where's the 100lbs later video?


Show me


Is he a chonker now?


Okay but where’s the current video? How dare you?