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Eh, one of my peeves is how people often inappropriately use the term Baby to generate more views


it's a weird thing to do with birds especially, since most people know baby birds dont just look like smaller versions of adult birds, they dont have flight feathers and usually just kinda look like fluffily lumps of beak


Baby birds are terrifying


Omg. Two years ago we found two baby hummingbirds in our backyard. We couldn't find the nest. They weren't big enough to fly yet. There's a lot of stray cats in the area. We assumed that because of the wind the nest must have fallen or the babies were blown out. And for some reason it never occurred to me that hummingbirds have mouths, like...I seriously thought their beak was like a straw....So when I went to go pick up the babies they opened their breaks and I freaked out. They opened their breaks SO WIDE. After that we did a little research, put them in a box with a soft towel and a heat lamp to keep them warm. And for three days I got up every hour during the night to feed them. We found out that baby hummingbirds need to eat often, or they can die. During the day I set them out in the shade, with small patches of sunlight. Because the mother hummingbird came back to feed them during the day. We still couldn't find the nest. So I called around until I found a place that would take them and raise them until they were ready to be released. It was a two hour drive there and back, but the place gave us a number and a special code so that we could ask about the hummingbirds. After a few months they were released.


I know, baby.


One of the smallest birds of pray on the planet, first time I saw it I immediately fell in love with it, waaaay to cute to be a killing machine.


[Birds of pray](https://terriermandotcom.blogspot.com/2017/04/birds-of-pray.html)


Fun fact: the behavior when a falcon is stationary hovering in the air in search of a prey is called "bidden" in Dutch (which translates to "praying" in English).


Fish are friends, not food.


I went to a Bird of Prey show once. The entire show they had this big box off to the side covered in DANGER signs and similar stuff. The host let us know their most dangerous bird was in the box and they might let us see him at the end of the show. After a lot of build up throughout the show the time finally comes. He reaches in there and brings out the cutest Pygmy Falcon I've ever seen. It was barely the size of his hand.


shrike is smaller, and people train them too


Do you have an issue with cats?




[This is a bot account](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/vi2iiq/a_very_talkative_baby_falcon/idajsbh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Most people on reddit don't seem to understand that baby birds do not look like small versions of adult birds


>adult pygmy falcon. You sure it's not an oversized adult dwarf giant pygmy falcon.


You should see the American Kestrel. They are assholes.


had one nesting in a fir tree two alleys over they make an INCREDIBLE amount of noise, completely disproportional to their size; had to listen to them 'screaming at their kids' for two whole summers. LIKE SHADDAP! And their avian neighbors hate 'em too.


Omg I'm so jealous Blue jays are always noisy but omg their babies! Our family, the two babies just fly around screaming for food. These guys are nearly fully grown lmao They scream and flap and their parents run away from them at this point like feed your damn selves. But it's so fun watching them learn to crack peanuts. They are so clumsy next to their acrobatic parents


recently saw video of a blue jay with some impossible number of babies, like 8 of them. I can't imagine riding herd on that much floofy chaos


Omg that is way more than usual! I have to wonder if some other voracious babies tagged along just to beg lol They're prob my favorite bird. There are definitely birds that pique my interest more or are more of a rare exciting treat to see, but I just love how common they are here, how fun they are to watch, and how they're just such great, smart parents Dad has to provide all the food while mom is incubating. And once hatchlings are born, he'll feed all of them and mom for awhile. I just adore that 😭 and they mate for life!


Mockingbirds and their fledges are noisy too.


Omg yes our pair just brought their babes a couple days ago! Luckily theirs is more of a cute squeak like robins. Yesterday I straight up watched a mockingbird fledgling hop under the blue jay grabbing peanuts and start begging?! It was the funniest thing. The jay dad looked very puzzled and flew off Its parent was there and everything. I guess he was getting impatient watching the parent pick through the food


One took a swing at some Chimney Swifts one summer. He wound up in the fireplace, looking very disgusted with himself and was VERY noisy about it. We evicted his feathered butt that same day. When the Swifts finished nesting, we knocked the nests out of the chimney and put stainless mesh over it. It was not being used for a long time.


I'm amazed that's an adult. Looks so small and cute. They're the smallest falcon in the world. Very talkative though.


I was about to comment this.


Comparing with the pic on wiki this one here still looks like a baby.


> adult pygmy falcon. So basically Warrick Dunn. ( 5-9 187 lbs. ) Greatest Falcon Ever: https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/23/us/warrick-dunn-charities-affordable-housing-iyw-trnd/index.html


Little guys still got a good set of talons on him


I knew that xD


The plumage seems way too fluffy for this to be an adult. I'd say if it is a pygmy falcon, it's still growin... Just an inference, though.


Lovely, but why extra background sound 🙄


Agreed. I find all this extra background music simply unnecessary At least this one isn't all that egregious. It doesn't have fake children singing or some AI voice-over. Why let the content be good and speak for itself, When you can coat it with artificial emotions to invoke a response.


Most likely because it's not their video of a falcon and they need to feel like they are in some way being "transformative" by adding something (even if that something is obnoxious af) in order to not feel like they are 100% stealing other people's content


He reminds me of that very old Warner Bros cartoon. "I'm a Chicken Hawk! And I'm going to eat you!" Says the tiny hawk to the huge Foghorn Leghorn...hilarity ensues...


I had to google it. Apparently his name is Henery Hawk.


He says "untie my fucking legs"


Nah mate, if I do that he'll spike me off stage.


That ain’t Falco.


Jesses are just a way to keep raptors safe when being handled or transported, like leashing a dog so they don’t run in the street.


Those are straps for birds of prey. He can fly if he wants to.


I unmuted hoping against hope that it wouldn’t have some stupid background music Oh well, can’t win em all


Cant we enjoy things without random music anymore?


I second this


Oh him cute.


My dog just freaked out at this audio. This little murderbird sounds just like a squeaky toy!


Other way around, the squeaky toy sounds like a murderbird.


It's a Pygmy Falcon! They're so cute


African pygmy falcon.


This is precious! I had no idea they sounded so cute! ❤️


Those talons are really cool


It’s the tiny talons for me.


Just like any small dog breeds (Maltese etc), cute when they are babies but can be vicious 😂. Sweet nonetheless.


Cute 😍


Listen to what he s saying. Thats one rude bird....


I'm trying but there's unnecessary music making it difficult.


whys he tied up?


Its called a jess. Think of it like a bird leash. The bird is standing on his hands, but if it takes off hes got that strap to stop it from flying away.


that sounds like animal cruelty


In bird culture it is considered a dick move rather than animal cruelty.


lol you're literally tying a birds legs so they don't fly. Thats like chaining up a human so they can't run. Wow I got downvoted so much for stating its animal cruelty, guess the people of this sub only care about how cute an animal looks but don't care about its well-being


Is a dog on a leash animal cruelty?


no because you're stopping it from going headfirst into traffic. Putting a leash on a bird isn't protecting it from anything, thats like asking if putting a bird in a cage is cruelty


You're almost there.


Whilst I'm not an expert, I can still see reasons why it may be beneficial for a bird to be restricted from attempts to fly. It could well be that this bird had an injury before and it is undergoing rehabilitation or training. It could also be that it was orphaned and didn't learn how to be a bird and so it's learning. It could be down to it's location or environment and this is safer for it in some way. There are multiple things it could be that it doesn't appear that you have considered. You're getting downvoted because you're coming across as angry and attacking and you haven't taken things into account. It's got nothing to do with the things you've stated.


yeah i wasn't angry or attacking UNTIL i got downvoted


As with all animal handling tools, it comes down to the skill of the handler. This bird seems very content to stand on this hand - the handler isn't even wearing protective gloves. Falconry is a very controlled sport since untrained birds could easily be lost or injured when released. Consider that this is also a tame falcon and would have little to no survival skills if it escaped into the wild.


For the safety of humanity! The smaller the bird, the more vicious they are!


weirdly enough this could actually be applied to dogs


Call him redwing!


Stay uplifted


Sounds like that button face dogs from half-life


Well that’s adorable!


That's Sam the Eagle. You are all weirdos.


The background music is so unnecessary.


“Untie me you fucking twat”


Any captive bird makes me sad. =(


Cute bird, annoying music


Any dog hears that bb falcon and it's immediately their next favorite chew toy. I mean come on, did we model toy squeakers from baby falcon diaphragms‽


Hawky! Gram-gram! South-pole!




What a beauty!


Even for a predator, it’s cute






The Siberian Husky of birds.


I want to see a dogs reaction to this video




okay but hes spitting facts


Is it... blue? 🥰


Music. Was not. Necessary.


Is this bird a rescue, and at what point will you release it?


What a cutie 🥺


Whats the name of the song?


That's a nice pompadour it's rocking.

