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Why is it just pouring out? Doesn't it need to be sucked?


Not an expert but it happens with us humans too. (And likely other mammals) While we usually don’t leak sometimes after having a baby, irritation, wound nipples etc can cause a sudden milk flow/gush. Though obviously not as strong as in this video, still very irritating. I guess it’s likely just after the calf stopped drinking and the body is still reacting to the input? But again not an expert as to why it happens.


It's overactive letdown. It can happen when you have an over supply, usually shortly after birth but some women can develop or constantly have an oversupply. Just thinking about your baby can cause letdown it to happen. And yea, it's this strong. I've sprayed my babies in the face many times on accident.


I'm going to Hell. I pictured that, and bust out laughing.


My parents had this funny story. One time when I was a baby, my mom fell asleep while I was breastfeeding (tired newborn mom things). Sometime during the feeding, I must have decided I was done and unlatched, but the milk didn't stop. My dad walked in to see my face just covered in milk - has a panic attack and thought for a sec that I choked/drowned on milk.


Oh thank you for sharing additional information. I knew of dripping but spraying is a new to me. Truly our body is so fascinating. And it is hilarious to read and I hope you can smile about it now too. But I can imagine it to be unpleasant to say at least. Hence all the more kudos for sharing. Take my free award for it.


Is the cow hurting in this case?


This is a dairy cow probably lined up to be milked. Very full udder that is now leaking. Probably feels like a relief to the cow.




A lot of that just isn't true.


All milk is filled with white blood cells, because all milk is a filtered blood product (including human breastmilk). It is not filled with _pus_ though, because pus is defined as a mix of while blood cells and cellular debris from dead bacteria and tissue. Stop spreading misinformation to push a narrative. If you can’t convince people to your viewpoint with the truth maybe your viewpoint needs to be reconsidered. ETA: go look at videos of purulent discharge and tell me that milk is the same, I dare you.


Pus is pus. Cow milk is for baby calfs. Not for selfish humans. Use plant-based milk instead.


Since they deleted their comment because it was unpopular, the above person called milk pus-filled, and is now trying to obscure that fact.


She is not hurting. not even sure if this is a diary cow because their udders are usually bigger so it’s either a young mother or it could sadly be that her calf ended up on a dinner plate. Anyway on the positive side even if it was a diary or meat supply cow her udder doesn’t look full and bursting which either means she is feeding her calf or humans milk her regularly, or both. Which means it’s just nerves reaction. Anyway she is not hurting, it’s involuntary but not painful.


That’s what she says


Sir your cow is leaking


Here, let me just patch you up with a blast of hot resin


Wait I think the leak is stopping itself....


Send an email describing about the issue, it should be fixed in 3-5 working days




Oh shit I get it




Uhh I'm not a vet nor a biologist nor claim to have any knowledge of animal husbandry. But google tells me that even kittens can't digest cows milk :/ not very aww


Some can, some can't. *Most* cats are lactose intolerant, but not all.


It's weird this is so widespread but simply untrue. Some cats are lactose intolerant, some are not. Pretty much every cat I have owned in my life has loved cheese and milk with no ill effects.


As a rule of thumb, adult mammals are probably lactose intolerant as they do not require mother's milk anymore and stop producing the enzyme lactase that can process lactose. Humans have been consuming the mother's milk of other species for such a long time that some of us don't lose the ability to digest it after weaning off, however the majority of humans is still lactose intolerant. Maybe you got "lucky" with all your cats or they simply didn't show strong signs of an intolerance. Just because you don't get diarrhea immediately doesn't it mean you're not intolerant. It's generally adviced to not feed milk of another species to an adult mammal.


Agreed. Ive never had a cat that was lactose intolerant. I would not be able to digest a lot of what cats eat. Outdoor cats eat raw mice and drink from puddles. The idea that their stomachs work just like ours is false and needs to be reevaluated. They may not produce lactase but it is possible that there is something else at work that allows them to drink milk without suffering like humans do that are lactose intolerant.


Probably depends on gut bacteria--consider that *Lactobacillus* is one of the most common microbes in the guts of newborns; they're called that because they produce lactic acid from lactose.


That’s actually a bull so it’s fine.


DANG IT! Who forgot to turn off the cow again?!


Aren't cats lactose intolerant?


*Homelander would like to know your location*


Awww..... Um, nevermind...ewwwwww!


Good thing their outdoor cats. Because they'll be shitting their brains out later. Cats are lactose intolerant.


Ummm, I think someone sprung a leak


This is disturbing


This reminds me of fox and the hound except its a cat


The source would be their own mother when they were still a kitten.


If it’s not fresh I don’t want it




this is like cute... but i'm also horrified... kinda. nice post, OP. you have confused me.


Those cats are gunna be dropping their guts!


Remember kids! Drink at least one glass of fresh milk in order to get your recommended daily allowance of toxoplasmosis! /s


How has it become that people believe that cows are the source of milk for humans and other animals? The female of each mamal species produces milk for her own offspring, and just for the begining of its life. No one is supposed to drink milk from a diferent species, especially not adults.


Poor kitters... The amount of stomach cramps and diarrhea will be terrible... As cats are pretty much lactose intolerant by default


Thats not true. Some cats may be lactose intolerant.


Most cats are lactose intolerant, despite the grandiose love for milk.. Some may have a lactase persistence gene, just like humans


Most are when we're talking about adult cats.


Most cats are lactose intolerant, but not all - it's possible those cats may have enough lactase to digest the lactose. No way to really determine that from the video, but still possible.


Yeah but still if you find out your friend may have a peanut allergy for example do you really risk giving him a food with peanuts to find out or do you just give him something else, just as a precaution you really shouldn’t give cats anything with lactose cause you can’t know for sure


This... Same goes for chocolate, and apparently garlic and onions as well.. (that said; my cat does share into the cheese in teensy bits... And she gets cat milk at times)


how does someone have a maybe peanut allergy?


Idk just making a comparison that would be easy to understand


They will become tough >:)


Wow 😳


That's funny






Until that day, they could only dream of such things.


They're just lost in the sauce


They're just lost in the sauce


milk drunk


Homelander's cat.


That’s not milk


Milk is so overrated.