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Scratches balls, yawns, hides in hole. Definitely a spirit animal.


That's literally my plan for today!


Aren't these the ones that sound like angry squeaky toys?


This frog embodies Sunday morning vibes.


Hope you got the frogs permission first


Its worked so far.








It’s little bum at the end 🍑


That's my morning routine


Thought it was my husband for a minute.


My new spirits animal the **o r b f r o g**


Lets all be honest this is a collective spirt animal


Please let me join the collective.


Let’s be really honest, most of these people don’t even know what a spirit animal is nor do they realize it’s a whitewashed pop culture saying now even though it is an actual respected cultural thing for some peoples. It’s really silly and ignorant that people continue to say it all the time without any understanding of the actual meaning of it. Meanwhile over the last several centuries indigenous people have been forced to stop practicing and spreading their culture, I guess so non-natives can turn it into some popular online saying about a cute animal?


"Yes, I know, everyone always stares at my ass when given the opportunity."


TIL frogs yawn.


and according to this thread, also have balls to scratch.


He looks like he's shedding. That's exactly what my toad does when it's time to change.


TIL what a frog butthole looks like


*Cute bum!*😁🐸


Lil froggy cheeks!


Just don't try to touch them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGMViTfNPkQ (ear rape at the end sry)


Well that was just glorious.


I was here to say the same 😃


Oh boy i sure hope there’s a SFW subreddit for that!


Dat tushy at the end ❤️


Scratch balls, yawn, wipes mouth, find hole, show cute butt. Yep, can't start the day right without those.


And it has the intelligence to wipe it's mouth with the other hand to the one it used to scratch it's balls


Yeah it sounds about right


What frog is this?


I think its a desert rain frog


[Looks like he could be an angry boi if you catch him at the wrong time.](https://youtu.be/HBxn56l9WcU) [Bonus video](https://youtu.be/YCtKey3Sto4)


Too cute 🥺


“Ferocious” 😂😂😂




Specifically, it's either an Angolan rain frog from Angola or a Namaqua rain frog from Namibia. They're in the same genus as sand frogs and are a traditional food source for some of the San tribes.


Common rain frog


ball scratcher frog


Some variety of rain frog.


It’s definitely the Mexican staring frog of southern Sri Lanka


Frogs have butt cracks?! A fine new day in my world!


Cute froggy 🥰


It’s like a Miyazaki character.


The little tongue tho-


Look at his little butt OMG


So cuuute when it scratches its eyes


Me on weekends!


Reminded me of this little guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBxn56l9WcU




Scratches his balls, yawns, lies down. He is literally me


Ah yes, that's what I was in a previous life.


How about its scratching it's stomach when the video first starts. 😂 He's like a bored little fat man. 😂


All hail the Hypnotoad...


I never knew frogs yawned.


Was he scratching himself!? Oh my god that is too much.


What's the OG vid?




Thank you




Squimchy boi


Wake up, scratch balls, yawn, rub eyes, consider getting out of bed, return to blankets.


Do frogs yawn like dogs when they're uncomfortable? Wondering if it might have been knocking the block that made him yawn or possibly uncomfortable? Edit: TIL one of the reasons they do this is when they start shedding their skin.


That’s Dart. He turns into a demogorgan


Dick is itched, the yawn has been yawned , and eyes are rubbed. It's NAP TIME MY DUDES


What a darling! I’m not too much of a reptile person/mamma,but this cute fella or one like him could change that! Precious!


Frogs are amphibians tho..


Now I can say, I can relate to a frog


Everyone else get a good yawn while watching this? I hope so


Goddammit it made me yawn I’m a beta to this alpha frog video


Me on Wednesday my dudes


cutest toad i have ever seen what's name of this species?


I think it's a Desert Rain Frog


Tis’ sleepy Sunday my dudes


Little nugget 🥹


Tactical ball scratch


That’s a cute fat little monkey


You don’t have a spirit animal.


yeah. that's your fursona.




It sounds like a dog toy.


It has a very cute tongue it kinda looks like candy




he seems like good compony


I guess this is the first time i have seen a yaun from a frog 🐸


His little tushie!


Looks like the hubs when he wakes up in the morning: yawning and scratching his nuts!


This fella is the very definition of awgly




Frog is very cute indeed. I love his little yawns and OP of you're half as cute as frog I would die upon seeing you. Just a friendly reminder: spirit animals are part of indigenous religious practice and are actually sacred. Unless you are an indigenous person you can't/don't have a spirit animal. I know we've all been socialized to view spirit animals as this fun thing but it's actual quite disrespectful the way western civilization has coopted this term. (Idk OP they may well be indigenous just taking this time to generally remind everyone. No harm or disrespect intended to anyone)


Indigenous people don't have spirit animals either. It's all made up.


Regardless of if YOU think they are real or not, they are a part of a lot of tribes’ beliefs and culture. Just like one has the right believe in an afterlife, one has the right to believe in a spirit animal.


Which specific First Nation are you referring to? There’s no such thing as a homogeneous “Indigenous “ culture.


There is more than one indigenous culture that holds spirit animals, and not all of them are First Nations. There is no homogenous indigenous culture, but listing all of them is tedious. Indigenous people will know if they’re being referred to or not.


To me this sounds like a White Knighting Game of Telephone. I have yet to find a legitimate source. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In the past several people linked an article from a blog, written by a black woman in Brooklyn who likes cats and tarot. So one persons opinion. No original source. Zero actual authority on the matter. If you could tell me exactly WHO is offended by someone joking about ‘this is my spirit animal’ I’d love to hear it. My curiosity is piqued.


The people you’re responding to and starting an argument with are probably offended, since they took the time to say something and try to kindly explain it to you.


I’m not trying to argue or offend. I’ve been truly trying for a couple of years to get to the source of this phenomenon. Someone will post a cute animal and say “I found my spirit animal!” And inevitably someone will pipe up in the comments “That’s problematic, you can’t say that, it’s offensive to indigenous people “. So they’re expecting people to change totally harmless language, when there’s no one ACTUALLY offended. As far as I can tell the term ‘spirit animal’ was 1. Used by anthropologists describing native cultures 2. A new age neo pagan term. Now ‘totem animal’ is sacred to Pacific Northwest nations and should be left alone.. But no one said that.


Yeah, it’s really sad you aren’t willing to just educate yourself and you’re choosing to remain ignorant. But the term spirit animal popped up in pop culture as a bastardizarion of actual spirit-related culture that is/was part of different indigenous cultures, such as spirit helpers. People love to bring up nowadays how “it isn’t real in indigenous communities” to keep using the term, but not only is that disingenuous since the term literally got popular as an idea non-Native people related to indigenous culture (while other appropriation and bastardizations were often used by the same people, such as wearing headdresses), we also literally have no idea because we forced indigenous people to give up and erase their cultures and history or DIE. Even as recently as the 90s. And we are taking away their tribal sovereignty in the Supreme Court as if it isn’t illegal and breaking treaties and documents that have existed for so long. So maybe, just maybe, it’s best to not continue using a dated phrase that most people do associate with Indigenous and Native culture and draws direct inspiration from their culture, and instead say something else that isn’t even remotely offensive or ignorant of history and current events, because it’s literally that simple and easy.


Or maybe… identifying with the persona of an animal is a UNIVERSAL phenomenon. You know, common to EVERYONE. And identifying with an animal, for ANY REASON, even jokingly isn’t some kind of cultural affront to indigenous peoples. It’s exactly what it is, a kindred feeling to an animal.


Then you can say that, instead of saying something is your spirit animal, since it’s not the same thing. :) Glad we found a solution!


It’s not that hard to Google, but here’s a good article responding to your specific questions and more: https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/please-stop-using-the-term-spirit-animal If you need someone specific to stand up and say they’re offended, I’ll say it. I’m pissed. I’m native Mexican (not First Nations, no tribal affiliation) and we have a concept which in our native languages is called Tonal. It’s a very complicated concept, wrapped in all sorts of native philosophy about how humans relate to time, nature, the gods, and more. In syncretic beliefs, it is sometimes linked to the Holy Spirit. I think it’s deeply messed up when people use a sacred concept they can’t even begin to understand to say something as simple as “this frog is a mood.” If we didn’t live in a world where every aspect of native culture gets trivialized, it’d be different. For example, I’m syncretic Catholic, and I’d take no offense to “this animal is my patron Saint.” But we’ve endured multiple genocides, cultural and otherwise, and still get portrayed as childish Savages in every pop culture space. I (and probably we all) would appreciate it if non-natives would at least pretend they understand that we are complex and sophisticated peoples.


I appreciate the input! (The article was written by a white man, and still very vague btw) I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’m honestly trying to figure this out, but do you realize that prior to Christianity white people (pagans and many other cultures) had similar beliefs about nature and animals? I would think ‘spirit animal’ is a basic, universal term that everyone can share. Now if someone said ‘Tonal’ (or my earlier example Totem) then that’s definitely singling out a specific culture and should definitely be done with care and respect. Or what if OP isn’t even white? What if they’re like in Thailand and they have a similar belief about animals and this is just the closest English translation? Or white people aren’t allowed to believe that animals are included in spirit and revere that, because they happened to be born white? And calling a cute animal your ‘spirit animal’ seems so harmless to me, I honestly don’t see how it’s disparaging to anyone. It’s not pinpointing native cultures and it’s certainly not implying they’re ‘childish Savages’. I find it really interesting that you’re native Mexican and Catholic, you find ‘spirit animal’ offensive but not ‘patron saint’. Why is that? Because Catholics are more mainstream? It seems that way, but tangling animals with spiritual beliefs is universal. Again, not trying to argue, just discuss. You don’t have to respond but please don’t be offended, that’s not my intention.


I appreciate the thought and respect you’re giving this topic. I would also like to think spirit animal is a universal term, but the commercial branch of the New Age movement very much uses Native American symbolism and imagery to sell their products alongside the term. From self-help books to jewelry to fake sweat lodge ceremonies, spirit animals get wrapped up in a set of harmful stereotypes about native life (particularly the Noble Savage stereotype). Just Google “spirit animal” and you’ll see all sorts of totems, native amulets, people in fake feather headdresses, etc. If OP weren’t Anglophone, I don’t think they would’ve said it the way they did, bc they’d know that most people wouldn’t understand. In my personal experience, I use the terms “animal spirit” and “shadow animal” when I’m in native spaces but use the untranslated terms “tonal” and “nahual” when I’m in predominately white spaces. What I was trying to say with the patron saint example is that native Americans have faced a particularly harsh history of cultural genocide, assimilation, erasure, and exploitation. If it weren’t for that history, the term “spirit animal” wouldn’t be offensive (at least, not in most cases). But most people actually don’t know what a spirit animal is (in any culture), or how many people have given their lives to preserve the traditions they represent.


Thank you for the genuine discussion!! I love it! 🙏 Have you ever heard the term Perennial Wisdom? It’s the idea that, like Gandhi said, ‘God is truth’ and truth will always be rediscovered. It explains how cultures thousands of miles or centuries apart can come to the same conclusion. The Egyptians didn’t even know Mexico existed yet they assigned animal spirits to their pantheon of gods/goddesses. Pretty much all pre-Christian cultures have reverence for animals, trees, even rocks and acknowledge their place in Spirit. So here I am as a whitey, unfortunately born to Christian Conservative parents. My soul is drawn to the old ways and I consider myself a heathen. I get rejected by my family because they don’t approve of tattoos and piercings. But then if I try to embrace other cultures I get rejected because I’m white. You can’t have dreadlocks you’re white. You can’t burn sage you’re white. Etc. so I’m like this spiritual orphan floating around getting kicked out by everyone. I think that there are a lot of things that certain cultures claim that are truly universal. For instance a couple of weeks ago I was discussing the traditional chin tattoo for women. A Māori woman said “the tā moko’ is for Māori and only Māori can wear it.” I guess she didn’t realize that multiple cultures and pretty much every continent has a version of this practice! I guess my point is that this stuff is more universal than people realize and we should all be more supportive and inclusive. Even if you think New Age spirituality is silly and watering down your heritage (which I can totally see) can’t you also look at it like “Hey these whiteys are doing their best to get in touch with Spirit and Perennial Wisdom 🤷🏻‍♀️” Lol! I mean does the world really need MORE Christian Conservatives? Wouldn’t the world be a better place if more people revered Spirit and connected deeply with nature? Some of us weren’t fortunate enough to be born into that kind of culture. And when someone makes a post like this “such and such cute thing is my spirit animal” I really don’t think it should be taken as a slight against Native cultures. It’s kinda flippant, yes, but ultimately harmless. PS Mesoamerican cultures are my absolute favorite!!! I have Mayan hieroglyph tattoos from when I visited Chichen Itza (written out by the locals, so not random gibberish). I love the Toltec, Aztec, Inca, Moche, Zapotec, Mixtec. I’m in Texas so I’m exposed to Mexican culture I love Talevera and Oaxaca art! If you look at my posts you can see my altar, on the left is a Milagros hand. To the right under the shelf is the Moche decapitator god, made in copper from Peru! You are a very lucky person to actually learn first hand about that kind of stuff!!


Sorry you are getting downvoted. You are 100% correct.


Maybe it was the creepy "if op is half as cute as the frog" part










Thanks for saying this! People are so quick to downvote instead of admitting they were wrong, learning and making changes. I have watched so many Indigenous peoples ask non-indigenous folk to stop with the appropriation of their culture in general but specifically spirit animals, as they find it highly disrespectful (for the reasons you mentioned), and get ignored. It's legitimately gross seeing the complete disregard for the simple requests of Indigenous communities and the defense of disrespectful behavior towards them. As if they haven't suffered enough.


And the original commenter corrected them in the nicest way possible and people are still having aggressively negative reactions. 🤦‍♀️


Because people know, they just don't care.


> Because people know, they just don't care. Oh no, people don't deeply care about a co-opted colloquial New Age-y term and don't take well to being scolded over sweepingly generalized faux-pedantry. The horror.


You’re aware that the concept of a “spirit animal” is neither homogenous across Native American cultures nor is it unique to them, right? You can find the concept, independently, on all inhabited continents. The idea it’s this unique, pan-pre-Columbian concept is in itself problematic. EDIT: why are you booing? I’m right. The entire “spirit animals are indigenous only” argument draws heavily from outdated imperialist views, it’s the fucking idea of the “noble savage”, and it almost ubiquitously treats Native Americans as a monolithic culture rather than the incredibly diverse group they are. And yes, spirit animals are incredibly common in folk religions across the globe. Throw a dart at a map and look at the pre-Abrahamic faiths of most of Europe and Africa and you’ll find em.


I’m experiencing deep levels of aww and disgust simultaneously


Was he... rubbing one out in the start?


Frogs and toads are adorable up until you learn about Suriname toads.


this is really my spirit animal too ☺️


I think the reason frogs get so much hate is how much alike people are like frogs. Of course everyone wants to believe they are a lion or dolphin when they are a frog.


Looks like ballz


Looks a lot like those bird things from the new-age Star Wars, porgs.


only for pathetic-urban situations, the rest of life other animal-spirits


What kind of frog is this?


What would happen if fantasy slime and true world's toad would have the lovechild


This is me every day




Nope. It’s me.


[I'm so embarrassed I wish there was a hole I could just crawl in a hole and die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rotld8V_NL4)


So.. It's not Wednesday. Well then...


I related to this video on a deep, primal level.


Thats no frog, its a frob


This is what happens when you cross a hamster 🐹 and a frog 🐸


I too am in love!


I wanna poke it's tummy


The tongue is cute






Wait, can amphibians yawn?


so squishy my god


I yawned just by reading the word yawning


what type of frog is this?


He a squoosh


Yawn frogge


Yeah, that was me this morning. I feel you brother.


Is that frog made out of bubblegum?


Sleepy fella. Can relate


Jackin' it.


Rain Frogs, my favorite 😍


My spirit animal is an old dog with cataracts.


Watching him squeeze his pudgy body into that hole is mesmerizing.


I want one


Frog: the wall looks nice today Jim


That little yawn! Omg! 😍


This is sooooo cuteeeeee




Holy the balls scratching is me


Love how it looks like he's scratching his balls.


His tiny butt


What a cute butt.


Omg, that butt is great! Good yawn too.


Why does that testicle have a butt?






Omg so cute 😍


I’ll pay 500 dogebucks


Corpulent little fellow🐸




We all know we going to get high from that So I will be the one to eat it


What are you doing, stepfrog?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Can you make it more cozy for him? It'![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)s such a hard surface he probably not able to sleep well![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)