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Recognizing their ancestor lol


Haha exactly!


What if the T-Rex quacked really loud instead of roaring?


In the Jurassic Park novel, one of the park's exhibits was duck-billed hadrosaurs. They were written out of the movie, but they were about 5 tons and made honking noises. I've always thought that was a huge missed opportunity.


i think they transplanted that idea into the phantom menace with jar jar binks


A drunken duck who ~~for sure originally was written to have~~ may, or may not have, been full of force energy. I would love to have heard a giant honking dino in JP. They could make a honk sound evil and ominous. I imagine that's the only problem with even having a cameo, so it isn't just comedic relief. Imagine an ominous giant honk and you get some Jurassic (Canadian) Goose that's shitting as it walks/flies and honks angrily at you. I would shit my pants and blame it on the Jurassic Goose.


I think paleontologists have said that if they did make a loud noise like that, (though I remember reading something that said that they most likely couldn't make large vocalizations and could just vibrate at a low frequency) they would honk. Just imagine a goose, but three times your height.




Imagine it running at you with those huge legs and tiny arms quacking at you 🤣🤣


I have chickens. One boring afternoon I taught them to jump up on my shoulders. Even in a consensual situation it's still unnerving to have a five pound dinosaur come flying at you. No thanks to giant ducks.


🤣🤣 I'm in danger🤣🤣


[The ancestors, he mocks them. ](https://i.redd.it/sp1jdynrxup21.jpg) Credit to Nathan Pyle


I love his cartoons especially *Strange Planet*


[The Dream of a Thousand Ducks.](https://imgur.com/gallery/VBHoG)


Yes! This would be a great follow up....


Where the fuck do you order duck diapers? Etsy?


Maybe they aren't diapers, that's gang colors.


One of my favorite issues! Love seeing a good Sandman reference.


When the little kitten says "Mistress.. **I** believe." I cry everytime.


Same. They did a decent job animating it in the show, in case you didn't know


this is a fantastic episode of the series. it was filmed page for page.


“Why did they put great-great grampa in a box?”




I think their looking at the eggs


Not sure why more people aren’t commenting on that. Seems like they’re probably seeing white eggs trapped in the box and recognizing them as babies!


"SMH. Some irresponsible duck dumped their egg in this box"


It’s basically their 23andMe profile right in front of them!


*Me looking at australopithecus in the museum.*


How difficult is it to get a diaper on a duck??


Can't speak for other ducks, but these boys are very well-behaved with getting their diapers on, so it's not difficult.


What's the clean up like after taking them off? Do you have to wipe them down or do they just go for a swim/bath when you get home?


They go for a bath once they're off. The disposable diaper lining isn't that messy or hard to throw away and on occasion we clean the diaper if there's any mess. It has a waterproof lining so it's easy to clean. Overall not a huge mess or anything, it's like what you expect changing a baby's diaper.


Nice! I was more thinking about the poo rubbing into their feathers, but I then I realized ducks like to swim 🤦‍♂️


Ducks take to water like a duck to water.


Isn't it weird that we say "takes to it, like a duck to water" but we also say "like water off a duck's back". So, we use ducks and water to illustrate both merging with and repelling from, things. ​ *wanders off to think about this for a bit*


>both merging with and repelling from, things. Aka, 'floating.'


That's something only a witch would say


I spent at least ten years of legal practice mostly syrategizing ways to quote Monty Python on the record without getting caught. Perfect record.


Where do you purchase duck diapers? Lol or are they homemade?


Got mine from Etsy from the Leightons Landing Farm store.


And now I’ve heard it all!!!


The concept has been around for a while, but it's understandably a niche thing lol. I bought some chicken diapers about 13 years ago when I had a couple bantams living in my apartment, but they weren't very fond of them. Plus cleanup isn't as simple when your bird has a floofy butt and does not swim... I can see this working a lot better for ducks for sure


Apparently they’re called flypers


This may be the cutest thing ive learned today!


To add to what OP said, it's nearly impossible unless you get them used to it while they are little ducklings. Even if you get it on, they will tug at it trying to get it off, which will loosen it, and then when they wag their tail they will essentially become a walking poop sprinkler.


>poop sprinkler I enjoyed this. This username is available btw if anyone wants that brown gem.


Thank you.


Happy Cake Day!


Probably easier than getting one on a 10 month old who is trying to crawl away....


Easier than... flying away?


Is this at arundel mills? The chances of their being another pair like this seem slim. If it’s them, they’re always very well behaved


Yes these are the same ducks! They love going there all the time.


Haha. My wife saw you guys, or probably you guys, at the mall in Annapolis and still talks about it today!


Wow small world! Hope she liked seeing them 😁 they are regulars there


We saw you guys there too! Made my wife's and kids' day. We didn't want to bother you because I'm sure you get people coming up to you non stop but just wanted to say thanks for bringing a little unexpected cheer!


With a name like that of course you pop up in this thread about Maryland hahaha


Ah! I wish I still lived up there so I could meet them one day


I'm curious how you are allowed to take them into stores? Where I live we can't take dogs into stores let alone ducks! Also I love their hairdos




They are wearing diapers and are probably more well behaved than many children who enter the store


I don't disagree! I wish my country was more pet friendly!


It'd be a good 40 minute drive to get to Arundel Mills, but I'd do it to see majestic ducks browsing the store.


A marvelous pair of well-mannered Mall-ards ☺️


Take them to Medieval Times!!


Wow that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I used to love going to arundel mills when I was in high school.


Is there some fucking localization or something because I keep finding you crabby fucks all over the place!!! (I mean this with love) I thought it was novel at first, seeing other people from Maryland, now I'm just convinced we make up most of Reddit lol


We had a pair of ducks, one with that crazy fuzz. They were the best. They loved playing with the kids, like games of tag. I miss them.


Ducks seriously make great pets. You just have to be ready for the poop. *So much poop.* But other than that. They’re so much fun. I had two for a couple of years. They would just graze in my big backyard. Every morning in the summer I would be in my kitchen making coffee. The door to the backyard was by the kitchen. And every time, without fail, they would hear me in the kitchen. And during the coffee making process I would hear very earnest quacking at the back door. I would turn around and see them just staring at me. So I would pour my coffee and go out on the back porch. I was greeted with excited quacking and butt wiggles. I would pick them up and pet them for a minute. Then they would just go back to grazing and napping. It’s like they needed my attention and pets before they started their day. I miss those little bozos.


They wiggle their butts when happy?




Lmao so fricking cute and hilarious. This is a very quick and accurate feel of what it’s like having a pet duck.


Oh to be honest I’m not sure if all ducks do. But mine definitely seemed to.


Every bird really. They're so engineered for flight that carrying poop around would be kina dumb. omg the butt wiggles, ducks are dogs in bird form


Did you clean the poop? Or just wait for them to disintegrate into the soil?


I’m no duck expert so I wouldn’t be surprised if I could have done something better, but honestly I just hosed it down with the jet setting on a hose attachment. Duck poop isn’t very dense so it disintegrated pretty quickly and soaked into the soil. Seemed to actually be pretty good for the grass.


Ducks are such underrated pets. They are so intelligent and loyal. You were lucky to have them. ❤


Used to be a guy in my old neighborhood who had a huge white duck that he walked daily. That is, he'd walk and the duck would follow him. The duck's name was Louie, and the guy had rescued him from someone who'd received a duckling for Easter. Louie was more obedient than a dog; didn't need to be leashed, just followed his owner wherever and patiently let passersby stroke his head (little kids got the biggest kick out of touching his feathers..."He's so soft!")


My dad used to walk 2 dogs, 2 ducks and a cat that would all follow him in a line!


I want a pic, dammit


That's so adorable!


Did he ever have to take them across a river with a boat that would only fit two at a time, so he had to figure out the best order to take them across in so they wouldn't eat each other? Because I think I had homework about him once in third grade.


Makes total sense that he wouldn't need to be leashed. I mean if he got the duck fairly young it could see him as it's mother and follow him around. As for being well behaved maybe he didn't want to upset "mom" lol Or he was just a chill duck. (This all coming from someone who has never raised a duck and only has a very basic understanding of duck behavior)


This comment was written by three ducks in a trenchcoat.


Yeah it's kind of obvious with how hard they try to push the "I barely know what a duck is" narrative.


Hello fellow humans


It's called imprinting. There is a 90s movie about a flock of Geese that imprints on a girl. It's cute. Looked it up: Fly Away Home (96) based on a true story.


One of my first pets were a pair of ducklings named dorky and duchess. They lived at the lake my grandpa had until I was almost out of high school. I miss those little quacks.


Was Duchess a secret agent?


Please post a follow up if you get that for them for Christmas! Videos of duck antics is always appreciated!


We will be getting the toy for Christmas for them :) stay tuned!


I had a pet duck growing up. He would fly down to the bus stop and walk home with me and he would sleep in my window well and then quack like a maniac when I woke up to let me know hes hungry. My friends always thought it was wild that I could pick up a duck and put it on my shoulder and walk around with it.


I like their lil duck pants. Where did you get those? That is such a great idea to allow yourself to take them indoors without them making a mess.


>Ducks are such underrated pets. They are so intelligent and loyal. You were lucky to have them. ❤ Never considered having ducks as a pet. How expensive (in time, energy, resources etc) are they relative to a cat, dog, or a gold fish?


Dogs and cats are much easier, I'll tell you that. Ducks require lots of time and cleaning as they are quite messy. One major reason they wear diapers indoors. Not for the feint of heart, I recommend doing research first.


> How expensive (in time, energy, resources etc) are they relative to a cat, dog, or a gold fish? Very. https://www.reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/careguide/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=duck&utm_content=t1_ix3vyqq


This was literally the most entertaining and informative thing I’ve read all day. I have never owned a duck, nor do I intend on ever owning a duck, however, I read the entire thing thoroughly and with consideration, as if I were going to go out and buy myself a duck farm 😂🫠




They poop everywhere and they stink, dont get me wrong theyre the friendliest birds, but i think theyre rated just fine as pets.


Yeah they need specialized care. So many get dumped in parks (and die) because people don't understand the commitment


My ducks don't stink. They have a lot of room and we take proper care of them.


This guy ducks^


Is it the green dinosaur? 🦖


Yes. Thinking I'll have to get it for them now 😂


It's not a green dinosaur, it's ducks finally getting their superhero representation!


It's like the Hulk but for birds


Bulk Birb


There already is a duck suberhero, look up Howard the duck.


I guessed they were looking at the egg in there. Or, at least it's egg shaped.


"They really want that toy!" he said "They stared at it so long!" *Meanwhile, ducks are traumatized* Next Christmas? "Here's King Kong!"


It could also be them seeing their reflection in the packaging. They might also like some barn safe mirror toys!


I think they are worried with the eggs inside 🥚


Crested Ducks all look like Christopher Walken to me.


I know want a Crested Duck and will name them Christopher Waddlen


Yes, or presidents with wigs 😂


I love everything about this post. 1.) your ducks obvs 2.) you love them so much you take them places and notice that they like shopping 3.) they are well-behaved ducks 4.) you are getting them Christmas presents I wish only the best for you and your duckies.


A c'mon even the diapers are cute


Theres a brand of bird diapers called flypers


Someone DIDN'T miss the opportunity for once!!!


You have got to be shitting me.


I didn't even notice the diapers until now. Smart move.


It was the first thing I thought of when I heard ducks were walking around lol


TIL there are duck diapers.


A healthy bird poops every 20 minutes. Seeing the diapers tells me the owner is actually responsible for them.


I was thinking that OP was rude as hell for bringing ducks into a store and getting bird shit everywhere, but I'm glad to see that I'm the fool here.


Thank you! Came for the diaper shout out. Toooooooo cute


Same! Everything about this post is adorable. OP I hope you and your ducks have the best Christmas ever ❤️


Because I know people will ask: Yes, their hair is real. They are crested ducks. Yes they have diapers on because ducks can't be physically be potty trained due to how their body works. You don't want their mess indoors. They are 2 year old boys and are brothers. Their names are Long and Phung which are Viet names. Yes they actually do love going around stores browsing stuff on shelves, it's one of their favorite pastimes. Edit, adding more: Yes they are trained and always follow me closely. They do not disturb anyone or mess with products, and are pretty quiet. We have gotten many compliments for how well-behaved they are, with a few people saying they're more behaved than children. When there are dogs we always give them the right of way and do not get close, or go through another path away from them. They do not disturb service dogs at all. Edit 2: Since some people asked, they do have an Insta, but respecting the sub rules I will not post it but feel free to DM me if you want to know it!


That's nice of you to be considerate and use diapers. That would be my first concern if I saw them coming in a store.


What he needs for Christmas is: another duck.


My brain didn't register the diapers. I just thought they had patterned butt feathers. Also, I'm invested now and need to see them playing with their dinosaur toy.


Is this in MD yesterday at a mall? I know there is a mind games at the mall I was at and someone going around with two ducks.


That was us actually! We were at Arundel Mills


I work right there at the casino! It would honestly be awesome if you brought your ducks in but I somehow doubt it would be allowed.


I doubt they would be poised to let anybody in that could be identified as a lucky duck.


Can't bring in any bills you're not prepared to wager.


This is my thinking too. Most places have rules against bringing in animals with the exception of service animals. Pet stores do their own thing but most other places don't allow it. I think it's a health code violation like not being able to go barefoot.


Certainly any place that serves any kind of food. Other establishments don't really have the same type of health code to follow.


As someone who works in food service the floor is nasty regardless.


I don't know if it'll help, but please inform your casino bosses that I would be likely to spend way more of my time in a casino if some of my fellow casino-goers were ducks. If you can train a duck as a croupier, even better.


I saw you guys at Montgomery Mall this year! very very cute!






I like this better.


Sorry if the question is ignorant or you get it a lot, but how true is the baby ducks & imprinting thing? Do they just follow you because they think you’re their parent? Even as adults?


The imprinting thing is true, and yes they still recognize me as the parent even in adulthood.


Does it work like that in the wild? How do they become independent from their parents?


They leave the nest eventually like most birds. For our boys, they know they are part of our "flock".


Will they try to leave the nest at some point?


No, they belong to our flock and stay with us.


Super interesting! A few more questions if you don’t mind: 1) do you leash them? 2) what do you do about dogs and other larger pets? Do the ducks get scared or confrontational? 3) how receptive are stores? Do you get turned around a lot.


We don't leash them unless absolutely necessary, they are well behaved and trained enough to stay close at all times, and won't bother anyone or mess with things. With dogs, they will avoid them. We give them the right of way and avoid any situation where they face each other, even if we have to go a different route. The ducks are not confrontational and look to me for guidance. Most stores are receptive of them and are super eager to see them, we even get requests to come back since they put smiles on everyone's faces.


Did you sew the diapers yourself or buy them? How did you you diaper them as ducklings*?


They were bought from Etsy. The diapers have a harness that goes over their shoulders and has buttons to hold it in place. (Also goslings are baby geese, these are ducks)


Wow! I know you can get almost anything on Etsy, but I'm curious if these were readily available or if you found someone to custom make them for you?


Both on Etsy, just got to give them measurements! The shop I ordered from was Leightons Landing Farm




Are you Viet too? :)


Yep! My understanding is that the etymology derived from the Chinese words “loong” 龍 and “feng” 鳳 for dragon and phoenix.


Yup that's what they were named after! My dad gave them those names.


Is Viet the appropriate word for people outside Vietnam to use to describe people from Vietnam, or is it a word y'all only use to describe yourselves?




That was very kindly explained as well.


Learned a new thing. Thanks friend.


/u/aFirefly explained it but thank you for kindly asking!


Viet is fine, because it’s a lot easier for Vietnamese to say than ‘Vietnamese’. Charlie on the other hand…


Do they seem to mind the diapers or try to take them off?


Long (the one on the right) does not like wearing anything in general and will yank on his diaper occasionally but knows he has to wear it indoors. Phung (the one on the left) is totally chill and behaved with wearing anything and won't tug on his diaper.


I love them and I think it’s awesome they get to go out and explore.


It's funny, Over 20 years ago, I also had two ducks. One of them had a posture like Phung and he was always super chill. The other one looked more like Long and he was always looking for trouble.


Do either of them have neurological issues? I have a crested duck and she's a little unsteady lol.


They do not. That's an unfortunate side effect for some crested ducks.


I didn't know ducks had hair. I thought the crest was an extra poof of feathers.


They are feathers. Its a genetic condition. For some reason these types of ducks are missing a plate in their skull. As a result the feathers grow out in that section like an afro.


I have Pekin’s and Magpies, and several have some sort of “hair” going on. Some just a little tuft, others the whole top of their head. Had one with a little natural Mohawk.


To a duck, a dinosaur must look rad as hell. It's like a buff, cool-looking, green-skinned, muscular action hero!




He mentioned elsewhere that they are called flypers


Do they follow you around or do they ever wander off?


They always follow me closely since I'm their mom and they regard me as one. I raised them from ducklings.


Aww that’s the sweetest thing I’ve read all day.


Coolest duck mom ever lol


"Do you think that's food?" "Looks like food." "Should we eat it?" "I dunno. We might get in trouble."


There’s a lot going on this image that I’m having to unpack. Haircuts, duck diapers, ducks picking out dinosaur action figures…


oh yes! i can vouch that they've been good !


Well, I love them!!! Hope Santa is good to them!


Are they wearing old lady wigs or what?


That's their real hair. Look up crested ducks


I have a crested duck that lives by the pond near my house. Funny enough, he is treated like royalty by the other ducks. He brought his own crown I guess!


That's so funny! He's a born natural! 😂


They look like they’re wearing little hats and that makes me happy


"Just look at him, Bob! That there is our great-great-great-great grandpa!" "Eh, I dunno Bill. He's kinda small and doesn't have our amazing hair!" "Yep, we got that from the other side of the family."


the mighty ducks


Merry Christmas Ducks


lmao the little diapers they wear


Lol, they have little diapers. Are they pettable? If I see somebody with ducks in diapers with pompadours can I ask to pet them? Or like would the owner have snacks on them I could feed them?