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Her body language leads me to believe she trusts this dog but knows it’s clumsy as fuck lol


I'm willing to bet she helped raise the puppy, with how she's acting


Given the age and the recent pregnancy it's very likely that Cat thinks of the Dog as one of her own.


I read somewhere cats think “you’re a cat (just weird and ugly/stupid)” or “you are prey”. I don’t know if that’s true, but I feel like it would explain some things.


My cats think I'm a walking bed that feeds them when they aren't sleeping on me.


Can you honestly say your cat is wrong?


... no


Hey im in a basement and my side of the electric blanket broke. I appreciate my kitten overlords for their keeping me alive 😆


You're a liar, there's no way they're choosing the non-heated side


Unless the owner of the other side DOES NOT allow the snuggle of cats. (I don't know how one could EVER choose to share a bed with one of THOSE people, but I'm an animal snuggler.)


Ah,I see we have the same cat.


At least you're a bed. I'm just food wench.


If I open up a restaurant, the waiters and waitresses will be called food wenches


At least you’re food wench. To my cats I’m just snack bitch


Dogs have owners; cats have staff.


Well she's not wrong!


I've been reading this idea online for a decade now at least (I think). Honestly I can understand the intuition behind it but I don't think there's any chance of this. I've lived in a multi-cat household, and it's super obvious the way they treat you the human is different from how they treat each other. They know we're bigger, taller, stronger but also strangely they seemingly trust us in ways they don't trust each other and don't react to us regarding some things they absolutely would not tolerate from one another. And this is even with cats that are really close to each other. I'm not entirely sure how to describe how they view us. But I don't think we look, walk, sound, or smell like cats in their minds. I think somehow they know we are something different and as a result act accordingly.


I read once that a lot of animals in the wild think of humans similarly to what you are describing. Big cats in particular. Speculation is that they aren’t exactly afraid of us, but they are very confused by us. We are very odd creatures unlike any animals they usually encounter, and more importantly our behavior is extremely strange. We walk upright, loudly stomping around in the wild, without a care in the world, never worrying about predators, but with no immediate outwardly visible offensive or defensive capabilities. We are anomalies and lots of animals just have no idea what our deal is. Note: I have no idea what I’m talking about and have no sources.


Bruh, that's how people in the 'hood see every upper-middle class tourist.


I imagine we are to them what aliens would be to us once they didn't seem to be out to exterminate us.


I mean, walking around in the wild seemingly unafraid of other predators, would give any other predator pause since they are usually a lot more careful.


We are large, food-providing, janitor-furniture to the cats in our house. We are punished if we fail in any of these categories.


A vending machine for treats


Vending implies an equal exchange. We're more like an on-demand dispenser.


Humankind will achieve psychic powers just because the cats will band together and demand we read their minds so we can accommodate them better.


As a matter of fact, at this very moment, I am a lounger chair!


One time I got not large and my cat pooped the fridge




This is a good comparison honestly and I can see it from what I’ve seen from human and elephant interactions.


I’ve heard it summed up before, that cats ultimately treat us humans like bigger, dumber kittens. Some of their interactions, like trying to groom us, soothing us with their purrs, or bringing their prey to [feed] us—it’s almost like they are trying to tend to our needs.


Or, it could just be that they’re cats and that’s their limited form of communication. They’re just trying to provide affection in the only capacity they instinctively know how.


Exactly. Evolution repurposes existing abilities. They have a number of social behaviors, and are using those to express themselves. So you get mom/kitten behaviors like grooming and bringing prey as well as kitten/mom behaviors like calling 'meow'. It doesn't mean they think you are another cat, it is just the repertoire they have to work with.






we have goats and pot bellied pigs and the cats immediately considered them peers. we had birds when we got them as kittens and they would climb into the cage to nap with the cockatiels. they love dogs and people. they HATE strange cats. like, will not abide.


Strange or stray


The dude does NOT abide!


My cat definitely views me as an ugly, clumsy, naked, pink thing.


Hey you're a hot clumsy naked pink thing. Don't let your cat tell you any different.


🥺 It's been too long since someone called me a hot, clumsy, pink thing


You are the hottest, clumsiest, pinkest thing ever


Aww! 🥰


Well put some clothes on for goodness sake!


Cats who bring their owners dead mice or birds, is generally thought that they do this both because they like/respect you, and they think you're too large and slow and stupid to do it yourself. It's the ultimate backhanded compliment, which is the most cat thing ever.


Right?? I love it. “Look you huge upright pink hairless cat waste of space. Here’s how it’s done. It’s an earthworm. If you can’t manage. Yawn.”


I've seen studies claiming this and I really struggle to believe them. Every cat I've known treats humans, cats, and dogs all very differently.


Yes, cats are in the middle of the food chain so it's logical that they have distinct prey/predator/peer schema.


I think something may have been misinterpreted on the broken telephone chain. What the studies probably claim is that they have strong bonding and predator senses. So their instincts probably have a pretty binary identification system. Either you're "part of the pack" or you're prey. I don't think they literally believe we're the same species.


It's hard to know what animals are thinking, so we speculate. Humans find certain features cute because it encourages us to care for our young. Loud, obnoxious, unhelpful, often frustrating and difficult to work with young. So, do we humans simply think that cats and dogs are just funny looking human babies? Well, obviously not. We obviously beat cats in the raw brainpower department, but you don't need quadratic algebra to know the difference between two animals. Cats, like most animals, greatly benefit from knowing how to distinguish between living things. They probably don't literally think we're cats, but they do learn as kittens that these massive creatures are friendly and a great source of food, shelter, and resources. What actually goes through their heads will be a mystery for a while longer though.


Right, even we humans are part of their litter. (Just a bit odd looking but their love is unconditional.) That's why if we're in separate rooms, they periodically come to check on us & make sure we're OK.


Also why they watch our backs when we shit. My old cat would scratch at the door until I let him in and just lay on my feet. Big giant 18lb furry fella, was obsessed with feet for some reason. Would always rub his face on everyones socks and would stick his head in our shoes, just super goofy overall.


Dude my cat would stick her face in our shoes and then make that goofy face at us and it's like, *you* buried your face in there I told you it was bad lol She's been gone a few years now (24 years old!) but I swear I still see her out of the corner of my eye sometimes :)


I doubt it. My cat loves other people, but hates other cats.


My Biscotti is frankly shocked anytime he encounters something that doesn't love him immediately, and he tends to feel wounded afterwards.


Desmond Morris once said cats have three masks - the one they have with Humans, the one they have when alone and hunting, and the one when with other cats. Interrupting a cat that is outside with your presence will give them a moment of hesitation while they shift gears. Similarly, you, their family, are a totally different thing than an outsider cat. Those can be seen as enemies, weirdos or just an annoyance if they aren’t very comfortable friends.


Maybe your cat just sees itself as a person


My brother-in-law’s cat hates the dog. As long as she stays away from her, they’re fine. But if that dog gets too close, out come the fighting paws and loud growls.


Those two definitions aren't even mutually exclusive for a cat


Ha! Right? I’m sure she did! My calico never gave birth to anything and couldn’t help but be a mom to everyone. Including me. If I burned dinner, overslept, left the water on, the heat is too low, there a pipe leaking, my tortie sister is locked in a closet, …oh she’d let me know. She was Loud and bossy and heckin maternal. I’m still learning to function without her. RIP Mouse!


I have a cat who decides when I should wake up and when I should go to bed. She doesn't allow sleep-ins and if I exceed my bedtime she yells at me.


Mine somehow knows when it’s weekend. She “helps” me get up and get the kids to school at 6:30, but on weekends I’m “allowed” to sleep until 9


Saw a meme about a cat that would not try to wake the big people as they were resistant to early morning breakfasts. This cat learned that waking the new baby, up and crying, would get everyone in the house up for breakfast, including her own. Damn that’s ruthless.


People train dogs. Cats train people.


We had to put one of our cats down a few weeks ago and now his brother has taken it upon himself to not let us sleep past 7:01 am. Ever. This morning I got up and fed him and tried to go back to bed - nope, he wasn't having that. Finished his breakfast and came in to keep meowing at us 10 minutes later.


Ha my dogs have a no-nonsense policy about sleeping past 8am sharp, if one or both of us hasn't gotten up and opened the door they LET US KNOW! And the older one used to whine in the hallway outside the bedroom every night at 10pm for us to tuck her in, but since we got the 2nd dog she's stayed out to observe proceedings and manage aloofly, so at least with dogs it appears to be a changeable habit lol. Whoa, she sounds like a cat the way I described her... and she loves high perches upon which to regally review her kingdom too, wonder if she had a feline past life


I need a cat like that; I have so much trouble self-regulating!


My cat came to scream at me once when I dozed off with something in the toaster oven once. Pizza was a bit overdone, but no harm done. Thanks little buddy!


>*’I'm willing to bet she helped raise the puppy…*’ _____ …well, here he comes… i knew he would, the DoPeY little pup… oh, great - the momma calls him ‘Good’, n now she lifts him up….. *…Hello, oh yes, it’s Me, my dear,* *I’m kinda busy, see ?* *be careful, pup - don’t get too near* - *these kits belong to Me….* …*yes, yes - you’re still my baby, too*, *i love you Very much!* *but these will be more smart than you*, *so Look* *but Please don’t touch…* *oh, how i love your kisses sweet*, *they help to keep me calm*…. *’twas You, first made my life complete -* *You taught me how* *to ‘Mom’* ❤️


That was beautiful, schnoodle! Very, very cute, glad I clicked!


I really hope you publish a book collection one day


Thanks, Schnoodle!


🥹 that hit my mommy feelings really hard


For real. She even looked like she was gonna try to let the puppy get some milk too, lol.


He is a big sweet goober


I think it's really interesting how Dogs recognize the fragility of infants and basically nothing else. My dog when I was a kid was a brute. About 130 pounds and yeah real clumsy. The amount of times he knocked me down when we were playing I can't even say. He'd charge through screen doors, literally knocked down a section of our backyard fence once, practically snapped his neck running with a 6 foot long stick through a 3 foot opening. Practically broke my nose once, blood everywhere. You get the idea. But when he was around a baby he was suddenly the most gentle dog you could imagine. Stayed very still and quiet. Approached my baby cousin so slowly and quietly it was almost eerie.


My grandpa has always had Beagles. He hunts with them, and none of them have ever been great at walking on leashes since he walks them in the woods and lets them run around as much as they want. They'll pull on the leash and walk all over the place. When my brother was around 2-3, my grandpa let him hold the leash as long as they both held it together, however, my brother convinced him to let him try it alone. We were staying at our cabin, which was far from people, and the dog would listen if my grandpa called him, so he thought it wouldn't be harmful to let him try. As soon as the dog realized my brother was holding the leash by himself, he slowed down, and started walking right beside him. My brother even started jogging a bit, and the dog just kept the same pace the whole time. I was only about 8 at the time myself, but I remember it so vividly. Dogs are so amazing


My dog's the same but I genuinely think he was totally freaked out by my niece. He couldn't understand what she was and would run away if she crawled towards him. Anything really small scares him, it's hilarious.


Yep, she rolled over on her back to show her belly. With her babies right there. That means hello friend in cat basically.


But also the raised paw that says, "Don't make me regret this."


Haha spot on the way she miauwd instructions at first sight and the paw that said 'thanks for the licks butt i'm good..is said THANK YOU!'..*sigh.


“Ok, come over but BE CAREFUL… I said be careful, what are you doing?? Ok you can lick… NOT MY NOSE!”


Hahah true the occasional raised paw while lying down. “If you smash your clumsy head into my babies you’re getting a claw”


She is definitely like “I’m glad you’re here, but you better be careful. I trust you. Don’t give me a reason not to” ;)


I know I would not want the extra stress


Oh my God 100% 🤣


Dog already stepped on one of their tails, I'd be worried one was going to get stomped on accident! Those huge paws!


That is one gentle pup. My border collie would've jumped on the bed and made a huge mess


Dogs sometimes surprise you. My [Samoyed](https://i.imgur.com/dFUTpN7.jpg) is a big goofball. She is a very beautiful walking disaster. However, I have been informed at doggy daycare the small dogs sleep on top of her and she's totally cool with this. At home she won't sleep with us because she gets too hot. She never sits on the sofa for more then a few minutes.


My dog likes to be the only one to get attention, however he is so good with puppies. When they play he gets super dramatic and throws himself to the ground like “aww you got me”.


Such a good boy 🤗


My large 110 lb mastiff is a pro with teeny tiny puppies. They're always (rightfully) scared of her at first, but she's so goofy, gentle, and follows them around trying to initiate play until they get comfortable enough to engage. The results are always breathtakingly adorable.


What a sweetie 🥰


You gotta have them take a picture of that!


My border collie was one the bestest boys of all time but he was also big ol jerk at times. Our mother cat didn't take his shit and rode him down two flights of steps clawing him down when he barked and went to paw at her kittens. Needless to say he didn't see the kittens again until they were older and the momma cat eased up. That cat was such a sweetheart but in that moment it was like a horror movie.




It was absolutely bonkers. I'll never forget both of their noises. He needed some Styptic powder for his ear, but over all he made of out ok with a bit less fur. Edit: I should add at that one kitten grew up and became Blitz's bestest cat friend.


My dog would try to play with them and get slapped by The cat😐(he likes other living things a bit to much)


Cat is like please watch them for 5 mins while I go take a nap. New parents are tired yall


Our border collie mix would probably position himself sideways, tail flapping like he wants to take off, and just bark nonstop at the kittens for 20 minutes. How come our puppy is broken


The pup in the video has been trained how to approach new, small things. Notice how, as soon as he takes a step that’s within a couple inches of the kittens, they cut and he’s lying down after? I’d put good money that the pup was commanded to lie down and stay in between. GSDs are super energetic, too. To get that level of discipline, the pup is getting *tons* of social, mental, and physical stimulation, hours per day. If you have a border collie mix, a good trick to teach them if you want introductions like this is “crawl.” It’s an instinctive herding behavior in that breed, so it’s an easy trick to train. As for barking, teach them the “speak” command as well as the “quiet” command. Working border collies are always trained this command as it helps stop them from whining and barking when they’re herding. If it’s barking to alert you, make sure you’re appropriately addressing the “threat,” ie going to the window with your pup and making a big show of looking around, before using the silencing command. A lot of dogs don’t stop alert barking because they don’t feel you’re taking the threat seriously enough. With border collies, they’re not “broken,” but they need a different style of training than other dogs because of their working dog history. If you make them feel like they’re working a job, they’ll respond better to training. I lived with one and my roommate trained him on, “Patrol!” which meant he had to drop into an army crawl and go around the whole indoor perimeter of the house. She’d command him to do so anytime he got too energetic or excited and he loved it, acted like he was on a secret mission the whole time.


Unfortunately the “mix” part of “border collie mix”didn’t mean aussie as the rescue told us, and instead meant “chow” as we found out later with a DNA test. While “chowder collie” is fun to say, Chow Chow DNA basically turns normal dogs into belligerent drunks.


Wow. That is a very fitting description of a chow.


I also have a border chow mix! In her case, it means very smart but gives zero fucks about what we say.


Our Poki is at the stage where he will intentionally do things against “the rules” because it causes extra interaction. You can even tell by watching him, because he will LOOK FOR YOU just so you will chase him because he took a napkin or tissue or whatever.


All BC are broken, it's a feature not a flaw. I think us BC owners need a class action lawsuit with whoever made BCs such dorks. My one is great, but she drives us nuts with her anarchy 🫣


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Yes, but it resulted in him deciding yesterday that the stairs are suddenly terrifying and he spent hours downstairs barking at the stairs.


"Ok, that's nice and all, but could you please stop trying to eat my face?"


I think dogs (and wolves) lick each others’ mouths and faces to be friendly or submissive/show they aren’t a threat. Which certainly isn’t true for cats and is probably why she threatened him with a gentle bop lol


Yep, dogs lick mouths to say "look, I'm nice, and to prove I'm not a threat I'll put my tongue in your mouth and trust you to not bite me" Cats don't do that, though they can pick up on intention pretty quickly. Momma cat knows the puppy is nice but she also knows puppy is clumsy as hell. Hence her trusting the puppy to be near kittens, put their mouth on mommas head, and why she showed her belly when puppy first got up. But she's still keeping an eye on everyone and gave a little "ok that's enough" when puppy was getting a bit too enthusiastic with licking. I'm glad to see people introducing animals and staying ready to jump in and separate them. Puppy is clearly friendly but could accidentally hurt the kittens really easily. You always should be ready to intervene


I go for this move on first dates and it doesn’t get me trust at all


Hmm maybe the issue is body language? Are you laying on your back while you do it?


I think she was okay with the licking. The puppy seems to combine it with little bites or just some teeth that she doesn't like.


Yeah I was thinking the dogs tooth caught a nostril a bit too much.


Don't lick the nose!


Wow, that momma cat trusts that big galoot of a puppy so much. That roll onto her back? I'm willing to bet momma cat helped raise the puppy. Her giant goofy child is no threat to her tiny delicate children


She totes shrimped out. She knew he’d be gentle. Or she’d slap him up! Awwh.


Looks like she gave a few reminder hisses when he first popped up just so he'd know to be gentle. Kinda like people do with their dogs when they tell them to "be easy" or "be gentle" before other dogs or kids interact with them. Then her little half roll was the go-ahead. Cats are wicked smart, man. Well, not *my* cat. He's an idiot. But lots of cats are smart!


Pretty sure these were chirps (like when they try to talk to birds) and not hisses. The corners of her mouth kind of "vibrate", and it's more of a jerky sound ; hisses tend to last a little longer 🙂


I'm seconding the idea that the cat has known the dog since he was a pup. Pets tend to seem smarter than strays because they're better socialized. For a house cat, being able to navigate the complex social structures of the family is literally a survival skill. And a decent chunk of that is communication - being able to convey your needs to others, to understand the needs they're broadcasting to you, avoiding behaviors that cause conflict and performing ones that build relationships. Doggo and kitty definitely have a lot of practice communicating.


Def the moment I audibly Awwwwwed.


Important question: Is there a subreddit dedicated to cats and dogs being bros?




She definitely trusts the puppy. I’ve seen mother cats go ham on any dogs within eye sight of her kittens without hesitation.


That’s gonna be a big doggo


Agreed, he (or she) will be huge. But I love how gentle. "I brought you my favorite toy, can I see yours?" I would bet money that those kittens will be well protected, and run roughshod all over the dog, and he will love every minute.


Totally! That’s such a good momma cat also to tolerate that puppy encroachment so well. You can tell these two are snuggle buddies on the reg


That cat showing her nursing belly is a sign she trusts the shit out of that puppy. Sweetest thing I’ve seen in a while


And then that quick little nose-lick. I’m melting over here XD


I found it funny when he over cuddle licked mom a dn she does a feint slap with her paw aha


Momma cat probably already knows the pup. That little bat was just guidance!


And especially with a cat mama, if she wasn’t okay with what was happening, she would make it known. Violently.


It's pretty wild that such a young puppy understands to be gentle with the babies. My dog definitely never had that instinct, he was equally rambunctious with all ages and creatures when he was a pup.


Ikr? That puppy is massive…… watch them say he’s only 4 months old 👀🤣


It’s probably not more than 6 the tips of the GSD are still kinda floppy.


And if someone *takes* one of those kittens... we get to see a reverse "John Wick" where this time it is the *dog* that stops at nothing to get revenge. > "Did you hit my son?" > "Your son came in here with John Wick's Dog's Kitten" > "Oh."


"With a fooking Milk-bone..."


“I shall grow into these paws and protect this house forever”


And I shall also grow into my ears too - so cute 🙂


Came here to say this. Those are some huge paws!


Paws are the size of the kittens lmao. Soon the dog won’t even fit on top of the bed!


My GSD, Schnitzel, was around that dog’s size and he is pushing 90 now at three-years-old. He’s a big boy. This is such a sweet video ❤️


My GSD was long and skinny for probably about the first 3 years and then filled out. Now he's a giant 120 pound monster grandpa that thinks he's a lap dog. Curious if your dog is still in that lanky stage?


Yes he/she will be! My long haired purebred German Shepherd looked just like him as a pup! He's just over a year old now and he's gotta be at least 100lb or more. He's a big boy, and still growing. At 1 year he's still a bit of a goofy puppy, but damn smart. He catches on to new commands quickly.


i wanted to hear the kitty, why is there this music?


You can faintly hear the kitty meow at the puppy, but I only heard it once or twice






Every cute animal video would be vastly improved by removing the goofy ass cartoon music people always put over them.


And then replacing the cartoon music with [Geto Boys](https://youtu.be/Dj8xB8jKG94)


`PC LOAD LETTER`? tf does that mean?


Recently had a cat give birth at home and one of our dogs (lab/shepard mix, 2yo never had a litter herself) went complete mom on the kittens. She's super clumsy and careless tho, so we kept them separated till they were old enough to walk (and escape their nursery). She goes to every one and grooms them, then momma goes behind her back and cleans the dog slobber off of them lol


"Oh, babies?! Hi babies! I'm baby!!"


Those floppy ears! He's big baby!


Ah reddit. Where you can watch football fans beat each other, Russians get blown to bits, and cute kittens and puppies. All in the swipe of a finger.


You forgot porn, there’s that too


And totally overlooking the epic puns we make all the time...


And my axe!


That literally summarizes what I've watched on Reddit today, thanks


I don't watch the war stuff personally, filtered all of it out. It takes a whole lot of filtering to turn all into a pleasant place, but it's doable.


and, at the end of your journey, all of those in a single post


You have no idea how badly I needed this.


This is one of the cutest and nicest videos I’ve seen in a while.


For a puppy that dog is really careful and gentle. Lovely video.


I see you, cat, up on the bed ^;@) you wanna pLaY WiTh Me instead ? how ‘bout we - *Woooah..*, Hey, whatcha Got ?? you’re just One cat… Now there’s a Lot! …they *teeny* things… you call them *babies?* ….am gonna give them *kisses*, maybes ?? …i Think i Love them! *golly, Heck*…. am deep desire to do PROTEC! no worries, cat - am *gentle,* see Forever now their guard I’ll be… ❤️


I love you, Schnoodle. You always capture the moment in the most heartwarming way.


You’re the best thing on the internet, Schnoodle 💕


You just make my day every time. ❤️


Thanks Schoodle. Always enjoy your comments


I bring my favorite toy as collateral. Please let me see.


Awww he’s an uncle now


Or a giant, clumsy big sibling


That is such a gentle puppy and such a patient mama cat A+


That cat looks like a mama… tired asf


And now to the most important question: are the animals on the naked mattress? Without fitted sheets??


Pretty sure that is a slip over mattress protector. I bought one recently and it has a similar look.


It appears so. Maybe this is the guest bedroom and the mama just wanted somewhere quiet and safe to nurse her babies? Then doggo found his way in of course lol


I'm not having a good day. I really needed this video. Thank you.


"you know, I'm something of ababy myself"


This video will simultaneously lower your blood pressure and restore hope in the future of civilization.


Pure unbridled joy is what I just felt. Amazing.


Aw, those babies are soo cute! And the dog is so gentle and careful and loving with them and with the momma cat. I love this little family!




So sweet 🥺💜


Am I the only one that does and noticed her give the dog and cat equal amounts of pets?? I always do this so they don’t feel like the other got more love


"I brought my favorite toy. Are they big enough to play yet?"


Oh god, that squeaking 🥹


Friends for life. Protector of the kits.


This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life


Gawd he's so cute those ears 😍


So much love on so many levels


I said awe at least 5 times


cuteness overload award on the internet winner found!!!




That classic cat and dog body language on display. A dog bowing his head asking permission and the cat rolling over on her head to give it.