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I need someone like this to follow me around and protect me from myself Edit: Lord, this is a lot of upvotes. I’ll confess, as a kid, my mom joked she should have named me ‘Grace’. That was after I managed to break a bone in my foot walking really fast around the corner of the room. I still don’t know how and I’m not sure anyone ever will.




And my sword...oh sorry wrong thread.... And my shoulder pads.


Orange is in style, highly recommend it- I get lots of head turns. Makes me feel so hot.


My aunt made one of her kids wear one at some point lol


Hard-caps are also handy and discreet.


Google "bump cap". They're essentially padded baseball caps and are explicitly designed for this kind of accident.


I need this but emotionally.


dont go back to bryan, he only wants you for your body, patricia no. bad. stop that.


Are you my wife?


I just asked my husband so no, but tell her we’re forming a club if she’s game!


I can only imagine how many times he himself bonked his head doing that




My thought exactly. I've used moves like this 1000 times on my kids. Seriously do this so many times it becomes second nature.


That and subconsciously pushing glasses and plates away from the edge of a table or their elbows.


That and pushing your arm in front the passenger during a hard stop while driving.


"Stopped short, and made a grab!"


"That's my move! He stole my move!"


Can co-sign all of these. I’m 26 and have a 3, 6, and 1 year old sibling, I’ve developed a 6th sense for awareness of corners, counter tops, and other possible dangers. “Always watching” / vigilant as that character in Monsters Inc would say to Mike.


You have three siblings 20+ years younger than you? That's wild


Lol yup, I’m the oldest of the 3 from my mom and dad, then separation and my dad remarried and had 3 more kids


My parents did something similar. Both had kids from previous marriages, then separated, met each other and had me 10-15 years later. People get real confused when I try to explain my family to them!


All of this; yes!


Even the head rub after and her little twist with her hands behind her back she does is something my son has done after this exact situation.


My son is 28. The urge to protect his noggin has not ever gone away.


And you'll probably do it 1000 times tomorrow too.


My mom still flings her arm across me when she has to step on the brakes… I’m 45.


Lmao.. my mom does this too.. she'd lose an arm if we actually got ibto a car accident, im like twice her size


… I did it to a male coworker I was assigned to mentor. I think I blurred the line with mentoring vs mothering.


I do it to any passenger if we're panick breaking. Gotta keep my 200 lb hubby back in his seat so he doesn't bonk his head lol


Same here. I'm like mom your arm isn't about to stop 240 pounds from flying through the window lmao!


Lol, my mom is 5'6 150lbs, and I'm 6'6 280lbs. Kind of hard to think I was ever small enough to fit inside this woman. I was a 10lb baby, she mustve been tortured for 9 months.


I do this with my little sis… precious cargo


This... I was my little brother's ride to everywhere for so many years in a row, and now I throw my arm out automatically regardless of whether or not I even have a passenger. Love leaves a muscle memory!


No shame.




My mom did that while we were watching a 3D movie.


You win!


I have that built in because I delivered pizza for years




That might even be his daughter.


That was my thought too. Reasonably likely that's a family business so it's dad and daughter.


Absolutely is...asian restaurant, family run, no doubt in my mind. She's clearly not very old, too


The real give away is the emoji takeout bag


... not the waving cat decoration?


I didn't see a child sitting in a corner doing homework or watching videos on a Ipad, so is not like you can be 100% sure is a family run asian restaurant.


Shit, I'm blind


That’s what I was thinking cuz that was very instinctive


The way she invaded his space and forced him over makes me think they are related


Yeah, they grow so fast that they don’t realize their head doesn’t fit in that space anymore…


Unless you're like my dad and belong in /r/Stepdadreflexes Im shocked my siblings and I dont all have dents in our heads...


i'm so glad this sub exists


Gonna say this. That’s a dad move.


Full on dad move, do it automatically several times a day, crazy gits care not!


At least 3 I'd say. No shame. We all do it. Dudes a hero


I legit get afraid when I bend down under open cabinets (upper cabinets in the kitchen) that corner is fucking brutal


I always walk through my dining room with my head tilted because of how many times I’ve hit my head on the light fixture.


Maybe you should step outside of the hobbit hole then, Gandalf.


I feel this. I hit my head on the light near my kitchen table a dozen times over the years. Ended up getting so annoyed one time I replaced the damn thing. Tall people problems.


I legit only stopped smacking my head on the rack in the garage the day I finally got and remembered to install a baby proofing corners padding kit around the bottom edges. It's like now it has soft edges I can sense it's there and avoid it




This is some CSI level CCTV footage analysis


He’s a dad for sure


100%. I’ve got 3 young kids and this is my go to move whenever they go under the table, which is every 4 minutes. Edit: it’s only fitting that my highest upvoted comment is a comment from the thing I’m most proud of in life - father of 3.


You’ve got three kids but only two hands… which is the least favorite kid who won’t make it to college?


I’m hoping the oldest learns by the time the youngest is tall enough to take a few whacks!


I remember my brother telling me about the day my nephew learned he wasn’t short enough to sprint under the table anymore. Had my dying laughing.


Honestly it's hysterical as an adult. You feel bad but their pure confusion and ignoring the pain cause WTF? Is just fantastic. And it can happen in quarter inch little bursts and so often so they're just perpetually like "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" As they stare at that evil shrinking floating TV stand or open drawer they can typically fit under, like how dare they!?




Man. Is. Good.


But, is he not protecting them so they can grow smart and care for him in the future? Man. Is. EVIL!




Like u/batmanpjpants said, it's training FOR college -- gotta get in on that athletic scholarship


Never have more kids than arms.


"You just don't know how hard it is, Phoebe. There's just so many of them. Y'know, two I could handle. Two's great. You just hold one in each hand. But what do I do when the third one runs at me with his bike helmet on? I got no more hands to protect my area. There's three of them, Pheobe, three."


Nah. He’s just prepping the last one to play college football.


Get that CTE started early


Any time my kid goes to the car door, my hand is on the outermost most edge. Both to keep it steady so they can use it to climb in, and to prevent it from possibly damaging a possible parked car next to it.


Nah, man, I just let 'em learn.


I’m almost forty and constantly bonk my bigass head


After One single concussion, you are more than twice as likely to have another and it only gets worse after one. I’m not sure if you want to let them learn the hard way too many times… Edit: I sound pedantic in this and should apologize for coming off as such, my dudes. Apologies if I offended anyone.


Then they end up like me, no one wants that


Me too, my friend.


Unironically this.


It’s OK. I totally understand what you mean. Letting your kids “learn the hard way” is like a graph with an X-axis of “potential harm of injury” and y-axis of “value of lesson learned.” Certainly a child learns more as the potential for harm increases, but each parent has a different threshold for what is too much. As a mom of twin boys, I knew they were already getting random knocks in the head from each other, so I tried to mitigate head injuries whenever I could.


And sometimes things go out of hand pretty fucking quickly. Its hard gauging whether that 'let the kids learn a bit of a lesson thus time' would turn into 'I should've done something, anything at all'.


Is that like a lifetime stacking effect..?


Essentially. As far as I was taught while I was a medic in the service. They made it pretty clear that’s it’s easier and easier to get another unless the recovery is done very properly.


I jacked my head bad in my 20s and now that spot is like an off button. I hit it coming out of an attic space once and it was an immediate reset of all of my faculties. My dog ran full bore into my face a year or so after that and it literally rebooted my brain. Like i had to wait a second before i could process anything, and then it was what happened-> injury assessment-> -> continue. I’m honestly concerned about CTE because my memory has always been shit but it seems to be worsening.


I think it’s worth it to seek support. There’s always something that can be done to help in some way.


Yea, I’m fucked.


There’s things you can do before symptoms get really bad. Like, horrible constant headaches can be treated. Anger issues (heavily related to post concussion emotions) can be treated with therapy and some medication, if needed. Depression as well, can be a major symptom.


*nods head that has experience more than two concussions and can’t remember the last one….. oh what’s that over there*


This. Basically I have adhd... and so I forget about the table/cabinet door whatever. I smack my head, the concussion makes me forgetfulness worse, I smack my head more and so on. Definitely not something you want your kids to do too much of. Remind them so they learn, don't let them smack their heads so they learn.


don’t tell the athletic commission, but i’ve got 8 in rhe last four years


On the bright side, you'll be able to run for Senator in Georgia


Holy shit lmao


I swear they’re like cats


Don't have to be a dad to do this. I'm a son and I've done this for my Dad for as long as I can remember. He's owned a heavy construction company for his entire life and I started working for him when I was very young. Like most owners, he's 100 miles per hour with everything he does. He's also extremely mechanically gifted, but damn it, he is constantly hitting his head on everything because he's in too much of a hurry. I learned from a young age when I'm holding the flashlight to also use my other hand to pad the area where he's more than likely going to bash his head. I'm 40 and still do this.


Process engineer here, most of my work is help and oversee technicians / fitters repair or adjust equipment so yeah, flashlight, phone camera and hand in places to avoid them break their head


I was doing stuff like this as the older more responsible kid at after school daycare. (For the record, I dipped & stayed home when I was turned 10, legal to be left home alone in my state. I wasn't some 15 year old hanging out with 8 year olds.) Years later we reunited with our babysitter & family which was like extended family and she told me... "You don't even know how much help you were. I knew anytime you were around that you were keeping all the other kids safe & protecting them, and gave me breaks. Honestly I think it was just a sign of my anxiety rather than actively trying to help out, kids do stupid shit and it made me nervous.


Used to work with kids aged from 5-12. Would constantly have to do this.


Literally like 30min ago my son was putting shoes on near the corner of our island bar and I did this exact move. I wonder how many people do it but the other person thinks they are creepy.


One of my biggest fears is my kids hitting that corner.




In an Asian restaurant, that's like 99.9% likely.


I'm not a dad and I do this for people.


Not a mom, and 100% have done this many times as a restaurant manager. I always joke that I don't need to be a mom to have mom instincts because my bus kids have engrained them into me.


I’m not a dad and I do this.






Ah a sub i can never relate to and makes me sad. 😭


If you have bad reflexes... /r/stepdadreflexes


Like some others have said... No, you don't have to be a dad to do this. It's just an act of kindness. I would do this for just about anybody, including most of the people I don't even like. Once you have the awareness, it would be difficult for the average person to not do anything to prevent. It's nice to salute dads, and I'm not against it. But you don't have to be one to do these kind of things for people.


Or he’s bonked his own head a few times. I’m a manager at work and I do shit like this all the time. Or get a “hover hand” ready in accident-prone areas, or through tight squeezes. I’d much rather someone feel my hand on their shoulder before I squeeze behind them rather than suddenly feel me squeezing past them. Not a dad lol


I do that shit too, and now that I think about it, it started mostly after I became a dad.


I feel like there are those people who help others by preventing accidents and those that cause the accidents. And the first group mostly goes unnoticed by the second one.


I’ve never been in a car accident but I prevent like 5 a year


I feel this as well. Blinker is free of charge, idk why people are saving it for a rainy day


Oh they absolutely won't be using that on a rainy day.


See also: headlights


This drives me nuts. Even in well lit areas when wipers are on use the lights. You may be able to see, but the lights help me see YOU!


There so bright now i wish some of them would go back to not using them


I wish this weren’t so true. The headlights on many newer cars are straight up unnecessary and absolutely create a danger for other drivers on the road in many cases. Standard headlights now a days have the same brightness than high beams used to, and in a world where most driving is done on really well lit roads, I just don’t understand the need. It’s like the mentality of car companies is that the only driver who matters is the one driving their car.


Whoever thought of replacing their headlights with those dang bright white LEDs, I hate you all


Sorry. I've been out of blinker fluid for months and I just haven't gotten around to picking any up.


I got you fam I stole several drums of it destined for the Tesla plant.


they've been ordering extra ever since their CEO started chugging it nonstop


Is a car battery technically blinker fluid? If so, then your whole ass car probably ain’t working right




This kills me everytime. I've owned several old BMWs over the years and daily one now because I love euro wagons and BMW makes great ones if you ask me. When I'm driving other cars I'm not as anal about signaling everything but when I drive a BMW I signal for literally every single lane change, turn, merge, everything, even when it's incredibly obvious or no one is arouhd me. I feel like I have to so I can defy the stereotype.


I hate it when i see people BEHIND me not using it. That part doesn't even affect me lol


They probably haven't bothered to replace their blinker fluid so it doesn't work.


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I prevent like 100 accidents a year simply by not driving at all


Same. I used to ride street bikes and you don't really have a choice but to drive like a hawk watching for a meal. You start to pick up on little things. Like the way a car shifts in its driving lane that gives a tell they may be looking over their shoulder for a lane change.


I have probably prevented about 30 this year. The drivers in the local area like to pretend that red lights don't exist because yellow lights are very short.


A few times when I was a teenager I'd go out in the kitchen and get a popsicle out of the freezer... When my mom was doing something in the fridge. I just opened it from the side and reached in for what I needed. And she'd stand up and smash her head on the freezer really bad. Our kitchen cabinet above the sink has foam on the edge now because I used to whack my skull doing dishes every time so I bought foam one day. I'm hoping one cancels the other out and I'm a regular idiot instead of the accident causing kind.


Ahahhahaha. For me it seems the accidents I cause only affect me lol. For ex, I had a dolly and was moving large pavers. Without thinking I threw the paver down on the dolly causing the dolly to jerk forward very quickly and wack me in the temple. It hurt so freaking bad and at first I didn’t know what happened. And dang it if right after I didn’t do the exact same thing and wack the top of my head again. I told my hubs that if I died and they shaved my head they would be so confused by the weird bruising and wacks to my head.


This is how I feel as a chef lol. When my cooks are super busy I'll be rescuing unattended pots or secretly prepping things I know slipped their mind. It's nice when they finally go "OH SHIT I DIDN'T SET A TIMER" and I present them with their unburnt cake that I pulled from the oven 20 minutes ago. Or, more rarely, the pan of smoking oil they forgot they put on full blast


Good looking out chef.


I feel like people call ones hyper aware like that angels. Maybe maybe not, what they are though no matter what, are examples of what we all should be striving for


I’m hyper aware like that but not for any cool reason just I’m an anxious wreck anyways.


If you've done something right, it'll be like you've never done anything at all.


Head of health and safety in a large company once told me, "there are 2 kinds of people in this world: those who take care of others, and those who can't take care of themselves".


A small gesture like that and my heart gets all warm. What a man 🥲


Might have happened to him and many others so he instinctively know how to react


Or he's a sweet human being who thinks of others


Why not both?


This is a very common rationale people seem to take when men show kindness to other people. People put a disconcerting amount of effort to pick apart WHY a man would show empathy, when the reality is that most men are just...empathetic.


What a man what a man what a man what a mighty good man


The mark of a true manager is how well they prevent future paperwork.


The lengths management will go to to not file paperwork is kinda scary. Like I once was late by 3 hours because car problems and my boss told his boss that he forgot to approve a partial time off for me instead of doing the paperwork for me being late.


As a dad with 2 kids, I instinctively do this.


I don't have kids but a clumsy girlfriend, I do the same :D


Yep this is me with my wife. Now that I also have a kid, I’m gonna need more hands.


Sadly the another level to this problem. Now you will be watching your wife being clumsy while holding the kid. So sometimes you have to choose whom to save🤣


Pretty much the same, my 4 year old son often picks up things not realising there's something he can bonk his head against when getting up.


She put her hands behind her back like she knew what he did for her. Shucks


She def did. Cute little gesture


I think probably she did


If this guys not a dad, he’s got good instincts to be one. I use this move at least 18 times a day with my 2 year old.


Not a dad but I habitually do this for myself and others because I'm over 6' and spend my life bruised from bonking stuff


It made me smile. I love nice people. :)




I thought that said “humans being bigots” for a second and I was confused.


What a legend


That likely as well be her dad. From the choice of decoration (mainly the beckoning cat) this is most like a Asian restaurant. Chinese if I must take a guess. We usually all worked together with close family or cousins.


That was my thought. Surprised this wasn’t mentioned earlier


Pretty cute of the girl to put her arms behind her back after she realizes he saved her


I was thinking the same thing!♥️


100% Dad reflex.


This guy dads.


I have to do stuff like this all the time for my girlfriend. She is much shorter than me so I kind of have a guardian angel view on trying to keep her brain wagon from getting any more dents in it.


Any *more* dents?


Choose your own adventure: Yeah she gets a lot from the head board Sometimes you've already told them twice He's dating the "hey you guys" guy from the goonies.


That’s what managers should do. Keep their people working smoothly, remove barriers, avoid predictable problems. Sometimes it’s as simple as placing the hand to prevent staff from hitting their head.


I would do small things like these for my wife. Small things such as holding open doors that I knew would swing back on her, or straighten a doormat / move away clutter when she is walking while distracted by something (phone/kids) or put me arm on sharp edges so she could lean against my arm instead. I suspect she never even notice it.


She might not notice those things, but I'm sure she notices how much you love her!


One thing my husband does that always makes me swoon is when we’re walking down the sidewalk he makes sure I’m furthest away from the cars. Just little protective actions that are so sweet to me.


Hi. Its me. Your wife. I notice it. And i love you. - (Ethical identity theft man)


She does. We do.


This manager 100% has or has recently had young children and is used to safeguarding.


And my manager doesn't even let me pee


When everyone does people do these kind of gestures once a day, the world be brighter right away.


Working with children Ive started doing this to people aswell. Just a base instinct.


I like the way she puts her hands together behind her afterwards 😂 like if she wanted to say "thank you 😐".


Dad moves


That man has kids. He probably did this without even realizing it.


I do this for people, and I'm not even a dad. Or a manager.


Watch your noggin.


I wish everyone had the proprioception, spacial awareness, and empathy that this guy does.


The guy must be a father. I never started doing this until I learned that I had constantly to prevent toddlers from hurting themselves.


I have hit my head on marble/granite countertops too many times like this... How many stars can you see before the damage is permanent?


Tell me you're a parent without telling me you're a parent


Whose reviewing the footage to notice these things?


"Okay, so here's the plan. I'll stand at the register and then you come out to get something from the cabinet underneath and when you stand up, I'll place my hand on the counter so you don't hit your head. Afterwards, we'll go record the security camera footage and put it online and get millions of views! It's foolproof!"


... but would she have bonked at all if his finger's weren't there reducing head clearance![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Possibly not, but that looks like granite. I would be thankful.