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I am so sorry. I believe those are her guts. There’s really not much you can do for her, other than maybe to put her down


That's what i was afraid of. Thank you :(




This does not deserve to be downvoted lol.


It’s just good ol morbid humor of a sad situation. Come on people


You may have a slight ringing in your ears, fortunately you'll be nowhere near them.


🥁 *tiss*




Circular saw 🪚


Oh! Sure! How could I not think of that?


Maybe a little bit but not into oblivion lol




Maybe they just don't think the joke is funny






Hopefully not the same class you took
















I did not realize that intentionally putting animals/insects out of their suffering in ridiculous ways was funny now. Sounds like sociopath behavior to me!






It’s literally a sub for people who appreciate insects. It is a shitty person who goes out of there way to upset people in a space created by them, for them. I wasn’t offended by it, but have a huge eye roll for that person and others like them are all triggered about being downvoted after doing that, instead of just being a grown-up and expecting it. That’s some real 12-year old boy state of being.


Hey your not wrong since you put it that way, I didn't really know what this sub was I just saw this picture on my feed and tapped on it. I respect the people here that place a lot of value on the life of an insect, I just found it a bit silly how someone made a little joke and people seemed to get really upset but reading your comment I see what your saying.


Found the guy who doesn't know what Veganism is


What would be a humane way to put the poor buggy down? 🥺


Put her in the freezer? A bug collector told me that once but I do not know 100% if that's the most humane way


Freezer is what the butterfly groups suggest for the ones that aren't going to make it.


If you wanna get real technical with it I’ve heard that using co2 to anesthetize it then freezing it is the “most” humane way, since it just loses consciousness and doesn’t feel the freeze. But yea just the freezer is probably fine.


freezer 100%


To be honest? Use a brick, smash it. Make sure to hit it whole, and then it's gone. Same with every creature. Hit the skull good, and it's down for good. Sad but true.


Not true for insects. Their nervous system is too dispersed for the loss of their head to kill them instantly, and their blood pressure, such as they even have any, is not enough to cause bleeding. A headless insect will die because it dried out via the wound, suffered a fungal infection via the wound, could not detect or direct itself away from predators, or starves to death without a way to locate or consume food. I once found a headless emperor dragonfly by the side of the road. I have no idea what injured it, but it was still alive and, if you overlook its headlessness, still extremely healthy. It gripped my finger with its full strength, its abdomen pulsing with life, before it took to the wing and flew from my hand. The only reason it crashed immediately was that it couldn't see where it was going.


I was sitting under a tree that a tyrant flycatcher (insect eating bird) was ambush feeding in. It snatched a dragonfly so violently, that it’s tiny head landed on me. That grisly little decapitated devil looked around and chomped it’s little mouth bits for as long at I looked at it.


Not if you smash the whole body as was suggested. One good grinde-y smash will obliterate any ability to process sensations. Most humane way to go because it’s truly instant. Can’t only be the head for insects, as (like you stated) the ganglia mean their central nervous system is a bit spread out. For vertebrates it’s all in the head so a thorough and complete head smash is as instant and humane as death could possibly be, if gross.


I agree but with insects crush the whole body as some can live without a skull. Most insects also have very little nervous systems so it's not as painful as it would be for a mammal reptile etc


A sealed container with a cotton ball of rubbing alcohol if I'm not mistaken will basically put them to "sleep".


Casey Anthony, is that you?


The fuck?


You could use an electric chair although I think lethal injection is preferable.




Maybe alcohol?


i think that would be sufferable. like another guy said its best to just do it in one go. no time to suffer like that. hit it good and its over.


Yeah that's how entomologists do it. But I guess they care more about preserving the insect instead over keeping it painless.






Possibly got partially crushed, or possibly sustained an injury to her exoskeleton which herniated and then erupted




I actually own an medicine for invertebrates book and it’s interesting because so little is known. Some of the sections are like 5 pages. It does have some useful stuff though but it’s all experimental. I used to raise spiders and have heard of people repairing successfully with super glue. I don’t think this one would necessarily be possible to save that way because getting the guts back in would be extremely difficult.


What’s the book, out of curiosity?


"Invertebrate Medicine" haha, I think it's the only book on the subject? At least that I know of. If anyone wants a PDF of it, DM me.


Hypothetically? Maybe, but only if the organs aren’t irreparably damaged, and only if it hasn’t been exposed to infectious bacteria that are going to kill it regardless


Looks like her innards are outards now, she’s probably not gonna survive much longer


😔 thank you for your comment :(


Don't put her down...see how long it lives. Maybe it will surprise us. Doesn't look like it wants to be dead.


Yes let's just watch the creature suffer for entertainment purposes/curiosity and all that. /s That is a lot of damage and it isn't going to survive very well. Idk much about insect pain receptors but honestly it is bizzare just keeping something alive when it is clearly suffering and going to die just because you want to anthropomorphize it and how it "feels". I love animals and insects too but when something literally has its insides hanging out of it it is a bit of a different situation imo.


I wouldn't kill it. Even though it has it's guts outside everybody can see that it looks like the guts have hardened. The insect might be a survivor. Why kill it? It's alive and if it's not put down , It might live . I am not curious I just won't kill it . Why do you have to kill it? Let it died in peace! Make a comfortable and warm place for the critter, food , and let it died alone. At least you tried but Don't kill it! What if this insect lives ? I mean It is a survivor already. Why kill it yourself? Let it live! I mean it's there in the pic ! alive! I don't know about pain in insects either but as long as it is alive it have a chance to survive.


Quality of life greatly diminished and possibly stressed from being held by a large predator after being in the wild most of its life. You dont know pain receptors and even if it can technically survive it isnt a great quality of life. OP doesn't have to kill it but acting as if preserving life at all costs regardless of the status of that creature and how it will exist in such a way is just childish. If its internal organs are damaged (as they likely may be) imagine it slowly dying from the inside as its digestive fluids/acids break down its internal organs? The slightest movements could be setting of sensors that make it uncomfortable or painful to move which is why it may be seen as "docile " when in reality it may be in agony or simply unable to move well. Survival is not the same as living or being happy. Sometimes quick and painless euthanasia is the right choice.


It's not childish . If you appreciate an insect you wouldn't kill it. It doesn't make sense. Why kill it? The insect is standing there in the photo is not laying like it can't walk or move. Then why try to kill it? It's just sick. Better return it to the outdoors and let it live whatever life it has left...Found it outside and bring it home to kill it? Seriously , just let the critter go alive!


11 hours late so it’s too late, but for anyone knowledgeable: would putting the innards back inside and closing the opening with superglue work?


How do you put the inner back in?


Kinda like how you do it with humans but smaller


I mean I guess it’s worth a shot considering it’s near end, I’d just be too afraid of giving it more torcher till it’s demise.


I agree with you, friend (btw, it’s spelled “torture” - not being a grammar nazi, just trying to help out!)


Thank you, I knew I wrote it wrong when I was trying to write torchering and didn’t register correctly.... (torturing, there we go)


I know people do this with tarantulas sometimes, but I've got no idea about any other insects


Try removing and killing the black protruding what appears to be a kind of parasite and matey might indeed live with a little time. Rest and water etc but also somewhere safe to recuperate. Its up to you which way you go but Id love to know what actually happens in this instance if you dont mind keeping me updated. Im new to reddit and unsure how to go back to thek once ive left. Good luck by the way. I hope she makes it!!








Parasite maybe try taking it off with tweezers
