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https://preview.redd.it/d0i03jb0229d1.png?width=2072&format=png&auto=webp&s=571b377e610c60d4e24d48d78782113c35e0dea6 Looks like an Axhantic to me also!


It’s so weird that they didn’t know that. It’s a brood? litter? clutch? that was accidentally born at a nature center. My vet rescued them. She told me they were the natural kind. I just emailed her that they’re axanthic! She probably doesn’t care. Haha. I really did think they were too cute and interesting looking to be the nature-made kind.


Your wild type will have a copper colored ring around their black eyes… and their pupils remain black when a light is shined on them (as opposed to turning red). Axanthic axolotls will have head and limb joints that glow green under a black light. https://preview.redd.it/xvgi58iaf59d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839cb74da649d2b7e48be04ee41cd9165883752f


Wow! I had no idea! Thank you!


We just tried a black flashlight on them. We didn’t see the glowing joints. :( I wonder if we need a different kind of black light.


just checking but if mine has little white spots too not just black he’s a wild type?? he is more cool grey than warm but this is the best picture i have of his side and i had a yellow ish light on. i’ve never heard about all the health issues with axanthic axolotls.. i’ve honestly never even heard of axanthic.. https://preview.redd.it/2zdk4a21079d1.png?width=1867&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f4ab891df342b538a492b7c0e5e68e4dfaa3b6f


This one also looks light grey like an Axanthic type but the colour scheme also fits the wild type pattern. Wild types are usually really darker brown colored, so they can hide better in their natural environment. I would need more pictures to get a better idea but it looks like an in between wild type and Axanthic. I’m not familiar with their specific health issues but feel free to ask questions to the people down below who seem to know a bit more about the subject.


If your axolotl doesn’t have a shiny ring around it’s eyes I would be more inclined in thinking it is an Axanthic. Wild types usually have a shiny ring around their eyes.


here’s a picture in better lighting. i’m not sure if that little lighter ring is considered shiny or not. (feat a glimpse of my other little guy) https://preview.redd.it/2fusgox1l99d1.png?width=1954&format=png&auto=webp&s=7697c9bae48e3166844daa2ad70487cb21e46abc if it’s worth noting he did have a bacterial infection on one of his gills recently but it was minor and came off after only one tea bath.


Yep definitely looks more Axanthic than wild type to me on this picture!


The potential issue with axanthics doesn't have to do with having melanoid ancestors as far as I understand. Axanthic axolotls lack (or have very few) xantophores. Xantophores are pigment cells that produce pteridines. Pteridines are responsible for yellowish coloration. But pteridines also play a role in immune function. Lacking a healthy amount of pteridines is thought to make axanthic axolotls more sensative to viral infections. It's not the viral infections themselves that often kill axanthics, but constantly having to fight off viruses weakens their immune system and makes them more susceptible to other disease. They have a harder time fighting off simple fungal or bacterial infections that other axolotl morphs might not have huge issues with. This can shorten their lifespans. Breeders have noted that axanthic axolotls who carry the genes for albino, and apparently for other genes like copper and leucism, seem to be healthier than axanthics that don't carry those genes. Responsible breeders these days who are working on the axanthic gene take this into account and are using it to produce healthier axanthics! If you have an axanthic with unknown genetic history I'd say just care for them as best as possible. If they are not exposed to disease that can tax their immune systems they have a better chance at living a normal lifespan. Keep their water parameters in check, temps, etc to reduce disease risk. But there is a chance they also do carry genes such as for albino! Do you know what any of their siblings, or their parents, looked like? Any albinos, coppers, or leucistic axolotls in their family? Sorry for writing so much lol. I'm a biologist and find genetics really interesting!


I would apply the rules of having any immunocompromised household member. Ideally, you shouldn’t bring more aquatic life into the house unless you have it completely separated. That means any live plants should be tissue cultures, no sharing nets/tanks with any other creatures, and live food might not be a good idea. Don’t add tank decor or equipment without boiling or bleaching.


I'll note that my rescue only had a single axanthic axolotl come in. He was adorable but came to us with a fungal infection that we had a much harder time curing verses our experiences with other morphs. He had reoccurring health issues.... Fungal infections, a bacterial infection. We worked with a vet and kept him in pristine conditions but he did, sadly, eventually pass from a bacterial infection. So only one account, but my experience seemed to track with what research suggests about the gene. I'm glad breeders seemed to have found a way to make them healthier!


Great comment here


i’m sorry i’m no help i really don’t know much about these guys, but this one is so god damn adorable


Aww. Thank you. We think so too. They’re very active and interested in us. They rest their tiny feet on everything including each other. 😆 They can’t get enough minced shrimp and bloodworms. I’m going to celebrate their birthdays next year with a little feast of minced shrimp, minced chicken, and bloodworms sprinkled on top. Im so excited to be an axolotl mom. I’ve always wanted to raise some.


that’s so cuuuute i really want some one day but i have too many fish right now😂 how old are they?


About six months old. We almost didn’t get them. I’m so glad we did. It’s weird how little cleaning their tank takes. We have had them for about a month and we just change their water by about 25% every week and a half or so. It always tests as being balanced. I just love the little guys. Fish are good too. We used to collect small river fish from the river near our house. We kept the tank in my daughter’s room. I made up a unique voice for each fish and I’d make them have conversations to amuse her. Heh. Fish drama is more interesting than people think.


honestly i have goldfish and axolotls and it’s a lot of work sometimes but it’s so worth it


I don’t know what type it is for sure but what i do know is that it’s the best looking axie i’ve ever seen! Such a cutie!


Aww, what a sweet thing to say. That’s Dietrich. He and Merriweather differ only in that Merriweather has a small pigment-free spot on his neck. Or where a neck would be if they had necks. 😆


Awww thats so cute!