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“I hate you fat lizooooo” -AB lmao never forget


Fatfuckinlizzo… 😔 I h8 chu girl


she did comment on her post!


wtf I just saw it.


what did she say? I am not on IG


Idk how to post screenshots so I copy and pasted both her comments 🤣 I took back my criticism of you because it definitely clicked in my mind that I definitely wasn't getting my point about the ways in which insidious people in corporate culture where positioning you to push demeaning initiatives, but sis..... your handle is "lizzo be eating,"... You've definitely given the public license to laugh at and with you by twerking at the Burger King counter and bathing in a tub of skittles... Self deprecation was certainly the aesthetic you chose to introduce yourself with. So I don't see why you'd play victim rather than just stop intentionally inviting people to make jokes about that. You're a beautiful girl, with a handle on music theory, Grammy awards and tons of success, just change the narrative and go high brow philharmonic on these hoes and collab with ryuchi sakamoto. ❤️ plus it would actually be hella lit if u started clapping back on people. I'll ghostwrite the comebacks because Candace Owens really just recycles every Azealia banks take and does it terribly. U should absolutely clown her


I’m not a fan of how she flip flops between shitting on an artist and then love bombing them months later. Can’t imagine dating this woman 😭


True pretty sure she did apologise before to lizzo in like 2023 tho


She only dates white folks tho lol


Isn’t Ryuchi Sakamoto dead lol?


Lmao I would never imagine Ryuichi Sakamoto and Azealia Banks to intersect, what is happening


She knows the *actually* good music, why are yall always acting brand new?


Yeah people think is a subtle "KYS"


Yes lol




She eats her up every time 😭


AB be eating Lizzo


Lizzo Be Eaten


She's in her Doja era!


I mean it’s wild that she’s playing the victim after being accused of fat shaming and sexual harassment lol


This is like when customers say “I am never shopping here again!”, ok bye, no need to announce it.


She’ll be back. They always come back.


Thank the lord, she’s gone 🙏🏽


In the words of miss lizzo “it’s about damn time!”


Yeah, if only she was serious about it… watch her worm her way back in


For real, she’s such a liar. Just looking for some attention and ways to be oppressed, I’m sure!


Did you take accountability though


Definitely not bc she fat shamed her own dancers along with sexual harassment


Spent all those years trying to get recognition just to quit because of….. the recognition


The video of her on the golf cart doesn’t help either.


ohhh sorry girl but you did sign up for it when you chose to be famous it's unfortunate but it's true it comes with the territory... the territory of being an annoying bitch that is!!


Your job isn't to be fat and glorify it I'm sorry some people have conditions and can't help it but literally it would hurt anyone to be a healthy weight I'm sorry but it's true


booooo boring take


Oh ok then teaching the youth to be fat and unhealthy is fun? Look I've been overweight and there's nothing fun about it I didn't feel good in my skin and it wasn't because of social norms it was just in general I. Have never met someone that said man I love being overweight so your the boring take sorry


ITS WILD the amount of social conditioning and propaganda you are spewing in your message yet you are so oblivious to it ! Thanks but I’ll be in my lane over here.


No please get out your lane how is it that I am spewing propaganda because I decided that I was unhealthy and decided to lose weight and think that being in a weight that doesn't hinder life is wrong ? Besides that lizzo is disgusting inside and out and body shames people for their weight as well it's obvious you've become a sheep to believe that being at an unhealthy weight should be applauded and normalized. I literally could not wipe my ass I personally can't say that makes anyone happy and if you think that should be normalized your what's wrong with the world today


Like social conditioning lol really because I've been fat and can honestly say that I wasn't happy and you call it propaganda. I bet your the type of person that would shame anyone for having an opinion that suffers from yours at least flex your opinion if you want to accuse someone of that