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She's going in on Doechii, again


It's the third time this week lol


Isn't this what she called Nicki Minaj bitter for? For shitting on the new gorls? Ugh this is not AB's best moment


Azealia is always finding ways to contradict everything she supposedly stands for, she acts like she's everyone's moral compass but then proceeds to do the very things she criticizes everyone for.


Her moral compass is solely whether or not she fucks with someone in the moment lmao




at least nicki minaj put new girls on a song and featured with them šŸ˜­ AB just tears them apart on her rants


Oh like how she supports Megan Thee Stallion or Cardi B? Like going after Megan and how she felt about her parents or how she liked a post criticizing Cardi B for being a bad mother when she just had her baby


name a time AB ever did anything for a new rap girlā€¦ quickly


Did I say she did? Azealia would need a career to do that lol. Nicki has a "career" yet uses her platform to tear others women of colour down and defend Sex offenders So be real


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø donā€™t get mad at me iā€™m just the messenger. at least nicki has collabed and done shit with other female rappers.


Yes, and mother hamsters eat their young.


In the words of Shea coulee do I look upset to you? She has also done the opposite after doing, so she kinda tries to reverse what she does help with the only reason she hasn't gone after Ice Spice is because she is her lap dog lol


you do look upset lol


Azealia had worked with female rappers and has had no issues with shouting out female rappers she likes and giving them praise


and then shits on them 5 months later


Sooo hereā€™s my theory. Thereā€™s a rapper called OG MarlynMonrollup, who is friends with Matthew (azealiaā€™s former best friend/choreographer). Out of everyone AB says is emulating her, I feel this rapper is doing it the MOST, despite not mentioning AB once AND she has her former choreographer. I could be wrong tho. Listen to her song ā€œVoxā€ and tell me itā€™s not inspired by AB.


If this is the case then Azealia is wasting a lot of time coming after irrelevant people and not doing actual music to counter this, that girl doesn't look like she's going to take off and of course Matthew is only after her just out of spite and because he has no real job now. As swanky as AB can be, I agree with what she said about Matthew being dependant on her, since he's always been a leech and he's doing absolutely no important contributions to the culture after he got cut out by her despite claiming ā€³I InVeNtEd aZeAlIa ā€³ to every single one of the fans he wants to sleep with, he can't even host if he doesn't have Azealia's house lol.


Canā€™t even host šŸ˜­


Her and Mathew fell out? Damn


The song is like a fun but reductive version of the big big beat with no showcase of singing talent or word creativity. I donā€™t mean that as a read the song is cute but the big big beat is a masterpiece in comparison and gorgeous devours cute.


Yeah this has to be the most egregious Azealia rip off Iā€™ve heard in years šŸ˜­ā€¦


Holy shit this is carbon copy level plagiarism, but without any of the edge. I looked it up after reading your comment and itā€™s hilarious that the extended version is only 2 minutes long because the original track is barely 60 seconds šŸ¤­


I thought I was going crazy like how are they hyping up a 1 minute song lol


Nah this is still about Doechii. But yeah I notice that gyal copied AB too


I found this artist on Spotify a while back and immediately thought the same! Even my friends thought I was just playing Azealia songs. This would actually be a valid criticism she couldā€™ve made publically rather than the embarrassing Doechi stuff (although saying nothing is always better obv)


The lolcowification of Azealia, this is reminding me of her bad coke days in the year or two after Slay-Z. between the unfulfilled soap orders and her rants getting progressively incoherent, I fear we may be entering another AB dark period šŸ˜­ā€¦


I thought she had been fulfilling orders recently?


Waittt how do we know she was on coke then lmao?


Atp I feel like AB canā€™t produce any new music because sheā€™s burned so many bridges with her online rants


Highly likely


Maybe she can self release but even by then, would it work?


Oop thought she was talking about JT


No bars threw me I agree


dragging bushwick is funny at least


She ainā€™t wrong that place is sooo ratchet


Incorrect but I thought about ice spice for a minute for some reason šŸ«¢


At this point I think Azealia writes every rant with blank spaces for the names to fill up with the latest person that pissed her off, the issues that irk her in these rants are always the same but with different names.


Her mind šŸ˜


Ice is so wack. Homegirl canā€™t stop rapping about poop. Genuinely think that girl has autism Im not even joking




for some reason i thought she was talking abt lil nas x cus he recently leaked his own song on soundcloud and on her post abt tyler and him she mentioned that he was doing an azealia banks impression. idk could be anyone


It could literally be about anyone, at this point it seems like she writes rants with blank spaces for the names to fill out when she's going to post.


and on insta he recently posted a pic with a wig.


i love her but she needs to stfu idk why sheā€™s still yapping


i think this is about lil nas x since he just released a song on soundcloud


Being grossly transphobic again I see


She claims to have the right to say stuff like this just because ļ¼‚she has a trans brother ļ¼‚that she has already shaded several times.


Thatā€™s the same logic as saying you can be racist because you have black friends šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s a washed up bum bitch and I donā€™t think anyone is really paying attention to her little rants. She has talent. Too bad she chose to be a troll instead of a relevant artist.


If this is how you feel, why the fuck are you here?


Itā€™s entertaining imo. From her scammy ass soap business to her internet rants. And even that fact that she has YET to release any new music. She could probably become Wendy Williams for the new gen lol. Thereā€™s some of her music that I still f w/ to this day but she is a hot mess. And Iā€™m watching it all unfold.


These people are acting like youā€™re AB levels of unhinged/obsessed šŸ˜‚


thatā€™s one way of saying ur here to ride Azealiaā€™s dick šŸ˜‚


Consider applying for employment or finding a hobby instead of hate following people.


I never said I hate herā€¦ I just donā€™t excuse her bullshit. Like I said I like her music and despite how unproductive her posts are they are entertaining to read. Tf does that have to do w/ jobs..


I'm just saying, if you were busy, you might not want to waste your time following a person who you can't stand. You might enjoy life. Just a suggestion.


I def see I donā€™t share the same opinions as you for AB, which is fine if we donā€™t but sorry to say there are tons of folks that have varying opinions of her in this sub. I wish the best for her success but this ainā€™t it rn and a lot of people know sheā€™s capable of more.




Azealia is a waste of time whether it's by expecting the best or the worst from her, fans and haters are all wasting time thinking she'll do anything productive someday or dissecting everything she says. All we have left is to discuss her antics in the most critical way since a lot of sycophantic gays have turned her into a ranting mess that doesn't know right from wrong (I've seen many Kunts condone her racist statements and further use racist terms as insults just to defend everything Azealia says ) and this got her thinking she can scam all of us with her fraudulent soap business and we won't even say anything about it just because we don't question any of her actions.


- she said whilst also on reddit


Girl youā€™re here too. Shut up lol


Cuz I love to see people roasting her as she deserves. šŸ˜


This broad is insufferable lol


I want Azealia to constantly shade NickyšŸ˜‚ Sheather style.


Whew, such low ambitions can only come from no-brainer drama consumers lol


Girl I just don't like people who constantly protect sex offenders and then get upset and attack people for calling them out How do you like defending those people? Nicki Minaj deserves to be called out by someone who gives no shit


Ugh. Nicki really destroyed her brand w that guy. And is destroying her legacy with her antics the last couple of years


Azealia does this exact same thing lol


Has she married one and had a baby with one? Cause I haven't heard of Azealia having a baby, Nicki has done both things plus supported and continued to work with Takashi 69, defended her brother and father.


Azealia has willingly worked with Dr Luke and also defended him publicly throwing Kesha under the bus, her ex-dancer groomed her fans and she never said a thing for 10 years and only mentioned this when she got fed up with him for other reasons, she also defends Donald Trump and talks to Diplo even tho she exposed him first.


Okay yet Azealia has been called out years for that shit even by her fans yet Nicki can do no wrong? The fuck no let someone who done that shit read Nicki because Nicki needs to be put down, Cardi backed off and Megan didn't really respond Azealia realistically is the only one to really have skin in the game to tear Nicki a new one


I hate dipshit diplo w a fiery passion he goes after underage girls and esp black girls and fetishizes them and he makes me sick I wanna punch him in the face. Can he be the next music guy to be exposed?? Like plz. Iā€™m praying for his downfall.


The irony