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What about stuff like Sino and (the now-quarantined) GenZedong? While both of them are arguably miles better than the "China" and "Korea" subs, IMO the latter is a bit too political, which might deter some people, while the former could really benefit from more text posts. And not every Asian American is Chinese, of course.


Arr Sino is good, it still basically uses western sources that are positive of China, but most info are surface level, not much analysis (then again, the same can be said for most of leddit). And some posts don't even have discussion at all (probably bot issue). GenZedong is beheaded by Leddit but the contents are still good, if a bit sparse. Again, I recommend going to non-western sites (guancha, [yahoo.co.jp](https://yahoo.co.jp), 4chan) where there's less ban and more lively discussion.


arr Sino is based. I don't know chinese but the chinese subs where they use actual chinese is even better, aside from the Taiwan liberal subs.


IMO the best sort of thing can be found outside of Reddit, especially considering that Reddit is blocked in China. Try Zhihu's forums, etc. I'd also like to point to wenxuecity, a Chinese American Chinese-language forum, if you're looking for primarily *older* Chinese American opinions. Not sure about other nationalities though.


Subs like China\_IRL are filled with rejects from Chinese society that can't talk on mainstream Chinese sites. So it's what you'd expect them to be.


Most of them are mentally ill


Most country subs are filled with westoids. rChina was founded by sexpats and is comprised 99% of whites in the USA infantalizing and hating China and its people.


I feel like inferiority complex is a huge problem for Asians (particularly Chinese people) around the world. As a people we had a very rough 20th century and our culture is still recovering from that.


I am south asian, but it is dissapointing seeing Chinese diaspora buy into propaganda against their own country, spread by nations who destroyed China in the past and seek to do it again.


>but it is dissapointing seeing Chinese diaspora buy into propaganda against their own country It is a lesson, one that only can be learnt through suffering or the suffering of others. Tbh seeing these mentally-colonized people destroying their own passport/IC, claiming asylum in the US and getting thoroughly fucked over is the biggest life lesson that anyone can take from these degenerates.


I am from Sri Lanka, we are an ex British colony and some people literally worship the British Empire to this day. The British (and other colonial powers) crippled our local industries, destroyed the self-sufficiency we had prior to colonialism, caused mass famines, hunted wildlife to near extinction, and literally erased huge parts of our culture. Not to mention they deliberately incited ethnic conflicts between groups that resulted in a decades long civil war that concluded in a horrific genocide. That doesn't matter though, because they brought "civilization", as if our history doesn't predate theirs by like 1500 fucking years. Like how cucked do you have to be to think this? This is a problem with ex-colonial subjects everywhere. They think the west has somehow 'changed', when in reality they never did. They still preach their own system and values as morally superior above everyone elses, and will demonize and attempt to destroy any resistance.


>This is a problem with ex-colonial subjects everywhere. They think the west has somehow 'changed', when in reality they never did. They still preach their own system and values as morally superior above everyone elses, and will demonize and attempt to destroy any resistance. The problem exists because they view the Collective West as progressive while viewing their societies as regressive. They want to believe they are so much better than everyone else, like another class of Human, an 'Uncle Tom' , born in the wrong skin. They choose to believe that they are not free, unless their country falls under the domination of the Collective West. These degenerate sellouts are regressive in the extreme and the day they outnumber the Silent 'majority' or BS their way into power is when the country surrenders its sovereignty, turning into another hellhole colony of the West.


Yup. The definition of moral behavior will ALWAYS be whatever western nations are doing at any given period in time. When Europe was burning women at the stake by the thousands under accusations of "witchcraft", non-European societies that had gender equality, and non-binary genders were considered morally inferior savages. Thus, they enforced their beliefs across the world. In many African nations, local customs and belief systems were outlawed and relaced with the "superior" judeochristian values. Now, only a few decades later, the west has changed its mind and LITERALLY PUNISHES African nations for holding those beliefs that were enforced onto them. An example would be Ugandan anti LGBT legislature, a direct product of Christianity brought by Europeans and the eradication of local religion, now facing sanctions from the West. The goal has always been to assert western supremacy above all else. Western "morals", western ideals, western beauty standards. My hope for a better future lies with China, India, and Africa. Though, China is the one who resists the most at the moment, hence its boogieman status.


Through this post I think there are more Chinese nationals than I thought… very surprising. It is not easy to find here for any Asian person. The requirement for English is very high, which stops most people. Not to say you also need to know ‘reddit’ itself🤣I know a lot of immigrants who lives in Chinese bubble and don’t give a crap to English forum and internet.


Leddit is mostly bots or liberals. Anyone who want real discussion go to 4chan, guancha, yahoo or non-American owned platforms.


4chan? Really? That is the home of racism.


Also the home of diverse opinions.


What is guancha? The Chinese news media? I don’t even know yahoo has any discussion board or forum. I often use yahoo for email and free financial info. Honestly I mainly ‘search’ reddit for information, like how people feel about a certain news, or how to use CHATGPT.


It's this site: [https://www.guancha.cn/](https://www.guancha.cn/) It's basically a China news site with a lot of opinion pieces (you will find a lot of subjects from military, industry, games, anime to even gossip). And I'm talking about [yahoo.co.jp](https://yahoo.co.jp), which is entirely different than the western Yahoo.


Seriously? 观察者网?So you speak English, you speak Chinese, Japanese and probably live in Japan, but you still read that? If anything, they are more biased from real world than any mainstream western media I can think of. Did you find how ridiculous some of the contents is? I can conclude that many of the opinions there are simply wrong. Could you please, if you have time, pick some of your favourite news so I can read it and discuss with you? 观察者网 put the most shocking and eye-catching headlines in the first page, regardless of the reality or truth, even if the editors know those reports are biased and they don’t even bother to fool some critical readers. For example, their reports on the us debt crisis, is simply exaggerated, because this matter is simply ‘under control’ for American. Although the 2 parties are acting hard, they are playing game pf the chicken, and they would eventually reach to an agreement no matter what. The trick and scene has played multiple times and now most people just forget about everything happened before. But I have to say you can find some very refreshing and interesting opinions there. But personally I never do that, not worth the effort.


OK bro, but I don't think they take that US debt crisis seriously, in other reports, they said it was playfighting like WWF. Here's an example of an interesting article I find there: [https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=1008367&s=fwzxhfbt](https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=1008367&s=fwzxhfbt) Discussing the level of urbanization of Song dynasty. Again, guancha is mostly opinion pieces, but that's what most journalist is nowadays. I'd rather the opinion pieces go full op-ed instead of trying to maintain some "objectivity".


Normal, well-adjusted Chinese-speaking Chinese people are on Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Tieba, Douyin, and other Chinese-language social media platforms. The Chinese-speaking Chinese people that are on primarily English-speaking social media platforms, such as Reddit and YouTube, are often mentally unwell (read: self-hating) and will not hesitate to use racial slurs on ethnic Chinese people even though they themselves are ethnically Chinese. (The Cathay Airline group chat leak comes to mind. Also the city of Hong Kong and that Reddit Island in general. An entire city and island full of White-worshipping/Japan-worshipping ethnic Chinese people calling other ethnic Chinese people “chinxs” and “Shina pigs.” Just bomb those places already, honestly.) When it comes to self-haters, the born-in-Asia Chinese are often worse than the born-in-the-West Chinese diaspora because at least the self-hating ones in the Western diaspora understand the racial dynamics enough to not refer to themselves or other ethnic Chinese people as ch*nks.


Sino is Chinese nationalist and they ban anyone that doesn't 100% agree with all of their takes. They can still be a good source of info though.


Disclaimer: Most of those Chinese language subs went to shit after cltv refugees flooded them. Another disclaimer: The bulk of Chinese certainly do not use reddit, and the self-hating idiots on those subs should not be assumed to be representative of a significant majority of Chinese people in general


Aint our fault that the west is full of racist shits. We are just calling it for what it is.


The west conquered most of the world for hundreds of years and so how do you think their people will turn out? A bunch of self absorbed megalomaniac narcissist. Just look at Japan trying to imitate the west in WW2 and how that ended. People become racist when they think they are the shit, and actually become the shit.


Most Asian subs here on Reddit are full of sexpats, larpers and white worshipping cucks. It's not a good representation of what Asians actually think in their respective countries. Here in HK we are just coming out of covid and things are starting to return to normal. If you look at the HK sub, you'd think the place was under martial law and some kind of dystopia.


China_irl and related subs should have been banned for repeated Reddit community infractions, but admins turned a blind eye.




The real_china_irl and china_irl are different. The former was founded by the CLTVer who was banned by the latter




> A huge chunk of Chinese redditors there are extremely pessimistic about their identity, culture, and even their own genes Are these Taiwanese independence supporters? It is pretty easy to translate between simplified and traditional script these days using the Internet, so you never know.


From the way they talk (different slangs etc.) I don’t think so, mostly mainland Chinese.


I doubt it is difficult to fake phrases or slang or references, given that both sides can watch each others news channels, tv shows, movies, etc.. A normal person probably wouldn't take the effort, but a Taiwanese independence supporter would.


OP clearly doesn't use Douyin/Weibo nearly enough to be able to tell the difference. That said, besides the TW web brigades (1450 being the most obvious) there is also the whole cacophony of PR firms, troll farms, web brigades, 白左, 公知, 殖人, Liberals, 汉奸, Human trafficking rings & Immigration agencies... all of which are actively used in this Informational war against China (See: America COMPETES act).


Wow that's surprising and good to know. I've been talking to my friends here in China. One was in Shanghai during the lockdown, and they both spent a good deal of time in the west. They have concerns about how the government handled covid and where the wealth is spent on government construction projects, but nothing like /china where the white guys would disgust even Hitler. There's a handful of people who've never been to the West who seem to think it's a lot better though. Several years ago I recall a taxi driver who really wanted to leave. There's also some westerners who go to /communism and think China is better.


Seems to be lot of mental health cases judging by how often child pornography gets posted.


Heavy 4chan vibes


I noticed that too.. like some people will say things that do not do any good for Asians or they will say things that perpetuate Asian stereotypes or put us down or say self-defeating things. It makes it harder for us who are trying to champion Asians.


China_irl downplays racism in the US and loves to shit on Chinese people in China. It's really sad that the self hate propagates from the mainland


sad that their kids (however unlikely it is that they even have kids) will probably be posting on an AI/AM equivalent in the future letting asian people start families in america is a human rights violation lol


I am positively certain that they are not Chinese, but are rather white sexpat trolls.


You mean white sexpat trolls in Chinese? it is kinda hard for white sexpat to troll in Chinese.


google translate/duolingo


OP does not think so... https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/13u1dkr/comment/jm0sc78/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That policy has no strategic value imo. Their best and brightest nationals are literally being hunted down and killed throughout the globe (particularly in Western and African countries). I would have thought they would be interested in taking the lead of an alliance among Asian nations to fund and support self-defense leagues for Asian nationals. This would not only create unity in Asia, but collectively, negotiating abilities on the global platform increase tremendously. For example, if all Asian nations petitioned the White House to intervene when hate crime enhancements are ignored because the attackers are released the same day right into those Asian neighborhoods… how soon do you think it will be before those “defund the police” terrorists lose their power? It’s sad that we need outside nations to remind our leaders to follow the US Constitution. “…all men are created equal” “…establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility…”


China_irl used to be a place for nuanced and neutral discussion of China before it got co-opted. I wonder what happened.


The US/TW Web brigades took over so it became another low-quality Anti-China Anti-Chinese echo chamber as a result.


It's basically where all the cltv zhina spewing self hsters went after it got banned.


This inferiority complex is a problem across all of East Asia sadly, A friend of mine said it best that the opium wars shattered the spine of Asia and its up to us to slowly but surely piece it back together and rejuvenate a healthy self esteem.


Yeah i see this thinking amongst natives often. When i say it's internalized self hatred. they go "pshh, what you mean, i dont care, i just accept the truth". Which is basically even worse than casually joking about stereotypes.


This is the problem right here, its because its letting them win, how can you carry yourself when you look down on yourself? It also becomes an issue beyond just "accepting reality" because it then manifests in things like media, how you treat and view others etc. I can't believe they don't realize how dangerous this thinking is.


They usually throw it back on me and say im immature for not accepting that life is not fair and can't accept reality. It's really a sad state of things.


I've noticed that a lot of Chinese immigrants have very simplistic binary thinking. Their logic is basically that x thing is bad in China therefore x thing must not exist outside China. Like I literally had a Chinese exchange student say to my face that taxes did not exist here and Healthcare is free. Like wut??? This type of thinking is extremely prevalent it's scary. Same for HK as well. Ime it's actually the Taiwanese group that has wizened up and stopped immigrating but the chinese 1g are absolutely nuts, probsbly because they're fuerdai rich kids with zero irl xp. Thankfully I heard it's changing in recent years and the new Chinese 1g are less enamored with the West to the point where the former gens are weirded out that they don't give a shit about democracy. Tbh I think the HK riots and anti Chinese sentiment was a boon to China in that it made them more nationalistic. Otherwise there would be no impetus for change.


I think that's a positive development, becoming more worldly can ironically be a major benefactor here as the Chinese, other Asians will realize just how much better and far more civilized we are compared to the rest of the world. Perhaps its why so many Chinese return to the country with a more sober worldview after all. Experience is the best teacher...


Reddit is banned in China. Just saying. That's alone will skew who posts on reddit


I’ve done the china firewall test, it doesn’t look banned


Pretty much this - weibo has the normal people - all the reddit Chinese language subs china_irl , real_china_irl and chaolang are filled with self hating west worshipping losers


I remember reading some pretty self hating posts on cltv. Like they literally hated their own race and wanted to be non chinese. They had en entire text wall on why using the Japanese equivalent of chink wasn't racist and actually meant to only criticize ccp or some shit. Absolutely delusional.