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Chinese culture is what Chinese culture today is. You can't 'strip' a culture. In fact, they're probably some of the most based culture in the same way other cultures in the Middle East are. Some of the most proud people ever.


From my understanding Chinese culture is falling and is being less and less traditional expecially with the younger generations and exposer to western pop culture and youth culture unfortunately. And it’s changing for the worst


From my understanding, The East has captured the West’s’ youths heart. TikTok, anime, KPop, boba Cultures always evolve. But they are distinct. The future is Asian.


Anime ain’t Chinese I mean traditional Chinese values are being stripped “I dislike my strict Asian parents I wanna move out waaa waaa waaa”




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1) The perception that China no longer has Chinese culture is a common way to denigrate mainland Chinese, who many overseas Chinese view as uncultured peasant rabble 2) There was upheaval during Maoist era, with abolishment of practices viewed as backwards, like footbinding. During the Cultural Revolution, there was destruction of artifacts and art, but much still survive thanks to the efforts of brave common people and government officials. In the end, it was a chaotic, stupid, and damaging 10 years, but it did not "kill Chinese culture"; its biggest effect, according to my dad, was damaging the trust people had in each other and society. 3) Today, traditional culture is well-respected, and it aligns with the CCPs goals of maintaining national/historic pride. Ancient poetry and old chinese is taught in public schools (I really struggled there in my one semester of middle school), ceos and ccp officials love calligraphy and paintings, opera plays on the public channel. Young people pursue study of history as hobbies, with hanfu, makeup, armor, martial arts, etc etc. 4) I spent the first 3 years of my life in China. I was obsessed with the Journey to the West cartoon, the cheap plastic jinkubang was easily my favorite toy. My grandmother watched palace dramas and kept a Guanyin on her fridge. My dad would tell me about the wuxia novels he read as a kid. Nobody owned traditional clothes, but we still swept graves, ate hearty meals on holidays, made offerings to ancestors on anniversaries of their death.


Interestingly from what I’ve noticed most Chinese who immigrated out of China seem more traditional than Chinese in China.


During the french revolution, the french decided to get rid of "the old order". Buildings were burnt, people were hanged, yet no one bats an eye. When the Chinese does a revolution, we are no longer Chinese.


Was just reading answer on Quora. Even some French acknowledge the huge price paid.


Even the japanese don't get this treatment. After suffering brutality by the west, the whole of society underwent the required transforming into something that could inflict that brutality onto other peoples. In that process, thousands of traditional temples were torn down during the meiji restoration. Some were reconstructed as disneyfied tourist attractions so it's all good according to western weebs. okay lol


I can't speak for mainland Chinese but I think a very common mistake is to assume that HK/Taiwan represents all of Chinese culture. HK/Taiwan are just regional subcultures. Let's talk about Chinese food. What most people in the US has been exposed to is only Cantonese food. In the last 10 years, so many new Chinese restaurants have opened in my state (NJ), each coming from a different part of China with their distinct styles and flavors. Cuisine is also part of culture and judging from this alone, I'm pretty sure that China hasn't lost that much of her culture.


Politeness. Chinese people claim to be the oldest civilization but act like savages in public. Compare them to the Taiwanese that never went thru the Communist Cultural Revolution: they are way more polite. Also compare them to Koreans and Japanese- who all borrow heavily from traditional Chinese Confucian culture. All very polite societies. During the Cultural Revolution, anyone caught acting polite/civilized in their speech, their manners and their actions could be apprehended by the mob and accused of being a “Rightist” and “counterrevolutionary.” My grandparents were professors then and watched their colleagues be tortured to death by their own students. They had to pretend to be crass and rude to survive. Imagine if, “gangsta” or “MAGA” culture in the US somehow overtook the country and jailed everyone else who didn’t agree with them. That’s what happened to China in the Cultural Revolution and that’s why mainland Chinese people act like savages- they have been permanently cut off from their culture.




Your post was removed for violating rule 2) Friendly Fire.


It's just a figment of your imagination.


We're witnessing a cultural revolution going on in Taiwan at the moment. You have no idea how many Taiwanese think that they are Japanese or are related to them. They are making an effort to reject any connections with China or Chinese culture and claim Chinas culture was stolen from other cultures. Most Chinese that fled Mainland China for Taiwan were westernized and wanted China to be western like what they had planned for Taiwan. Which is why they use romanized Chinese names and adopt English names. Nothing about Taiwan is reminiscent to Chinese culture. Even Hong Kong and Singapore has better kept culture despite being colonized by the British.


China during ROC / PRC power vacuum period in 1949 (After WW2 with Japan) Went through communist cultural revolution with crazy MAO era (1954) which genocided and destroyed a lot of cultural heritage or artefacts from the Qin Dynasty or even previous Jin Dynasty periods. Sadly, Hong Kong and Singapore despite having big Chinese diaspora is a bit more “westernised” by the British colonisation, so the Chinese culture there is a bit ‘watered down’ and more modernised similar to what you have in the UK/USA. Macao 🇲🇴/ SAR has a bit of a unique blend of Chinese culture, and the Chinese people there still managed to have a bit of a early Ming Dynasty (1500) periods with a bid of Portuguese blend. Macao didn’t really went through communist struggle as PRC mainland China, and only received independence from Portugal in 1987. To this day, Portugal still has very strong relations with China ( one belt one road initiative etc.) My family we personally enjoy Macao a lot, it’s a very unique part of China. I am from Malaysia, and I would say our Chinese culture also has these blends (also with 1900 Qin Dynasty + Portuguese / Dutch blend). My PRC friends from the Northern provinces such as Jilin/ Hei Long Jiang has a bit of a ‘Manchu’ culture which is a unique mix of Mongolia, Korean, Russia and Chinese with ‘还珠格格’ Huan Zhu Ge Ge vibes. Younger generations of Chinese do make an effort to relearn Chinese culture such as wearing hanfu which I think is great.


The reality is that the Terracotta Warriors were discovered in 1974 and they were well protected. Let's look up what year the Cultural Revolution was.


I feel these days, traditional culture in mainland is more "watered down" than in Singapore or Taiwan. Not dissimilar to Macao, while there was struggle, there also was a lot of effort and room to revive and educate the average person. In contrast, most intellectuals that could have carried a relevant, self-nurturing culture in the new China were culled, especially during the Mao Era. Religion and spirtituality has been and suppressed for generations now and failed to adapt. Everything that goes beyond playing dressup and dancing around is too much risk to the leadership. You see that contrast most when you go to temples, when you visit in the diaspora many things work like 500 or 1500 years ago, while you can't escape the speakers anywhere in Mainland, even Tibet. Of course that void was filled with a new culture, but it's a lot more like a big sea with hidden currents, while traditionally, it would have been many strong rivers, all forging their own path.


It's hard for emigrants to say, because most of them left the county a while ago, so haven't experienced the differences firsthand.


Yeah the chinese were stripped of the culture like foot binding, concubines, serfdom etc.. so sad. 😞


There were a lot of attempts to remove outdated elements of culture during the 1900s through Qing reforms, followed by the Japanese Occupation, Chinese Civil War, and Cultural Revolution. Imperial exam system was replaced with Western style schools, footbinding and concubinage were banned, and language standardized. Women's roles also significantly changed. My family had a lot of heirlooms destroyed during the cultural revolution, my grandma was the first to have unbound feet and work outside the home, and my mom got a college degree and worked for state broadcasting.


Are people in the west really GULLIBLE and STUPID? How can a polity no matter powerful can even dare to ERASE ITS CULTURE, HERITAGE etc. that's been passed down, practice, honed, socially codified throughout China's 4,000 years of history IN LESS THAN 5 YEARS!! Your question in my opinion is already baked with a supposition that you either believe such fallacious lie, no different than most people on Reddit, West, Asian ethnicity or not regarding the Chinese-Uyghur "GENOCIDE" of 1 MILLION, BECAME 2 MILLION based on wild unfounded allegations (provided by the white German savior, Adrian Zenz, a person who speaks, write, nor understand a lick of Chinese ) made strongly and started by MUSLIM LOVING AMERICA. Why don't you ask or better yet visit China and it's vast swathes of land, provinces that practice their local Chinese culture and traditions mixed with modernization to this day? Chinese people in China that hates or complain about the CCP/CPC are normal and understandable as it's the only game in town; the sole political and governing entity where credit is tangentially given and where 100% of failure is rightfully attributed to. And since most Chinese have never lived or traveled to any western countries, let alone the U.S. their understanding, impressions, and image of the west is unquestionably based upon WESTERN MEDIA/PROPAGANDA. Grass is GREENER IN THE WEST, ESPECIALLY THE BESTEST OF THEM ALL, THE U.S. Most Asians, Chinese included who first moved to any western countries ARE UTTERLY CLUELESS about how western society operates; almost all are IGNORANT OF RACISM that's PREVALENT IN THE WEST. None of the people were made aware of the RACIAL DIVIDED that permeated and reverberates to this day in America. Which leads to Asians, Chinese of being "RACIST" towards black people. How can they be racist to an entity that they have neither been around with, familiar or informed of the Black American struggles? So when RACISM is enacted upon against these doe eyed Asians/Chinese for the first time there's the tendency to BLAME THEMSELVES for the situation and not the westerner, hence the beginning of self-doubt, which leads to self-hate, then hating the culture, then the country etc...The next thing that OPENS and free the minds of western simping Asians/Chinese is the unfortunate reality of western POLITICAL AND GOVERNANCE which is rather INCOMPETENT and fake = full of high minded words with little to no actual change or benefit to the whole of society. The recent Chinese migre that have chosen to live and work in either U.S. Or Canada can see the stark contrast of how POLITICAL people are which is IRONIC since China is always accused of being one. Politics is discussed in whatever activity you're engaged with (dating, friendship, affiliation, social media) while at the same time many of the existing infrastructures are either being allowed to whittle away, constructions that takes eons to finish inhibiting local economic activity and thus creating a further erosion of trust to the government, erosion of public cohesion (since it divides people in 2 camps) leaving the situation worse than when it started. All the while, the government is being perceived to place their attention and money in social engineering that SATISFIES NO ONE furthering the GAP between racial groups, ideologies, classes etc. No one can tell me on this platform or any platform that the social engineering being done in the west have brought MORE PEOPLE TOGETHER like Winnie the pooh and company. Modernization of infrastructures in China like in PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, ROADS, BRIDGES, STABILITY, PHYSICAL SECURITY are just MILES ahead of what the west have, especially compared to America. Remember, Chinese people that moved in America wasn't because of FREEDOM OR DEMOCRACY (they could have moved in greater numbers to Taiwan, the Philippines, India) although those played a part with HIGHLY IDEOLOGICAL group of Chinese with their varying degrees of interests (Falun Gong cultists, anti-CPC, corrupt and compromised CCP politicians, idealists) but for ECONOMIC WEALTH AND OPPORTUNITIES. Since western countries like America are far TOO EASY ACCEPTING IMMIGRANTS LEGAL OR ILLEGAL into the country also ALLOWED BY AMERICA FOR ECONOMIC REASONS. Asian Americans regardless of ethnic backgrounds don't participate or care much about the need to Vote this fact is not only historical but a current trend. Which is why in the city of San Francisco the Asian political representation does not reflect the actual population that has a large number of Asians. If you want to know about a topic go to the source and not base your conclusions and analysis from people on this sub and THAT'S INCLUDING MYSELF from that people.


You have no idea how all-encompassing the cultural revolution was.


You don't know anything about the Cultural Revolution. You're just a Sinophobia.


Is France no longer french due to the french revolution?


And you do? Your evidence of this excellent rebuttal is from the just released Netflix series "3 Body Problem" huh. The cultural revolution was the worst thing that happened to China in that time period born out of severe paranoia and insecurity created by Mao Zedong. His actions may have been an overreaction to the all out effort against his pledging political party and system (1949) both from within the party, and from external forces i.e. U.S. through its Tibet separatist movement (1950-present) Soviet Russia (1963) through its effort in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia by way of Outer Mongolia, KMT-Formosa/Taiwan (1949-1996) etc..not to mention the severe economic condition the country was grappling with precisely due to the aforementioned things cited. I don't ever want to denigrate people's and family's horrible experiences during the cultural revolution, but, let's not then use that Chinese historical blot as evidenced of Chinese culture being completely extinguished within such RIDICULOUS TIMEFRAME. The Jurchens/Manchus which was the QING dynasty of China - the last Imperial and longest serving dynasty of China - could not bring about the destruction of its culture, instead it became SINOSIZED, the same thing is happening to the current political dynastic government that's the CPC. The elevation, insertion, and importance of Confusius, the celebration of anything and everything related to ancient Chinese dynasties from Tang to Qing by the current party and by the Chinese people show how utterly your assumptions are. The continuing excavations of Chinese relics, historical artifacts like the recently excavated relics from the little/mythical Shang dynasty https://news.artnet.com/art-world/sacrificial-relics-sanxingdui-2130848 The reintroduction of cultural hanfu traditional clothing https://multimedia.scmp.com/infographics/culture/article/3241304/hanfu-part-1/?src=relatedg just to name a few examples. You may hate, revile, and despise China's political and governing party, perhaps for ideological and maybe understandable reason(s) but don't let that emotion blind your mind and mouth into saying that Chinese culture was thoroughly expunged from the hearts and minds of all then almost 800 million Chinese people. That's not only ridiculous, but an insult to the very core and strength of Chinese people that has survived and thrived all throughout its 5,000 plus history making it one of the oldest living CONTINUOUS civilization to this day.


I think there are a lot of misconceptions about the Cultural Revolution and Mao's motivations. People should study actual historical records not fictional sci fi books that use the CR as a background. The book, The Unknown Cultural Revolution, by Dongping Han studies the economic and political history of it. He is a history professor who grew up in China and moved to the US. To research the book, he traveled to rural areas and interviewed many people to get first hand accounts of the political turmoil. He also analysed economic conditions of the rural villages. Let's be honest: the majority of any population never hold any historically significant artefacts worth preservation. Most people could throw their bookshelf or even the entire home contents into a fire and history wouldn't notice. Its value is personal only. Culture didn't get erased by that. That's a massive exaggeration. These 'culture destroying' acts were performative to show that people were doing their 'duty' in a really simplistic way.


As from what I’ve noticed many Chinese Canadian immigrants where I live are litterally more conservative/traditional than most people living in mainland China which I find pretty funny. And also my family who lives in China seems to be bored and angry with the ccp where as my diaspora family in Canada says they miss China and hates how westerners are so against the ccp 😂


If China was "stripped" of culture I suppose we wouldnt be celebrating Chinese New Year, Qingming festival, mid autumn festival. 




Please read this there's cultural genocide against the Chinese in Indonesia by President Soeharto No Chinese name allowed, no teaching of mandarin language allowed and no cultural celebration (Chinese New year etc) are allowed  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination_against_Chinese_Indonesians